Diary and photograph of John Adams, 1914-1916, Part 1 of 16

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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A11 Adamt Regp landwick Racecourse 11th. August 1914. 11th August. With others I was sent to Kandwick Racecourse from Victoria Barracks, & camped under the ledger. After two weeks training we were equipped & moved to Hensington Racecourse My Coy, C Coy 2nd Bn 26th Sept. Prepared for embarkation by S.S. Suffolk. Did not embark. Route march through Domain & City. 27th Parade with rifles & bayonets for inspection at 9 am followed by drill until midday. General leave from 2 till 9 p.m. Went to Waverley. 28th. The Bn. marched to Long Bay Rifle Range, & carried out firing practice. 29th. The Bn. marched towards La Perouse. On our way back we skirmished some hills, also carried out two assaults with fixed bayonets. Got back to camp at 5.30 p.m. 30th Morning Company Drill & 20 minutes allowed for washing clothes. Afternoon. Skirmished hills towards Botany. Dug trenches for cover vownen terawon ap ugply af
good cover in trenches. 1st October. The Bn. marched to Long Bay Rifle Range & carried out firings practice At 11 a.m. the Colonel allowed the Bn to surf the beach is near the rifle range. Returned to camp at 6.15 p.m. 2nd. Morning Coy. Drill. Afternoon. The 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 24th Bris, skirmished hills towards Botany, also carried out an assault with fixed bayonets. 3rd. Route march through bentennial Fark, Edgecliffe, & Double Baxx, during the mornings, Afternoon. Coy Drill. 4th. Being no bread in camp for bfast, church parade was postponed, Staying in camp for remainder of day caused discontent amongst the troops. 5th The Bn. left camp at 7.30 a.m. & carried out an attack at Roseberry. The 3rd L4th Bris watched the attack from the position attacked Returned to camp at 2.15 p.m. Parade at 3.15 p.m. to horst tents which were lowered for airing before leaving camp in the mornings
October Boxings at 7.30 p.m. 6 the The 1st 2nd 3rd, 84th Bris. The Light Horse & Antillery, marched through the city &returned to camp at 2.20 p.m. Got special leave from 4.30 p.m. till 9.30 p.m. Went to Waverley. 7th The Bn. left camp at 745 a.m. & marched to long Bay rifle range for firing practice. During the afternoon we carrled out skirmishes at Maroubra Bay. Returned to camp at 5.45 p.m. 8th. The Brigadier inspected the Br. at 7 a.m. We marched to Roseberry to carry out an attack. One half the Bn. carried out the attack whilst the other half watched, my luck was out Returned to camp at 1.45 p.m. Afternoon Kit inspection. 9th. The Bn. left camp at 8.20 a.m. & carried out an attack at Roseberry. Returned to camp at 1 p.m. Afternoon, boy Drill. 10th Morning Coy. Drill. Afternoon Medical inspection. Got special leave from 4.40 till 9.30 p.m. 11th 9.15 a.m. Church parade in camp gounds.
12th. Detailed for town piquet from 11 a.m. till 11 p.m. District of Patrol William St Victoria St, & Wooloomoloo Bay. 13ch. The Bn left camp at 8 a.m. & carried out a voute march through Centennial Park Darlinghurst, & Roseberry. I fell out at Roseberry through a nail sticking in my foot. Later I got a lecture from Lt Brown for falling out, after examining my foot he gave me special leave from 5.30 till 9.30 p.m. Went to 14 th. Waverley The Bn marched to Long Bay rifle range for firing practice, leaving camp at 7.45 a.m. During the afternoon we were allowed to surt. Rain drenched us to the skin on our way back. Arrived in camp at 7 p.m. 15th The Bn marched to Long Bay rifle range for fiving practice, leaving camp at 8 a.m. & returning at 4 p.m. On arrival in camp the Colonel informed us that the Bn. and Bn) embark on the S.S. Suffolk some time to morrow, or Sunday, there was much rejoicing 16th Kit inspection & packing of kits for embarkation Got leave on G.F. Millers pass from 4.30 till 10 p.m.
October 17th Heavy rain kept all the troops in their tents until 4.15 p.m. when it eased off, then we packed our kits on the Bn transport ready to go on board 18th Revellie 5 a.m. The Bn. left Hensington Camp with full marching order & were taken in trams to Darlinghurst, then marched to Wooloomoloo Bay a boarded the S.S. Suffolk at 9.20 a.m. Scarcely anyone saw us off. The Suffolk left the wharf at (11 a.m Lanchorea in Neutral Bay. At 4 p.m. we left the harbour with the Afric astern. The sea was very choppy Lafter a couple of hours out the Afrit passed us & soon got well ahead. A large number of our troops were sick. 19th. No parades. Passed Gabo at 4,.15 a.m. At 5.15 p.m. sighted a cruiser Sea calm. 20th. Medical inspection Passed Pont Shillip at 2 p.m. 21st. Passed Cape Otway. Heavy swell running. 22nd. Inoculated against typhoid. 23rd. 6 am. detailed to scrub upper deck & as sweeper for remainder of day. Ran into storm during night.
October 24th. Detailed for guard over magagine. Afric sighted ahead at 6 a.m. 25th Sighted land at 3a.m. Entered King George's Sound West Australia at 5.30 a.m. A large number of Australian troopships are assembled here. We took up anchor & went alongside a wharf & took in water. No one was allowed on shore. The A.. S. Ns ship Indarra came alongside the opposite side of the wharf, the passengers gave fus books & papers. 26th We left the wharf at 5.45 a. m. Lanchored in the harbour. Weather wet a rough. 27th 2pm full marching order parade, also kit bag inspection. Farewell messages from Lord Kitchiner a Senator Pearce, were read to us on parade. Weather wet & rough. 28th 2 p.m. full marching order parade. At 10.15 a.m, 10 New Zealand troopships escorted by four cruisers, (one a fapanese) anchored in the harbour at 3.45 p. m. the cruisers put to sea. Weather dull 29th Hammocks were redrawn to see how many hooks were deficient for slinging.
30th Morning. Instruction in attack & cover by our platoon commander Lt Brown. Afternoon Medical inspection. Weather showery. 31st. Detailed for troopdeck sweeper. During the afternoon I did fatique duty for A. Edwards, as he was sick. Weather showen November Lst At 7 a.m. we left Albany with the following ships conveying Australian troops: Orvieto, Southern, Pera, Armadale, Suldana, Katuna, Hymettus, Suffolk, Anglo Egyptian Wiltshire, Star of England, Geelong Port Lincoln, Kardo, Marere, Clan Mac. Cuorquadale, Curipides, Shropshire, Argylshire Afric, Omrah, Benalla, Rangatara, Star of Victoria, Hororata, 2 Miltides, & the followings with New Zealand troops aboard: - Maunganii, Arori, Star of India, Limerick, Tahiti, Arawa, Athenic, Hawkes Bay, Raupehu, L Waimatta all painted french grey. 4 cruisers escort. 2nd. last sight of Australian boast Cape Llewyn High wind a showery. 3rd The Medic, L Ascanius with West Australian troops aboard, joined our convoy at 4.20 p.m. Weather rough.

Reg No 255. John Adams. 2nd Bn A.I.F 
Randwick Racecourse 
11th. August 1914. 
11th August. With others I was sent to 
Randwick Racecourse from Victoria Barracks, 
& camped under the Ledger. After two weeks 
training we were equipped & moved to 
Kensington Racecourse. My Coy., "C" Coy 2nd. Bn. 
26th. Sept. 
Prepared for embarkation by S. S. 
"Suffolk". Did not embark. Route march through 
Domain & City. 
Parade with rifles & bayonets for inspection 
at 9 a.m. followed by drill until 
midday. General leave from 2 till 9 p.m. 
Went to Waverley. 
The Bn. marched to Long Bay Rifle 
Range, & carried out firing practice. 
The Bn. marched towards La' Perouse. On 
our way back we skirmished some hills, also 
carried out two assaults with fixed bayonets. 
Got back to camp at 5.30 p.m.
Morning. Company Drill & 20 minutes
allowed for washing clothes. Afternoon.
Skirmished hills towards Botany. Dug trenches
for cover. Colonel Braund spoke highly of  


good cover in trenches.
1st October.
The Bn. marched to Long Bay
Rifle Range & carried out firing practice.
At 11 a.m. the Colonel allowed the Bn to surf,
the beach is near the rifle range. Returned
to camp at 6.15 p.m.
Morning. Coy. Drill. Afternoon. The 1st, 2nd,
3rd, & 4th Bns., skirmished hills towards
Botany, also carried out an assault with
fixed bayonets.
Route march through Centennial Park,
Edgecliffe, & Double Bay, during the
morning. Afternoon. Coy Drill.
Being no bread in camp for b'fast,
church parade was postponed. Staying in
camp for remainder of day caused discontent
amongst the troops.
The Bn. left camp at 7.30 a.m. & carried out
an attack at Roseberry. The 3rd. & 4th. Bn's,
watched the attack from the position attacked.
Returned to camp at 2.15 p.m. Parade at 3.15
p.m. to hoist tents which were lowered for
airing before leaving camp in the morning.


Boxing at 7.30 p.m.
The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Bn's, The Light
Horse & Artillery, marched through the city
& returned to camp at 2.20 p.m. Got special
leave from 4.30 p.m. till 9.30 p.m. Went to Waverley.
The Bn. left camp at 7.45 a.m. & marched to
Long Bay rifle range for firing practice.
During the afternoon we carried out skirmishes
at Maroubra Bay. Returned to camp at 5.45 p.m.
The Brigadier inspected the Bn. at 7 a.m.
We marched to Roseberry to carry out an
attack. One half the Bn. carried out the attack
whilst the other half watched. my luck was out.
Returned to camp at 1.45 p.m. Afternoon. Kit
inspection. 9th.
The Bn. left camp at 8.20 a.m.
& carried out an attack at Roseberry. Returned
to camp at 1 p.m. Afternoon. Coy Drill.
Morning. Coy. Drill. Afternoon Medical
inspection. Got special leave from 4.40
till 9.30 p.m.
9.15 a.m. Church parade in camp


Detailed for town piquet from 11 a.m. till 11 p.m.
District of Patrol William St, Victoria St, &
Wooloomoloo Bay.
The Bn. left camp at 8 a.m. & carried out
a route march through Centennial Park,
Darlinghurst, & Roseberry. I fell out at Roseberry
through a nail sticking in my foot.
Later I got a lecture from Lt Brown for
falling out, after examining my foot he gave
me special leave from 5.30 till 9.30 p.m. Went to Waverley
The Bn. marched to Long Bay rifle
range for firing practice, leaving camp at
7.45 a.m. During the afternoon we were allowed
to surf. Rain drenched us to the skin on our
way back. Arrived in camp at 7 p.m.
The Bn. marched to Long Bay rifle range
for firing practice, leaving camp at 8 a.m. &
returning at 4 p.m. On arrival in camp the
Colonel informed us that the Bn. (2nd. Bn.)
embark on the S.S. Suffolk some time to-
morrow, or Sunday, there was much rejoicing.
Kit inspection & packing of kits for embarkation
Got leave on G.F. Millers pass from 4.30 till 10 p.m. 


Heavy rain kept all the troops in their
tents until 4.15 p.m. when it eased off, then
we packed our kits on the Bn transport ready
to go on board
Revellie 5 a.m. The Bn. left Kensington Camp
with full marching order & were taken in trams
to Darlinghurst, then marched to Wooloomoloo Bay
& boarded the "S.S. Suffolk" at 9.20 a.m. Scarcely
anyone saw us off. The Suffolk left the wharf at
11 a.m. & anchored in Neutral Bay. At 4 p.m. we
left the harbour with the Afric astern. The sea
was very choppy & after a couple of hours
out the Afric passed us & soon got well ahead. A
large number of our troops were sick.
No parade's. Passed Gabo at 4.15 a.m. At 5.15
p.m. sighted a cruiser. Sea calm.
Medical inspection. Passed Port Phillip at 2 p.m.
Passed Cape Otway. Heavy swell running.
Inoculated against typhoid.
6 a.m. detailed to scrub upper deck & as
sweeper for remainder of day. Ran into
storm during night.


Detailed for guard over magazine. Afric
sighted ahead at 6 a.m.
Sighted land at 3 a.m. Entered King George's
Sound. West Australia at 5.30 a.m. A large number
of Australian troopships are assembled here.
We took up anchor & went alongside a wharf
& took in water. No one was allowed on shore.
The A.U.S.N's ship "Indarra" came alongside the
opposite side of the wharf, the passengers gave
us books & papers.
We left the wharf at 5.45 a.m. & anchored
in the harbour. Weather wet & rough.
2 p.m full marching order parade, also kit bag
inspection. Farewell messages from Lord Kitchiner
& Senator Pearce, were read to us on parade. Weather
wet & rough.
2 p.m. full marching order parade. At 10.15
a.m., 10 New Zealand troopships escorted by four
cruisers, (one a Japanese) anchored in the harbour
At 3.45 p.m. the cruisers put to sea. Weather dull.
Hammocks were redrawn to see how many
hooks were deficient for slinging. 


Morning. Instruction in attack & cover by
our platoon commander Lt Brown. Afternoon.
Medical inspection. Weather showery.
Detailed for troopdeck sweeper. During the
afternoon I did fatigue duty for A. Edwards, as
he was sick. Weather showery.
1st November.
At 7 a.m. we left Albany with the
following ships conveying Australian troops:-
Orvieto, Southern, Pera, Armadale, Suldana,
Katuna, Hymettus, Suffolk, Anglo Egyptian,
Wiltshire, Star of England, Geelong,
Port Lincoln, Karoo, Marere, Clan Mac.
Cuorquadale, Euripides, Shropshire, Argylshire,
Afric, Omrah, Benalla, Rangatara, Star of
Victoria, Hororata, & Miltides, & the following,
with New Zealand troops aboard: - Maunganui,
Arori, Star of India, Limerick, Tahiti, Arawa,
Athenic, Hawkes Bay, Raupehu, & Waimatta all
painted french grey. 4 cruisers escort.
Last sight of Australian Coast Cape Llewyn
High wind & showery.
The Medic, & Ascanius with West Australian
troops aboard, joined our convoy at 4.20 p.m.
Weather rough.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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