Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 1 December - 25 December 1915, Part 11

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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b ard enet of 15
up to the camp. Dander H. C. oe 3th Br
Copy Second Australian Disporon Divisional Healqua te 22nd Dea 1915 Jular memorandum The following gilt stores have been received from Alistralia 4944 Christmas pubdings 8300 Billies These will be distributed by the O.C prrssional Wain There gifts are from 2v and am State to every man oner then will he found many letter from subocribers to that Knowen nerd. It has been sugggested that who eash man receives a letter with the his pisue should acknowledg present direct to the subsender ofthe The commissioner und Austrahan Comforts
i Boises of L4 and £ 2 pird o the not second and film best sets of two phote Lmas of Seleping the distribution and also gifts in any Brigade Prizes of£4, ₤2 and £1 Third the first second and dep. the best short descriptions of and tribution. The photografles srption which seeme the Frist prige in each cane (will he published in Anstrahat pope with the name of the phoograpper or author Filny ppetitos are to send in 14 manuscript before I and Mondan Decenld on FE Budden Es ommssioner Austration Cm bol D camp und S. Sak
forther (y) the commissioner ands Australian Comforts has some eaces of literatuon magazines et, and a Certain and quantity of shirts sacks for distribution reginring freeds Commanding O any portion of these will Cmmunicate direct with HIE Budden Enq commisioner Fun Anotrclean Cohifort T.D. Camp. Sanr Blarnes A. Colon 26 Lieut. X6 A
2/12 15 tr I. Opportunity to pde thing topeth 60 t pam P.H.A. delait of herounal - cleantmen personal shawe 26 clotuing headdier comformd Coffreced bruches & puther Soldresly bearing - saluting Marchine Dramag (b Camplines Cleandmers Ve Fiet Hawkers Camp road punctiality () Rontine niocarriage of ordes. Feturn When dure Hense only - marshing Cd Faning with wwthat am M. Guns Witl tome pavade tures clothing trecess C Repetting pusment Time bo speriat actiity & spe energ
2 7595 795 800 47 420 500 475 300 325 50 800 270 4 75 ts
Mudows Fast Dec 24/15. Heil M. Higg Eq. Lifeor Ferrace N. Adelaide, S.A. Dens Sir By dint of much organization & effart, & in spite of the great difficulties soising from our recent movements fern Gullifichy to the island of demnas n we have never. theless succseded in this Brigade on distributing the Chorstman billies & puddings, in the very eve Choistmen day. Is fall to my lot to receive the Billysam, as thoughtfully prvvided by you & yous tamly, & on my own personal behalf, & on my behalf of
t16t my whole Brigade (13th 14th 13 Battelions, I thank you & your fel low water most sincerely. He have siceuded ior enousing that every man has secured his fift - Not only are in all greatly toucher by the Kndness of our Anstalian tolk, but alas we admie the shill & juecement shewn in the selection of the pafts, which comparise the very things the mem I am most require & desire. writing thas note, with the prnst & in the vintabook which you pant me byreat coadit is do to Mr Budder, The Lift Commissioner, toe the way he has beved to ensuse the & for arowal of the gifts in trme yours very sincerely hermonst Brigadie Senerral commanding Frwth Ipantry Brigade
32 1eferre Ver728e N. Adelarde Dear Sir Wishing you the best of Ck, and a vey much folling mas than the last, and may you enyy it in comfort Yrs Sincerely mild igg Rovall

General Monash
4th Inf. Bde
H Qr


up to the camp.
H. C. Howden
13th Bn


Second Australian Division
Divisional Headquarters
22nd. Dec. 1915.
Circular Memorandum
(1).The following gift stores have
been received from Australia.
4944 Christmas puddings
8300 Billies
These will be distributed by the O.C
Divisional Train.
(2). These gifts are from every
State to every man and amongst
them will be found many letters
from subscribers to their Kinsmen
here. It has been suggested that
each man who receives a letter with
his issue should acknowledge the
present direct to the subscriber.
(3). The commissioner of the
Australian Comforts Funds 


offers prizes of £4 ; £2 and £1
for the First, Second and Third
best sets of two photo films
showing the distribution of Xmas
gifts in any Brigade ; and also
prizes of £4 ; £2 and £1 for 
the First, Second and Third
best short descriptions of the distribution.
The photographs and
description which secure the
First prize in each case will
be published in Australian papers
with the name of the photographer
or author.
Competitors are to send in films
and manuscripts before 8 p.m
on Monday December 27th
to H.E Budden Esq.,
Commissioner Australian Comforts
Fund S.T. D Camp Sarpi 


(4) The Commissioner for the
Australian Comforts Funds
has some cases of literature,
magazines etc. and a certain
quantity of shirts and
socks for distribution.
Commanding Officers requiring
any portion of these will
communicate direct with
H.E. Budden Esq Commissioner
Australian Comforts Fund
S.T. D. Camp. Sarpi
T.A. Blamey
Lieut. - Colonel
A. A. & Q.M.G. 


Meeting of C O's.
I. Opportunity to put  things together.
C.O.'s Companies & H.Q. details
2. (a) Personnel - Cleanliness - personal - shave
Uniformity - Headdress 
(officers)  breeches & puttees
Soldierly bearing - saluting
b) Camp lines - Drainage
Camp road 
(c) Routine - punctuality 
miscarriage of orders.
returns when due
(d) Training -  Exercise only - marching
with & without arms 
M. Guns
Will issue parade times
(e) Refitting - clothing & necessaries
reg. equipment
3.  - Time for special activity & special


1595        420          500          475
____         350          300          325
 795                                         _____
 800                                          800

475                           774
  58                           800
____                         _____
  17                            1574        
4    56
3     16 

774              800
  41                  19
_____            _____
815                819


Mudros East
Dec 24/15.
Neil M. Wigg Esq.
Lefevre Terrace
N. Adelaide, S.A. 
Dear Sir
By dint of much organization &
effort, - & in spite of the great
difficulties arising from out recent
movements from Gallipoli to the
island of Lemnos - we have nevertheless
succeeded in this Brigade
in distributing the Christmas billies
& puddings, on the very eve of
Christmas day. -
It fell to my lot to receive the
Billycan, so thoughtfully provided
by you & your family, & on my own
personal behalf, & on my behalf of


my whole Brigade (13th, 14th, 15th & 16th)
Battalions, - I thank you & your fellow
workers most sincerely. - We have
succeeded in ensuring that every man
has secured his gift. - Not only are
we all greatly touched by the Kindness
of our Australian folk, but also we
admire the skill & judgement shown
in the selection of the gifts, which
comprise the very things the men
most require & desire. - I am
writing this note, with the pencil &
in the notebook which you sent
me. - Great credit is due to Mr
Budden, The Gifts Commissioner, for
the way he has labored to ensure the
safe arrival of the gifts in time.
Yours very sincerely
John Monash
Brigadier General
Fourth Infantry Brigade.


32 Lefevre Terrace,
N. Adelaide.
Dear Sir
Wishing you the best of 
luck, and a very much jollier Xmas
than the last, and may you
enjoy it in comfort
Yrs sincerely
Ronald M Wigg.

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