Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 9, 10 September - 30 October 1915, Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
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"or Form (Dushente!. Armr Femac: 2un No. of Message- MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Omce Stamp. Charges to Pay. o . . 4. Teernspr lnrmascherif um Ressued e Omes Handedinst- Ar I A Ternsprte Hanchr Ender. Tmr Tersikensh aa. ie 4 tärdo a te Frrd. oftr kka 24 Nrr atto tr thet ee de ee 244 Lelfle Hte FROM PLACEeTIME uuse. M.R.Oa. Lud. Wr Nresehienn Soseh Pede-115. FormeOl.
Fks smn nay Form O.2123. eIMESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message¬ Received Senk orsentont /Ome Stamp Prefx Code Words Fom 4 4) . . d. Charges to collect E Ory B Teernse lnscnaschris a Trrberf s cemn 1016 Handedin at Pdhe Bade Grrpr ot Tsender. Nunher Ternshrte Hanschr Dereitseer aaa 12 om !83 Wrttaaata Cto Arat FROM 2 b 15 PLAOE-TIME 1003 Terle ler daandh ber emanchiinst easdhrd cærn k R Ch Lud wrr wrnshenn Soout Pede- Di FormeOrin. e Anny Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Received Prefr Code Sent orsentout /Ome Stamp -Words. From 0 £ Charges to collect, s To Berte janteng)) Handedia Omes 1911 m Recehved 10V9m 24530 75 t Faur Raams I. Drebe aroprte Fertg aaa 47 Ihbaler Rrefasstengt Frvvaf Itr- FROM Git ette PLAOE- TIME Terlne ler Mhandh ker emanhli aet eashrik uærmn k RCh ILd we wvrnshen Somne Pedv- ihå Fommedlrun
Ta Tihernnstie Itann K pauta 4, kal Stt Str Ini Mh 41A 65 ttr Kuse, Kafalet kök etak annt 131 frka- 141 1øtal, Sa ch. Ra te ia Gak 4 kka 23 k Tenda 12ka. 4 1h 714 Büe Ehal Shis feta k akad Ta gadt 4 k retrsbhask fan Kr BEBFeRD" 17/5 kæt 7 Pjnn 35 Sh Krana 41K6I Resga de i Kaa a Ldn hastI An Aunt Krton ke aske Tüo I2 A a, Tat 6t. Sause t Krttte Gagaf ka deaf kagliada kekentt- Kar Sn BEA PoRP 5 rtaef 1. Kük -of kr 15 kæggæer 2 6 2 kot 6 3/6 Staadl, e kh. Aetaf, Kens lapan hid dand ernsfat ig i The Beshi- tt a ig aug akkgssiseng 6 I Srtz Ehr VEI S Krke 15t Tanckes ora Sana Aheahes tr Mer Grgas a tie ten Fiöh hr a t gaelska i Kil ests tte 1/ tuttrstar feforset te tie afttsleaknt auss the-fthend, Fahre kdhit tr titsr teh beuted krällhml I6h lhgr kenk oh5 Batete hhu t IL 7 othet Snr 124
A0 juelt Falmnalialunsnannnd spy Re.1 Dinnslowak ombgd Ma, 23),, ,.mal N..denart.r.. Ne. 2 Poet. 10th September 1915. The 7th Australian Infastry Brigade, consisting of the Mellk 25th, 26th, 27th, and 28th Battaliens, on arrival at ANZAC will be attached temporarily to this Division (less 1 Captain, 1 subaltern, 2 Sergeants, 4 Corperals, and 100' nen per Battalion which will be left in Reserve Gully at the disposal of the Army Corps Commander). After the arrival of the 7th Australian Infantry Brigade, certain unite of this Division will be sent to Lemnes for a short change and rest. The first party to procced will consist of the undermentioned units :- N.Z. Mounted Rifles Brigade (ineluding Otage Mounted Rifles Regiment). N.Z. Infantry Brigade (lese Maeri Contingent). eth Australiam Infantry Brigade. N. Z. Field Ambulance. ith Australien Field Ambulance. The line now held by the above units will be taken over AEds by the 7th Australian Infastry Brigade as under, with Hesdquarters at the present New Zealand Infantry Brigade Headquarters :- one Bettelien will relieve the Nee Zealand Infantry Brigade on the APXX. One Battalien will relieve the New Zealand Founted Rifles Brigade on CHESHIRE RIDCE. One Battalien will relieve the 4th Australiam Infantry Brigade on the lower slopes of CHESHIRE RIDCE. One Battalion will biveuse in Divisional Reserve on BAUCHOr'S HILL.
Lachlä us na Fouuräzul Ammhlllon ..: Lach Erigade preceeding to LKMNOS will leave behind in its present position detachments as under :- .L. XOUNIKD RIYLES BRIGADE : 1 Field Officer er Captain. 2 Subalterne. 50 N.C.O.'. and men (includ- ing Machine Cun detachments). 3 Machine Guns. : 1 Field Officer. M.L. INZANIRY EBIGADE 2 Capteins. 5 Subalterne. 330 N.C.O.'s and men (includ. ing the Maeri Contingent and Machine Gun detachments). 11 Nachine Guns. Field Offieer. urni pnlglux Ith AUST IX 1 Captain. 3 Subalterns. 200 N.C.O.'c and men (includ. ing Machine Gun detachments). 6 Machine Guns. Each Regiment and Battalien preceeding to LXMNOs will take with it one Machine Gun fer instruetional purposes. All officers, N.C.O.'s and men left behind are to be the fittest and mest efficient available, and all Machine Guns left behind are to have theroughly fit and effieient erews as far as available, and failing these being available for all the guns, the men now under instruetion will be left. The names of all Officers whom it is proposed to leave behind vill be submitted te Divisional Headquarters by 12 'ncon Sunday, 12th September. Detachments left behind will be attached for duty, ratione, and discipline to the relieving units in their respeetive areas. Unite will precced te Lmmos fully equipped. All camp equipment, ceeking utensils ete. will be taken. Each man will carry 100 rounds of ammunition on the person. All ammunition surplus to the above will be handed over to the relieving Battaliens.
a sronss 841 Rasur. Shallalon Nuuche iun 1A788. 14. pi (3) All trench equipment and steres is to be handed over to the relieving units. An inventery is to be made out showing articles handed over, and a receipt obtained for the same. The General Offieer Commanding directs that special atten- tien be paid te the condition in which trenches and biveuse ereas are handed over to the relieving Units. Brigadiers will take special steps to ensure that the relieving units have no cause to complain of the sanitary condition of the trenches and bivouaes taken over by them. Treops preceeding to LXMNOS will carry ene day's rations on the person, and filled waterbottles. A certain propertion of supply personnel will sccompany Brigades preceeding to LEMNOS. The dates en chich these reliefs will take place will be netified to each Brigade concerned. V.d. Braithwaite Lieut. Col. (sd) General Staff, .LMA. Division. Copies as under at 3. 30 p.m. var Diary 12 ne. A.D.M.S. Senier Supply Officer. i) Reeree o.C. Div. Train. ist A.L.H. Bde. 3rd A.L.H. Bde. o.C. Signals. A.D.C. (for c.o.c.) N.Z.M.R. Bde. 7th I.M.A. Bde. Anzae. N.Z. Infty. Bde. lst Aust. Division. 4th Aust. Inf. Bde. 2nd Aust. Diviston. 3 54th Division. C.R.A. 21 and 22 Admin. Staff. C.R.E. -----------------
I Fr beren Anny Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND.SIGNALS. No. of Message¬ TTReansansch Sent, or sentout Ofce Stamp. Fral fi Podad 17 Nramaai From 6f f . . At Charges to collect 15r 4. Service Instructions. B Omee 11113 m Recdvedl//2m Handedin at Gurd Bot. TErmssr. Kunschr TBrrs kensfh Trnshrte Hansche Aaa Si1II2 " Paskg weche el rihe ad Tich 779 ud 173077 4illh Sungt Brte Ultregoate Ih Iht Hetr Klzealied 162 Ei FROM 47 7h. 4. I Tig PLAOEITIME (0e Tlle ker Mhancdh br mmmndhliaet znstrå CNDL M.R.Oo. Lud. Wt WeooslleTz S0000 Pede-113. Fonns/OZ12.
LE ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIAN DIVIEIOE No. Lg1T. Divisional Headquarters, No. 2 Poet. 11th September 1915 From : N.Z. 4 A. Division. af 1Bdr. mo Herewith 1 copy of Trench Map No. 4. Great care is to be taken that neither this map,nor copies from this on to the 1/20,000 map, fall into enemy hande, as this map gives a more comprehensive and more easily under- stood idea of our works than previous Trench Diagrams which show only iselated sections ef our line. Htaningg ger. L.Z. 4A.Division.
ser -e-nuuinahias blilslun Summary of events from 6 a,m. 10th Sept, to 6 a.m. 11th Sept. 1915.. A new fire trench on the Mast end of No. 1 Post was commenced last night - the old étrench across the SAzLI BEIT DERE is being deepened and widened into a communication trench. Cood progress was made on the two saps from Old No. 3 Post to the SXLI BEIT DERE. The eniping from SNIPER'S RIDCE is most accurate, and prevente imprevement to our nes trenches being carried on during the day on the Western slopes of RHODODENDRON SPUR. The ArEX and Western slopes of RHODODENDRON SPUR were chelled heavily between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. yesterday, but no damage was done A eniper's post was located near the APKX, and by grouping sharp- cheoters' fire their loopheles were effectively kept covered. On the left, secret saps have been pushed on and thete is approximately 40 yards of new fire trench ready to be broken through from below when required. Adllimal At 10 4.M. Ihe iih Batterr emflladed the Rak verr effeettvely At 3 p.m. the lélst Brigade were bombarded en Hill 60 and asked for fire in return. The eth Battery complied : the effeet was good, and a Turkish Machine Gun was seen to be hit. The same battery bombarded Hill 100 at 6 p.m. Betveen 4 and 5 p.m. all the eneny's guns opened fire along our whele front, not concentrating on any particular point. One battery (106 A 3/6) vas engaged by the 60 pre, one (105 U 2) by the 6v Howitzer, and one (Abdel Rahman Bair) by the 5th Battery. A newly built brick archway was registered on the forward 4 effective rounds were fired at slopes of d. 81 A. Turks looking over and standing on parapet in Square 93 L. 5-8. SAyuhiriks Stber Manka nilsars Hlllau 11 UnDr? 100 SICK - Headquarters, No. 2 Poet, 11th September 1915. 15

"C" Form (Duplicate).
Army Form C. 2123.
No. of Message
SM 9/10w
Bde lines
Service Instructions.
Charges to Pay.
₤    s.    d
Office Stamp
Handed in at NZ Office .....m.  

Received 0921 m.
TO     4th  Aust  Inf  Bde
Sender's Number  G  53
Day of Month  Tenth
In reply to Number
Continuation my G 50 of yesterday
aaa The Officer & 50 men of
the 162 Bde 54th Divn are
being attached to your Bde
in order to learn all
that is possible about
trench warfare aaa They
should be attached for
instruction day & night
to units doing duty in
the trenches aaa
Included in their four
days course of instruction
should be the use of
the periscope rifle &
the throwing of bombs
FROM   N Z A Div
PLACE & TIME      0957


 "C" Form (Original).
Army Form C. 2123.
No. of Message
Prefix  Code  Words
₤    s.    d.
Charges to collect
Service Instructions
From  Q D
By        DMays
Sent, or sent out
To ..........
By .........
Office Stamp.
Handed in at

 BQ Office 1005 m.

 Received 1010 m.
TO       Bde Mjr 4th Bde
Sender's Number  QD 12
Day of Month  15th
In reply to Number  Bm 1183
Yes All withdrawn
FROM   O.C.  15th  Bn
PLACE & TIME  1005

"C" Form (Original).
Army Form C. 2123.
No. of Message
Prefix  Code  Words
                       ₤    s.    d.
Charges to collect
Service Instructions
from QE
By D Mays
Sent, or sent out
By .........
Office Stamp.
Handed in at BQ Office 1015 m.  Received 1016 m.
TO       B M 4th Bde
Sender's Number  QE 1
Day of Month  10th
In reply to Number  BM 1183
Yes balance reported
this morning
FROM                  Jeffrey  Adjt
PLACE & TIME      1015


I am informed by HQ 54th Div. that the NZA Divn. 
has kindly consented to the attachment of parties
of 1 Officer & 50 other Ranks per unit of this Bde to
various Bdes of the NZA. Div. AAA. It is proposed
to attach a party of the above strength from the
1/5  LONDON  BEDFORD [Shorthand] to your Bde. The bearer of this
message has been instructed to report to you in
order that he may act as guide for the party
concerned tomorrow night. AAA. Instructions have been
issued to the O.C. the 1/5 LONDON  BEDFORD [Shorthand] to report to
you direct as to the proposed hours of
departure and arrival of this party.  AAA 


[*Arranged Bm 1196*]
Could you kindly arrange for the Rationing of
this party from the 12th to the 15th inclus AAA.
I am directed by the Brigadier to express
to you his appreciation of the opportunities
of instruction afforded by this attachment,
and the great value which he feels will
be derived therefrom by the units of this
S. May Capt.
Bde Maj
for Col Comdg  162nd Bde.


4 Aust Inf Bde
Copy No. 9.
Divisional Headquarters,
No. 2 Post.
10th September 1915.

The 7th Australian Infantry Brigade, consisting of the
25th, 26th, 27th, and 28th Battalions, on arrival at
ANZAC will be attached temporarily to this Division (less
1 Captain, 1 Subaltern, 2 Sergeants, 4 Corporals, and 100
men per Battalion which will be left in Reserve Gully at
the disposal of the Army Corp Commander).

After the arrival of the 7th Australian Infantry Brigade,
certain units of this Division will be sent to Lemnos for
a short change and rest.
The first party to proceed will consist of the undermentioned
units :-
N.Z. Mounted Rifles Brigade (including Otago Mounted
Rifles Regiment).
N.Z. Infantry Brigade (less Maori contingent)/
4th Australian Infantry Brigade.
N.Z. Field Ambulance.
4th Australian Field Ambulance.

The line now held by the above units will be taken over
by the 7th Australian Infantry Brigade as under, with
Headquarters at the present New Zealand Infantry Brigade
Headquarters :-
One Battalion will relieve the New Zealand Infantry
Brigade on the APEX.
One Battalion will relieve the New Zealand Mounted Rifles
One Battalion will relieve the 4th Australian Infantry
Brigade on the lower slopes of CHESHIRE RIDGE.
One Battalion will bivouac in Divisional Reserve on



Each Brigade proceeding to LEMNOS will leave behind in its
present position detachments as under :-
N.Z. MOUNTED RIFLES BRIGADE:  1 Field Officer or Captain.
                                                                   2 Subalterns.
                                                                   50 N.C.O.'s and men (including
                                                                   Machine Gun detachments).
                                                                   5 Machine Guns.

N.Z. INFANTRY BRIGADE               :  1 Field Officer.
                                                                   2 Captains.
                                                                   5 Subalterns.
                                                                   350 N.C.O.'s and men (including
                                                                   the Maori Contingent and
                                                                   Machine Gun detachments).
                                                                   11 Machine Guns.

4th AUST. INFANTRY BRIGADE   :  1 Field Officer.
                                                                   1 Captain.
                                                                   3 Subalterns.
                                                                   200 N.C.O.'s and men (including
                                                                   Machine Gun detachments).
                                                                   6 Machine Guns.

Each Regiment and Battalion proceeding to LEMNOS will take
with it one Machine Gun for instructional purposes.

All Officers, N.C.O.'s and men left behind are to be the
fittest and most efficient available, and all Machine Guns
left behind are to have thoroughly fit and efficient crews
as far as available, and failing these being available for
all the guns, the men now under instruction will be left. 
The names of all Officers whom it is proposed to leave
behind will be submitted to Divisional Headquarters by 12
noon Sunday, 12th September.
[*Done Bm
1 v 33
JP McG to be
loss 12/9/15*]
Detachments left behind will be attached for duty, rations,
and discipline to the relieving units in their respective 
Units will proceed to LEMNOS fully equipped.
All camp equipment, cooking utensils etc. will be taken.
Each man will carry 100 rounds of ammunition on the person.
All ammunition surplus to the above will be handed over to
the relieving Battalions.


All trench equipment and stores is to be handed over to the
relieving units.  An inventory is to be made out showing
articles handed over, and a receipt obtained for the same.

The General Officer Commanding directs that special attention
be paid to the condition in which trenches and bivouac
areas are handed over to the relieving Units.
Brigadiers will take special steps to ensure that the
relieving units have no cause to complain of the sanitary
condition of the trenches and bivouacs taken over by them.


Troops proceeding to LEMNOS will carry one day's rations
on the person, and filled waterbottles.

A certain proportion of supply personnel will accompany
Brigades proceeding to LEMNOS.

The dates on which these reliefs will take place will be
notified to each Brigade concerned.

(Sgd)  W.G. Braithwaite  Lieut.Col.

General Staff,

N.Z. & A. Division.

Copies as under at 3. 30 p.m.

No 1       War Diary                12. A.D.M.S.
       2&3  Records                   13. Senior Supply Officer.
       4       1st A.L.H. Bde.        14 O.C. Div Train.
       5       3rd A.L.H. Bde.       15 O.C. Signals.     
       6       N.Z.M.R. Bde.          16 A.D.C. (for G.O.C.)
       7       7th I.M.A. Bde.        17 Anzac.
       8       N.Z. Infty. Bde.        18 1st Aust. Division.
       9       4th Aust Inf. Bde.   19 2nd Aust. Division.
       10      C.R.A.                        20 54th Division.
       11       C.R.E.                         21 and 22 Admin. Staff.




"C" Form (Original).
Army Form C. 2123.
No. of Message
Prefix  SJ  Code EW PM  Words  30
 ₤    s.    d.
Charges to collect
Service Instructions.
From BEF
By Kerr
Sent, or sent out
To .............
By .............
Office Stamp.
Handed in at BEF Office 1703 m. Received 1712 m.
TO       4th  Aust  Bde
Sender's Number  BEE 10
Day of Month  10
In reply to Number  BM 1142
Party will arrive at your
Bde H.Q. at 1730 tomorrow 
Addressed 4th Aust Bde
Repeated 162nd Inf Bde  
OC Durrant's post
advised Bm 1201
1130  11 9 15
FROM   45           1st  Inf  Bedford Reg
PLACE & TIME     1705


No. Ig/222
Divisional Headquarters
No. 2 Post.
11th September 1915.
From: N.Z. & A. Division.

To: 4th A. I. Bde.
Herewith 1 copy of Trench Map No. 4.
Great care is to be taken that neither this map, nor copies
from this on to the 1/20,000 map, fall into enemy hands, as
this map gives a more comprehensive and more easily understood
idea of our works than previous Trench Diagrams which
show only isolated sections of our line.

W. H. Hastings Capt.


N.Z. & A. Division.


Summary of events from 6 a.m. 10th Sept. to 6 a.m. 11th Sept. 1915..
A new fire trench on the East end of No. 1 Post was commenced
last night - the old s trench across the SAZLI BEIT DERE is being
deepened and widened into a communication trench.
Good progress was made on the two saps from Old No. 3 Post to the
The sniping from SNIPER'S RIDGE is most accurate, and prevents
improvements to our new trenches being carried on during the day on
the Western slopes of RHODODENDRON SPUR.
The APEX and Western slopes of RHODODENDRON SPUR were shelled
heavily between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. yesterday, but no damage was done
A sniper's post was located near the APEX, and by grouping sharp-shooters' 
fire their loopholes were effectively kept covered.
On the left, secret saps have been pushed on and there is
approximately 40 yards of new fire trench ready to be broken
through from below when required.
At 10 a.m. the 4th Battery enfiladed the NEK very effectively.
[*163*] At 3 p.m. the 161st Brigade were bombarded on Hill 60 and asked
for fire in return.   The 4th Battery complied : the effect was
good, and a Turkish Machine Gun was seen to be hit. The same
battery bombarded Hill 100 at 6 p.m.
Between 4 and 5 p.m. all the enemy's guns opened fire along our
whole front, not concentrating on any particular point.   One
battery (106 A 3/6) was engaged by the 60 prs, one (105 U 2) by
the 6" Howitzer, and one (Abdel Rahman Bair) by the 5th Battery.
A newly built brick archway was registered on the forward
slopes of Q. 81 A.    4 effective rounds were fired at
Turks looking over and standing on parapet in Square 93 L. 5-8.

                              Officers   Other Ranks
KILLED                       -                    2
WOUNDED               -                   11
MISSING                     -                    -
SICK                              -                100

No. 2 Post,
11th September 1915.




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