Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 9, 2 September - 9 September 1915, Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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Atay CoMON Or Fom Oooicae MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Momase Office Stamp. Charges to Pay. d. 8 4 m. Received O AARWA C D AMangE SASRENE AAA FROM PLAGEATIME Wessenors wo Pads II A. W. 4 Co. FormaCMB
HQ ak a dvsin With reference to Divisional Rontue order of Sep 3/15 par 545, the line of Communication & Evaenation for this Brignde Area (E) is groe as S vrn Aghyl Dere & I is respectfully submitted that this may be reconsidered with a vrew to making it the Chailall Dire. There are strong reasons in favor of this course, some of which have been pointed out on the fromed by me to the G.O.C. pesonallya Then reasons are partly tactical, partly topographical + party admine istrative. most the Charlath Der write in the y rapid, convenient & pradicable one, available both by day & by night, between my orter & inner difieniens line. - The works necessary to connect both my outer & inner definces with the Chailak Dere are short, & simple, & are already approaching completion, having been undertaken by one in consulte. tron with G.O.C. N.2. Inf Myde before receipt of this order. On the other hand, the Aghyl Deve vorte is available at night only; it would be quite impracticable in wet weathe, & works to obtain accers to this write, & to improve the write itself would involve an encoonchment upon the land within the 162 & Brignde area. The total daily traffic is so relatively small & intermuttent that I do not think ther is the slightest danger of any conjestion on the Chailak Deve voute, - A fews days trial would demon- steate this. Br tevene ex
446 303 Leadguarters, W. 2. A. Division. Yith reference to Divisional Routine Order of Sep. 37d. 1915 para 545, the line of Communication and evac- uation for this Brigade area (o) is given as Viz AgrL It is respectfully submitted that this may be re- VLI considered with a view to making it the GHALLAK PERE. There are strong reasons in favour of this course, some of which have been pointed out on the ground by me to the C.C. C. personally. These reasons are partly tactical, partly tepegraphical and partly administrative. The Chialak Dere routs is the mes t rapid, conven- lent and practicable one, available both by day and By night, between my outer and inner defensive lines. The works necessary to connect both my outer and inner defen- ces with the Chialak Dere are short, and simple, and are already approaching completion, having been undertaken by me in consuitation with C.O.C. N. 2. Infantry Brifade before receipt of this order. on the otherr hand, the Ashyl here route is amil- at le at night only; it would be quite impracticable in wet weather, and works to obtain access to this route, and to improve the ronte itself, would invoive an en- croaclment upon the land within the 162nd. Brisade area. The total daily traffie is so relatively mall and Intemittent that I do not think there is the alightest danger of any congestion in the Chialak Dere route. A few days! trial would demonstrate this. JohnMonash MNN Bauchop's Hill, 41915. Comanding 4th. Aust, Inf. Brigade.
M Ihbnamobmshonr. Somt. (Issued with Notes on Trenches and Trench Fighting C. 3, dated ftn Saptamber, 1915) ECDADDDD The following ruses have on various occasions been enployed by the enemy against us 1 A Party of Turks apprrached the 2nd Australian Int. Brigade dreased in Australian undforn. This is a common (a) practiee, and must be guarded against earefully. An erdey purperting to come frow ANEAC was siven ts a pertion of the Troeps to cense firing. Innediate staps (0) shsuld be taken to verify any doubtful erder of this sert. On one occasion Turks advanced dancing tewards tur trenches and retired daneing, having peen what they wanted (0) Always take the oppertunity of killing an enemy faivly. to see. on the night August 22nd, a number of Turks appreached the laft Flank defences at KAIATTK AGHALA shouting and with (s) both hands beld ever their heads. As 1t was thought they wanted to sugrendar, they were allowed to approach theugh they had rifles in thess hands and benbs on their waist- belts. On our men attempting to take away their rifles, a souffle ensued and some ware shot, the rest belting. 1t is theught that they intanded to gradually cellect and bomb our trenches. (Sed) W.R. PINWTLL, Pajor, General Staff, HeL EADEESI AREA Bortember, 1925.
9115 Estimated Mess Requisements for an average of ] persons for a period of 14 days totbo. flor 20 th Satneal, I 3 As. Essence coffee 1W. ham, & chieken pastes Anchoo 6l. causages Tinned 1t6 12 tis Lambs Fongues Tinned 16 8 tim I asserted Soupe EtmsI Aspargus Tinned 18tis I Reas 2 tims I Lomatori 3 bott& omon Lickles 15 " 3 Pla 1 Mustard " " ✓ 12 Tomate Sance trus 12 Salknow Finned tins Hebring 12 tim Sardine 2 bottle I Chritnly the sowder Curry 3 lbs: I (in stone jar) theese 12 116 tims pineapple Timed pear 12 6 peach abriast her lr. & Sultaha raising ts. 6 Almonds & Walmits I bottle Olivers I small pots Liebiy ment extractgment. 2 ts &S Cocb -powder 6 Ws Cadbur's Chocolate 400 Eipanlth 2 dosen whichy E bottly Worcostest Sance 10th Sweet Rescints 10ths Feam Fivcent Powder 4 abotitt copenion
Menn But Fea extruct X Patmeal porridge Breakfast Coffee Anchoon paste Ham s Chlcren Samages Margarne ffering salmo Tinned Fish Surdie Lunch Ficaldle onins Lickles & pean pickers& Tomato Fance asparpi was inned tegitables anator Tinned Samts Tougues Baking powder (Scones) Custard powder towa to 1 Soup Dinner pinapple pead Th Fruit peach apmest plu Cheese Tinned Vegetables (see almus) Curty powder Chutney Abmonds Walmit Rarsis dlives garettes Chocoldte (Cadbury) Whickly Warester ance swget procents other do addopice Powderal intrancon Iman 1 day 3 4oy Foy 3or or 18 ttin t bottl to bottle tin ttin /20y o £07 1oy 127 to 3 to 203 /o Vottle 1 4oy t bothe Spersons fo 14 days 2507 25 th. 25 or 132 130 6th 6l6 25 tim 12both 10 50 his 12tin 3t6 2507 259 6th 20th 3 t 100 102 124s 6M. 10 both 1400 to bottle 665 104 10l 166 402 1
A2n6 EB Dwision I mite acree with sugcestion C.OCHtBde From a nansport point of view. C Saxing in distance atherefore time - to seny nothing of the night wort - well be great. on due course I hrope Ur 154th Dr. Will look after themselves in which case ou trues will be once the CHAJLAKIIBASLIBSE N. L. Huiltin doCot. No3P0St OCHEHDDW Iam 1820/5/9/15 to 544 34 Ste 4 6 6 46 1 429/127. Headgwarters Instration F Bate 4th Please see Dinisional Orders Aapting is day comnunication and are tine wounded for evncuates will be the 4th Ide GHAILAR DERE vid HoRS Colonel. HONG dient. AUS DIV NE 5/9/ 1915
COD TEL LEALAID AD AUSIRALLANDLVLSIN. C.LO Divisional Headquarters, No. 2 Post, ANLAC, 205 All Brigades. 5th. September, 1915. NOTES ON TRENCHES AND TREYCR FICTTING Extractea from Orders and Circular memorands issued since the arrival of the N.2. & A. Dirlsion et INEAC. The following extracts from and recissue of Orders and Circular Memoranda are distributed in view of the fact that there are many new arrivals among the Troops now serving in the Division. General Instruetion: Special Divisiona. Order dated cyth. May 1915 N.2.6.706). 2. Instructions for the guidance of Officers and N.C.0's. in Trenches (issued 1st. June 1915). Further instructions re Trenches W.2.C.896). 3. 4. Memorandum on Lcopholes W.2.G.895). sone Notes for Officers. 5. Rises on the part of the enemy. 6. (Ssd) V.R. Pinwill. Major General-Staff,N.Z. & A. Division. 0. C. 13th. 12th Battalion,s 164h.1 Herewith 2 copies of above extracts. Please acknowledge receipt hereon. JMr Ghirn DErCOL Prisade Major 4th. Australlan Inf. Brisade. 7th. September, 1915.
1. 3. 6. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 25. 16. 27. 18. 19. o verza ron OFELCURA. When taking ever trenches, Platoon Cormonders murt see for them selves that each man takes up his fire pocition and makes it comfortable for himself before they attend to anything else. Trenches must not be too deep for the men to fire from Loopholes should usually be made slantwise, and not to fire straight from the front, otherwise they are easily located by the enemy. At night, all firing should be ever the parapet, and not through loopholes. Officers are not to fire, but to direct the fire of the men. An observer must always be in the trenches, and should be provided with glasses, and keep a written record of what he sees. Be on the look-out for snipers continucusly. Never let the men walk about exposed. Select men who are picked shots and have initiative, to go for- ward and lie up for snipers every night. They should fire to a They should not be employed on other duties. It may be Tlank. found useful for these men to connect themselves back to the trenches with a piece of cord or wire. Improve cover and communication trenches continually. When attacking, it will often be useful for a proportion of the men to carry sandbags, to assist in forming cover rapidly. See that a proportion of men in each trench have been trained in bomb throwing, and that a supply of bombs is available. See that a sufficient reserve of anmunition is always maintainca in the trenches, and that loose ammunition is not allowed to accumulate in other places than the propes ones. Ascertain the means of communication with their next superior and with the artillery, and see that it is in sufficient working order at all times. Platoon commanders must send in sketches of their own trenches and of those of plateons on their right and left. Company and Battalion Commanders must send in the same to their next superiors. Send in reports twice daily, at daybreak and at 3 p.m. - the latter to anable artillery arrangements to be made before dark. Locate their own trenches and those of the enemy on the map by means of ranges and croes bearings. See that proper rest hours by day are observed by the men, and that quiet is maintained. Slcep is essential. Attend to cooking places and sanitation, and maintain striot discipline with regard to these matters.
mr MTd bo mommomore MSB or M MT renehes and Trench Fightins (Issued with Notes on Ce dated 5th September 1921. The following ruses have on various occastons been employed by the enemy against us: A party of Turks approached the 2nd Australian Infantry (a) This is a comnon Brigade dressed in Australian uniform. practice, and must be guarded against carefully. An order purporting to come from ANLAC was given to a portion Immediate steps should be taken 10) of the Troops to cease firing. to verify any doubtful order of this sort. on one occasion Turks advanced dancing towards our Trenches (0) and retired dancing, having seen what they wanted to see. Always take the opportunity of killing an enemy fairly. on the night August 22nd, a number of Turks appreached the left Flank defences at KALATTK AGHALA shouting and with both hands held over their heads. As it was thought they wanted to surrender, they were allowed to approach though they had rifles On our men in their hands and bombs on their waist-belts. attempting to take away their rifles, a scuffle ensued and some were shot, the rest bolting. It is thought that they intended to gradually collect, and bomb our trenches. W.R. Pinwill Major. (58d) General Staff, M.Le & A Division. ANEN 2th Septenoec 1919. Jryt

"C Form (Duplicate).
Army Form C. 2123
No. of Message
S MJ   5    Out to all
Bm 1116
Service Instructions
Bns  JPMcG
4 9.15 
Charges to Pay.
£   s.    d.
Office Stamp.
BO 251
Handed in at NZ Office   m.   Received   328 pm.
TO  4 Aust Inf Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
Please inform all units
that from now on bombs
will be issued from the bomb
factory with fuses cut to
burn five Seconds and
in future no bombs will be
issued with fuses timed to
burn SEVEN Seconds.
Pls acknowledge receipt Bm 1114
FROM                      NZ A Div
PLACE &  TIME       NZ Post 1500




NZ A Division
With reference to Divisional Routine order of Sep 3/15
para 545, the line of Communication & Evacuation for this
Brigade area (E) is given as  A via Aghyl Dere & It
is respectfully submitted that this may be reconsidered with a
view to making it the Chailak  Dere. -
There are strong reasons in favour of this course, some of which
have been pointed out on the ground by me to the G.O.C. personally x
These reasons are partly tactical, partly topographical & partly administrative. -
The Chailak Dere route is the only most rapid, convenient & practicable
one, available both by day & by night, between my outer & inner defensive
line. - The works necessary to connect both my outer & inner
defences  with the Chailak Dere are short, & simple, & are already
approaching completion, having been undertaken by me in consultation
with G.O.C N.Z . Inf Bgde before receipt of this order.
On the other hand, the Aghyl Dere route is available at night
only ; it would be quite impracticable in wet weather, & works to obtain
access to this route, & to improve the route itself would involve an
encroachment upon the land within the 162nd Brigade area. -
The total daily traffic is so relatively small & intermittent
that I do not think there is the slightest danger of any congestion
in the Chailak Dere route. - A few day's trial would demonstrate this.- 
Br General etc.



N. Z. A. Division.
With reference to Divisional Routine Order of Sep.
3rd. 1915 para 545, the line of Communication and
evacuation for this Brigade area (E) is given as Via AGHYL
DERE.  It is respectfully submitted that this may be reconsidered 
with a view to making it the CHAILAK DERE.
There are strong reasons in favour of this course,
some of which have been pointed out on the ground by me 
to the G. O. C. personally.  These reasons are partly 
tactical, partly topographical and partly administrative.
The Chialak Dere route is the most rapid, convenient
and practicable one, available both by day and by
night, between my outer and inner defensive lines. The
works necessary to connect both my outer and inner
defences with the Chialak Dere are short, and simple, and are
already approaching completion, having been undertaken
by me in consultation with G.O.C. N. Z. Infantry Brigade
before receipt of this order.
On the othe-r hand, the Aghyl Dere route is available
at night only ; it would be quite impracticable in 
wet weather, and works to obtain access to this route,
and to improve the route itself, would involve an
encroachment upon the land within the 162nd. Brigade area.
The total daily traffic is so relatively small and
intermittent that I do not think there is the slightest
danger of any congestion in the Chialak Dere route.  A
few days' trial would demonstrate this.
Bauchop's Hill,
John Monash Brig.-Genl
Commanding 4th. Aust. Inf. Brigade.



(Issued with Notes on Trenches and Trench Fighting
G.3. dated 5th September, 1915).
The following ruses have on various occasions been employed
by the enemy against us :
(a)  A Party of Turks approached the 2nd Australian Inf.
Brigade dressed in Australian uniform.  This is a common
practice, and must be guarded against carefully.
(b)  An order purporting to come from ANZAC was given to a
portion of the Troops to cease firing.  Immediate steps
should be taken to verify any doubtful order of this sort.
(c) On one occasion Turks advanced dancing towards our Trenches 
and retired dancing, having seen what they wanted
to see.
Always take the opportunity of killing an enemy fairly.
(d)  On the night August 22nd, a number of Turks approached
the left flank defences at KAIAJIK AGHALA shouting and with
both hands held over their heads.  As it was thought they
wanted to surrender, they were allowed to approach though
they had rifles in their hands and bombs on their waist-belts.  
On our men attempting to take away their rifles,
a scuffle ensued and some were shot, the rest bolting.
It is thought that they intended to gradually collect 
and bomb our trenches.
(Sgd) W.R. PINWILL, Major,
General Staff,
5th. September, 1915.


Estimated Mess Requirements
for an average of 7 persons for a
period of 14 days.
Flour ✔                                                        10lbs. ✔    
Oatmeal✔                                                   20lbs ✔    
Coffee Essence                                           3lbs  ✔    
Anchovy, ham, & chicken pastes            1lb   ✔    
Tinned Sausages                                       6lbs  ✔      7
Tinned Lambs Tongues                          12 tins ✔     1 lb
Soups (assorted)                                         8 tins ✔     1 lb.
Tinned Asparagus                                      6 tins  ✔       "
     "        Peas                                                12 tins  ✔       "
     "        Tomatoes                                       12 tins  ✔      "
Pickles - Onion                                          3 bottles  ✔    "
      "       - Plain                                            3      "         ✔     "
      "       - Mustard                                      6      "        ✔     "
Tomato Sauce                                           12      "        ✔    "
Tinned Salmon                                         12 tins    ✔       
      "       Herring                                          6 tins   ✔    
      "       Sardine                                         12 tins   ✔    
Chutney                                                       2 bottle     ✔                                          
Curry powder                                             1 lb     ✔    
Cheese (in stone jar)                                3 lbs   ✔    
Tinned pineapple                                   12 tins    1 lb.
      "       pear                                              12 tins       "
      "       peach                                            6   "          "
      "       apricot                                          6    "          "
      "       plum                                             6     "          "
Sultana raisins                                          6 lbs.      ✔    
Almonds & Walnuts                                6 lbs.      ✔    
Olives                                                           1 bottle  ✔    
Liebig's meat extract of meat.               6 small pots   ✔    

Cocoa Powder                                            2 lbs     ✔   ✔ .      
Cadbury's Chocolate                                6 lbs. 
Cigarettes                                                   400
Whiskey                                                       2 dozen.
Worcester Sauce                                       6 bottles      ✔    
Sweet Biscuits                                           10 lbs.     ✔    
Plain Biscuits                                             10 lbs      ✔    
Allspice                                                          4 lbs
Powdered cinnamon                                 4 ozs
Baking powder                                     ✔    4 lbs         
Margarine                             ✔                      4 lbs




Menu                                                                           1 man           7 persons
                                                                                       1 day             for
                                                                                                              14 days
Breakfast        Beef Tea extract   ✔                             ¼ oz              25 oz
                            Oatmeal porridge ✔                            4 oz               25 lbs.
                            Coffee                       ✔                           ¼ oz               25 oz
                             Anchovy paste       ✔                         1/8  oz                13 oz
                             Ham & chicken "    ✔                             1/8  oz                13 oz
                             Sausages                 ✔                             1 oz                 6 lbs
                             Margarine                ✔                             1 oz                 6 lbs
Lunch      Tinned Fish     [Herring
                                              [Salmon        ✔                     ¼ tin                  25 tins
                   Pickles                {Picadilly}
                                               {Olives}                  ✔          1/8 bottle                12 bottles
                                               {plain pickles}
                    Tomato Sauce                                                          1/10bottle            10 bottles
                    Tinned Vegetables  [asparagus
                                                          [Peas                   ✔         ½ tin                 50 tins
                    Tinned Lambs Tongues                     ✔          1/8 tin                  12 tins
                    Baking powder  (serves)                                  ½  oz                   3 lb
                    Custard powder                                                  ¼ oz                  25 oz
                    Cocoa  is                                                    ✔           1 oz.                    6 lbs

Dinner      Soup                                                            ✔

                    Fruit   [pineapple
                                 [peach                                        ✔               ½tin  4 oz            50 tins
                                 [ plum
                     Cheese                                                         ✔           ½  oz                    3 lbs
                     Tinned Vegetables (see above)             ✔                  
                     Curry powder                                              ✔           1/10 oz                   10 oz
                     Chutney                                                        ✔          1/10 oz                    10 oz
                     Almonds & Walnuts                                    ✔             2 oz                    12 lbs
                     Raisins                                                            ✔              1 oz                      6 lbs
                    Olives                                                               ✔           1/10 bottle           10 bottles
Cigarettes.                                                                                    4                      400
Chocolate (Cadbury)                                                                         1 oz                     6 lbs
Whisky                                                                                         1/6 bottle            16 bottles
Worcester Worcester Sauce                                                                                         6 bot
My powders  Sweet Biscuits                                                                                        10 lbs

Other  do                                                                                                                           10 lbs
Powdered Cinnamon                                                                                                         4 oz




I quite agree with suggestion of
G.O.C. 4th Bde from a transport
point of view.  Chn Saving in distance
& therefore time - to say nothing of
the night work - will be great.
In due course I hope Unt 54th Div;
will look after themselves in which
case our lines will be only the
N. C. Hamilton
Lt Col.
OCNZ&A Div Train
No 3 POST )
1020/5/9/15 )

NZQ 127.
4th Australian Inf. Bde.
Please see Divisional
Routine Orders of to-day.
The line of communication and
evacuation of wounded for
the 4th A.I. Bde will be
Lieut - Colonel. AQMG




G. NO. 3.
Divisional Headquarters.
No. 2 Post, ANZAC,
5th. September, 1915,
To: All Brigades.
Extracted from Orders and Circular Memoranda issued
since the arrival of the N.Z. & A. Division at
The following extracts from and re-issue of Orders and Circular
Memoranda are distributed in view of the fact that there are many new
arrivals among the Troops now serving in the Division.
1. General Instructions.
Special Divisional Order dated 25th. May 1915 (N.Z.G. 706).
2. Instructions for the guidance of Officers and N.C.O's. in
Trenches (issued 1st June. 1915).
3. Further instructions re Trenches (N.Z.G. 896).
4. Memorandum on loopholes (N.Z. G/ 895).
5. Some notes for Officers.

6. Ruses on the part of the enemy.
(Sgd) W.R. Pinwill   Major,

General Staff, N.Z. & A. Division.


O.C.      13th.)


              15th.)      Battalion,s

Herewith 2 copies of above extracts. Please

acknowledge receipt hereon.


JP McGlinn Lt-Col
Brigade Major 4th. Australian Inf. Brigade.
7th. September, 1915



1. When taking over trenches, Platoon Commanders must see for themselves
that each man takes up his fire position and makes it
comfortable for himself before they attend to anything else.

2. Trenches must not be too deep for men to fire from.
3, Loopholes should usually be made slantwise, and not to fire
straight from the front, otherwise they are easily located by
the enemy.

4. At night. all firing should be over the parapet, and not through
5. Officers are not to fire, but to direct the fore of the men.
6. An observer must always be in the trenches, and should be provided
with glasses, and keep a written record of what he sees. 
7. Be on the look-out for snipers continuously. Never let the
men walk about exposed.
8. Select men who are picked shots and have initiative, to go forward
and lie up for snipers every night. They should fire to a 
flank. They should not be employed on other duties. It may be
found useful for these men to connect themselves back to the
trenches with a piece of cord or wire.
9. Improve cover and communication trenches continually.

10. When attacking, it will often be useful for a proportion of the
men to carry sandbags, to assist in forming cover rapidly.
11. See the proportion of men in each trench have been trained in
bomb throwing, and that a supply of bombs is available. 
12. See that sufficient reserve of ammunition is always maintained
in the trenches, and that loose ammunition is not allowed to
accumulate in other places than the proper ones.
13. Ascertain the means of communication with their next superior
and with the artillery, and see that it is in sufficient working
order at all times.
14. Platoon commanders must send inn sketches of their own trenches
and of those platoons on their right and left.

15. Company and Battalion Commanders must send in the same to their 
next superiors.
16. Send in reports twice daily, at daybreak and at 3 p.m. - the
latter to enable artillery arrangements to be made before dark.

17. Locate their own trenches and those of the enemy on the map by
means of ranges and cross bearings.
18. See that proper rest hours by day are observed by the men, and
that quiet is maintained. Sleep is essential.

19. Attend to cooking places and sanitation, and maintain strict
discipline with regard to these matters.




(Issued with Notes on Trenches and Trench Fighting
G.3. dated 5th September, 1915).
The following ruses have on various occasions been employed
by the enemy against us :
(a)  A Party of Turks approached the 2nd Australian Inf.
Brigade dressed in Australian uniform.  This is a common
practice, and must be guarded against carefully.
(b)  An order purporting to come from ANZAC was given to a
portion of the Troops to cease firing.  Immediate steps
should be taken to verify any doubtful order of this sort.
(c) On one occasion Turks advanced dancing towards our Trenches a
and retired dancing, having seen what they wanted
to see.
Always take the opportunity of killing an enemy fairly.
(d)  On the night August 22nd, a number of Turks approached
the left flank defences at KAIAJIK AGHALA shouting and with
both hands held over their heads.  As it was thought they
wanted to surrender, they were allowed to approach though
they had rifles in their hands and bombs on their waist-belts.  
On our men attempting to take away their rifles,
a scuffle ensued and some were shot, the rest bolting.
It is thought that they intended to gradually collect 
and bomb our trenches.
(Sgd) W.R. PINWILL, Major,
General Staff,
5th. September, 1915.







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