Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 8, 25 August - 27 August 1915, Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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issued at 1100, 57/6/15. Copy Nc. 1. - Ne. L. Pest. de 2. - Ne. 2 Fest. do 3. - Ne. 3 Pest. de a. - Nc. 5 Peat. de s. - Major Margelin. de 6. - Lt-Cel Adans. de 7. - Capt. Salter. Officer. de s. - Brigade M. 6. de 8. - 25th Battalien. (Reserve). de 10. - Staff. de 11. - Staff. de 13. - War Mary. do 1s. -A. M. C. de 4. - Supply.
Karagk agalla - Second thase CoNo. 7 54 OPRRATION OANR N. Brigadier Goseral J. Kenash Connaeding No. 1 Sub. Secties of Nc. 6 Defence Soction. Readguarters, 6th Iof. Byde. Australis Valley, Angust 27. 1e RETEREME EAP T FURLSA RE 1 ce te held pertice of KALAYIK AGrAlA excay ccoupies Conon Ereoches of Kaoll 60 and to RAsT of 1t extending thence SoUTn- EASTERLY acrees our wole frent. A force of LCG under BEIGAMER GLLEEAL SUSSKLL (of which a53 treeps free Ne. 1 Sub Sectios form part) ascaults Keell 60 and the treaches to the Cour BAsT of 14 at proofeely 1700 today, procoded by an Artillery preparation consescing at 1800 today. (3) ILELLLEN. Te ccceperate with above by giving covering fire vith Pifice and machine sune. Fres 1500 to 1700 RATOK KAEBOLLAS TRDOPS - (except a (3) LASEMEF fow lock ont nos in socure spots) vill att dove is bottes of their treaches with their backs to the pampot. Fres and after 1700 these treops must be held te readicess to suppert the RIOKT of our assault If required. Pres and after 1800 fatigue parties vill be reduceate a sialaus and all treope sot espleyed in fire treaches or oe fatigues to be kept to hand te their bivouace. at 1350 fire trenches and nechiee gure of all poets to be panned with a nornal sarriees - treaches not to be nanocossarily crowded. Between 1.0 and 1700 there vill be ne orgaaised covering fire but every advantage is to be taken to deal with enony disturbed by our bonbardrest. 1t procisely 17is a well directed, well sustaised covering fire to to be directed os every part of the oceays position along out frent, froe which he could bring fire to bear upoe our assaulting treops or captured trenches. This fare nust be ospecially drected, at the outoot, and during the actual asssult, at the treaches to be captured - but the greatest care is to be taken to easure the safety of our troops as they sweep forward into our lise of fire.. Our treops vill, wheeever pessible, dieplay red or pink flass to park their pesitions as they advance. After the resault, the greatest vigilacce must be exercised all aleag our line to deal prosptly with any eveny couster attacke which nay atteapt to cress or appreach our frent. All concerned to ebtaie official tise at Brigads Read- (a) IE. quarters. Pirst Aid posts and Field dressing stations is present 101 EDE pesitions. 4 proportion of stretcher bearers to be detailed to our cetachsents by pests concerned. Regarts by telephene to Brigade Heafquarters free to BeremS. wheree they vill be transmitted to the station tomperarily occupied by the Brigadier - pear the PIVOT°, W atale hP. W. ML MHMDINA
2 August 1911 Batt 4.0 From Fou 2 To RR 4 SByde Deriod from 5 am 24//5te & an 20/4/15- all works along the line are still being carried on and there being no carnalties to report we hope, that communication trenches are in a rafe condition The sap north of 401 Machine Gun where Capt Futher was shat las been deepened tharricaded and now considered to be rafe. Additional blinds have been erected Glere are m omping positions in and near sap and a permanent partyo mepers operate through and day saw is will being deepened curdered to allow of a stretcher being brought through Nothing ele to report thr Sary P Forn C. 2123 No. of Message. MESSACES AND SICNALS. O. cam COrena Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Words ce Recd from 22C tat 27/8/13 o ns an. 3 Prstnce 36 Sentite Miteons Received here at 545 M. OHCEN Handed M at Me. 4 Bde H ISWSSN 2a4 DA OTe TSeattO ME derred for hes No Change situation son N1 outpost had Day med along night, have bee the I whole fron of the post aad me ingrivement one Burks 1e of their syenches opposise, by ag far focersaied ty hape as can be i side if one no work on Gere aad Our, foward fire o brought int rencls should ay action) cempletely FRON 106 16 RACE
$268 T..C.O.C Post Report from RE.)sictern 27/8/15 Warks . The imporement (of (the fining lave na been continued and a gst deal den to it l recening the trunshes and imporing the parapect caps were ano pnted i forward and fore trucher wad of raie sap towards o2 I rpest to say has not tee psted ne peste have detated 8 men for ame but of them gaar s annong te night which impoded the prs Patrale pryset pasand put that alout 22nbl enotered 2 phat appeared ppcis amgant in the ridge assut dase to and night frant wag ofe theth any sut and mysed me to a pulle where y aging natire f hchas hardtobsen dept patral reports nothing unmyde occudred ne monemat op any tepot it a notund. emyniers require intirfactory pruguir and that about 500 more bago. maned like to get about 4 more pensen ripte Marrolin magor 46 B4 o/eR.Apott
ATOO 10.d MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. WortsJ Charge ra This message is on ale of: JMCOS CRSS ANd SAISIEAENAN Service 5 nors of Ma O ACTII H.L and H Rewissen 20 Report Centre In reply to Number SSN AAA taptain tenny actty medical officer 16 Badtalien thas oeen wounded. Pleases send another W.o to repoirt 4 If. Byde Beadquarten From Place Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. Ca C MAMAN WUAMKINLE This line should be erased if not r TST T TTRT MS M M M SOASRN 0 No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIONALS. CAFE had a te Meense to On At Of. sag the n c 1320 Servia ford SSAMANTONI FMISHP OMIVT 4th Fild Ambylance Anstratia Valley Ceates In reply to Number AAA BN 974E AHA air Kenny wounced Coy. medical Sepd anothe up ot ence ffer replace Margotin Major Henry MENIS PaCO Frenches 13½ The above may be forwarded as now corrected it 1o t aoe on d e ren a e te e o a an This line should Me Miti S S.D. LlL WE. WielnH Man OnI
C Tow Obslons LFENAN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Na of Manoo O Oneestann t 27 STESEAMNON FASSONF Oreco Recotbd SAMSGISSENN DATOIMOM FTONGESNANNS AAA 711 White Will backk tche pa AAA ipea oon RAOKATME 0 WA DOPad SL. S.B.Ld-Foma
Stope t 9 RRSHbrbbr Sp Atn. Aust, Inf.Rist Australia vally, osce arth. Angust 1915. Essn t e subject - OrEarlonS Of MCLELM l. ender orders from G.O.A. &c. 6 section, offensive overations ary action connencing at 1600 will take place this afternoon infantry assault at 1700. the following instructions for prelisinary vessures by POURE Barcats sunerneds these issued last night in Rield Nessage B.M. 855. MMl. MMIAIEE DIL FId IAI ASiCnt of S 5 Reserve Deteclment of ERAL1 setll. all to be placed at Gisresal of B the retadment wll be corrosed as Follors 2 Conmender .- LIEUTECOLOREL J. ADANS, V.D. Battelien. i & officers iee others of 13th, Eroone 14tn. 100 istn. a officer sc o irtn. s officers 100 The Reserve Betacment vill be conrosed as follows - Commander :- CAPT. SALLER istn, Battalien. I officer so others of 1stn, Pettglieg, Fivers cor. 17th. NASOR C. K. DARE WIIL essune Coend of &e. a posT suring the absence of LLEUT-COL, abans on detached dnty. a Poers, and sunsection Reberre, concerned vill be res- My cenioned as follows rjumnisning the above anotas n Panbls Waterhottles filled. 16) one saris rations. ace rounds S.A.A. pernan. (a) Twe sonenegs per man. Ten mcks and ten shovels for each se men (8) rer each so pen one boabing party of 4 carrying is boade each. (8) 1 red or wnk flef for each 100 pen. All above will be surmlied as for as ressible at once from Posrs a replanished lster from the BRIGARE RESERYRS. 111 evotas to be jully emuirned, ready to hand ever at 1sse teeay. the place where the detaament is to assenble vilI be ascided By LAETT-COLOAEL ADAnS, V.D. The place where the Reserve Detadment is to assenble vill be the cully near new comunicating French to KALAYLL AGKAEA (ontside our former lines) near where 15th. Battalion is now Divonacedy this Battalion to keen elear. - Reserve Deteemment to be ready to pass aniesting frencer to erves the DaRk at shortest notice. com Tine of assenbly bor Reserve Detachment ises this day. operation order for rensinser of BICAE MIl be ismed ister, Mr Gh L.-c0l. Brigbas Najot, Ath, Anst, Mnt, Brigode, 70
Arme ton & No. of Messag MESSACES AND SICNALS. Office Stamp Sent, or semt out Ahword Re Co0C Pretir From M Collected Means 23. 128 ort One Returned Service instructions Received here at Office at Handed in at the 70 TH AAA 1 another exchapge se t 3oull for hombs A610 Speration Layd an FROM PLACE TIME ans of Stamps affired to the face of in All Porterage, Redirectien, or other charges collecied on delivery as the spaces headed Delivery and as of such charges and of amounts pal Mm, and Cour Sa MMN
Opeation Orders, No 5(55) Bgdr. Gur. A.H. RUSSELL ADE Jup. Mop. edg.] force attuting KOMADeRE RAIASR AGHALA 1520000 Aug 27.15 The sumy as i possession Enformation the higher ground of the KASASEK AGNALt while ne hold benches as shown accompanyng statch These are as shown i Shitch Objecting. OA-3 enemy benches in front AOSTRALIANS pom RIGHT of 316 OARto 3 B2 B3, and all O.C. Aurhalian intrning tenches. assaultg farty will ako arrange to wockh Weshward Lowards N.2. on Shitch swill get into touch with NEW ZEALANDN unkij 248V. There will be taken 3! B2 C. N.2.M.2 and all intermning hunches O.C. N.2.M. L; pree will be taken. will get into touch on his 21947 with and with the AUSTRALIANS the CONNAUGATS in his LEFT C-D The fllowing pee is detailed Trop & the besault on the objectins named sore 219 H7 to captue prom 319 62 2./23/s fall ent OAK 250 14A027.Ae penches whrons 108 18Bn. (5 BRe.A.S.F and to kaptie himbes CENTRE B3DC 300N2.M.R 100 18 B. (A.IF. to captue tusches G-D LEFT 250 CONNAUEI IRANE 29 M (Bde We assoult (will (tape place 472A8SA0✓7 1700 We reveal assaulting MoreMENTS gots will concentiate under orders who at them commanding officees Hill depar to GENERAL (RUeSE at 11921N/6.1 at (1630 that then hoops are poaition for the assault. Jockets will the no]No 6 Dre packsg sach man (will carry 200 pd0. 7. Amuhon SAA 2 Bomle. lach truh [throm [[8 men) will carry 10 bombs each foub carrier will carry) 10 bombs lash may will carry 3 sand-bays E. Landbys took will be carried by 4090/if tot the men
Reere epchmets fre C Eay of Junve. one foot fer mano addition to then/3 sandbays. Flags- Dact of 1841 plays will carned te propption y one flog hbry Hyx per 1or men. will be placed so is to (rdicate] to fhy ARTILLEEY Ix nches (at 1500 Thesy fill be pland so gs not to be Abso fall Bseen by the enemy benches gamed will be marked by thr red of prnt flaga. Dumg plminar bombardment all men & henches well sit down ot bollow the penches except ssufficient lok a en all men will farry 24 fhours. 11 Jahms dalions (2f fill porper borles. Horte t ir frim p. P. hrutt 27.8.15

Issued at 1100,  27/8/15.
Copy No.  1. - No.  1.  Post.
         do     2. - No. 2  Post.
         do     3. - No. 3  Post.
         do     4. - No. 4 Post.
         do     5. -  Major Margolin.
         do     6. -  Lt-Col Adams.
         do     7. -  Capt. Salier.  
         do     8. -  Brigade M. G. Officer
         do     9. -  15th Battalion.  (Reserve).
         do    10. -  Staff.
         do    11.  -  Staff.
         do    12.  - War Diary.
         do    13.  - A. M. C.
         do    14. - Supply.


Kaiajik Aghala  - Second Phase 
Copy No. 17    
(T)  Brigadier- General  J. Monash,  V. D.
Commanding No. 1 Sub. Section of No. 6 Defence Section.
Headquarters, 4th Inf. Bgde
Australia Valley 
August 27, 1915.
REFERENCE MAP  :  KURIJA  DERE  :  1  :    20000
(1) SITUATION. We hold parties of KAIAJIK AGHALA enemy occupies 
trenches on Knoll 60 and to EAST of it extending
thence SOUTH - EASTERLY across our whole front.
(of which 450 troops from No. 1 Sub Section form
part) assaults Knoll 60 and the trenches to the SOUTH 
EAST of it at precisely 1700 today, preceded by an 
Artillery preparation commencing at 1600 today.
(2) INTENTION. To co-operate with above by giving covering fire with
rifles and machine guns.
(3) INSTRUCTIONS. From 1600 to 1700 MAJOR MARGOLINS TROOPS - (except a
few look out men in secure spots) will sit down in
bottom of their trenches with their backs to the 
parapet. From and after 1700 these troops must be 
held in readiness to support the RIGHT of our assault 
if  required.
From and after 1600 fatigue parties will be reduced to
a minimum and all troops not employed in fire trenches
or on fatigues to be kept in hand in their bivouacs.
At 1330 fire trenches and machine guns of all posts to
be manned with a normal garrison - trenches not to be
unnecessarily crowded.
Between 1600 and 1700 there will be no organized
covering fire but every advantage is to be taken to
deal with enemy disturbed by our bombardment.
At precisely 1700 a well directed, well sustained 
covering fire is to be directed on every part of the 
enemys position along our front, from which he could
bring fire to bear upon our assaulting troops or
captured trenches. This fire must be especially
directed ,at the outset, and during the actual assault, 
at the trenches to be captured - but the greatest care
is to be taken to ensure the safety of our troops as
they sweep forward into our line of fire. Our troops w:
will, whenever possible, display red or pink flags to 
mark their positions as they advance.
After the assault, the greatest vigilance must be
exercised all along our line to deal promptly with any
enemy counter attacks which may attempt to cross or
approach our front.
(4) TIME.     All concerned to obtain official time at Brigade Head-
(5) MEDICAL.    First Aid Posts and Field dressing stations in present 
positions.  A proportion of stretcher bearers to be
detailed to our detachments by posts concerned.
(6) REPORTS.   Reports by telephone to  Brigade Headquarters from
whence they will be transmitted to the station temporarily
occupied by the Brigadier - near the "PIVOT".
J P McGlinn    Lt-Col.
Brigade Major, 4th Aust. Infantry Brigade.


27 August 1915
25 15th Bn 26/27
From C.O. 15 Batt
To H.Q 4th Inf Bgde
Period from 5am
26/8/15 to 5am 27/8/15
All works along
the line are still being carried on
and there being no casualties to
report we hope. that communication
trenches are in a safe condition
The sap North of No 1 Machine Gun
where Capt. Luther was shot has
been deepened & barricaded and is
now considered to be safe.
Additional blinds have been
made erected.
There are six
sniping positions in and near
sap and a permanent party of
snipers operate throughout day
Sap is still being deepened & widened
to allow of a stretcher being brought
through  Nothing else to report
TP McSharry

16th Bn 26/27

Army Form C. 2123.
C. Form. (Original).    MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.     No. of Message

Recd from 



By (R)

Prefix [[?SJM]]  Code      Words

Sent, or sent out

At    M.




at     M.

Office Stamp



Delivery Means     Distance Charges for Delivery    Collected     Paid out
Service Instructions

Handed in at the    Office at   M. Received here at 0545  M.

TO   HQ 4th Bde

*Sender's Number


Day of Month


In reply to Number



No change has occurred in the
situation on No 1 Outpost AAA Day
& night have been quiet along
the whole front of the post AAA
The Turks continue the improvement
of their trenches opposite, but as far
as can be ascertained they have
no work on our side by the 
Dere AAA Our forward fire
trenches should be brought into
action completely today
FROM     H Pope
PLACE   LT/Col OG. No 1 Outpost
                No.6 Sect



To G.O.C. Post    (39)
Report from R.F. section
Works. The improvement of the firing line
has been continued and a great deal
done to it by recessing the Trenches and
improving the parapets. saps were also
pushed on forward and fire Trenches made
of same. Sap towards NZ I regret to say
has not been pushed on as expected
I have detaled 8 men for same but
3 of them fell sick during the night
which impeded the progress
Patrols Right F patrol reports that about
22.00 we noticed 2 what appeared
officers came out on the ridge about
200Y to our right front looking over
the Dere then a number of men
x came out and moved in to a nulla
where they did some digging nature
of which was hard to observe
Left F patrol reports nothing unusual
occurred no movement of any


kind was noticed
engineers require satisfactory progress
and that about 500 more bags.    
would like to get about 4 more
perisdcope periscopic rifles
E Margolin major
16th Bn
O/C R.F post


"A" Form                                        Army Form C. 2121.

MESSAGES AND SIGNALS       No. of Message 

Prefix  Code     m. Words Charge

This message is an a/c of:


(Signature of "Franking Officer.")

Recd. at  m.





Office of Origin and Service Instructions.


At         m.



TO    A.N N.Z and A Division

         N.Z Report Centre

*Sender's Number Day of Month In reply to Number AAA

Captain Kenny acting medical
officer 16th Battalion has been
wounded. Please send another
M.O. to report 4th Inf. Bgde
The above may be forwarded as now corrected
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name
*This line should be erased if not required.
8350 S.B. Ltd. Wt. W4843/541-50,000. 9/14 Forms C2121/10.

"A" Form                                                Army Form C. 2121.

MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.               No of Message

Prefix  Code     m. Words Charge

This message is an a/c of:


(Signature of "Franking Officer.")

Recd. at    m.





Office of Origin and Service Instructions.


At         m.



TO    4th Field Ambulance
         Australia Valley

*Sender's Number
BM 974F

Day of Month


In reply to Number



Captain Kenny Wounded AAA
Send up another Medical
Officer at once to
Major Margolin to replace
From    Monash
Place    13th Trenches
Time     0455
The above may be forwarded as now corrected
(Z) JP McG Lt Col BM  27/8/15
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name
This line should be erased if not required.
8350 S.B. Ltd. Wt. W4843/541-50,000. 9/14 Forms C2121/10.


"C" Form (Duplicate).               Army Form C. 2123.


SM 855A

Charges to Pay.

      £       s.      d


Office Stamp.


Service Instructions.

Handed in at NZ    Office    m.   Received 9 15 am.

TO  4th Aust Inf Bde

Sender's Number
G 711

Day of Month


In reply to Number



White back patches will
now be removed AAA
Repeated   6 Section
                        4 A I Bde
                        NZ Inf Bde
                        29th British Bde
                        NZMR Bde
[*Bo 248
A.O. Done*]
[*out to OC
Bm 963
[[JP McG]]
27 8 15*]
FROM                  NZ A   Report Centre
PLACE & TIME   0900
W.2354-383. 30,000 Pads-8/14. S.B. Ltd.-Forms/C2123.


[*Staff Ofcrs*]
No 9
4th. Aust. Inf. Brigade,
Australia Valley,
0900 27th. August 1915
1. Under orders from G.O.C. No. 6 Section, offensive operations
will take place this afternoon, artillery action commencing at 1600"
Infantry assault at 1700.
2. The following instructions for preliminary measures by FOURTH
BRIGADE supersede those issued last night in Field Message B.M. 255.
3. This BRIGADE will find
(a) detachment of 350
(b) Reserve Detachment of 100.
all to be placed at disposal of BRIGADIER-GENERAL RUSSELL.
4. The Detachment will be composed as follows :-
Troops :- 5 Officers 100 others of 13th, Battalion.
                 3        "        100     "        "   14th,         "
                  1  Officer    50     "        "   15th,         "
                  5 Officers 100     "        "     17th.        "   ("A" Cy)
5. The Reserve Detachment will be composed as follows :-
Commander :- CAPT. SALIER 13th Battalion
Troops :-             1 Officer 50 others of 15th, Battalion.
                              1      "       50    "          "  17th.       "       ("B" Coy.)
6. MAJOR C. M. DARE will assume Command of No. 3 POST during the
absence of LIEUT_COL. ADAMS on detached duty.
7. C.O'S POSTS, and Sub-section Reserve, concerned will be
responsible for furnishing the above quotas fully equipped as follows :-
(a) Water-bottles filled.
(b) One day's rations.
(c)  200 rounds S.A.A. per man.
(d) Two sandbags per man.
(e)  Ten picks and ten shovels for each 50 men.
(f)  For each 50 men one bombing party of 4 carrying 12 bombs
(g) 1 red or pink flag for each 100 men.
All above will be supplied as far as possible at once from POSTS &
replenished later from the BRIGADE RESERVES. All quotas to be fully
equipped, ready to hand over at 1330 today.
xx The place where the detachment is to assemble will be decided
The place where the Reserve Detachment is to assemble will be
the Gully near new Communicating Trench to KAIAJIK AGHALA (outside
our former lines) near where 15th. Battalion is now bivouaced; this
Battalion to keep clear. - Reserve Detachment to be ready to pass
down Communicating Trench to cross the DERE at shortest notice.
Time of assembly for Reserve Detachment 1500 this day.
Operation Order for remainder of BRIGADE will be issued later.
J P McGlinn Lt.-Col.
Brigade Major, 4th. Aust. Inf Brigade.


Army Form. C. 2123.

Form. (Original).    MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.     No. of Message.

Recd. from MR



Prefix SM  Code [[?11am]]    Words 25

Sent, or sent out

At    M.


Returned 43

at     M.

Office Stamp



Means     Distance

Charges for Delivery    Collected     

Paid out

Service Instructions

Handed in at the    Office at   M. Received here at 9.56 a  M.
TO   4th INF BDE

*Sender's Number

BM 125

Day of Month


In reply to Number



Could you possibly exchange another
hundred PICRIC ACID bombs for
Jam tin Bombs for todays operations
[*Inquired BM 965*]
TIME  0945
All Portage, Redirections, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to accouat by
me ans of Stamps affixed to he face of the form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and
"Charges for Delivery".

This line should be erased if not required.


Operation Orders No. 5                      97    
by Bgdr. Gen. A. H. RUSSELL A.D.C.
cdg. force attacking
Aug 27.15
(*Ref. Map
1.- 20000*)
1  Information - The enemy is in possession of
the higher ground of the KAIAJIK AGHALA
while we hold trenches as shown in
accompanying sketch -
2 Objectives - These are as shown - Sketch
1 A-B enemy trenches in front of
OAK to B1 B2 B3 and all 
intervening trenches.  O.C. Australian
assaulting party will also arrange to 
work Westward towards N.Z. in sketch
& will get into touch with NEW ZEALANDERS
working EASY.
(2) B1 B2 C.  These will be taken
by N.Z.M.R. and all intervening trenches
will be taken.  O.C. N.Z.M.R. force
will get into touch on his RIGHT with
the AUSTRALIANS and with
(3) C-D
(3) Troops - The following force is detailed
for the assault on the objectives named
RIGHT - To capture from BIG
3 cont OAK to B1 B2 B3 & all   
intervening trenches - 250  4th Aust. Bde
and 100 18 Bn. 5 Bde. A.I.F.
CENTRE.  to capture trenches
B1 B2 B3 C
300 N.Z.M.R
100 18 Bn. A.I.F.
LEFT. to capture trenches C-D
29 Inf. Bde.
4 The ASSAULT. The assault will take place at
5. MOVEMENTS -The several assaulting
columns will concentrate under orders
of their commanding officers who
will report to GENERAL RUSSELL
at 92.N.B at 1630
that their troops are in position
for the assault.
6 DRESS - Jackets will be worn. No
7. Ammunition & Bombs - Each man will carry 200 rds.
Each bomb thrower (1 in 8 men)
will carry 10 bombs & each bomb
carrier will carry 10 bombs
8. Sandbags & tools - Each man will carry 3 sand-bags
& tools will be carried by 40% of
the men.



9 Reserve - Reserve detachments are to carry
one tool per man in addition to
their 3 sandbags.
10 Flags - Red or PINK flags will be
carried in the proportion of one flag
per 100 men. These flags
will be placed so as to indicate to the
ARTILLERY our trenches. at 1500
These will be placed so as not to be
seen by the enemy.   Also all
trenches gained will be marked by More
red or pink flags.
During preliminary bombardment all
men in trenches will sit down at bottom
of their trenches except sufficient look-out
11 Rations - All men will carry 24 hours
rations & full water bottles.
G L Fowks Major
for O.C. Assaulting Force













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