Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 7, 22 August - 24 August 1915, Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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LencLALLACMNASARLEALS Runnery of erents from 6 an. 22rd Ausuet te 2 amn. 24th August 1212. 24 De. Lencrer Nothing unusual to report. Pe. LszcrioN All quiet during the above period. De.Lsnner A strong patrel of the Cheahire Regiment werked down to the PARN during the night, and returned without easualties. A new post on RRODODENDRON SFUR wa completed, everlocking the BALLL BEIY DERR - 4 of these posts now exist. Me.Esserier A quiet night. The Northumberland Pusiliers have entrenched between KALLAR CRAIR and our left plequet of the 19th Battalion, 5th Anstralian Infantry Brigade. The 11th Division line now runs from the crese-reads 92 s. between 2 and 7 West of the first Vc in KAVAKLER, thence to the Australian Pest. wm At 10 a.m. the enemys guns near 9c epened fire on our Infantry. They were engaged by the 2nd Battery, apparently offectively, as the enemy ceased firing after 15s rounds had been expended in searching the Ridge. The 9th Cerpe reported 6 red objects like bis cylinders plainly vicible from LALA BABA in Turk trenches near 92 0. 2. General Cox asked for Kewitser fire in that lecality in the early merning. This was given, and the 4th Battery fired 16 rounds. The objects are new seen to be highly colourd red sandbags, and apparently form part of the enemy's everhead eover. The Navy at 7 p.x. at our request shelled trenches on the ounmit of CHUNUK BAIR, which were thought likely to be filling at that hour. A Deatroyer at intervale, through the night, chelled the NEX and BARY 700. The Mountain Gune fired at men and horses outside hut in Gully 106 9 -s at a range of 4500 yards. Rounds effective. Headquarters, Ne. 2 Post. 2492 Ausuet 1223. E
Gully Australa 24/8/15 Affaion Brigade Bny Bole H I repors that on 6 6e9 the first and 922/8/151 the after afternoon 1 and 14t Brs. second lined 1of the 12 had Raiazik Dere advanced over) the and were holding the northern edgeof same the I witnessed numerous instances Oo Pokany of enemy fering on our wounded. our) men ell wounded on the 8 long sere and as Southern slope of the safe, but as they lay qliet they were them 1o moved the immediately any one H them some &fire in Jurks opened were missed after instances when they several attempts with the rifle a on them. turned achine gun was wounded were recovred and (only three enough) to make when is was dark ch several instances their recovery safe. shots were fired at as many has ttwenty a single wounded man trying to move cover 0 Chasck6 Save Ollajor the Iatity to faing dostressed Br $14 bpogning yos acpo poyd pupe Pera A.L.F.
£ el Au 10 li0 19 £ 4 to 116 $ 1t 4 £1 Be 6 4 fc Secpet4 i 4 Lengr 12010 X s0 Nie De thi 14 doms 6fap9 e 180 ase to the KAEAE 4 ee Brigaci X H.Ax Gago pleans t A B. & y sec OekACA 54 deLvede CAe 640pp. feyfing At dake BC dea deCk 4 edcapede e HC4 S 1422 rareleved yd £5 X aftede 7 S l s 1 4 7 49 ig 60E rale eded £455 Spe01/686 4 ile f.45 fi ef fe ear Lenyth £ ce e fcan £400p le sirce to 44 Canting 1ayer 6 $ te 14
sord Extened Mr Ioland seent Iav Iran Tenb Skyline o Hill 60 X open Field Play. Sn 2 Satle 2ll. pr . Si taken ap Grra B e Thich Semb an rear slope an aff Geass 4 t Iian prene Water Course in Centre of Doce. DC &c Na 2 a7 ik Souul Scrub
13th p Sept for ex honeated / 0500 on 24-8-16 1) Very quiet dusing both day & night cllected annunitia ano equipment & tombs from anused trenches of 1372&15BM Emptied & sent out several hundred sans tags to Major MARGOLIA. Sent water to his post Night- quiet along our port N03 POST Ptatn MTAALIA MiEtD nt afady 24/8/15 20 TEMOR Report 34 ad endue os 208 13 Continual im- Frencher provement goes an say anight. Tagsexing very Lapping sotisfactory hope to ovn make communication with post fou Right & heft he ayset Luping continue to ho ward et ec perfectly safe to omore asset ande oeave escept uy fane part or fiench en reglit 20e hage a ppecial party watching for the incen eogeaedall Geneed efcey and night R Rankmetagor N8/10 OA A22 Folk OspP
Gatlpolieng August 24th 133024 Fran toO5 batt. (1100 Lo H. Fph S. Stdade sericd frav 0,0025,0000 to 6600 24th wish passed very Quetly on this front and Communication Trench from our une 00 16th bo brought to what was considered a safer traffic -able condision. However at $680 this werny (quish bind men of this bor were woundedI while sigging boy sap one slightly, the other more severely hit. Have pickes upposition where Tunkish Suiper was shooting from and it is quite probable have accounted for two cnipers, since then no shops have been fived my enery at our compus -teation trench. Franch is heet deepened & barneddes at a couple of honss when it was possible for this suipirg pecition po samiate and Freck is now quise safe but is shill being seckeped wisered of rensering if there sicupe. MEM Ave suee wosking full strengths oor French and consider that by this evening it will be ansiturely wholesone + sriper proof. 181 FB Hams Captien Adjuten.
tn 246 HR. D Dup de 76 day night passed nomsll. sa bag are required for fire trench prmed by forward sape- now competd es o parpet Day grent in inducting party of 17th dath into trucl eto0s cuajor Fravers of 175 100n up dul as second in commend of Posh Major Yartin, coudy 17tO, was seewon roud Post Owry forenoon Bole Major 38 Bi cneced is mony ouquested return of his yacline Ge which was arranged at 21.00 major marter sent one of Mis Madins with part of Section who were place in position vocated by 38 Bdg Gune MA Seryf 162 O3. placed with them for Dopison purposes Will at foop of NotSects Tunbere & deepened. Hootg co OCNTNE
S Pow Onblons MTFENSN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Na of Mosase ORESBIA OAMNEE too Do Nerrie 102 Srs Mien 15 o 915 a 91 AnA AON £16 pssen Do a MCISTNNSN DASWOANE AAA 24th oEga Lent Mc Donald on peturor Ffrom aatlen mceting dir H&infermed brigadier n0d understood you to say fresh meas arailable for heops aga Our, Isupply officer Hates ne equired and has assertined frest meat araiable not aaa possibly seme misunderst hould you kindly advise position aga resh meatwon be very welcome PRON Brigade Major PlAONETME 091 270
Le beon 4th A 1. 3de We shall have to wait until the moon goes, and cransese carls resuie venning befrex meat can be handled setisfactorily As soon as the moon appeared our cart road became absilutely unsafe, and we have to rely on Mules through the saph wh is ivery dirty, and thro which it is hardly advisable to transprt fish mast.
405 45 Jrs Bn de Slagsr 4th Hustrahan Iuferntn Bngd As he result of a report received at 2200 last might from the 9th Army Corps to the effect that they had observed, what appeared to ve, revirat lange not extinders, had been obsereed near the Turkish trencher at 92 02, I went up this morning into the line of trencher held by the 13th battalon of the Brigade. and from thre saw several rad objects on the pars. pet of the ensiy's trenches. When observed through glarres tere objects could easily be seen to be orange red blankets, which had been sewe up, filled with earth, and placed on the parapet in fren of proper sandbags. From a distance, a line of half a don of these improvised sandbags could, in any openon, be mistaken for red cyluders. These ned sandrags were first seen by the Brigade Macinia Gun officer on August 9th. J.R. Eastwood Captai Rifle Brignl tett Captan A. 24.8 15 Brigad C

Summary of events from 6 a.m. 23rd August to 6 a.m. 24th August 1915.
Nothing unusual to report.
All quiet during the above period.
A strong patrol of the Cheshire Regiment worked down to the
FARM during the night, and returned without casualties.
A new post on RHODODENDRON SPUR was completed, overlooking
the SAZLI BEIT DERE - 4 of these posts now exist.
A quiet night. The Northumberland Fusiliers have entrenched 
between KAZLAR CHAIR and our left picquet of the 19th Battalion,
5th Australian Infantry Brigade. The 11th Division line now
runs from the cross-roads 92 a. between 2 and 5 West of the
first "K" in KAVAKLER, thence to the Australian Post.
At 10 a.m. the enemy's guns near "Q" opened fire on our
Infantry. They were engaged by the 2nd Battery, apparently
effectively, as the enemy ceased firing after 15r rounds had
been expended in searching the Ridge.
The 9th Corps reported 6 red objects like big cylinders
plainly visible from LALA BABA in Turk trenches near 92 0. 2.
General Cox asked for Howitzer fire in that locality in the
early morning. This was given, and the 4th Battery fired
16 rounds. The objects are now seen to be highly coloured
red sandbags, and apparently from part of the enemy's overhead
The Navy at 7 p.m. at our request shelled trenches on the
summit of CHUNUK BAIR, which were thought likely to be filling
at that hour. A Destroyer at intervals, through the night,
shelled the NEK and BABY 700.
The Mountain Guns fired at men and horses outside hut in
Gully 106 Q - S at a range of 4500 yards. Rounds effective.
No. 2 Post.
24th August 1915.
H McD 


Australia Gully
Brigade Major
4th Inf. Bde.
I beg to report that on
the afternoon of 22/8/15 after the first and
second lines of the 13th and 14th Bns. had
advanced over the Kaiajik Dere and
were holding the northern edge of same
I witnessed numerous instances of the
enemy firing on our wounded. Many of
our men fell wounded on the 
Southern slope of the Dere and as long
as they lay quiet there were safe, but
immediately any one of them moved the
Turks opened fire on them; in some
instances when they were missed after
several attempts with the rifle a
[m]achine gun was turned on them,
and only three wounded were recovered
when it was dark enough to make
their recovery safe. In several instances
as many as twenty shots were fired at
a single wounded man trying to move
to cover.
Chas.M.M. Dare.
14th Bn.
I certify to having witnessed the
shooting as described above
D R Macdermid


Australia Valley
24th Augt 1915
4th Inf. Bde.
At the conclusion of
the period of my temporary
command of the 14th Bn, I
desire to bring to the notice
of the Brigadier Genl  [[Conally?]] 4th
I.B. the loyal & exceptional
service rendered by Captain
G. Cooper during the period
of my command.
In addition to
his routine duties as adjutant
he has shown initiative &
untiring energy in the trying
circumstances under which
he has worked and his
bearing in action has
been a source of strength
to any troops in his  [[presence?]]
R Rankine Major
C.O. 14th Battn.


per Major Dare
Skyline & Hill 60
Ledge Sap.
Trench Captured
New Zealand
Scrub 150 x
open field
open Field
Line taken up by 13th & 14th Bns
Large Tree
Stubble Field
Thick Scrub on rear Slope
50 x
Bare Cliff
Wire entanglement
53x - - 7
Water Course in Centre of Dere.
K a i a j i k  D e r e
Sap 5 13th Bn.



13th Bn
Report for 24 hours ended
0500 on 24-8-15       99
1.) Very quiet during both day & night.
2) Collected ammunition, arms, equipment
& bombs from unused trenches of
13th & 15th Bns
3). Emptied & sent out several hundred
sand bags to Major MARGOLIN.
Sent water to his post.
4)  Night - quiet along our front
DG Marks
of adjt                                    

Report 24 hrs ending 0530 24/8/15
Trenches. Continual improvement; 
goes on day & night:
Sapping    Progressing very
satisfactory hope
to soon make
with posts on
Right & Left.
Sniping    Our snipers
continue to
do work it is
perfectly safe
to x move about
and observe
except in one
part of trench
on right. we
have a special
party watching
for the incur
General   Very quiet - all
day and night
24/8/15   R Rankine Major
0520.        C.O. No2 Post


Gallipoli Pens.
August 24th
1330 24t
From C O. 15 Batt     
To H.Q. 4th Inf Brigade
Period from 0600 23rd to
to 0600 24th inst. passed very Quietly on 
this front and Communication Trench
from our line to 16th Bn. brought
to what was considered a safe & trafficable
condition. However at 0600 this evening
(24 inst) two men of this bn were wounded 
while digging in sap, one slightly, the
other more severely hit.
Have picked up position
where Turkish Sniper was shooting from
and it is Quite probable have accounted 
for two snipers, since then no shots
have been fired by enemy at our communication
Trench is being deepened
& barricaded at. a couple of points where
it was possible for this sniping position 
to dominate. and trench is now Quite
safe but is still being deepened
widened & rendering it & more secure.

Are still working full
strength on trench and consider
that by this evening it will be
absolutely wholesome & sniper proof.
T P McSharry Captain


HQ. 4th Inf. Bde
Day & night passed normally.
Sand bags are required for fire trench
formed by forward Saps - now complete
except for parapets.
Day spent in inducting party of
17th Batt. into trench methods - Major
Travers of 17th took up duty as Second in
command of Post. Major Martin, Comdg
17th Bn, was shown round Post during
Bde Major 38th Bde called in morning
requested return of his Machine Gun
which was arranged.
At 2100 Major Martin sent one
of his Maxims with part of section
who were placed in position vacated
by 38th Bde Gun. M.G. Sargt 16th  Bn
placed with them for advisory
Well at foot of No 1 Sector was
timbered & deepened.
H Pope
Lt. Col
O.C No 1 out post


"C" Form (Duplicate).
Army Form C.2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.    No of Message...
Charges to Pay
£   s.   d. 
Office Stamp .
Service Instructions.
Handed in at  B Q  Office 0915 m. Received 0918 m.
TO   Lt Col Esson AQN  8
NZ A Div
Sender's Number     Day of Month      In reply to Number    AAA
Bm899                           24th

Lieut McDonald on return
from Canteen meeting div
H Q informed brigadier had
understood you to say fresh
meat available for troops aaa
Our supply officer states he
enquired and has ascertained
not any fresh meat available
aaa Possibly Some misunderstanding
Would you kindly advise
position aaa Fresh meat would
be very welcome
FROM Brigade Major
PLACE & TIME 4th Aust Bde
W.2284-583. 30,000 Pads-8/14. S. B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.


Col McGlinn
4th A. I. Bde
We shall have to wait until the moon
goes, and transport carts resume running
before f. meat can be handled satisfactorily
As soon as the moon appeared
our cart road became absolutely
unsafe and xx we have to rely on
mules transport through the sap there
wh is very dirty, and thro
which it is hardly advisable
to transport fresh meat-

OC 13th Bn      DG Marks Lt a/adjt
  "   14th   "     J Williams Lt Col 1426
  "   15th    "    T P McSharry Capt.
  "   16th    "    H Pope Lt Col
To see action taken & return
JP McG Lt Col
4th Inf Bde


The Brigade Major
4th Australian Infantry Brigade
As the result of a report received at 2200 last
night from the 9th Army Corps to the effect that they
had observed, what appeared to be, several large red
cylinders, had been observed near the Turkish trenches
at 92 O2, I went up this morning into the line of 
trenches held by the 13th Battalion of the Brigade
and from there saw several red objects on the parapet
of the enemy's trenches.  When observed through
glasses these objects could easily be seen to be
orange-red blankets, which had been sewn up, filled
with earth, and placed on the parapet in lieu
of proper sandbags.  From a distance, a line
of half a dozen of these improvised sandbags could, 
in my opinion, be mistaken for red cylinders.
These red sandbags were first seen by the
Brigade Machine Gun officers on August 9th.
J.R Eastwood Captain
Rifle Brigade
Staff Captain
4th A.I. Brigade

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