Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 7, 22 August - 24 August 1915, Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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ay car C 222 SAND SIGNALS No. of Message 35 Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Collected Paid out Returned SeFIES MSNSN Handed in at the 70 SenteroMumber 027 Of Month. 10 e1 wes th the despgicn ity Warn New ad en rendep w in 2p lohed p im ma FROM PLACE TIME PiE, N NCOSS B PAS OAL All Porte MN MCRA 200110 20.10 228
OOM Army Form C. 2123. AND SIGNALS No. of Message Office Stamp. Sent, or gent out Mecied Paid out Returned Received here at WTO MmDe A44 or FROM PLACE TIME MEO Cargeo ledirection, OSmoynS SAiC OAL AC S 110 etom A Wan BeI
C. FoM MMN Recd non W SAIKS MSSS Handed in at the 70 14 Right our tord abov hold pour thot PLACE TIME All Porterage, Redirecties, or n, and the particulars of Charges for Delivery Preti Army Form C. 2123. MESSACES AND SICNALS. No. of Message Sent, or sent out Office Stamp. Wor Warle COle Means Pa OM Returned Office at CANCSN NI 34 2 1OI 110 ne. ti at Capps is ninth puquet at No old 4 Hto 14 442242 P4 A X Der ty mey ponth stappeds 2ome trenches three to hundred yords i advance th th Nhth p 1ocd. Bencery. and DOIEE ie should be crased it not required.
Army Form C. 2123. ACES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message MES. C. Form. (Original). Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Words Recd. Cole Prefir from conlected Ma Paid out Distance Returned Senice Histctons Received here at Office at Handed in at the 2 70 AAA Day of Month. ap with Ank nt Duls a peat left Kuju our AAA fox will again hold genl yu and fazinn tap Susak H wetween Hi with tenigh prequcts FROM entie 12 Kport PLACE 730 TIME the lace of the mllecied on delivery are to be bought to account by me All Porterage, Redirectien, or other cha Delivery and i are to be set forth in wrtting above, in 1 torm, and the particulars of such cha dount Charges for Delivery Mississippitae ian TMN
A ppm C. 2123 No. of Message EES AND SICNAL MESS C. Form. (Original). Office Stamp. sent, or sent out Cole Recd. WL. PSt from Coleaed pan let aid out Vistant Returned I to Received nereth Office at KallS BAT HT 70 l AAA WIANSM - sene Cmpar strong from papit t 21 b ir we 00 ped 80 ept Spia 100E &r tori topot ber thag tona 71twist 6on a Open te ar ren FROM PLACE TIME Tityfo Cins A M.C
Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message- C. Form. (0 Snal Office Stamp. or sent out from Mean Paid out Dista Returned Received here at Handed in at the 70 SeateFMimber SOMONR AAA tellery etire Aaa are to fne te nvined fut in daring alowe named this direction St Loden M hourd r Addressed Mos 41 andt Bde reperted tonash Add Bectichs and Gent 2 has beet ified X FROM the 185 PLACE t TIME s affired to the face of the All Porterage, Redirection, or Wnte Bass bought to account by A are to be set forth in will paces headed Deltvery and term, and the ss of such Chascs fr Deire to the nas t. anus VAIML
Oestop 2 Bourth Australlan Infantry Brigade to 29 R HadquartAng Australla WTley, Ansae, Callipoli Penineula, 237d. Aucust, 1915. Instructions for reerganization of Defences abcsection 1 of sectnb. Cnterense; Fores Order 4o. 20, section order 2318 /31. The 17th. (Australlan) Battalion, 5th. Intantry Brisade, is attached to the Fourth (australlan) Infantry Bricade. This Brisade heas 700) foms the Carrison of Ne. I ab-eection of No. 6 Section. 3. Ne. 1 subssection extends from the present HGIH of Ne. 1 Pest, (1. c. the err of BRICAMIER CEERAL CAYLEYS treope) to the bed of the EA CMN (inclusive) This abssction will be divided into 84 PoSrS as follors; No. 1 post Camander WASOR E.T. NY Ty I7th. Battalion. Troops 17th. Battalion less 2 Companies. Extent, as at present with old 14th. Battalion pleraet on CCL inclusive. 20. 2800 and No 1 Post together emprise the present fire trenehes from the PIUOTc to the old 14th. Battalion piequet en CoL (latter exclusive). This frentage, estinated at total 600 yards, will be redistributed, by arrangement between Lt-Col. THNEY and MATOR RAIKINE, so that each pest takes ever about 300 yards of frentage. Ne. 2 Past. Commander; HATOR REMKIE D. s. c. 14th. Battallon. Troops; 100 of 14th. Pattalion, 1 Company of 17th. Battalion. Extent: about-300 yards. Cameadar Ne. 2 Pest :LT.-CCL. THny V.D. Troops: 100 of 13th. Battallon. 1 Company of 17th. Pattalion. Prent about 300 yards LEFT resting on FTWT. Comantsr. W..C. MI. BeAPo0 Troops. 16th. Battalion less 700 officers and man detached for duty with No. 2 Sub-section under BrigadierGer eral RUSSM. Extent. From the TIWTe along the Communication Trench re- cently due by 15th. Battalien to the bed of the KALAYICK HEHE Inclusive. Subesection Rserve, Corander LT-COL CANAN. Troeps; 15th. Battalien, Ne. 4 PoSF is so named for convenience only. 1t will inveive only a Lew men on sentry and a piojuet by night in the MHR; the main duty of this PoST is to complete and to procressively improve the communications from the -prvor Te and acress the HEHE; to make them perfectly safe by day or night and eaply wide enough for all traffie. The personnel of the 17th. and 14th, Battalions not allotted in sbowe distribution will form loeal reserves to Nos. 2 and 7 Pogrs respectively. The personnel of these reserves and of the carrisons of the Posts to whic they belong may be interchanged from time to time at the discretion of PoST CoMhs comomat. a ama
as 21 The MAlnrhatian Me detalled will be carried out as fallo (a) suolas of the ITen. Battallen will regert to their ser BoMS at 1o00 on August 26t4. OETCS W I C Fne. 1 rorr anh lece. ut 2672. when MATOR MATTy Will take ever and the 15th. 1 tallen will be withdrawn. 10) Fno 13tk. Battalion w2l1 nla in greant vivouse and sentlons be anpoleyed on the werk of the Commtention Tranch (Ne.4 poFr) until relieved by the 16th. Battalien after 1600 on Angust 26th. Thersafter 19th. Battalion will nove to s biveuse to soled later, and + newction Mnerre as (8) Mi personnal of the 17th. Battalies will be carnfully last rusted the conditions of trench adinisration and warfare inoladins& of bee perisenes and prisere rifies. The mahins Fims and detaements lrans In M.C. Betion Mtatten) Will vo radsMied by th Brsoad Hn MAAEE adeer, se as to senes their best tast loal senteyment. Mho LM 2 40 Iad at 197, 23BA as meer parD Briende P 25 th Pattallen. 1 14th. Battalion. 15th. Bttalies. "516th Panalia I7th. Battalien. E Fiald Anulance. w0 any occier H De M Trurk
Army Form C. 2123. MESSACES AND SICNALS. No. of Message C. Form. (Original Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Recd. c Wo from Colesed Mear Paid out Oitence L SeFtte Mstectons Recenps ta Handed in at the Mounsh en 70 FSenteS Re AAA 230 Corps report 9 red Sir cts like oh big red yfnders Dear Turk French 82 visible from Abof 92 CALA BARIA Have you seen reto them A4 Investigate FRON PLACE ctio TIME charges collecied on delivery are to be bought to account by me ans of Stamps affired to the face of i All Perterag rses and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in wriing above, in the spaces headed Delivery and i, and th t M W M Aa M
PCh Code i/ Words Reed. at suge is on a/e of: Office of Origin & Service Instructions Date Service. From ISignature of Frantins Olseer7 D T0 TMSN DA ARont TEAS O MIMNT. AAA 1a Lve rport cylinders F2 ently No d thank L fred PTON In Place Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. Consor. SENAMIENROORANOKAM MHOEOWICEFNH NONODE This line should be crased if not required

C. Form. (Original).   MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.     Army Form C. 2123. 
No. of Message......    
Recd    Prefix      Code         Words                                   Sent, or sent out    Office Stamp
From  Delivery  Means       Charges       Collected      At .......               M                70
By                        Distance    for Delivery  Paid Out       By
Service Instructions.                                                            At.........                M
Handed in at the        Office at           M.        Received here at       M.
 TO      3
*Sender's Number.     Day of Month.     In reply to Number.        AAA 

Weapons including bombs &
despatch to the rear AAA
Especially warn new arrivals
that any man coming forward
to Surrender with arms is not
to be allowed to approach
till he has thrown down
his arms and is without
means of defence including


 C. Form. (Original).   MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.     Army Form C. 2123. 
No. of Message......    
Recd    Prefix       Code           Words                                   Sent, or sent out    Office Stamp.
From   Delivery  Means        Charges       Collected       At .......               M                69
By                           Distance   for Delivery  Paid Out       By
Service Instructions.                                                               At........               M.
Handed in at the        Office at           M.      Received here at       M.
 TO      4
*Sender's Number.     Day of Month.     In reply to Number.        AAA
bombs aaa
Addressed    3, 4  5  6 Sections
                        N Z  M R Bde
                        N Z Inf. Bde
                        4  &  5 Aust. Inf Bde
Acknowledge receipt by wire
FROM    N Z A Report Centre
PLACE   1330


C. Form. (Original)    MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.    Army Form C. 2123. 
No. of Message....
Recd                      Prefix EM    Code EK        Words         Sent, or sent out    Office Stamp.
From   NZ             Delivery       Charges for   Collected     At                    M               74
By   E Stephens   Means          Delivery         Paid Out      By
                                 Distance      Z                                            Returned
Service Instructions.                                                                 at                     M.
Handed in at the  NZ   Office at  1750     M.    Received here at  1832 M.
TO       4th  Aust  Bde
*Sender's Number.        Day of Month.      In reply to Number.     AAA
 G 599                                           23rd                    --

Right of ninth Corps is at
our old no 4 picquet at
about seventy men South Staffords
hold some trenches three to
four hundred yards in advance
of this otherwise ninth Corps


C. Form. (Original).   MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.     Army Form C. 2123. 
No. of Message......    
Recd     Prefix      Code           Words                                  Sent, or sent out    Office Stamp
From   Delivery  Means         Charges       Collected      At .......               M                73
 BY                         Distance     for Delivery  Paid Out      By
Service Instructions.                                                              at.........                M.
Handed in at the        Office at           M.            Received here at       M.
TO      2
*Senders Number.       Day of Month.    In reply to Number,        AAA

does not link up with
our left at SUSAK KUYU
AAA Genl Cox will again hold
gap between SUSAK KUYU and KAZLAR
CHAIR with picquets tonight
Seen by Bde
FROM          NZ  Report  Centre
PLACE          1750


Reported  by Cpl Drain to Col Pope
C. Form. (Original).   MESSAGES AND SIGNALS     Army Form C. 2123. 
No. of Message....
Recd                      Prefix SM    Code  FL        Words           Sent, or sent out   Office Stamp.
From   NZ             Delivery       Charges for   Collected     At                    M             76
By   E Stephens   Means          Delivery         Paid Out      By

                                 Distance      Z                                            Returned
Service Instructions.                                                                 at                     M.
Handed in at the  NZ   Office at   1855   M.        Received here at    1910    M.
TO        Genl Monash
*Sender's Number       Day of month       In reply to number.      AAA
G600                                         23                                  --    

A party 20 strong from 8th
Cheshire Regt is going out
between 2400 and 0300
tonight from RHODODENDRON Spur
towards FARM aaa They propose
opening rapid fire on Turkish
Trench near farm and later


C. Form. (Original).   MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.     Army Form C. 2123. 
No. of Message......    
Recd     Prefix      Code           Words                                  Sent, or sent out    Office Stamp
From   Delivery  Means         Charges       Collected      At                    M                75
 BY                         Distance     for Delivery  Paid Out      By
Service Instructions.                                                               at                    M.
Handed in at the        Office at           M.      Received here at       M.
*Senders Number.         Day of month.    In reply to Number.       AAA

to retire AAA   Artillery are to
be warned not to fire in
this direction during above named
hours   AAA Addressed 7th Indian MTN
ART.   Bde  repeated  nos 4 and 6
Sections and Genl Monash AAA
CRA has been notified
FROM       NZ  Report Centre
PLACE      1855


Bde Staff
Copy No. 2
Fourth Australian Infantry Brigade.
Australia Valley, Anzac,
Gallipoli Peninsula,
23rd.  August, 1915.

Instructions for reorganization of Defences Sub-section 1 of Sectn6.
(Reference :  Force Order No. 20; Section Order 23/8/15).


  1. The 17th. (Australian) Battalion, 5th Infantry Brigade, is attached 
    to the Fourth (Australian) Infantry Brigade.
  2. This Brigade (less 300) forms the Garrison of No. 1 sub-section of No. 
    6 Section.
  3. No. 1 Sub-section extends from the present RIGHT of No. 1 Post, (i.e. the 
    LEFT of BRIGADIER GENERAL CAYLEY'S troops) to the bed of the KAIAJICK DERE 
  4. This sub-section will be divided into 0 4 POSTS as follows:-

    No. 1 Post Commander MAJOR E.F. MARTIN 17th. Battalion.
    Troops 17th. Battalion less 2 Companies.
    Extent : as at present with old 14th. Battalion picquet on
    COL inclusive.

    No. 2 Post and No. 3 Post together comprise the present fire trenches 
    from the "PIVOT" to the old 14th. Battalion picquet on COL -
    (latter exclusive).   This frontage, estimated at total 600
    yards, will be redistributed, by arrangement between Lt-Col. 
    TILNEY and MAJOR RANKINE, so that each post takes over about 
    300 yards of frontage.

    No. 2 Post Commander : MAJOR RANKINE, D.S.O.  14th.  Battalion.
    Troops : 100  of  14th. Battalion,
                    1 Company of 17th. Battalion.
    Extent  :  about 300 yards. 
    No. 3 Post Commander : LT.-COL. TILNEY V.D.
    Troops : 100 of 13th. Battalion.
                     1 Company of 17th. Battalion.
    Extent : about 300 yards LEFT resting on "PIVOT".
    No. 4 Post Commander : LT:-COL. POPE.
    Troops : 16th. Battalion less 300 officers and men detached 
    for duty with No. 2 Sub-section under Brigadier-General
    Extent : From the "PIVOT" along the Communication Trench 
    recently dug by 15th. Battalion to the bed of the
    KAIAJICK DERE inclusive.
    Sub-section Reserve : Commander LT-COL CANNAN.
    Troops : 15th. Battalion.
    5. No. 4 POST is so named for convenience only.   It will involve only a 
    few men on sentry and a picquet by night in the DERE;  the main duty of this
    POST is to complete and be progressively improve the communications from the 
    "PIVOT" to and across the DERE;  to make them perfectly safe by day or night 
    and amply wide enough for all traffic.
    6. The personnel of the 13th. and 14th. Battalions not allotted in above
    distribution will form local reserves to Nos. 2 and 3 POSTS respectively.
    The personnel of these reserves and of the garrisons of the Posts to which 
    they belong may be interchanged from time to time at the discretion of POST
    COMMANDERS concerned.
    7. The redistribution above detailed



    7. The redistribution above detailed will be carried out as follows:-
    (a) The quotas of the 17th. Battalion will report to their several 
    POSTS at 1000 on August 24th..
    (b) LT-COL= POPE will remain in Command of No. 1 POST until 1000 on
    August 26th. when MAJOR MARTIN will take over and the 16th.
    Battalion will be withdrawn.
    (c) The 15th. Battalion will remain in present bivouacs and continue to
    be employed on the work of the Communication Trench (No.4 POST)
    until relieved by the 16th. Battalion after 1000 on August 26th. - 
    Thereafter 15th. Battalion will move to a bivouac to be decided
    later, and remain in as sub-section Reserve.
    (d) All personnel of the 17th. Battalion will be carefully instructed
    in the conditions of trench administration and warfare including use
    of bombs, periscopes, and periscope rifles.
    8. MACHINE GUNS.  The machine guns and detachments (plus the M.G. Section
    of 17th. Battalion) will be redistributed by the Brigade Machine Gun Officer,
    so as to secure their best tactical employment.

     J P  McGlinn     Lt-Col.
    Brigade Major. 4th. Aust. Infantry Brigade. 

    Issued at 1930,  23/8/15  as under:-
    Copy  No.  1  to  War Diary.
       "        "      2  "     Brigade Staff.
       "         "     3  "     13th. Battalion.
       "         "     4  "    14th. Battalion.
        "        "     5   "   15th. Battalion.
        "        "     6   "   16th. Battalion.
        "         "    7   "   17th. Battalion.
        "         "    8   "    Signals
        "         "    9   "    Field Ambulance.
        "         "   10   "   Supply Officer.
    Staff Ofcrs
    [[Lt H.qr ? ]]


C. Form. (Original).   MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.     Army Form C. 2123. 
No. of Message......    
Recd     Prefix  SM    Code    1025       Words                   Sent, or sent out    Office Stamp
From   Delivery  Means         Charges       Collected      At .                   M          23/8/15
BY                         Distance     for Delivery  Paid Out       By    77
Service Instructions.                                                               at                    M.
Handed in at the  ZBK     Office at    10.25  PM      Received here at 10.31  PM.
TO     Gen Monash
Sender's Number         Day of  Month.        In reply to Number.   AAA
2230                                             23rd                               --     

9 Corps report Six red
objects like big red 
Cylinders near Turk trench
about 9202 visible from
LALA BABA  Have you seen
them   AAA   Investigate & report

received  at  2240 BRE
PLACE        6  Section
TIME            2250  


 Prefix       Code     m.                      Words                                             Recd. here at.....m.
Origin & Service Instructions.     Sent.                                                Date
                                                            At.        m. on a/c of:       From
                                                            To                   ..............Service.       By
                                                            By                  (Signature of "Franking Officer")
TO              G.O.C.                   78
                    No.  6  Section 
*Sender's Number.          Day of Month.          In reply to Number.
SC 20                                         23                                 2230                     AAA  

Have investigated report by 9th 
Corps and no cylinders have
been seen but two red
objects apparently sandbags were seen
today about 9202  ∧ in Turkish trench by 13th
Battalion and fired on   AAA
These two objects can still
be identified and I have
ordered machine gun to fire on
them  AAA  Will report again
should anything further occur
From     4th Australian Brigade

Time       2345
The above may be forwarded as now correct         Z
Censor                           Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name,
*This line should be erased if not required   

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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