Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 7, 22 August - 24 August 1915, Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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25 AESTS Ath. And. Iaf. Drignts, wntralia Walley, Post Camandors 2374. Aucust, 1919. Ne. 1 ab-enction of Nc. 5 fectior. 20 TAmorIon af M ACPONS. Officers, N.C.Os., and men of 17th Battalion, on being put into the trenewes for the first time, are to have experienced officers and el4 seldiers of Fourth Brignds dispersod aong them until they have been thereughly instructed in the fellowing and stallar matters; Location of Fire, Bupport and Communieation Trenehes and their loeal mmbering. mertest rentes to and from all Ipertant peints. Clerellnes and maltation in treneres Inprovement of tranchss as to revetting, pararets, leophelss, Ecesss and passing places. Judicious and eoenante anyleyment of Madags 6. ve of perisone. of perimes rins. S. Bo Warlan In all its aspeets. Rethod of Mrerter and Aerrer W Prior Verin I pir (10. Oremisation of trensh Garrison, eoprising sentries and surperta, and their periodieal relisf. 11. of ouly of pations and water, 12.of an of mintilene. IsLecation of post steres and reserves. (sions) John MenaM THIAMSESSNN Canadin AL. Instralian Infestry Prients. Tea Dan 18t T. AH. Hawking s Pt 18 172 Greart y
76 Rontine Orders by Bdr. M. L. H. Zussell s edg. JN.2.M. & Belgt 92. W.8 Aug 23/15 No. 2 Subsection of No. 5 Secton Jmmant defences is today taken over by Bych. Ben. A. H. RuSSESL with the fllowing hoops N.2.M.R Bde. Field Troop N.2.E 18 Bn. 5t Aushahan Bde. 29 Britist Mf. Bde. less 2 Bns. bel 1A1A SIK AGHALA; and Novements 2 Mes of Subacchin KABAK KUVU defences to point wher outhort line from KAIASIX AGHALA - SLSAR KUNV takes off mlusne on the right the Subssition iis Subscition N1 at the point where the communication trench acoss RAIASIR DERE HHMASIK AGHALN tahes of. the wils mentioned above will 13 D omnit go nto bromac under Bde. arrangements as follows. (a) A.M.R uned W.M.Q in lone part & Gully O.M.R & C.M.R upper part Whunl which ums up to 92. N.8 is the Cully immediately N. of AUSTRAHA 60s47. ( Bydr. Ged. Max284 H) 1ENO 3. cae () Field Trp N.S.E head of Same Gubly H.R L Signd Troop. heat same Cully. 18n. Aurhalian Bde. will go into head of gully immediately of yosite S.W.B. Headparte, just racated by the SIKHS (o) 29t Bulish Nf. Bde. will go, its Cully by S.W.B Menches, I just N.TS.N.B Gully. Jelips fo the himber held seliefs pe hnch by the sth Cust. Mf. Bde a by the N.L.M.R Ode. will te aminged for under Bde. arrangements, These benches will be known as the WEST. and EAST benches severally, These reliefs must not be carried but until after dusk. Osh reliefs will make themslves acquaintad with the beriches before dark I shlip themselves Nd There is to sufficient supply of ammunition & bombe on the posts 5 Julyng peguet. 29th Brelish Luf Bde well delair a puquet of 200 mew of whoie 50 will forve garrisowin present S.W.B tenches ne a ue there in vivouse ow ground
OMA MTION (43)80 on stopes in rear of trucher. 6. Working Parties. The following working parties woll be furnished? 1a18 Batt. 5th A Bde will detail for continuous work wight and dayOfficer and Coum with pick and shovels to work oe communication trench between the RAIHFIK Trenches and the KABAK. KvvUto report to staft Officer at well at 2000. 16729th British Bde Officer 25 wen to collect all descarded armsamtion and equipinent Turkich or British, or other government property. This must all be collected in S.W.B. Gully. 7. Sanitation: Captain Shediing, Staff Captain N.L.M.R. Bde will act as sautation Officer for the subsection The icesity for providing auple latrine accommodation is impressed upon all O.C. teuits. states and Returns, Adaily state showing effective state of lunts will be rendered daily by 2000. Alsoareturn showing tioand bombs, expended drawn and on hand by 0730 daily. Eby Dales. Dnvir Dh.
A TOOM MESSAGES AND SIGNALS Na. ao Worde/ Charg - Roed. at This message to on alc of: Dervice 5 Mtr HF FTAAHF OACALTIDI EEN MONSSH StGSRE SMASSN WittoR AAA twenty theee 116 I have fst Rspectin MAT HERRINES POSITIONAsd The first thing to do is to complets a satisfactory fire tench arong the cress line of gully ase then clear the scrub in port of it go that Turks caunot at night crus up under its cover and throw bombs and on th right! should build up a litle sand bag fort so that bombs might be thrown by our men out of it from a lead above the crest wne asa some work a would on the right flent clearing sorut and placing good entangtments to prment enemy from closing in and hombing from the right asa & the work of sapping towards N.2 could be bert, done by establishing gradually a line of posts to (contain say eight men each and then connecting these pasts up into a continuous tuch aad The slises on which th men are camped are FoN Pace Time The abole may be sonverded as now corrited 2 d This line should be crased I not required LAEEL E M T T F C. L CAS SAR 12 10 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message WordsJ. Charge reacd. at n a This message is on alc of: Dervie t IREMAMTO OITFIASHTS OMIST OFN MOVRSH SteEGNintee MAHot TA Top t Mumber AAA MaIL Heny very exposed to Hrapnel hrs from the direction of 97 and twould as that) suitably dided dug outs should donce be put in hand ana Immunication French, thes a very unsafe at one bend where i is enfiladed andI have pomted this opt to Col PAANAN 154 Battr ciaa There a cape covered way the whole way down grasig Gully down to Communication Fench from casox Kurn to N2s Wenches excuse for last 30 yards aas 1 will have this part at the wie end made safecan It is quite possible water might be found ne small quantities in grarny gully uy sinking wellin In its precus etate HERRints tine will refuse a gunson of 300 rifles, on addition to these repund b for patrols or special ples asa. It would be worth considering a fire Frech on the spar between KAIATIADERE And Grary Bull Do OEN RUSSELL Place JIMO IIL The above may be forwarded as now corrected. W T This line should be crased II not required a0 S.B. 14d. WI. WisSu-000. a/ Forms CaIO.
92 Major C. L. Margolan 16th Battation. Orders proviously conveyed to verbally you, about coming under the com- mand of Lieut Colonel Agnew have treen cancelled; instead, you will come under the Command of Brig Jen. Russel, and will form the rroops on the extreme Right of his sub-section. Your Right is the Right Bank of KAIAIIK DERE, and your Lest will later con- next with the New Lealanders I have asked General Rno sel to connect you as soon as possy to his own Head quar- by to ters, and you will take direct from him all orders as to tactical, depnsive, and offenceve operations, and you will apply to him or all Munitions tools, and stores required exegst that in purely admin= istrative matters, supply, of bod and water, and the evacnation of sick and wounded you will opirate from me. 2 I attach for attention by you a copy of notes made by General Kussel after an inspiction of your pention this morning. JohnMonnd Brig-General Commanding 4th (anst) Mnf Bde.
Extract from hopes made by 90 Brrg- General Russel, 23/8/15. I have just inspected MRSOR HERRINES position o the first thing to do is to complete a satis factory fire trench along the crese line of gully Then clear the scrilb in front of it so that Turks cannot at night criep up under its cover and krow bombs M on the RICHT I should build up a little sand bag fort so that bombs might he thrown by our men out of it from a llevel above te clest line in some work is wanted on the RI6HT Hank clearing scrub and placing good entangtements to prevent enemy from closing in and boulbing from the RIOHT M4 te work of Sapping towards new Iealanders could be best done by establishing gradually a line of posts to contain say eight mnen each and then Connecting these posts up into. confinaous French the 2. copy of Noks Continued The sopes on which toe men are camped are very exposed to shrapnel fire from the direction of 971 and suit- ably sited dug onts should atonce be, put in hand!
Mempert Pabe tae 0 N 1 past The peround M Armn of the hilf Buttation of Loyal Lanenah Regiment. at present in support of you post i to be seleased & to sepor Sex Wrga at$ 1000 tomarn Aung 24 pr 82 15th Antation The work on conniation with the Commninter & croning of the Maiazill Dexe must be enegh cally prished on The C.0 N.C. Section mo emphanged the nofency I importance of thes work Madie I muth trul that considerable improvements have been made today, but the efforts to furthe improve this Common aation must not be relaged. Castes of men working in shot velef to kept ging duing to tomght to deepen, upder & reatify the trench whereie truch & barricate in the reguvcd, & puctanly attention on to be given to the factort bad of the Deve, so that happe of all dissrptinn son pai though in sifity & comport. A rseport in the telephinet thugh to Hyga H. D. at 0530 tomar morning work, to be followeg by at a wite C.O 15th Motation call alo arrange tor a a patrol on the South bank of the haranck Dere upitram asta praitis from the Hunicate, corpoiting gith anyto by Maye Marjotn
16th Batt HAro 23.8 Bde Hgn. 4th (Aust) Inf Bre. state of rearrangement. I am forwarding herewith of tine Et myssniel INES 109 1NCo No1 a poluesI 17th Bad Nothers 2other 16t. M.G.S 16th Bett At Fussel INCo 102 17th Oath 8otters of 16th Bact. HShaw) LoBlact and INES Ar Co Harwood No3 Ost 20617 5 M.G.S Lr Edge Capt Murphy No4 1041 12 nGs Lt Johnson 1h & BEngines 17th Batt 4Dy Barret Attached - L) Hebbelwhate and 100 R. N. Lancashere so marched out 293 Other of 16d Battr and 7 officers Sammery 16th. Bark & Attached a other -300 Major Travers of 293 30 17th Bally WS 29 19 AMb& 18 Japert Piren 11 to o Signaler 78 on the Pat 2 Jan 3 445
Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. C. Form, (Original) No. Af Messess Co0 fWords Sent, or sent out Office Stamp. from 2 CoMledled Means 3 Jns ar Distance SeFtte Mitietons Handed in at the OKES Recenced Nere A SeASSNYOY Day of Monin. AAA All troops Particilarty New wnk lie warned surrenders tended wyst enefuy AHH toe p + ck tas ayet on enstrucan Yesterday 41 without arms & twedge men by one air theaded in wish white in alomes FROM PLACE B TIME All Porterage, Redirectien, or of charges collected on delivery are to be bought to account by me an term, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in wriing above, in Charges for Deltvery 8 ii the ill to mnu Nan nan
C. Fom, OOrienet Recd. PCN KOM Handed in at the 70 Sender, MIMSA. a te tuem be one FROM PLACE TIME All Porterage, Redirection, orm, and MN Charges t Distance Army Form C. 2123. MESSACES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Sent, or sent out Office Stamp. Cole 32 Colected Bald Out Returned Office at Received here at Da of M0 IM TCPW IO MMSE. AAA live throw is A40 playe lay trick e Aases 25 sumen sufficiens al Shored 15 the a the Surrender threen is to the lace of headed Delivery and

4th. Aust. Inf. Brigade,
Australia Valley,
23rd. August, 1915.
Post Commanders,
No.1 Sub-Section of No. 6 Section.

Instruction of new troops.
Officers, N.C.O's., and men of 17th. Battalion, on being put into the trenches
for the first time, are to have experienced Officers and old soldiers of Fourth
Brigade dispersed among them until they have been thoroughly instructed in the
following and similar matters:-
1. Location of fire, Support and Communication Trenches and their local
2. Shortest routes to and from all important points.
3. Cleanliness and sanitation in trenches.
4. Improvement of trenches as to revetting, parapets, loopholes, recesses and passing places.
5. Judicious and economic employment of sandbags. 
6. Use of periscope.
7. Use of periscope rifle.
8. Bomb warfare in all its aspects.
9. Method of Sharpshooter and observer with periscope working in pairs.
10. Organization of trench garrison, comprising sentries and supports, and their periodical relief.
11. System of supply of rations and water,
12. System of supply of munitions.
13. Location of post stores and reserves.

(Signed) John Monash, Brigadier-General,
Commanding 4th. Australian Infantry Brigade.
13th Bn  SW Davis Sgt
14th Bn  DHL [[Hawkins?]] Sgt
16th. [[For Lt ? O Fairfax]]
17th. E Martin Major 


Routine Orders
by Brgdr. Gen. A. H. Russell A.D.C.
Hdq. N.Z.M.R. Bde.
92. IV. 8
Aug 23/15
1  Command - No 2 Subsection of No 6 Section
defence's is today taken over by Bgdr. Gen.
A.H. RUSSELL with the following troops
N.Z.M.R Bde.
Field Troops N.Z.E.
18 Bn. 5th Australian Bde.
29 British Inf. Bde. less 2 Bns..
2  Area of Subsection. All KAIAJIK AGHALA and KABAK KUYU  defences to
point where outpost line from KAIAJIK
On the right the Subsection joins
Subsection No 1 at the point where the
communication trench across KAIAJIK
3. Movements.  The Units mentioned above will
go into bivouac under Bde. arrangements
as follows -
(a) A.M.R. and W.M.R in lower part &
O.M.R & C.M.R in upper part of Gully
which was up to 92.IV.8 & which
is the Gully immediately W. of AUSTRALIA


3.  cont. (b) Field Troop N.Z.E. head of Same
(c)  H.Q. & Signal Troop.  head of 
Same Gully.
(d)  18 Bn.  5th Australian Bde. will
go into head of gully immediately opposite
S.W.B Headquarters, just vacated by the SIKHS
(e)  29th British Inf. Bde. will go into
Gully by S.W.B. trenches. & just N. of S.W.B Gully.
4.  Reliefs for trenches - Reliefs for the trenches held
by the 4th Aust. Inf. Bde. & by the N.Z.M.R.
Bde. will be arranged for under Bde.
arrangements,  These trenches will be
known as the WEST and EAST
trenches severally.
[* see
memo to Genl.
Russell re
feeding water
These reliefs must not be carried out
until after dusk.
O.C. reliefs will make themselves
acquainted with the trenches before dark
& satisfy themselves that there is a
sufficient supply of ammunition & bombs
on the posts.
5.  Inlying piquet.  29th British Inf Bde will
detail a picquet of 200 men of whom 50
will form garrison at present S.W.B. trenches
and remain there in bivouac on ground


93   80
on slopes in rear of trenches.
6. Working Parties. The following working parties
will be furnished:-
(a)  18th Batt. 5th AI Bde will detail for continuous
work night and day  1 Officer and 60 men
with pick and shovels to work on
communication trench between the
KAIAJIK Trenches and the KABAK. KUYU to
report to staff Officer at well at 2000.
(b) 29th British Bde 1 Officer 25 men to collect
all discarded arms & ammunition and
equipment (Turkish or British) or other
government property. This must all be
collected in S.W.B. Gully.
7. Sanitation. Captain Glendinning, Staff
Captain N.Z.M.R. Bde will act as
sanitation Officer for the subsection.
The necessity for providing ample latrine
accommodation is impressed upon all
O.C. Units.
8. States and Returns. A daily state showing
effective state of Units will be rendered
daily by 2000. Also a return showing
ammunition and bombs, expended,
drawn and on hand by 0730 daily.
Charles Powles. Major

  "A" Form. Army Form C. 2121.  
  MESSAGE AND SIGNALS No. of Message  
Prefix ... Code.. m. Words. Charge.      
Office of origin and
Service Instructions
    This message is on a/c of: Recd. at ...  m.
  Sent   Service Date  
  At ... m.   From  88
  By Signature of "Franking Officer" By  
Sender's Number Day of Month In reply to Number AAA
 * MB 116  twenty three  
I have just inspected MAJ HERRINGS POSITION aaa
The first thing to do is to complete a satisfactory fire
trench along the crest line of gully aaa then clear the
scrub in front of it so that Turks cannot at night creep
up under its cover and throw bombs aaa on the right I
should build up a little sand bag fort so that bombs
might be thrown by our men out of it from a level
above the crest line aaa some work is wanted on
the right flank clearing scrub and placing good
entanglements to prevent enemy from closing in and
bombing from the right aaa
[*x*] The work of sapping towards N.Zrs could be best
done by establishing gradually a line of posts to
contain say eight men each and then connecting
these posts up into a continuous trench aaa
The slopes on which the men are camped are.
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. (Z)        
  Censor. Signature of the Addressor or person authorised to telegraph his name
   * This line should be erased if not required.  
8350  S. B. Ltd.  Wt. W4843/541. 50,000. 9/14. Forms C2121/10.
  "A" Form. Army Form C. 2121.  
  MESSAGE AND SIGNALS No. of Message  
Prefix ... Code.. m. Words. Charge.      
Office of origin and
Service Instructions
    This message is on a/c of: Recd. at ...  m.
  Sent   Service Date  
  At ... m.   From  87
  By Signature of "Franking Officer" By  
Sender's Number Day of Month In reply to Number AAA
 * MB 116  Continued  
very exposed to shrapnel fire from the direction
of 971 and (I would advise that) suitably sited
dug outs should at once be put in hand. aaa X
Communication trench.  This is very unsafe at one
bend where it is enfiladed aaa I have pointed this out
to Col CANNAN 15th Battn aaa There is a safe 
covered way the whole way down Grassy Gully
down to Communication trench from KABAK KUYU to
NZrs trenches except for last 30 yards aaa I
will have this part at the lower end made safe aaa
It is quite possible water might be found in
small quantities in Grassy Gully by sinking well aaa 
In its present state HERRINGS line will require a
garrison of 300 rifles, in addition to those required
by for patrols or special jobs aaa It would be
worth considering a fire trench on the spur between
 KAIAJIK DERE and Grassy Gully aaa
Time  1125
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. (Z)        
   A.H. Russell Brig Gnl
  Censor. Signature of the Addressor or person authorised to telegraph his name
   * This line should be erased if not required.  
8250 S. B. Ltd.  Wt. W4843/541-50,000.  9/14.  Forms C2121/10.

Major E.L. Margolan,
16th Battalion.
Orders previously conveyed to
you verbally about coming under the command
of Lieut. Colonel Agnew have
been cancelled; instead, you will
come under the command of
Brig-Gen. Russel, and will form
the troops on  the extreme Right of
his sub-section.  Your Right is
on the Right Bank of KAIAJIK DERE,
and your Left will later connect
with the New Zealanders.
I have asked General Russel
to connect you as soon as
possible to his own Headquarters, 
by telephone and you will take direct
from him all orders as to
tactical, defensive, and offensive
operations, and you will apply
to him for all munitions,
tools, and stores required;
except that in purely administrative
matters, supply of
food and water, and the
evacuation of sick and
wounded you will operate 
from me.


I attach for attention by
you a copy of notes made
by General Russel after
an inspection of your
position this morning.

John Monash
Commanding, 4th (Aust) Inf Bde.


Extract from notes made by
Brig-General Russel, 23/8/15:-
"I have just inspected MAJOR
HERRING'S position AAA The first
thing to do is to complete a satisfactory
fire trench along the
crest line of gully AAA Then
clear the scrub in front of it so
that Turks cannot at night
creep up under its cover and
throw bombs AAA On the RIGHT
I should build up a little
sand bag fort so that bombs
might be thrown by our men
out of it from a level above
the crest line AAA Some work
is wanted on the RIGHT flank
clearing scrub and placing
good entanglements to prevent
enemy from closing in and
bombing from the RIGHT AAA
The work of sapping towards
New Zealanders could be
best done by establishing
gradually a line of posts
to contain say eight men
each and then connecting
these posts up into a
continuous trench AAA The

2:  Copy of notes Continued. 
The slopes on which the men
are camped are very exposed
to shrapnel fire from the
direction of 971 and suitably
sited dug outs should
at once be put in hand."


Message to Lt Col Pope
C.O. No 1 post
The personnel & M Guns of the half
Battalion of Loyal Lancaster Regiment
at present in support of your post are
to be released & to report to their Brigadier
at 1000 tomorrow Aug 24th.

23 8 15

C.O. 15th Battalion

Bm 894
The works in connection with the Communication Trench
& crossing of the Kaiajik Dere must be energetically 
pushed on.  The G.O.C. No 6 Section has again
emphasized the urgency & importance of this work.
I The Brigadier understands that considerable improvements have
been made today, but the efforts to further improve this
Communication must not be relaxed. - Parties of men,
working in short reliefs must be kept going during
tonight to deepen, widen & rectify the trench wherever
required, & particular attention is to be given to the ∧trench & barricade in the actual
bed of the Dere, so that traffic of all descriptions can
pass through in safety & comfort.
A report is to be telephoned through to Brigade H.Q.
at 0530 tomorrow morning as to the progress of above
work, to be followed by als a written report. —
C.O. 15th Battalion will also arrange for a standing
patrol on the South bank of the Kaiajak Dere upstream
from the Barricade, cooperating ∧as to position with any patrol that may be sent out
by Major Margolin.


16th Battn HQrs.

Bde Hqrs. 4th (Aust) Inf Bde.
I am forwarding herewith state of rearrangement
of line
No 1     Lt McBride]   +    109               +    1 NCO           +      1 NCO
               "  Holmes]          17th Batt.          11 others              12 others of
                                                                       16th MGS              16th Batt
No 2     Lt Fussel}        +    70                +    1 NCO
              Lt Shaw ]              17th Batt.   +    8 others of 16th Batt.
No 3      Lt Harwood}  +    51                +    1 NCO and     +    Lt Black and
              Lt Edger      }        of 16th              20 of 17th              5 M.G.S
No 4     Capt Murphy)
              Lt Johnson    ) +   104 of        +     12 MGS)  16th  +  3 Engineers
              Lt Barnett      )      17th Batt            4 Sig  )  

Attached. Lt Hebbelwhite and 100 L.N. Lancashire
Sn  Marched out
7 officers and 293 others of 16th Battn
16th Battn}  2
                 Officers          others         
                         7                    293        =     300  
M.G.S               1                     29        =       30   
A.M.C.+            1                      18        =       19     
Pioneers                                 11         =       11     
On this Post   2                    73        =        75
[*JM*]   HQrs  3                      7         =       10
Major Travers of
17th Battn
L. Jeffery Lt

Actg Adjt 



    Army Form C. 2123.
C. Form. (Original). MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message ....
Prefix  SM... Code.. .1 80p... Words .... Sent, or sent out Office Stamp.
  Delivery Means Charges for Delivery At        m.  23/8/1915
    Distance Collected
Paid out
Service Instructions.     
  By  12
Handed in at  N.Z Office  M. Received here at m.
TO  4th Aust Inf Bde
*Sender's Number Day of Month In reply to Number AAA
 G 591  23               -
 All troops particularly New
arrivals are to be warned 
 against pretended surrenders
 on the part of the enemy AAA
 Following trick was played on
 Australians yesterday AAA
 A wedge of men without arms &
 hands in air headed by one
 man with white flag comes
FROM B.O. 245
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to account by me and Stamps affixed to the face of the form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and
"Charges for Delivery".
*This line should be erased if not required.
    Army Form C. 2123.
C. Form. (Original). MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message ....
Prefix... Code ... Words... Sent, or sent out Office Stamp.
  Delivery Means Charges for Delivery
Paid out
At  M.  71
    Distance   By   
Service Instructions.  Returned

Handed in at the    Office at  m. Received here at M.
*Sender's Number. Day of Month In reply to Number. AAA
Close to our lines then
makes a rush throw
bombs & bolt AAA
Somewhat Similar trick played
on Sikhs aaa.  In all cases of
apparent surrender Sufficient
rifles should always cover the
enemy till their good faith
has been proven by Surrender
one by one  search for
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to account by me and Stamps affixed to the face of the
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and
"Charges for Delivery".
*This line should be erased if not required.
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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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