Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 7, 22 August - 24 August 1915, Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Army Form C. 2123. MESSACES AND SICNALS. No. of Message 12a Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Worde Recd Conlected Mean 3Paid out Distance Returned Senie Mstittons Received here at Office at Handed in at the 70 (2 aas Sentero Mimber Ns t MM Day of Month ther heads A44 tal ovgr X the houghht was to surrentr they were Wishe th tine pprofct Sikhs H ther eld Shook and AMED SALA 44 pikt FROM PLACE TIME Redirectien, or other chi All Porters term, and the Particulars N Bith Chae Charges for Delivery t aan
Form. ginal Handed in at the 70 LACE Peetin Distance of Month t lecied on Army Farm C. 2123. No. of Message AND SICNALS. Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out oeaed Paid out Reued Received here at In Tepty to Number. AAA notice ther $ Oper r Ee8 Meadedi
A05 Form. Handed in at the 70 no FRO PLAC TIME All Porterage arm, and the Charges for Deii edirec Army Form C. 2123. AND SICNALS. No. of Message. IIESSHO Mile Sans Sent, or sent out Paid ovt Returned Received here at Office at 10 AAA OAOMON It was HH4 sle led ar eed vorn sis ther Stamps affired to the lace of ices headed Delivery and
C.FOTMOO Recd. from SeFKE MAMON Handed in at the 70 SentetS PLAC TIME Al Por 8c0.10 MAN Dissance Army Form C. 2123. SAND SIGNALS. No. of Message Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Collected Paid out Returned Received here at Iffice at 225 TRE out tepeded HA4 lifences III lames affired to the lace of the headed elivery and
Recd 1 2356 a pection orders by Mferseneral E.V.Co.C.s.1., conds. DANALSELTL ME. 2318120. (1) Reference Force Order No.20, dated Land August 1915, Be.6 section befences from today are divided inte 3 sub scctions as follows :- Subeseatien, Under Conmand of Bredeneral Kenash - our line of No. Trenenes arem about 92-9y to the peint where the communication trench acress EALLTIK BERE to KALAGLL AGRAEA takes off, inalasive of that trench. E Subeseation, Under conand of BrGeneral Russell. 11l KALISIE Nae BGhaLA and AARAK KULY defences to peint where outpoat line from -SUAAK MUYY takes off inclusive. KALLSIXAGRAE ralin. Outpest Under commnd of Lieut-Celenel 1 AnbeSootion 10 ASRLLA exclusive to SUSAK KUTY Inclasive. Lino-oa Preops in entesections will be as follows.— 1 Agtrtin Brigado, 2009 800 Mon On KAIWLE LAAALL. th Battelion 5th Lnstralian Brigade. EQnbEootiO 20 noae Bouatea Riflos Brigade. Field Broop, N. 2. Engineers. 18th Battalion, 5th Australian Brigade. 29th Infantry Brigade, leas 2 battalions. Ne. 2 subecection. Indian inrantry Brigade. 19th Battalion, 5th Australian Brigade. The G.O.C. Fc.& sub-section will arrange to held the KALLSIE 131 Aghala Defonces from the N.2. Kifles Brignde and 300 man 4th Anstralian Brigade for the present, finding KABAK KUYU defences and and (200 men) close reserves for KALAJIK AGRALA defences from 18th Battalion, 5th Jast. Brigade. The 29th Infantry Brigade, less 2 battalions, will be in general reserve, and lccated in biveuaes near better of Sar.E. suily and gully next west of 1t. 14). 0.C. No.& sub-seation will withdraw 14th sikhs from extrece of entpest line, and hold the frent line with 3 battalions. The 14t1 Sikhs to be lecated at their former Divenaes on DAMARYELIE RAIR in reserve. The 19th Battn. 5th Anst. Brigade, will also be in general reserve in eld plecust line. 411 movements ordered in Force Order above quoted, and in this 181 inpossible during order above, vill take place teday, or, if p day. at anak tenight. (8) 1 telephente measage morting report from 0s.C. the three sub- Bections, as to events of the night, will be made to Section hoad Caarters by 6 s.m. daily and a fuller writtent report as mnt to all progress mede with works, etc., and as to enemy’s movements during the pest 24 hours will be sent by telephone or hand to reach section head Quaxters by 9 a.m.. The early report should inclade the estimated pasnalties during the previous 24 hoars. Ts General reserves of the bection are the 29th infantry to Brigade, leas 2 battalions, and the 19th Battalion, 5th aust. Brigade. They are at dibposal of G.D.C. seation and are not to be enployed in action except under his orders. The 29th Infantry Brigade is however avaitable for work at imprevement of defences in Ke.2 subssection, and thex 19th Pattalion, 5th Australian Brigade in Be.S subssection under Subsscction Commanders Orders: the Ne. 2 Mald Co. N.S. Engineery are section treops under 101 S.J.C. Section. 9.C. No. 2 Ce. N.S. Engineers will have a sketch propared as soon as pessible of KLLLYIX AGREL defences, etc., on a seale of Sr to 1 wile showing pesitions of trenches, machine guns, entanglements, ase,
and all commuication trenches, and insinding EABIX HTY well and defences near it. The aketch will snew all Turkish treaches within th yards. Thrlp Feestat. 23/8128. Brigade Nafor, 30.5 Section. 20 80 copy will follow yo C.0.O. 80.½ sup-seation. 0.0. 2(1 For 19th pn. 5th A.Bde;) 29th Infantry Prignte. No.2 Co. E.L. Ragincers. 14th Sithe. W5th Turtha Mfies. 116th Wistn 108 ind. 5d. Embulonce. Md. Grs. N.E.A. Divicies.
Head Quarters, No.6 Section. DETENORS, ETC.. 25rd August 1915. Memorandum. The most important works in this section at present are as follows, and they are to be pushed on by day (1f possible) and night continuously till complete. No. 1 Sub-section. Completion of communication trench across KALLULKDERE TO KALLRIX AGHALA right. No.2 Sub-Section. (a) Completion and strengthening of KALATIE AGHALn defences. (b) the communication trench from KABAK KUTU to left of KALAJIK AGHALA defences. a communication trench frmLXIIX into the outpost (0) line held by No. 3 Sub-Section from S.W.B. gully thhough KABAK KUry. protection of well at KABAK KUTU from fire, and communica- 12) tion with it. No. 3 Sub-section. (al Completion of continuous trenches from KALLYLK AGhALA (exclusive) - SUSAK KUTU (inclusive). The well at the latter place to be included in line and made safe to use. 10) the construction of a communication trench from old No.3 Picquet (9296) to SUSAK KUWU, along existing toad. Completion of line of entrenched picquets running East and 101 West from SUSAK KUTU exclusive to KALLAR CHAIR exclusive. Sh Spp Ceptain, Brigade Major, No. 6 Section.. 201 G.O.C. No. 1 Sub-section. 2 + OFC. 29th Infantry Brigade. No. 2 Co. N.2. R. E. 14th Sikhs. 1/5th Gurkha Rifles. 116th 2/10th 108 Ind, Bd. Ambulance.1 Hd. 2rs. N.2. A. Divn.
MDERS FOR EO. S SMTION BY MLSCH-GEAEAL R.V. COL,Cp SL., Co. on (Il MEDIOAL. First aid posts of 10th, 6th and 5thCyyfhes will nove aorward at mann dusk this evening to the line held by these regiments. Advanced dressing station (on left] from 108 Ind. Fd. anbulance will 11 at rear of Lection 2d. ars. this evening. located behind 12LOamoy Ne troeps whatever will bivouse or halt in the 3202 communication trench between Nc.5 section kd. Crs. and old Nc.3 Fiequet where eovered read to SUSAK KUTY takes off. (3) 0.d. No.3 subssection will arrange to push forward the severed road to SURLK KUT as rapidly as possible. 4 Branch communication trench is also to be constructed under his orders from about Junetion of squares 92-b,c,M, 1, into line of trenches held by 6th Gurkhas, as soon as pessible. There is still a great deal to be done, especially i 20s. 1 & & sub-sections, in clearing the ground of rifles, equipment, atores, otc., and of burying rubbish, old tias, etc., etc. The ample troops in resarve in these subssections are to be freely enpleyed in this werk, and it must be conpleted at once. Captain, 41 Brigade pajer, Fert section 1.0.6. 80.1 sub-section. J.C. 14th sikhs. 115th Gurkhas. " 116th 0.6. 29th Brigade. 2/10th a N.2. Engineers. 108 ind. Fd. Ambulance. N.L.A. Division.
ORGANLLATION ORDER FOR NOS 6 SECTION BY MATOR-GENERAL H.L.COK,C.B., C.S.L., CONEPDINE. anwwwwwwaD 19 Brigades in the Section will make their own arrangements with N.2.A. Division direct for everyting they requare except trench equipment, such as bomhs, periscopes, flares. The 3 units of the 5th Australian Brigade are for tactical and trench equipment purposes attached to the brigade in the Sub- Dection in whish they are located. LmCurchis Captain, Staff Captain, No.6 Section... G.O.C. Do. ½ sub-section.V O.C. 14th Sikhs. 1/5th Gurkhas. 0.0 1/6th 29th Brigade. 2/10th " N.L. Engineers. 108 Ind. Fd. Ambulance. N. 2. A. Division.
LEHIEMHIS SAN H RSR Rot. A.S.H.L BAKDL LOLOOI Intring trenshes are to be ang at least 2 feet deep. Exeuvated earth is to be plled heaped close to latrine trenshes, an in unserviceable shevel or see f some kind to be placed handy. m are to aboved earen into the tronn after ueing it. Wrine pits are to be any near Comnany Lines. Rosiee beares are to ts plased directing to all istrinse. t Brd Augast 181s. SEH CASHSI, N. A Coostn 0. 1th Bitns. No. Wsrh Gurtnas. O.0. Do. 11861 29th Brignde. 2120 Cr Bekeds M. 108 Ind. M. Antnlance. 3o. 2 cs. B.L. Enginsers.

Army Form C. 2123.
C. Form. (Original).         MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.      No. of Message



Prefix           Code        Words

Delivery           Means

Charges for Delivery
                            Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At                   .M

at                    .M.

Office Stamp.


Service Instructions.      
Handed in at the      Office at         M.    Received here at                   M.
TO                  2
* Sender's Number.         Day of Month.    In Reply to Number.  AAA
held over their heads AAA
As it was thought they 
wished to surrender they were 
permitted to approach the line 
held there by the 14th Sikhs AAA 
Some SALAAMED and shook 
hands with the Sikhs.  AAA

Army Form C. 2123.
C. Form. (Original).        MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message



Prefix           Code        Words

Delivery           Means

Charges for Delivery
                            Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At        .M

at        .M.

Office Stamp.


Service Instructions.      
Handed in at the        Office at        M.    Received here at         M.
TO                  3
* Sender's Number.         Day of Month.      In reply to Number.    AAA
It was then noticed that 
they had their rifles in their 
hands and attempts to take 
them away were resisted a 
scuffle ensued and two Sikhs 
were shot AAA The Sikhs then opened 
fire & the Turks who were

 Army Form C. 2123.
C. Form. (Original).   MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message




Prefix           Code        Words

Delivery   Means
Charges for Delivery
Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At       .M

at       .M.

Office Stamp.


Service Instructions.      
Handed in at the          Office at           M.    Received here at        M.
TO                  4
* Sender's Number.           Day of Month.           In reply to Number.   AAA
not killed fled AAA It was 
also noticed that all or nearly 
all had bombs on their 
waistbelts AAA I consider there 
is little doubt it was a 
ruse and that when a few 
more Turks had collected it 

Army Form C. 2123.
C. Form. (Original).         MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.       No. of Message



Prefix           Code        Words

Delivery           Means

Charges for Delivery
                            Paid out

Sent, or sent out
At             .M

at              .M.

Office Stamp.


Service Instructions.      
Handed in at the          Office at           M.    Received here at       M.
* Sender's Number.        Day of Month  5       In reply to Number.      AAA
was intended to bomb & 
rush the defences AAA
Message ends
Addressed Anzac
9th Corps
10th Div
No 3, 4, 5 Sec
NZ Inf Bde
NZ M Rifles Bde
Bde 4th & 5th Aust Bdes
FROM          1st Aust Div
TIME             NZ Report Centre 1115

Recd 1153 



No. 6 Section Orders by Major-General H.V.Cox, G.B., C.S.I.,  Comdg.
(1) Reference Force Order No.20, dated 22nd August 1915, No.6 Section
Defences from today are divided into 3 sub sections as follows :-
No. 1 Sub-Section. Under Command of Br-General Monash - our line of
trenches from about 92-U7 to the point where the communication
trench across KAIAJIK DERE to KAIAJIL AGHALA takes off, inclusive
of that trench.
No. 2 Sub-Section. Under command of Br-General Russell. All KAIAJIK
AGHALA and KABAK KUYU defences to point where outpost line from
KAIAJIK AGHALA - SUSAK KUYU takes off inclusive.
No. 3 Sub-Section. Under command of Lieut-Colonel xxxx Palin. Outpost
line - KAIAJIK AGHALA exclusive to SUSAK KUYU inclusive.
(2) Troops in sub-sections will be as follows.-
No. 1 Sub-Section.
4th Australian Brigade, less 300 men on KAIAJIK AGHALA.
17th Battalion 5th Australian Brigade.
No. 2 Sub-Section.
N.Z. Mounted Rifles Brigade.
Field Troop, N. Z. Engineers.
18th Battalion, 5th Australian Brigade.
29th Infantry Brigade, less 2 battalions.
No. 3 Sub-Section.
Indian Infantry Brigade.
19th Battalion, 5th Australian Brigade.
(3) The G.O.C. No.2 Sub-Section will arrange to hold the KAIAJIK
Aghala Defences from the N.Z. Rifles Brigade and 300 men 4th Australian
Brigade for the present, finding KABAK KUYU defences and xxx (200 men)
close reserves for KAIAJIK AGHALA defences from 18th Battalion, 5th
Aust. Brigade. The 29th Infantry Brigade, less 2 battalions, will be
in general reserve, and located in bivouacs near bottom of S.W.B.
gully and gully next west of it.
(4) O.C. No.3 Sub-Section will withdraw 14th Sikhs from extreme right
of outpost line, and hold the front line with 3 battalions. The 14th 
Sikhs to be located at their former bivouacs on DAMAKJELIK BAIR in
reserve. The 19th Battn. 5th Aust. Brigade, will also be in general
reserve in old picquet line.
(5) All movements ordered in Force Order above quoted, and in this
order above, will take place today, or, if possible impossible during
day, at dusk tonight.
(6) A telephonic message morning report from Os.C. the three Sub-Sections,
as to events of the night, will be made to Section Head
Quarters by 6 a.m. daily and a fuller writtenx report as xxxx to all
progress made with works, etc., and as to enemy's movements during the
past 24 hours will be sent by telephone or hand to reach Section Head
Quarters by 9 a.m.. The early report should include the estimated
casualties during the previous 24 hours.
7. The General reserves of the Section are the 29th Infantry
Brigade, less 2 battalions, and the 19th Battalion, 5th Aust. Brigade.
They are at disposal of G.O.C. Section and are not to be employed in
action except under his orders. The 29th Infantry Brigade is however
available for work at improvement of defences in No.2 Sub-Section, and
thex 19th Battalion, 5th Australian Brigade in No.3 Sub-Section under
Sub-Section Commanders Orders. 
(8) The No. 2 Field Co. N.Z. Engineers are Section troops under
G.O.C. Section.
O.C. No. 2 Co. N.Z. Engineers will have a sketch prepared as soon
as possible of KAIAJIK AGHALA  defences, etc., on a scale of 4" to 1
mile showing positions of trenches, machine guns, entanglements, etc,


and all communication trenches, and including KABAK KUYU well
and defences near it. The sketch will show all Turkish trenches
within 400 yards.

GW Jeferys
Brigade Major, No.6 Section.....

G.O.C. No. 1 Sub-Section.     2-(1 copy will follow GW
   "         "     2   "                         2
O.C.      "     3   "                         2( 1 for 19th Bn.5th A.Bde.)
  "    29th Infantry Brigade.    1
   "   No.2 Co. N.Z. Engineers. 1
   "   14th Sikhs.                          1                        
   "   1/5th Gurkha Rifles.          1
   "   1/6th    "            "                  1
   "   2/10th  "            "                  1
   "   108 Ind. Fd. Ambulance.  1
   Hd. Qrs. N.Z.A. Division.        1          


Head Quarters, No.6 Section.
23rd  August 1915.
The most important works in this section at present
are as follows, and they are to be pushed on by day (if possible)
and night continuously till complete.
No. 1 Sub-Section.  Completion of communication trench across
No. 2 Sub-Section.  (a) Completion and strengthening of KAIAJIK
AGHALA defences.
(b) the communication trench from KABAK KUYU to left of KAIAJIK 
AGHALA defences.
(c) a communication trench fromxKABAK KUYU into the outpost
line held by No. 3 Sub-Section from S.W.B. gully through KABAK
(d) protection of well at KABAK KUYU from fire, and communication
with it.
No. 3 Sub-Section. (a) Completion of continuous trenches from
KAIAJIK AGHALA (exclusive) - SUSAK KUYU (inclusive). The well
at the latter place to be included in line and made safe to use.
(b) the construction of a communication trench from old No. 3
Picquet (92G6) to SUSAK KUYU, along existing road.
(c) Completion of line of entrenched picquets running East and
West from SUSAK KUYU exclusive to KAZLAR CHAIR exclusive.
GW Jeferys
Brigade Major, No. 6 Section ...

G.O.C. No. 1 Sub-Section.     2
   "         "     2   "                         2
O.T.C.   "     3   "                         2
  "    29th Infantry Brigade.   1
   "   No. 2 Co. N.Z. R. E.           1
   "   14th Sikhs.                         1
   "     1/5th Gurkha Rifles.       1
   "     1/6th    "            "               1
   "     2/10th  "            "              1
   "       108 Ind. Fd. Ambulance.1
     Hd. Qrs. N.Z. A. Divn. 


(1) MEDICAL. First aid posts of 10th, 6th and 5th Gurkhas will move
forward at xxxx dusk this evening to the line held by these regiments.
Advanced dressing station (on left ) from 108 Ind. Fd. Ambulance will be
located behind hill at rear of Section Hd. Qrs. this evening.
(2) COMMUNICATIONS. No troops whatever will bivouac or halt in the
communication trench between No. 6 Section Hd. Qrs. and old No.3 Picquet
where covered road to SUSAK KUYU takes off.
(3) O.C. No.3 Sub-Section will arrange to push forward the covered
road to SUSAK KUYU as rapidly as possible.
A branch communication trench is also to be constructed under his
orders from about junction of squares 92-b,c,h,i, into line of trenches
held by 6th Gurkhas, as soon as possible.
(4) SPECIAL. There is still a great deal to be done, especially in
Nos. 1 & 2 Sub-Sections, in clearing the ground of rifles, equipment,
stores, etc., and of burying rubbish, old tins, etc., etc..
The ample troops in reserve in these sub-sections are to be freely
employed in this work, and it must be completed at once.

GW Jeferys    Captain,
Brigade Major, No.6 Section.....
G.O.C. No. 1 Sub-Section.         O.C. 14th Sikhs.
   "         "     2   "                                 "   1/5th Gurkhas.
  O.C.    "     3    "                                "    1/6th   "
     "    29th Brigade.                       "    2/10th    "
    "n  N.Z. Engineers.                     "   108 Ind. Fd. Ambulance.              
   N.Z.A Division.


Brigades in the Section will make their own arrangements with
N.Z.A. Division direct for everyting they require except trench
equipment, such as bombs, periscopes, flares.

The 3 units of the 5th Australian Brigade are for tactical
and trench equipment purposes attached to the brigade in the Sub-Section
in which they are located.

W.M. Churchill Captain,
Staff Captain, No. 6 Section.....

G.O.C. No. 1 Sub-Section.√    O.C. 14th Sikhs.   
   "         "     2   "                           "   1/5th Gurkhas.
  O.C.    "     3    "                          "   1/6th      "
     "    29th Brigade.                 "    2/10th    "
    "  N.Z. Engineers.                 "    108 Ind. Fd. Ambulance.              
N.Z.A. Division.


C O N S E R V A N C Y.
Latrine trenches are to be dug at least 2 feet deep.
Excavated earth is to be piled heaped close to latrine trenches, and
an unserviceable shovel or scoop of some kind to be placed handy.
Men are to shovel earth into the trench after using it.
Urine pits are to be dug near Company lines.
Notice boards are to be placed directing to all latrines.

WM Churchill Captain,
Staff Captain, No.6 Section.....
23rd August 1915.
To/ G.O.C. No. 1 Sub-Section.      O.C. 14th Sikhs.
            "      No.  2   "                          "   1/5th Gurkhas.
         O.C.   No. 3    "                           "    1/6th   "
          "         29th Brigade.                 "  2/10th    "
         Hd. Qrs. N.Z.A Dn.                "   108 Ind. Fd. Ambulance.
         O.C. No.2 Co. N.Z. Engineers.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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