Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 7, 22 August - 24 August 1915, Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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ag Com C.N MIStSS NDSTIRS MeiSn C. Ferm. (Originaly. Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Cole Recd. 14 from 231 Collected Kmeahe 23 Paid out S/Distance Faunce 26 Service instructions. Received nee at O625 in Office at Handed in at the 4 1a T0 aa2 Day Of Month. Sentets Dimer. wenty four rrom ended for Pepor 8-15 2 0500 nghout the day th al O quiet otl whole frent lo our Snipers obsay Targett send) forward lations Water and force HERNIA Major to passed though Parly from 3 relieve 13030113 6 at post 13th & 14th Bn artie Night quiet 4 FROM Wark & Act A. 51 PLACE TIME 0508 uat by me and of Stames all All Porterage, Redirectian, or other charges collecied on delivery are to be bought to he spaces headed Delvery and said our are to be ser1 riculars of such charges and of amounts m.. Charges for Delivery
194 Peport xho ending 0 20 dp are still Fechete being improved. continues to happing No1-5 Posts hope to be finished fice aeayo0 veay few dnemy Sueping sipets on our ored ac men aeas eantinuansly ance sewe succeded o beating enemy henet no mogcment on our foond at 6£23 a heavy tifle Live wex neari foom left men putting sasbeds is Gelly were hea seany adout 7o20 fixe wwas heard from same direction 93 642 I there was ae sams Comb throwing Major C.H. Dade reparted from actochen centy at 0300 cppt loata for Magor 7oft £5.0.442
Australia Vallen 23/2/15 86 Major Brigade 1t Df. Bole I beg to report that at about 1025 last night (22/8/15) about twenty to thirty turks advanced towards the right flank of the defensive line held by the 13th 14th 1Bns. lnd threw several bomps, and at were the same time heard to be clearing scrup The right of the line opened fire on this party and the remander 1o the line out of servousners opened a theavy fuslade and threw bombs although here was no advance and no firing against them. This wild firing was stopped by the officers as sood as possible and all rremained quiet until after the 13th and 14th Brs. were releived by the 18th Bn. About 01215 opened by a similar servous fire was stopped the 16th Br. which was also by the officers as quiskly a posible. Charcll o Pare Aleir 10.02 144Br A.J.Y.
23 HD4 Bd 23 Day onight passs with t e oms of isife ap 13 at conference woas fattended and as (t apraned 309 of all ranks from 17h Brf. Batts reported at 220 to peer so0 of geeramps of 16 Bapy under yoy Margl ordered 115/1000 fees (of vex o o pssno exfp of 1573ts Iapx wong aer mg engolin opart incesof t 23100 saphing of prefard fo plete ad ew therf be ped eiape of Sa B C t w0 wos sictin yep
M Com C. N2 MESSACES AND SIONAIS. No. of Message C. Fom. WIN Rect a G Oijee Stonn Seose Pret from 483 DCatenc Meas 18 Lelepter Paid out Dmnl 22.8.1 Returned Service instructions. Office at Handed t. A. Me. received here a1 1000 70 Mus Ede Sel 027 Of Month t. CeOS 1O MIMNSOT. ans 23 er left fow N Situstion General raving monash repert. add inflicred peveral hundred in casng sope maine ircuding enemy his our pass surare 24 aad Communidation begince Ss 20 4 on 4/41 ACHALA Russells 4 Aroose DERE KAIAIIK over Wales & ner aad son impros confoudati on conttinupt Kuyw well and communication KABAT that French com in AbHAL al FROM PLACE TIME All Porterage, Rediection, or other charges collecied on delivery are to be bought to account by me ans of Stames attered to the fice of the torm, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in wrting above, in the spaces he Cherses for Dellvery T MA WASNANNNNR
C. Form. (Original Recd. Pretix from Means Distance Handed in at the 70 Sentero Minter Der night cnstrct comps and comslette An ond yAthl Juspk Kuyu. in same where h. d and Iwer FROM PLACE TIME All Porterage, Redirectien, or other char torm, and the particulars of such charg Charges for Delivery Coll Army Form C. 2123. MESSACES AND SICNALS. No. of Messag Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Words E2 Collected 3paid ove Returned Received here at Office a AAA 1 me uy f ch wh ewor two saa usied add Wablishe 4 is exera AOAMA ttion im sved A ti
Army Form C. 2123. MESSACES AND SICNALS. No. of Message C. Fom COira Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Worde Recd Cole Pretix from NCANlSES MCan 2 1240 ar. Bisence Returned Sernce Mstton Received here at Ottcea Handed in at the 70 In TepW CO Number. 424 DAOMon FSetS SSMSS AHIHiik tepn lace 1600 10 latter, accompanied. Patent $220 hae reavy piring heard wombing extreme left directed belyeng sday ald at 10430 IHSEOLAHE H.21 over all other parts Situation, quiet wad gddressed annge line of the Section a repeated 3 and 4 pde nJNR. Bde. Aust Duvr hes 4th Apd 2 ts JAns. ut FROM e Report N2 PLACE 1008 TIME All Porterase, Redrecties, or other charges aecied on dellvery are to be bousht to account by me ans of Siames attered to the lace of the the spaces headed Delivery and to be set forth in torm, and the particulars of such charges and Charges for Delivery
oll Army Form C. 2121. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Charge Words ca Reed. at OACSNOMNNENSMESHM This message is on afe of: sont 26 service rom JCNAA. PTE ORL T0 SeAtGESHE LirytH Ea 245 AAA thit profound reret the Cbitnary Dyser the aunonce Death O Wit Chaplain the Revesend Andrew on the tate Erhin from Wounds receved whilst endeavoi gallruly to Cousade remove a wounded from £ the Eney Yone fire the Brigadiey itis pels the Punke unnecessary to refet to te eat brvy all times Shew Conspicyous by the late Chaplain in the performance of his Officer. H had desepvedly endene timellf to all and his denth on field in Srich Callant (Crainstands was but another sortand smlt of the lonalty and From the at all to dity which Devation PnCO time So Keenly evinced. Tme T The above maybe Corarded as now crriated cr.<ore a ra or t This line should be crased if not required 0 S. B. Ltd. WI. Wis-00O. /1l. Forms OITO.
My ToCN MESSACES AND SICNALS No. of Message S oM CSN Sent, or sent out Office Stamp. Recd. Words PreH fB Code from 292 Coleted Meane 10.59 TRS PAdOu Distance 281 Retunner Serice Mistnetons Mane FIK Offic 9 70 SSeNAESMSE 82t of Nons LCOYWON a24 onr command of # deferes ell belong ill not seectso t 4 5 you eleven day 1a5 4h val orders FROM PLACE TME All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collecied on delivery are to be bought to account by me ans of SWIS tre, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set lorth in wriling above, in the spaces headed Delivery and Charges for Delivery This line should be crased H not reguty
Army Form C. 2123. SSACES AND SIGNAL. a Mece C. Fom Wrigint Office Stamp. Recd t or sent out 1o Pretis Kom 23 Collected paid out Returner Serrite Mistetons Received pete a Handed in at the II th 70 TSeabeto Miter Oat of Monin AAA o yius £01 t tr yuguss 22 g tot Turk N the ink 2 HAEA 1145 X FROM PLACE TIME All Porterage, Redirectien, other charges collecied on delivery are to be bought to account by of Stames fixed to the face orm, and tou are to be set touh in wine st spaces headed Delivery and as of such charges an Charges for Delts ssssie M bo gud a u Neon Code

Army Form C.2123.  
C. Form. (Original).  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   
No. of Message  
Recd from  QA
By   RS 
Prefix  [[KW?]]   Code    Words 
Delivery  Means   Distance 
Changes for Delivery   Collected    Paid out 
Sent, or sent out
At       M
By  82
at    M. 
Office Stamp.
23/8/15 BQ
Service Instructions.
Handed in at the      
Office at      M.   
Received here at  0625 M. 
TO  Bde Mjr
*Sender's Number
Day of Month 
In reply to Number.     AAA
Report for twenty four hours ended
0500 23-8-15 
1 Quiet along throughout the day
along the whole front Good
targets obtained by our Snipers
2 Water and rations sent forward
to Major HERRING' force.
3 Party from 16th Bn passed through
post at 1315 0115 to relieve
13th & 14th Bn parties. 
4 Night quiet 
FROM Lt Marks Act. Adj. 13th Bn
TIME  0500


Report 24 hrs ending 0530  22/8/15 
Trenches are still
being improved.
Sapping continues to
No 1-3 Posts hope
to be finished
in a day or so
Sniping very few enemy
snipers on our
front our
men are at
it continuously
and have
succeeded in
beating enemy.
General. no movement on our front
at 2225 a heavy
rifle fire was
heard from
left men putting
barbed wire in
Gully were rushed
again about 0125"
fire was heard
from same direction
there was also 
some bomb throwing.
Major C.H. Dare
reported force
detached duty
at 0305

G Cooper Capt
for Major
C.O. No 2 Post 


Australia Valley
Brigade Major,
4th Inf. Bde.
I beg to report that at about
10.25 last night (22/8/15) about twenty to
thirty turks advanced towards the right
flank of the defensive line held by the 13th & 14th
Bns. and threw several bombs, and at
the same time ∧ were heard to be clearing scrub.
The right of the line opened fire on this
party, and the remainder of the line out
of nervousness opened a heavy fusilade
and threw bombs although there was
no advance and no firing against them.
This wild firing was stopped by the
officers as soon as possible and all
remained quiet until after the 13th and 14th Bns.
were releived by the 16th Bn. About 01.25
a similar nervous fire was opened by
the 16th Bn. which was also stopped
by the officers as quickly as possible.
Chas.M.M. Dare.
14th Bn A.I.F.
JM 10.02


H.Q., 4th Inf Bde
Day & night passed quietly
with but little movement of enemy
in view.
At 1945 Conference was attended
and as then arranged 309 of all
ranks from 17th Inf. Battn. reported at
2200 to relieve 300 of all ranks of
16th Battn. under Major Margolin
ordered to proceed to relief of 
Major Herring's position on left of
15th Battn. After change over Major
Margolin & party marched off at
Sapping of forward firing line
is complete but new trench
cannot be used pending arrival
of Sand Bags.
H. Pope
Lt. Col
JM O.C. No 1 Post
No 6 Section of Defence 


Army Form C. 2123. 
Recd. from  NZ. 
By E Stephen 
Prefix SM 
Code K
Delivery  Means   Distance 
Changes for Delivery   Collected    Paid out
Sent, or sent out  
At 1105 
at     M
Office Stamp. 
Handed in at the NZ 
Office at 1000 
Received here at 1105 M. 
TO 4th Aust Bde 
*Sender's Number. 
Day of Month. 
In reply to Number.            AAA 
Situation on left as follows 
 AAA General Monash reports having 
inflicted several hundred casualties on 
enemy including his mounted troops 
during past 24 hours AAA 
Communication between 4th Aust Bde & 
Russels troops on KAIAJIK AGHALA 
over KAIAJIK DERE has been 
improved AAA South Wales Borderers 
continued consolidating position at 
KABAT KUYU well and a communication  
Trench from that well to KAIAJIK 
AGHALA  AAA Outpost line across 
FROM   Staff Ofcr W.J.M.L  JRE


Army Form C. 2123. 
C. Form. (Original).  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message 
Recd. from  
Prefix      Code     Words
Delivery  Means    Distance  
Changes for Delivery   Collected    Paid out
Sent, or sent out  
At    M
at     M
Office Stamp.  62 
Handed in at the  
Office at  
Received here at ... M. 
To  2 
*Sender's Number.
Day of Month.
In reply to Number.         AAA 
to SUSAK KUYU had a quiet 
night AAA 19th Battalion 5th Bde 
constructed two works for one 
company each between SUSAK KUYU 
and KAZLAR CHAIR which will be 
completed tonight AAA These two works 
are now occupied AAA No  
continuous connection was established 
by 9th Corps with our left at 
SUSAK KUYU. AAA General Russell is 
in same situation on KAIAJIK AGHALA 
where his defences have been improved 
and wire put out AAA Bursts


Army Form C. 2123. 
C. Form. (Original).  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   
No. of Message  
Recd. from  
Prefix    Code   Words 
Delivery  Means  Distance   
Sent, or sent out  
At      M
at     M
Office Stamp.  61 
Service Instructions.
Handed in at the        Office at    M 
Received here at     M. 
To  3 
*Sender's Number.
Day of Month.
In reply to Number.       AAA 
of fire took place at KAIAJIK AGHALA 
about 2300 and 0200 latter accompanied  
by bombing AAA Heavy firing heard 
beyond our extreme left direction  
CHOCOLATE HILLS about 0430 today AAA 
Situation quiet over all other parts 
of the line AAA Addressed Anzac 
repeated 3 and 4 and 5 Sections 1st 
Aust Divn, NZ Inf Bde NZ M R Bde 
4th and 5th Aust Bdes 
FROM  NZ Report Centre 
TIME 1002


Army Form. C. 2121. 
Prefix      Code      m
Office of Origin and Service Instructions
Words    Charge
At        m
This message is on a/c of:
Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at      . 
From    59 
Sender's Number Draft initial
Day of Month
In reply to Number      AAA 
With profound regret the Brigadier 
announces the death on 22nd inst 
of Chaplain the Reverend Andrew 
Gilham from wound received ∧ on the date whilst 
gallantly attempting to endeavouring  
to remove a wounded comrade 
from a the zone of Enemy  
The Brigadier feels that it is  
quite unnecessary to refer to the  
conspicuous ∧ bravery & zeal and bravery gallantly and at all times shown 
by the late Chaplain in the performance 
of his Offices. He had deservedly endeared  
himself to all and his death on  
the field in such gallant circumstances 
was but another evidence was the result of the loyalty and  
devotion to duty which he at all 
times so stran Keenly evidenced._


Army Form C. 2123 
C. Form. (Original). K1  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.        
No. of Message 
Recd. from 29th Inf 
Prefix SB      Code     Words
Delivery   Means    Distance   
Changes for Delivery  Collected    Paid out 
Sent, or sent out  
At      M
By 60
at     M
Office Stamp. 
Service Instructions.
Handed in at the       
Office at     M. 
Received here at 1050  M. 
TO  Gen Monash 
*Sender's Number. ZB1 729 
Day of Month  23rd
In reply to Number        AAA 
owing to my command 
of KAIJAK defences 
being cancelled it will not  
be necessary to come to  
you at eleven to day 
AAA am awaiting further orders 
JM FROM O C 29 inf Brig -  
TIME   1027


Army Form C. 2123.
C. Form (Original).  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.  
No. of Message
Recd from
Prefix SM 
Code 1120A
Delivery  Means    Distance   
Changes for Delivery  Collected    Paid out 
Sent, or sent out 
At     M
By 68 
at     M
Office Stamp. 
23/8/15 Bq
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the NZ  
Office at 11 20 am 
Received here at 12 40 pm 
TO 4th Aust Inf Bde 
*Sender's Number. 1 587 
Day of Month 23rd
In reply to Number.            AAA
Following from Gen Cox begins 
on night 21st  22nd August 
about 2300 a number of Turks 
approached the left flank 
defences at KAIAJIK AGHALA 
Shouting & with both hands 
FROM B.O.245  

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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