Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 7, 22 August - 24 August 1915, Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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C. Form, Wiiral Recd. from Handed in at the 70 FSentero Bumer FROM PLACE TIME Mentare of Much 2 Cole Army Form C. 2123. ESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message- Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Worde Colleced Paid out Returned M. Received here at Office at A44 MoNt est 1 Stamps affixed to the lace o in the spaces headed Delivery and ON
CAr Form Army Form C. 2121. 10. of MAASE MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. M/ Wors Charge JCRE - I. Recd. at This message is on a/e of Tce ASENHSENIEEMAN Sent Date Service From JCNMN FIMN ORAN 70 AleSt tHE Dy ANn AAA Siction 0 My Maghune Su Reliably opinion fround by offcer offers t hiom fine you Actrecents and &me suppicted sae humbred that m coveling casualtes upon Qenny Orosamg my kack an both daybreall todany, including direction since your severl mounted Brt 891 N8 FON Place Time The above may be sorwarded as now corrected SAAEANANO NANMHNA BIUTNNANSIILC Censor This line should be crased if not required.
A0. 2015 From 9 Corps (uteraptens Ifind now that the Twrkish French from C of Hetmanchair turning Southwards towards, SosqK Koyo was attacked this morning and that Mr Division toops holding it were bomvedout and now hold our owold line as yesterday the 10th Division take over from the 1hrowishon this evening the Gob former Division will make up every possible effort o lnk up wion your troops in 11 recunty of GoS9f Kiy gad The importance of this unction between us i fully under stopd & 114 Division going wo reserve has been ordered. to keys one in occupying reserve tenches squared 1040yends night
Army Form C. 2123. MESSACES AND SICNALS. No. of Message C. Foim Corignal Sent, or sent out Office Stamp. Rec. WI Words Cole P NM 66 32 CoMleded Ma ESIEPHE 2.8.13 50 eas on Distance Returned Service instructions. 212 H2 sed here Handed in at the 8d 70 H Aust Serde e Da a AAA NL. Hlowig messabe Cavro hrom Strali AED Six seventy begint 1272 Battalion FINK COROON I hilled undoffecally exported can Please confirm please Ends you tamation forwa 2 FROM report entr N2 PLACE TIME 2043 All Porterage, Redirecties, or oth ecied on delivery are to be bought to account by me ans of Stamps affired to the face of the Core, and the particulars of such C oul are to be set forth to writing abote, is the spaces headed Delivery; and S MG MANNMNMNL
A05 Torrabncom comon seorne. 14. Dtasot.3 No. 2 Post, Ansae. Gallipeli. 22nd August 1915. The following recalletment of Treeps to Sections vill take Ro effect from teenerrow morning, 23rd August. Recessary Thoors II moves vill be arranged by the 6.O.C. s Nes. 5 and 6 RECII Sections direct. (a) The Wellington and Auckland Mounted Rifles Regiments now in Ne. 5 section vill rejein the N.L. Hounted Rifles Brigade in No. 6 Section. (o) The 4th South Wales Berderers now in Ne. 6 Section vill rejein the 13th Mvision in Ne. 5 Section. (o) The 29th Infantry Brisade (less 2 Battalions) remains under the command of Majer-General H.V. Cox, G.O.C. Nc. 6 Section. (0) The 5th (australian) Infantry Brigade (less 1 Battalien) 1s placed under the command of Major-General H.V. Cox. 6.O.C. No. 6 Section. In consequence of the above recalletment, the Treeps in OI IROOr Nes. 7 and 6 sections vill be as fellews :- SECLLeNS MeLLencLleN : BriE-CeneraLL.L. Trarers. J Sections R. Egineers. 17th Division lang N.L. Infantry Brigade with Naori Contingent attached. Do. EeReTlON; NalerSeneral N.L. Cen. N.2. Mounted Rifles Brisade. Ne.2 Field Company, N.L. Engineers lass 1 Section. Field Treep, N.L. Egineers. 29th Infantry Brigade laag 2 Battaliens. Indian Infantry Brigade. 4th (australian) Infantry Brigade. Sth (australian) Infantry Brisade laas 1 Battalien. W.G. Braithwaite Lient. Col. (88d.) General Staff, LercaAttaekins SARLBAIR. oerola seolsoso War Diary soorbe 2 s IRecords. 17th Divisien lat hust. Light Berse Brigade. Ird
- 5 (2) Ceanke. N.L. Mounted Rifles Brigade. 7th Brisade, Indian Moustain Artiliery. 29th Infantry Brisade. 10 384n 39th 12 40th N.E. Infantry Brigade 4th Aust. Infantry Brigade. 5th C.R.A. C.K.E. A.D.N.S. benier supply officer. O.C. Mv. Train. Ansac. lst Australian Division. A.D.C. (for 6.0.c.) 22 Adain. Staff. 25 Indian Rle woo
14 Drer Bobhr t ORGANILAPION, AREAS, SANITATICN, EAC.. No.6 Foroe Orders Max No. 20, dated 22nd August 1915. L. Beference mantian No. 1 subssection ares for purposes of organisation, bivonaes, canitation, etc., as from its trenhes to AGHYL DERE, viz- AUSTRALLI VALLEY and surroundings (squares soathern half 92-s and western half P2-me Nos & sub-section trea for same purposes is EAILTIE AOHALA defences KIBAR AULC ana S.A.S. GULLT, with smeller gullies off it as for back as northern half of 92-8 and bottom of valley. No. 3 sub-section - for same purposes is from Outpost Line KEILJ OERR and south to a line from LALA - SUSAK KUTU Westward to AEMAK Section Read Grs. westwards to ASHAK DERR. No. 2 Co. v.L. Engineers vill be responsible for the care of wells in sheve areas, and also for keeping clear safe and in a sanitary condi- tien the main AGKYL DERE route from 4th Australian Brigade Area to AnEAC. Infuntry fatigues to be demanded from Section Read Cuarters as necessary Dub-section Commanders will appeint a mint medical officer as 2. Sanitary Officer for each area (name, rank and address to be reported to Section Ed. Crs! and will see that he has at his disposal sanitary squadi from each cerps in the sub-section. 13) Latrines and filth pits are to be constructed by all treeps at ence and kept officlent ana sanitary, Latrines are not to be at bottom of ravines, or in or close to commnication rontes (except in trenches). All surplus food, old tins, waste paper, etc., are to be thrown into filth pits and covered with earth daily - every plateon must have its Pit. Breaches of sanitary ruies, such as using other places than a latring for that purpose are to be severely punished. 141 44 2 2R. subsection Commanders will make lists of wells in their creas, have those not already passed, examined, and tell then off to troops in their sub-sections for use. A special offieer is to be told off for this until the system is in working erder. Froops are not to be permitted to Dirones and sieey in commnies tion reates - which must be kept clear for passengers. The eperations of the last fow days have resulted in a large 181 quantity of arms, equipment, etc., being seattered about the country. Dub-section Commanders are to detail parties from reserve troops to collect these and to bring them to a sub-section dump to be established near main route of communication with ANEAC. This should be eleared by return empty mules each night. Gullies and low ground can be searched a groun at night. by day. SSet Captain, Brigade Major, Nc. 6 section.. 201 O.0.0. Do. Esection E. .20 00008. O. C. Fo.s 29th Infantry Brigade. No. 2 Co. N.L. Engineers. 1 14th Sikhs. 118th Gurthes. 16th 2/10th 108 Ind. Pd. ambulance. Bd. Ors. N. L. A. Division.
RERCKATLACKINE SARL BAIR summary of erents from 6 a.m. 22nd Ausust to E amn. 23rd Auguet 191½. De. LekereN Unusually quiet. DAS Nothing of importance to report. De.LSECLLON The Apex on RHODODENDRON SPUR was subjected to its usual shelling, and the work on the Knell held by the enemy has been gradually increased in height. De.Eseerien From the right, 1t is reported that several hundred casualties were inflicted on the enemy, including his Mounted Troops, during the last 24 hours. The communications over the KALAYIK DERR were improved, and wire entanglement put out in front. The South Wales Borderers continued consolidating the KABAE KorU Well, and the communication Trench to KALAYIK AGHALA. The 19th Battalion, 5th Australian Infantry Brigade, constructed two works for 1 Company each between SUSAK Korv and KALLAR CEAIR, which will be completed to-night - these are now occupied. Ne continuous connection was established by the 30th Brigade with our left at SUSAK KUrU during the night. Heavy fire was heard in the direction of the CHOCOLATE MILLS about 4. 30 a.m. 2th Indian Mountain Artillery Brisads. Turks were caught in a Communication Trench moving towards CRUNUK BAIR, and suffered heavy loss. Fire was asked for between DERVISH ALI KUTU, 92 D. 4, and This was reported as very useful, so TIKE CHESME, 105 X. 5. a alow rate of fire was kept up till noon. Headquarters, No. 2 Post. 22rd Ausuet 1912.
RAMARr Ath. Australlan Inf. Brigade, Australla Wlley 277d. August, 1915. C6 Sotton Te indicate that the vians of the G.O.C. Section as regaris the instruction of yeung Lustrallans are being sarried out, I forgard herewith cery of an order issued to by Pest Camnters, to which effect is now being siven. LCNOM Eamending Hin, Aust, Inl. Trirade.
Headiuartars Atk. Aud. Laf. Brigade Australis Valley. te 237d. Ausust, 1715. Pest Comanders Ne.1 Rdesaction of Ne. 5 Section. M Officers N.C.Os. and men of 17th. Battalion on beins put inte the trenches for the first tine are to have exerienced Officers and old seldier of Fourth Brigeds dispersed among them until they have been thereushly in structed in the fellowing and Mmilar matters l. Zeeatien of Fire, Awpert and Commication Treneiss and their Looal mimbering. 2. Mertest rentes to and from all inportant painta 3. Cleealinees and snitation in trenetss t. Lngrevement of trenches as to revetting, parapets, loopheles r cesses and passing piaces. S. Judicious and ceonomie employrent of masags. 6. Ves of periosene. 7. Ue of perimone riile. C. Bon Warfar in all its aspects. I Kothed of Emter and RMet Vih Brlo Votta I Mir 10. exaanisation of trongh Garriasn, Caprising centries and superts and their persodieal rellsf. 11. F of ary of rations and water. 1. Wster of spply of mitions 1he Lecation of pest stores and reserves (Slened) John Monamh BricadiarGaneral Comanding 4tL. Australian Infantry Briente,

 Army Form C.2123.
"C" Form. (Original.) MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message
From   QE
By        CRW
Prefix  Code     Words
Sent, or sent out
At   m.
By    49
Office Stamp.

Charges for Delivery.
Paid out
Handed in at the      Office at     m.    Received here at 12.13 m.
TO 4th Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
One can see two Turkish
guns firing from the front
of our position one in 
gully and inside of the 
hill  AAA from the sector

Order for any action
Bn 886

FROM O C 16th Bn


TIME 1210
All Porterage,  Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to account by means of Stamps affixed to the face of the 
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and 
"Charges for Delivery"
*  This line should be erased if not required.


"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Words. Charge
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at     m.
From   50

*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
G.O.C. No.6 Section
Reliable opinions formed by my Machine Gun
DeterxxxxOfficers and Officers in my firing line agree
that my covering evening fire inflicted xxxxxx several hundred
casualties upon enemy crossing my front in both
directions since daybreak today , including
several mounted officers.



The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
*This line should be erased if not required.




From 9th Corps (Intercepted) 2015
I find now that the Turkish Trench from
C of Hetman chair turning southwards
towards Susak Kuyu was attacked this morning
and that 11th Division troops holding it were
bombed out and now. hold our town old
line as yesterday the 10th Division take over
from the 11th Division this evening & the GOC
former Division will make and every
possible effort to link up with Your
troops in vicinity of Sudak Kuyu
aaa The importance of this Junction
between us up fully understood & 11th
Division going into reserve has been
ordered to Keep one Bn occupying
night reserve trenches square 104 yards.


Army Form C 2123
C Form. (Original.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message
from    NZ
Prefix   SM  Code RD    Words 37
Charges for Delivery.
Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At      M.
Returned at  M.
Office Stamp     


Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the  NZ    Office at  22.02   M.    Received here at     22.12 m.
TO 4 Aust Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

NZA 875                          22nd   
Following message from Stralio Cairo
begins A I B 1272 Six seventy
four GORDON FINK 16th Battalion
unofficially reported  killed can
you confirm please Ends Please
forward information
19 B Capt Book
PLACE   NZ Report Centre
TIME   2045

All Porterage,  Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to account by means of Stamps affixed to the face of the 
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and 
"Charges for Delivery"
*  This line should be erased if not required.


Copy No. 14.
No. 2 Post, Anzac.
22nd August 1915
The following re-allotment of Troops to sections will take
effect from to-morrow, 23rd August. Necessary
moves will be arranged by the G.O.C.'s Nos. 5 and 6
Sections direct.
(a) The Wellington and Auckland Mounted Rifle Regiments now in
No. 5 Section will rejoin the N.Z.  Mounted Rifle Brigade
in No. 6 section.
(b)  The 4th South Wales Borderers now in No. 6 Section will
rejoin the 13th Division in No. 5 Section.
(c) The 29th Infantry Brigade (less 2 Battalions) remains under 
the commands of Major-General H.V. Cox, G.O.C. No. 6 Section.
(d) The 5th (Australian) Infantry Brigade (less 1 Battalion) is
placed under the command of Major-General H.V. Cox, G.O.C.
No. 6 Section.
In consequence of the above re-allotment, the Troops in
No. 5 and 6 Sections will be as follows : -
NO. 5 SECTION  :   Brig-General J.H. Travers
13th Division less 3 Sections R Engineers.
N.Z. Infantry Brigade with Maori Contingent

NO. 6 SECTION  : Major-General H.V. Cox.
N.Z. Mounted Rifles Brigade.
No. 2 Field Company, N.Z. Engineers less 1
Field Troop, N.Z. Engineers.
29th Infantry Brigade less 2 Battalions.
Indian Infantry Brigade.
4th (Australian) Infantry Brigade.
5th (Australian) Infantry Brigade less 1

(Sgd.) W.G. Braithwaite Lieut. Col.
General Staff.

Force Attacking SARI BAIR.
Copies as under at 10 p.m.
Copy No.  1 War Dairy
                    2 & 3Records.
                    4 13th Division
                     5 1st Aust. Light Horse Brigade.
                     6  3rd  "         "           "           "


Copy No. 7 N.Z. Mounted Rifles Brigade.
                  8 7th Brigade, Indian Mounted Artillery. 
                  9 29th Infantry Brigade.
                 10 38th      "             "
                 11  39th      "             "
                 12 40th     "              "
                 13 N.Z.  Infantry Brigade
                 14 4th Aust. Infantry Brigade.
                 15 5th     "            "             "
                 16 C.R.A.
                 17 C.R.E.
                 18 A.D.M.S.
                 19 Senior Supply Officer.
                 20 O.C. Div. Train.
                 21 Anzac.
                 22 1st Australian Division.
                 23 A.D.C. (for G.O.C.)
                 24 ) Admin. Staff
                 26 Indian Bde


1. Reference xxxxxxx Force Orders No. 20, dated 22nd August 1915.
No. 1 Sub-Section area for purposes of organization, bivouacs,
sanitation, etc., is from its trenches to AGRYL DERE, vis- AUSTRALIA
VALLEY and surrounding (Squares southern half 92-S and western half
92-xxxx T)
No. 2 sub-Section Area for same purposes is KAIAJIK AGHALA defences
KABAK KUYU and S W B GULLY, with smaller gullies off it as far back as
northern half of 92-S and bottom of valley.
No. 3 Sub-Section - for same purposes is from Outpost Line KAIAJIK
AGHALA - SUSAK KUYU westward to ASMAK DERE and South to a line from
Section Head Qrs. westward to ASMAK DERE.
No. 2 Co. N.Z. Engineers will be responsible for the care of wells
in above areas, and also for keeping clear safe and in a sanitary condition
the main ARGYKL DERE from 4th Australian Brigade Area to ANZAC.
Infantry fatigues to be demanded from Section Head Quarters as necessary
2. Sub-Section Commanders will appoint a xxxx medical officer as
Sanitary Officer for each area (name, rank and address to be reported to
Section Hd. Qrs) and will see that he has at his disposal sanitary squads
from each corps in the sub-section.
(3) Latrines and filth pits are to be constructed by all troops at
once and kept efficient and sanitary. Latrines are not to be at bottoms
of ravines, or in or close to communication routes (except in trenches).
All surplus food, old tins, waste paper, etc., are to be thrown into
filth pits and covered with earth daily - every platoon must have its
Breaches of sanitary rules, such as using other places than a latrine
for that purpose are to be severely punished.
(4) W A T E R.  Subsection Commanders will make lists of wells in their
areas, have those not ready passed, examined, and tell them off to
troops in their sub-sections for use. A special officer is to be told
off for this until the system is in working order.
(5) Troops are not to be permitted to bivouac and sleep in communication
routes - which must be kept clear for passengers.
(6) The operations of the last few days have resulted in a large
quantity of arms, equipment, etc., being scattered about the country.
Sub-Section Commanders are to detail parties from reserve troops to
collect these and to bring them to a sub-section dump to be established
near main route of communication with ANZAC. This should be cleared by
return empty mules each night. Gullies and low ground can be searched
by day, high ground at night.
[[GWepy ??]]
Brigade Major, No. 6 Section. .

To/     Sub

G.O.C. No.  1/ Section....2.

     "         "    2       "       .... 2.

     O. C. No 3       "        ....2.

        "    29th Infantry Brigade.         1

        "    No.  2 Co. N.Z. Engineers     1

        "    14th    Sikhs.                            1

        "      1/5th Gurkhas.                      1

        "      1/6th      "                                1  

        "      2/10th   "                                 1      

        "      108 Ind. Fd. Ambulance    1

      Hd.   Qrs.  N. Z. A. Division.           1 .




Summary of events from 6 a.m. 22nd August to 6 a.m. 23rd August 1915
Unusually quiet.
Nothing of importance to report.
The Apex of RHIDODENDRON SPUR was subjected to its usual
shelling, and the work on the Knoll held by the enemy has been
gradually increased in height.
From the right, it is reported that several hundred
casualties were inflicted on the enemy, including this Mounted
Troops, during the last 24 hours.
The communication over the KAIAJIK DERE were improved,
and wire entanglement put out in front.
The South Wales Borderers continued consolidating the KABAK
KUYU Well, and the communication Trench to KAIAJIK AGHALA.
The 19th Battalion, 5th Australian Infantry Brigade,
constructed two works 1 Company each between SUSKA KUYU
and KAZLAR CHAIR, which will be completed to-night – these
are now occupied.
No continuous connection was established by the 30th Brigade
with our left at SUSKA KUYU during the night.
Heavy fire was heard in the direction of the CHOCOLATE HILLS
about 4. 30 a.m.
7th Indian Mountain Artillery Brigade.
Turks were caught in a Communication Trench moving towards
CHUNUK BAIR, and suffered heavy loss.
Fire was asked for between DEVISH ALI KUYU. 92 D. 4, and
TIKE CHESME 105 X, 5. This was reported as very useful, so
a slow rate of fire was kept up till noon.

No. 2 Post
23rd August 1915.


4th. Australian Inf. Brigade,
Australian Inf. Brigade.
Australia Valley.
23rd. August, 1915.
G. O. C.
No. 6 Section,
To indicate that the wishes of the G.O.C. Section as
regards the information of "young Australians" are being carried out, I
forward herewith copy of an order issued to my Post Commander, to which
effect is now being given.
Commanding 4th. Aust. Inf. Brigade.


4th. Aust. Inf. Brigade,
Australia Valley.
23rd. August, 1915.
Post Commanders. No. 1 Sub-Section of No. 6 Section.
Officers, N.C.O.'s. and men of 17th Battalion on being put into the
trenches for the first time are to have experiences Officers and old soldiers
of Fourth Brigade dispersed among them until they have been thoroughly
instructed in the following and similar matters.
1. Location of Fire, Support and Communication Trenches and their
local numbering.
2. Shortest routes to and from all important point s.
3.  Cleanliness and sanitation in trenches.
4. Improvements of trenches as to revetting, parapets. loopholes, recesses
and passing places.
5. Judicious and economic employment of sandbags.
6. Use of periscope.
7. Use of periscope rifle.
8. Bomb warfare in all its aspects.
9. Method of sharpshooter and observer with periscope working in pairs.
10. Organization of trench garrison, comprising sentries and supports,
and their periodical relief.
11. System of supply rations and water.
12. System of supply of munitions.
13. Location of post stores and reserves.

(Signed) John Monash, Brigadier-General,
Commanding 4th. Australian Infantry Brigade,

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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