Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 7, 22 August - 24 August 1915, Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SICNALS. C. Form. (Or No. of Message Reed. Sent, or sent out Office Stamp. Preti Meae From NL Collected Mean Slept Fne 3 1a1d one Returned Sence Ratnet Office at Handed in at the OC. PS Received nere a 228 70 1th tus WleSYTOMme a00 general tuation &our left is lows gad aoe knossell just as returned eski 4 over JoHALA paa Our sosition on KIA outhpt line appear extend from sen by SUSA Patch 4414, 1o much Genee issels hep pt to sextpasted he made his pesi und N in pospession Df the lorg ept rund ith and FROM PLACE TIME All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collecied on del MA AA M term, and the Met is and Meaded -Dencery. and Charses for Deiter
Army Form C. 2123. MESSACES AND SICNALS No. of Message C. Form, (Original). Sent, or sent out Office Stamp. Recd code Pretix NOm 3 Collected Mean 3 Paid out Distance Returned Service instructions. M Office at Received here at Handed in at the T0 FSenters Himber Day of Month. AAA till 1 ridge to6 Battalion 5tt pust anfBde hes been ordered all to ge Ms Daa squares 925 last hewy Te was attern four er it me apparent Turks ed a ret et eddres thant i t rese ap 206 4 Septions and p and FRON PLACE TIME the face of it ilampseaffired to All Porterage, Redirection, charges collected on paces peaded Delwery and term, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts Charges for Delivery M 20
Army Form C. 2121. Ar Form. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Charge Nor ada This message to on ale of: Olco of brow ond torms btruston. Sont Dervice to0t Ca A FAORN 13 D.C. T0 Bathes SeAlGtGKit LNAGHR AAA 22 S620 lowing for for attect t Sart filt not attact been his lauched Mo Genaat Stonast Place TimeO232 The above may be forwarded as now corrected. co This line should be crased I not required 8000 S. B. 14d. Wi. WasiaB-50,000. 9/1l. Forms CMIO.
wd 3 treugth of this of to submit the gation of my wing ha Tnbrest as that t esent right (ic. the left of B3 is tropy to and including the i Dere at the pount where the communicate such cut to the ense by me rast night This length of 1300 yards, measured along win line (lt that the sunrws of my chment of 500 who fomed part of Wew. San. o force lut night (estimated at not excuding 35 who is are mowo wit bank of Kaverick Der ale included in my above total of 1450 atie relieved by other troop as soon. tey inspective uit returned t es and as locals thost
C. Form. (Original). Reed Pretic Icoe n from Means A Distance Service instructions. Handed in at the 70 Sender & pumber app FROM PLACE TIME All Porterage, Redirect torm,. particulars of such Charges for Delivery MCACS Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SICNALS No. of Message Sent, or sent out Office Stamp. Words conected Paid out Returned Office ceived here a9 90 AAA eof im and
For Sinn Setice Hstct Handed in at the 70 FROM PLAC ATIM AII Cenerase, Redirer articulars Chures b Deme ecied on delivery are to be bought to ac mounts paid out are to be set forth in T. t M aed I aot required. Army Form C. 2123. Af MecE Office Stamp. rsent out Received here at AAA I to the lace of the Delivery
ACE! ME Original Rect from Service Metrct Handed in at the FROM PLACE TIME All porterse Redie nd the e Coleed o devery are to be be our are M aid SICNAI Sent. Army Form C. 2123. 10. of Message Office Stame Recsed-Dentery, and
Arm SAND SICNALS. MS, SHS Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out MON ner ta MID t Bl Conected Means 8D Paid out Distance Returned 424 Service instructions. I here at Office at Handed in at the MIIT AAA ofa FROM PLACE TIME he face of lecied on delivery are to be 6o All Porterage, Red er char ta the Sprice Nended ctrey and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set for term, a Charses for Dettrery This lne should be erased i not required.
to Recl 1 from Means Distance Senite Mistctons Handed in at the 70 Seaters Timber impossibl FROM PLACE TIME All PoNterase, Redirectior harses 1o cole ned on d t Bote 22 Collected Paid out Office at M. ACON Fan ceived here at OMCS SA pe affixed to the lace of Meaded -Dettery and
a ForM aras Fom C.VI. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Morte Charge - aale CauthongeASAM SANNNN This message is on alc of: sent a PAAOA Geneal T0 Hurselly TSteEGKE A MiNYBRS AAA BMSSH early seco we followings received from [OC 18th for (Begine to Have report that I have taken tranches but 150 yarss about owing to quormons losses in the gttach Guns enplading trenches machine and I was urable to hold same and trang beer frce to retrre to the GHYRKA French where I am now AAA St 1 impossible to shold poortion with remaining troops AAR Hplines has arrive with picks (Ends) tten Mo MONRSH Place JINO I/25 22 The above may be forwarded as now corrected. Migto fol Brn y the 2 iCatored Mor or nthe r nored to uont to This line should be crased I not required a.BlA ME. WISLSPIL-WNR, MIL. Fore CMIRA.

Army Form C. 2123.
C. Form. (Original).

No. of Message

from NZ 
By E Stephen

Prefix   SM       Code    BA    Words 151 


Means  Distance

Charges for Delivery


Paid out

Service Instructions.

Sent, or sent out

At .........................M.

By ..........................


at ...........................M.

Office Stamp. 

Handed in at the  NZ  Office at 0205 M.   

Received here at 0230 M.
TO  4th Aust Bde
Senders Number  G526   
Day of Month 22
In reply to Number.
A A A 
General Situation on our left is 
as follows AAA Genl Russell just 
returned from looking over his
position on KAIAJIK AGHALA  AAA our
outpost line appears to extend
from SUSAK KUYU by green
General Russells troops though much
exhausted can hold on but to
make his position secure it is
necessary to obtain possession of
the long communication trench
running north and south across



Army Form C. 2123.
C. Form. (Original).
No. of Message
Prefix   Code   words
Charges for Delivery
Paid out
Service Instructions.
Sent, or sent out
At     M.
at   M.
Office Stamp.
Handed in at the     Office at     M.     Received here at    M.
TO  2
*Sender's Number.    Day of Month.   In reply to Number.   AAA
ridge AAA To do this the 18th
Battalion 5th Aust Inf Bde has been 
ordered to SW Borderers Gully
Squares 92 S1 to 92 N8 AAA The
heavy firing late last night
was a counter attack by
Turks which was apparently
repulsed as no reports
received about it AAA addressed
3 or 4 sections NZ Inf Bde
4th and 5 Aust Bdes

FROM   NZ Report Centre


TIME            0202


"A" Form
Army Form C. 2121
No. of Message
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions
At     m.
This message is on a/c of
(Signature of "Franking Officer".)
Recd. at   m.
From   41

TO  OC      
13th  }
14th  }   Battns
15th  } 
16th  }
*Sender's Number SC20    
Day of Month  22
In reply to Number    AAA

Covering fire for attack must

not start till our attack
has been launched

From General Monash
Time 0230
The above may be forwarde as now corrected.
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name



Bm 866
As casualties and further sick evacuations
have now reduced total effective strength of
this Brigade to under 1450, I beg to submit
the following proposal for the reorganization of my
(a) that the my subsection ∧should extend from its present
right (i.e. the left of Bgd - General Cayley's troops)
to and including the Kaiajick Dere at the
point where the communication trench cut
by me last night ∧meets the creek. This is a total length of
1300 yards, measured along the firing line
(b) that the survivors of my detachment of 500 who
formed part of  Bgn. Genl. Russel's force last
night (estimated at not exceeding 350 & who
are included in my above total of 1450) ∧ who are now on opposite bank of Kaiajick Dere ^be
relieved by other troops as soon as favourable practical &
returned to me to supplement to the as a small
reserve for my subsection.  return to their respective units
as local supports.



Army Form C.2123.
C. Form. (Original).

Recd from NZ  By Code JA 
Handed in at the    NZ Office at    0905  M.  

Received here at 0912  M.
TO  4 A.I Bde
Sender's Number G 535  
Day of Month. 
In reply to Number. 
866    AAA 
Approval is given for the
return of the two platoons
17th Battn addressed 4th A I Bde
repeated General Cox

FROM  NZ Report Centre
TIME   0855


1050 am

C. Form. (Original)
Army Form C. 2123.
Recd. from N.Z.

Service Instructions.
Handed in at the     NZ  Office at 10.15   
TO 4th Aust Bde

*Sender's Number.
Day of Month.
In reply to Number.  
Our line runs through KAIAJIK
AGHALA  xx then xx GREEN PATCH in square

92 J to SUSAK KUYV aaa Right
[[?]] eleventh division is at
KAZLAK CHAIR and their line
extends through M of HETMAN
CHAIR to Hill 50 AAA
The gap between our left
at SUSAK KUYV and the
right of 9th Corps at KAZLAK
CHAIR is being filled by
sending ^[[?]][[?]] 5th Inf
Bde to Gen Cox's left



C. Form. (Original)
Army Form C. 2123.
TO  2

*Sender's Number
addressed all actions

FROM NZ  Report Centre

[[Time 16.10?]]



Recd. from 13th Bn
Recd 1124

Service Instructions. ZBJ 71
 Received here at  22/8/15M.


Day of Month.
Have to report that I
have taken about 150 yds of
trenches but owing to enormous
losses in the attack and 
machine Guns Enfilading trenches I
was unable to hold same
and have been forced to
return to the Goorka Trench where
I am now AAA It is





Day of Month.
impossible to hold position with
remaining troops AAA HOLMES has
arrived with Picks
Genl Russell informed
BM 884
JPMcG 22/8/15

FROM  O.C. 18th Bn


"A" Form.
Army Form C.2121.
TO  General Russell
Sender's Number
*BM 884
Day of Month
Twenty Second
The following Just received from OC 18th Bn (Begins)
"Have to report that I have taken 
about 150 yds of trenches but owing 
to enormous losses in the attack and 
Machine Guns enfilading trenches 
I was unable to hold same and 
have been forced to retire to the 
GHURKA Trench where I am now 
AAA It is impossible to hold 
position with remaining troops AAA 
Holmes has arrived with picks" (Ends)

Rotten. Eh!

AH Russell
Time 1125

JP McGlinn

Colonel [[?]] 4th Btn



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