Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 7, 8 August - 15 August 1915, Part 11

First World War, 1914–18
  • Fall of Singapore
Awaiting approval
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Bitiona Base Brigadd But nt l esexu 5 12 monach exerat 26 th rigade ir 10 pack ncule ending am 6 Hetelring d with the H R45 one Lualte t aight. 20 Just bosef. 1th at have two wilth hoping fer tit appitied Opr it Coppor F. setfd be will Baute maye supplied 14 B 3078 withI about 11000 A. requir any you enyel ope thet for send t sioned wen All an Hiches for Out sent Your bery letter pg 9 day to 6 wlle pl i or Mr nt 66
A C No. of Mcssag MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Words Charge Si Jso 12/0/1 This message to on a/e of: CMASEn naS SMMAS SIM S pay 20 eorfe Cee a o JD LereNYHT DT AA SAAEER AAA 231 ti Sport Summaty morning 12th Nothin of imprrtance Sections (Drr 85 on 314 was left of the lin no 6 ther 92 point onl wheehed np to a ppitit half 0 last R W way between the RABAK and first k of R1A718 whence the (Curkhes) establisher a across the open picpet line with right of 9H to Connect KAZALAR EHAIR HH corps at without Aifficull done not This heas The uncupnte of th owing to ps. The Kurkas positfio From Place The above may be forwarded as now corrected romone d aan or mn anoes to ceam. t. 1. C Can Som JT TOMCR MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No of Menaro Charge PrORE Cod unen TEEASSENEMMIN This message to on a/e of: Seron 12 SOMWNO OT FMNTHOT OMATY I SHEGEENE SAYAMon TteNYHT AAA also expir ncd some difficulty nectn wth the Bordhres owing to left Of W opposition out this has been g At O0 13t Bn (to see &ppss to 14 14th i 15 15t Return to 14t. 142 Miss to 14th Topts 164 return to Beky tgtee fou 1275 - RS the Place The Aor Man te Conveded asn crrated ad W A. A
ANA Lror Forn C.MM. No. of Messege MESSAGES AND SIGNALS 2. IWarts whor Reed. at This message is on a/e of: Enden MN MMCNN Dato O733 2 Dorvice t 8 17 RTSEENN TMMIE SCSN Auipabun 45 Drgade T0 EneeETR a CISSSEEN AAA defentive live 44 is Now Must we Levetop active Testaplister Systepatic and operations to Sniping enemye and to keep down gain superiority this Inteelves. and in in secitable Small posts Suipin positions in ront occupied Your live one or two selected Shots 10 best by aar they of effecting this mest have way fiell presses add We are also to reconitie and ordered report on enemge psitions to our front. ana Plase dernge for Sethes and reports etc in on the trenches your pront from the tthe thestm Centre of the ABAEL RAMMNI BRIA Dm KAMVIE DERE to te Brom GoC 6 Sect Place Hne - tAn anr b IMard a Ms Mat 12) tp Captan. COAIANNANMW WAM 1 11. CoM This lne should be arased I not requied. Ma A W AAEL
tt 1 30 Head Cs Frier Attacking SAx13 Short summary 6 am 12 Aug- Cam. 13g Section Turny continut mining trunces right cute eu inta countermine is bring pushed out. Pocct was again shreed, but little damage was done. suring the night the tarks wruansually actioe 104 Seition tithing to report N05 Sectuor smpeny i on the mnerure b saeps an ting taken to anlat it an Atillry forward observing office went to the0 sper, and ad good work in silencing 2 guns which were infilading our tw in that sacient from 30 BAIR the Tuks continue to dig energracally No6 Section The seituation withe legt thle dretun in as folonr The peration surnidout last night failed to captin the will at hagan huse appioling the SW. Boxscaces Ninches up to it. the right ofte eps nss on the Ckote Roads 3. p 32.4. anathe left of the Curtharat te k y t A31 Ai C4a1 tersis agap of about 200 Aturen Hem. In the iantie te sw ces ote D Dun patolled to kasakework the 19th os are tig moned to Oot 1
1 3062 P. C. Secken
A Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. TodMaare P One offrish and Serrice lustrctions This meesage is on a/e of Roed at an /2/8/13 4 Service A6 ow T0 MMnrS MTMIFAMNNT MMAPT /O/ o 70 4 coupt. Inppde. f H SnEDtt MAMon WEYHM AAA G215 12 Our live extends from Dumns, Popes itton- ask Bully to Bully But Sap therealong RUSSELLS TOP to NEK(OONE) round TURRS ROINT down WALHERY AIAGIE ertiy western end of MALONE AULLY(EEMI) Fen NERTTH-EAST through Nt of PorPacron SAZL/ BEIT DEHE about B in Boed up MCDODEWUTON SPOR To SON1 thence northwards through 30 57 running down Yor north-wert to 80015 tame to 8002 where it turns (EBT through the pert 1 in N.R. up to 9227 caince to 9222 1200 overlooking AS MA IDERE nidein a morthwestely direction through 9202 to 192.0.9 thin wertward 4890.09 where the remainder of the lefthas From Place Time 2 The Cite Mey to) now wreded ummint ConAM aWNN t t e i u mte UAPor Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. NodMaere Probr Codem.I Words Rood at In O Lorn and Serre Iaraon This meesage is on a/e 07: Dervice A0 To Fhittiog Ca SntGRAE OGAR trert tRint AAA been thrown forward by the S0PA WAlks taking up the like through 9204 to a point half-way between the lar& on NABAR and the prrt Kan RAATIH From this powt which over works ic the plains a (picquit) line held now by the 6 GAURHHS has bemnertab lisked to connect up with the right of the 19h CORP at 4424A4 Cact The inner lind in Ctc& soction has aloo been extended on the lift from from 92N7 to 961T bTI there were to the spur 9253 aaa of ddetach went of 100 mon was sent during the my it to strengthen the lyft flank Sinney defend No 56xcFlow extend my it from Bricorers Hied to the From The Aice may be sonened a Ms arriated MTNNN CoMEr - SIMAMINEO MMHEPEF OFMINUN AMIION T Uoe should be crued it not requred
AANSO Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIONAES. NO Of MasISE ca Charge Reed This message is on a/c of: oigd iion and tgone hmaons & Date Dervice From ) 20 Peete A Tranting MA FAA CttA MyARon AAA sea naa Onth whole a cuist mhd been spent a omping on the er beach still bad an the trungh at te heart of Papecin gatient rovede be ther H8isin preture to be known as CLL1LII or corred undence N2 1E1CI Hn BENORI, CEIIII Place 1953 The Clice Mey be Srrda aA (3) XXX S Wicermnn r. Co The the Chand to O tol an requred

4th Inf. Brigade Base Bivouac.
Reserve Gully.
To   General Monash.
4th  Inf.  Brigade.
Sir, I am sending pack mule
with one of the returning Hd Ltv's
Signaller at 20.30 tonight
with two boxes that have just
arrived for you, hoping they
will be of some comfort.
I have supplied 14th Battln
with about 1000 A.F.W 3078
envelopes, if you require any,
send for them.
All articles mentioned in
your letter are being sent out
 Respectfully. H Norman Young major
& mc 4th Inf Bgd. Base


Prefix SM     Code 65 p m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Recd. at     12/8/15  m.
Date           6  20 p
By                8
TO           4th  A  I. Bde 
Sender's Number  f 231        Day of  Month 12
Short Summary to 6 AM
morning 12th nothing of importance
in 3 4 9 5 Sections.   In
no 6 their left of the line was
wheeled up from point 92
0 7 to 0 point half
way between the last K of
KABAK and first K of KIAJIK
whence the Gurkhas established a
picquet line across the open
to connect with right of 9th
This was not done without difficulty
owing to the uncertainty of the
position of 9th Corps the Gurkas

Date             12/8/15
2          (13)

Also experienced some difficulty
in connecting up with the
left of SW Borderers owing to
opposition but this has been
put straight
OC 13th Bn To see & pass to 14th
       14th   "      "     "    "      "     "  15th
       15th    "      "     "  return to  14th
       14th    "       To pls pass  to 16th
       16th     "     "      "     return to Bde HQ
J P McG Lt Col
Bn           12 8 /15
From       NZ Report Centre
Time        1755


Date 0735 
By 12 8/15
To 4th Australian Brigade         4
Sender's Number.    Day of Month. 12   In reply to Number   AAA
Now that defensive line is
established we must develop active
and systematic operations to
keep down enemys sniping and to
gain superiority in this ourselves. aaa
Small sniping posts in suitable
positions in front of our line occupied
by one or two selected shots is best
way of effecting This aaa They must have
field glasses. aaa
We are also ordered to reconnoitre and
report on enemys positions to our
front. aaa Please arrange for sketches
and reports on the trenches etc in
your front from the xxxxx of the
thrree xxx farm Centre of the ABDEL RAHMAN
From  G.O.C.  6 Section
Time 0730
(Z)  G [[Wepys?]]  Captain.

Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.


78 Head Qrs Force Attacking SARIBAIR
Short Summary 6 am. 12th Aug - 6am. 13th Aug 1915
No 3 Section
Enemy continues mining towards sight centre of QUINNS
but a counter mine is being pushed out.
POPE’S was again shelled, but little damage was done.
During the night the Turks were unusually active.
No 4 Section
Nothing to report
No 5 Section
Sniping is on the increase, but steps are being taken to combat it
An Artillery Forward observing officer went to the RHODODENDRON spur, and did good work in silencing 2 guns which were Infalading our troops in that salient from ABDEL RAHMAN BAIR
The Turks continue to dig energetically.
No 6 Section
The situation on the left of the Section is as follows:-
The operations corridors last night failed to capture the
well at KABAK KUYU & to prolong the S.W. BORDERERS
trenches up to it.
The right of the IX caps rests on the CROSS Roads S. of 92 A.
another left of the[[ Gusthasal?]] the K of KASLAIR CHAIR
There is a gap of about 400 x between them. In the
mountains the SHERWOOD FORESTERS of the XI Dun
patrolled to KASLAR CHAIR
The 14th SIKHS are being moved to DAMAK JELIKBAD
[*Staff Ofcrs to see JP MCG  Lt Col Bn
14/8/15*][*JM  W.J.M.G*][*JMR*][*JRE*]


4 A.I.Bde
No. 6 Section.

14 8 75


"A" Form   Army Form C. 2121.

MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.  No. of Message.........

Office of Origin and Service Instructions

NZ Recd. at .......m

Date 12/8/15.

From ........By 8

To No 6 Sort 4 Cfist. Inf Bde. Recd 130012 8 75

Sender's Number. G215
Day of Month 12
In Reply to Number AAA
Our line extends from Quinns, Popes, Monash
Gully to Bully Buf. Sap
thence along RUSSELLS TOP to NEK (8ON8)
skirting western end of MALONE GULLY (80MI)
then NORTH-EAST through No1 Port across 
SAZLI BEIT DERE about 'B" in B ert
up RHODODENDRON SPUR to 80 K 1 thence
northwards through 80 F 7 running down
spur north-west to 80 D 5 thence to 80 D 2
where it turns EAST through the post "E"
in DERE up to 92 Z 7 thence to 92 Z 2
to 92.0.9 thence westward th-92.0.7
where the remainder of the left has

"A" Form   Army Form C. 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.  No. of Message.........
Recd. at ........m Date.........From  7 By ...........
To  2
been thrown forward by the SOUTH
WALES taking up the line through 92.04
to a point half-way between the last "K"
in KABAK and the first "K" in KAIATIK
aaa From this point which overlooks
the plains a picquet line held now
by the 6th GHURKAS has been established
to connect up with the right of
the 9th CORPS at KAZLAR CHAIR aaa
The inner line in No 6 SECTION has
also been extended on the left from point
92 up to 96 T 6-TI thence due west
to the spur 923 92 S 3 aaa A detachment
of 100 men was sent during the
night to strengthen the left flank
inner defence No 6 SECTION extending
it from BAUCHOP'S HILL to the


 "A" Form   Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.  No. of Message.........
Recd. at ........m
Date.........From  6
By ...........
To  3
sea aaa On the whole a quiet night
has been spent aaa Sniping on the
beach still bad aaa The trench. at
the head of RHODODENDRON salient
has been improved aaa Please note
this HQ is in picture to be known as
NZ REPORT CENTRE for correspondence

Place Time 0935
F W Braithwaite
 Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.



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