Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 7, 8 August - 15 August 1915, Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
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Ar Form. Army Form C. 2191. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Noof Me X ProkE Ao/ Wardes Cern Rood at This meat won de Cce of Moo and sorme horone mmmmm Sent Date O o A From 20 (Signature of Franking Ofcer AUS.RAAIAN. BDE 70 SteGMt PAT ASOS TEGBS AAA 1B40 10 begins to nob message dwn Section SULLA from Artillely horses 344 by be will veach moving road RESERY 01V to 1700 tomeh leaving SUVAA + They and will escoted be ASMAR fast DERE as as moun where escort will the he augit return of rses saa with 18 nr gune Please all fguetsaca watn addres Section repeated no No6 4 and ends tions as Please wast units. repron INDIAN. BDE Pace 19 35 FIMe The Cti Matts Coneren a no arriate (2) 14 Convor arn or o or e t t to re This line should be erased I1 not required )-NO. A CO. Iid, lonsen— WIIayANA TAzAN EA POMVARSIA.
DORCE ATTACKING SARL BAIR, O0rY No 12 i y POROF OR . 146 To a Po0l. HAEn Angust, ITS. L. DELARKATION LINE between Nos 4 and 5 sections runs as follows: Along southers slopes of wat is known as HAPPY VALLEY (80 x 4.s.8), thence along northern eage of mat is known as TURK'S POINT (s0 F 7) to North of BARY V00 (80 & s 4 s), thence in a North-easterly direction. No 4 section holds WALKER'S RIDGR, and RUSSELL's ror our. No 5 Section is reslondble for all ground north of the above line. MTOTUHESRGS ISTNUTRS (a) The first phase of the attack on the SARI BIR RiDOF has resulted in the occupation of a line CUIHts POST (80 s 7) - to so &or s0 &e through so 1, up to wat is known as RRODORENDRON RIDGE (so 71, to and including s0 K1. thence in a southwesterly direction down the spur 80 D 5t thence across AGHYL DERE, through 92 2 to 22 v 982. thence mears through 82 0 and 82 N6, through Point 40 In as N MNAK TELIK DAIR. (D) mis rosition must be at once strongly entrenched and held, as a prelude to further offensive operations. (o) mth a view to undertaking these as soon as possi- pie the C.o.C. the Forces attacking SARI MIL wienes Officers Commanding sections of the attack to at once con- duct as complete reconnaissance as possible of the eneny’s position and the arproaches to 1t. The areas of recon- naissance will be as followss. No 3 section, - SCRUBRY KNOLL (80 D) - BATTLESRIP KHLL (80 o. 2.3.S.) exclusive.
THE FM II (so Fs) BTHLESMIT MILL R Eseetien. 65 (80 0 a.s.s) ( (inciusive). BATTEESMIF KILL (se 6 a3s) exclusive - Ne 2 sectien. NEK paI A 4) between CHUNTK BIR, so re and the hill known as 9 (s1 4 2). Above IIK, exclusive - ROTA CHMEN TEPE He a seetien. (es vs) - ABML RANNAN BAIR (os L.R.V.). (Dete.— Ros 1 and & sections of the ANEAC Position are those occured by the ist Australian Mvision, attacking the Line GABA TNEH, Piatean 400 (6s 0) (a) te C.c.C. wishes to express to all units of the Forces his appreciation of the sallantry and devotion dis- played by the troops, which has made possible the ettainment of the line now occupied, It is due to their courage and determination that such a substantial advance has been made, and such a satisfactory position attained in so short a space of time. SONMN (a) the Rist and Retn Indian Mountain Batteries, Ritherto alletted to columns, are now placed under direct orders of the 0/6 7in Indian Mountain Artillery Brigade, (o) te Artillery allotted to, or available for, the attack on SARI BAIR is disposed as follows:- LEDLLLATI 1 section ist battery (ee Rs) This section shoots along the SARI BAIR RIDGE in an N.E. drection, covering the Northern slopes of the Ridge. LneSectien Second Battery.- PLUGGETS MATEAY shoots in the direction of Point 305, and covers southern alopes of Ridge. Atn Ramtrex Battern. one section one Jun Pivban’s FArEay one sun so 67 Last two to be noved to left Hank (02 v) mese howitzers have a field of fire over the mole ridge.
DANIRLIS RATTERY (composite) 10 A s. DALTRY'S RATTERY (composite) (ouns are of 58th Brigade, personnel nostly N.L.r.A.). Ouns fire ever the mole crest in Northern, Westem, and Southern slopes of CRUMUK BAIR. Six Inch Howithers (WALKER's RIDGR) - have an all round are of fire. B. Battery, 80 N 7 20tn Bae R.L.A. C. Battery, 80 v 7 D. Battery, 80 A 3. all-round are of fire. IEn INDLAY NOUNTALY ARTILLERY BRIGADE. dist (Kohat) N.B. - less one section - (0s 2 s) -less one section (80 D s) 26th (Jacobs) N.B. One Section Beth (Jacobs) N.B. - WALKERIS RIDGE. The above bring cross fire from 5th to 6th Section and vice versa. AUSTRALLAY DIYISIONAL ARTILLERY. All in old positions Pillips) Battery. in Secand Sections. Caddy's Battery. shoot along ridge, on NEX, BARY VOO, BATTLESRIP HILL, CMUNUK Browne’s Battery BAIR, and further up. W. C. Braithwaite, Lieut-Col. (simed) General Staff. Issued as underte. Bopy No 1, War Diary, 2 and 5 Records. 13th Division. Indian Bde. s9th Indian Bde. setn Bde. seth Bde. 40th Bde. 10. N.L.M.R. Bde. 11. N.L. Inf. Bde. 12. 4th Aust. Inf. Bde. 13. C.R.A. 14 C.R.E. 15, 0,6 7tn Bde, ind. Ntn Art. No 3 Section, 16. No 4 Section. 17 No 5 Section. 18 No 6 Section. 19 20 Anzac. 31 1st Aust. Mvision. 23 A.D.M.S. 23 A.D.C. to C.O.C. 24 0/6 Div. Train. 25 Admin Staff.
BP. Po DiSS L Fo SMR MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message— booned. Sent, or sent out Office Stamp. co or " " d. 4/8/1 Charges to collect Service Instructions. Sa CDS ORCDII M. RocorOdB LSo thist Bde 20 Te TMIS. De LIOST WSDSMSS aaa following messan from Division gi ix by intimates wnish Bortar X is ead E4 22 unist omples ot ind and dure day to wil as tcts that their added natural e sive us outend desire 46 Otorty ti walltous t ty O Deb 1u to pel -11, 8 11 FROM ndian e PLACESTIME The te Hidt Asd HastRnie (483e) M.R.Co.LAd. WLWISSIISTL SAO00 Pads DIS. Forma/CMI.
Aug. 11th 3 prm My dear Monach. Reference my telephons message as to move forward of left of line this evening. Please note that it will commence at 7. P.m. instead of 5 pm. as I told you. a pp Ca0 Youn Send Holok B9 I am somy that I cannot return the 100 men who are in 5th Garkha line at once. They shall come back to you as son as possible FJs Mand LAT FON SIRS , FMESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Mossage Charges to Pay. Office Stamp. 1/8/3 an eeon Be Handed in at RRECONEL X Houach Teneral 1 Des op ero o og. 1 aaa 44 the movemut arranget Si left our line will Hot Commece fiet 1900 4 FROM OC 110 PLACEATINE £e (AA8SD) M.R.Co,LEd. WL WASSSIIST 50,000
£ myes prergnt it 14 to Feflishing Moar from 244 front not k 1404 96p4 72 intrencan 42 Wticke exprt to our 14 6 opepati continuacs Slasg Rent sep from 62 8.40 4 fe MArgt 111 pif4 £1 P C A4E oir 14AH 424 4 WAN 2p21 fer 2fe7 binly 1164 15 4141e6 t a9/0 Lite wat 6e 4 N0 MCF ep L 2 $24 Tep 4 a ad woere they san 1722 any hem p42 yeeron FipC 4 at ar groygent o Lateh the t ens o pp 116 Ad An <X p24 90 nC lindx Main Te Wrh t t Dl 15 th $4 o 24 1 Mear
10. F C A JoS MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. AMossage Both OF PontOnt JORe S Received a o Charges to collect ln Service Instructions. X ARECONEA Handedinat X thast SO O NMROIT, DAYOTHSONR LWST TSNINSS aaa Krth Lunmen Nort Mo event anr nin wa Whish aar Leapr i aront 0532 redd A ent Appinst HODDDEYY Principall BAT CHUHUR and Spr Lon TARM add slope trak Lunhe me Turks Chent Pre corer of sukeped Mag See have rospes Tea heavt exporti Yavae Tun tand apliftent fire) who were making rexcelen pragtice ager part sucgeesed in Sc which we captured nende thay FROM nceamg atso pusher down stopes The thMentt Mnd HAMtMat CADSEL M.R.Co, Ltd. WEWASSSIIST 50,000 PadsWIS. Forms/OMB. 10. F e Army Form O. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message— Sont, Or Sentont /ORee Siamg. Received PrefE OodeWords From. Charges to collect Service Instructions. AROCONA BittesBar SettONSNSN TWOt TS SSSSS SATSNON aAa abovt but Yoors at and ssup three tete carp add past Turks so and epunu Dal slop never 100 and Yuns onr asall no see inflicks herof ae 2 died n aalternon hear Jac belop Cross N FROM 07 PLACEATIME TSMant Mn HAstM NTRISSD MRCo,LId. WE WISSSIISR S,O00 Peds- Dis. Farma/O.212.

"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.                                     
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.  No. of Message ......
Prefix ..... Code .....m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words Charge
At ........m.
To .........
By .........
This message is on a/c of:
106  Service.
(Signature of "Franking Officer")
Recd. at .............m.
Date... 10/8/15...
From .............
By ..................
*Sender's Number. IB40
Day of Month     10
In reply to Number -
Message divn to No 6 section begins
Artillery horses from SUVLA BAY
will be moving by beach
tonight leaving SUVLA at 1700
aaa They will be escorted
as far as ASMAR DERE
mouth where escort will
await return of the horses
with 18 pr guns aaa  Please
warn all piquets aaa Addressed
No 6 Section repeated No 4
and 5 Sections ends aaa
Please warn units.
necessary action taken,
13th & 14th Bn warned at 1 PM

From                  INDIAN BDE
Time                    1935
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
(Z) HIGellbd
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name. 



FORCE   ATTACKING SARI BAIR.                            
Copy no 12
0700 12 8 15
No 2 Post,
11th August, 1915.
 1. DEMARKATION LINE between Nos  4  and  5  Sections runs as
 "Along southers slopes of what is known as HAPPY VALLEY
(80 M 4. 5. 9), thence along northern edge of what is
known as TURK'S POINT (80 N 7) to North of BABY 700
(80 N 8 & 9), thence in a North-easterly direction".
No 4 Section holds WALKER'S RIDGE, and RUSSELL'S TOP
No 5 section is responsible for all ground north of
the above line.

(a) The first phase of the attack on the SARI BAIR
RIDGE has resulted in the occupation of a line QUINN'S POST
(80 S 7) - to 80 N 9:   80 H 9 through 80 I, up to what is
known as RHODODENDRON RIDGE (80  J), to and including 80 K 1 :
thence in a southwesterly direction down the spur
80 D 5:  thence across AGHYL DERE, through 92 Z to 92 U 962:
thence across through 92 0 and 92 N 6, through Point 40
(b) This position must be at once strongly entrenched 
and held, as a prelude to further offensive operations.
(c) With a view to undertaking these as soon as possible
the G.O.C. the Forces attacking SARI BAIR wishes
Officers Commanding Sections of the attack to at once conduct
as complete reconnaissance as possible of the enemy's
position and the approaches to it. The areas of reconnaissance
will be as follows:-
(80 0. 2.3.5.) exclusive.


                          (80 0 2.3.5) (  (inclusive).     
No 3 Section.  BATTLESHIP HILL (80 0 235) exclusive -
                            NEK 8(81 A 4) between CHUNUK BAIR, 80 F 9
                            and the hill known as Q (81 A 2).
No 6 Section.  Above NEK, exclusive - KOJA CHEMEN TEPE
                            (93 W 6) - ABDUL RAHMAN BAIR (93 L.R.W.).

(Note. - Nos 1 and 2 Sections of the ANZAC Position are
those occupied by the 1st Australian Division, attacking the
line GABA TEPE, Plateau 400 (68 C)

(d) The G.O.C. wishes to express to all units of the
Forces his appreciation of the gallantry and devotion displayed
by the troops, which has made possible the attainment
of the line now occupied.  It is due to their courage and
determination that such a substantial advance has been made,
and such a satisfactory position attained in so short a
space of time.

(a)  The 21st and 26th Indian Mountain Batteries, hitherto
allotted to columns, are now placed under direct orders of
the O/C 7th Indian Mountain Artillery Brigade.

(b)  The Artillery allotted to, or available for, the
attack on SARI BAIR is disposed as follows:-

N.Z. Div. Art.

1 Section 1st battery (80 R 5)

This section shoots along the SARI BAIR RIDGE in an N.E.
direction, covering the Northern slopes of the Ridge.
One Section, Second Battery. - PLUGGE'S PLATEAU
shoots in the direction of Point 305, and covers southern
slopes of Ridge.
4th Howitzer Battery.
One Section (80 Q 5)
One gun 80 Q 7
Last two to be moved to left flank (92 W)
These howitzers have a field of fire over the whole ridge.


DANIEL'S BATTERY (composite)     ) 30 A 3.
DALTRY'S BATTERY (composite)     )
(Guns are of 58th Brigade, personnel mostly N.Z.F.A.).
Guns fire over the whole crest in Northern, Western, and
Southern Slopes of CHUNUK BAIR.
Six Inch Howitzers (WALKER'S RIDGE) - have an all round
arc of fire.
69th Bde R.F.A.        B. Battery,    80 M 7
                                     C. Battery,    80 U 7
                                     D. Battery,    80 A 3.
all-round arc of fire.
21st (Kohat) M.B. - less one section - (92 Z 2)
26th (Jacobs) M.B - less one section (80 D 9)
One Section 26th (Jacobs) M.B. - WALKER'S RIDGE.
The above bring cross fire from 5th to 6th Section and vice
Phillips') Battery.      ) All in old positions
Caddy's Battery.       ) in Second Sections.
Browne's Battery     )
shoot along ridge, on NEK, BABY 700, BATTLESHIP HILL, CHUNUK
BAIR, and further up.
(signed)  W.G. Braithwaite, Lieut-Col.
General Staff.
Issued as under to
Copy No 1, War Diary,
                 2 and 3 Records.
                 4, 13th Division.
                 5,  Indian Bde.
                 6,  29th Indian Bde.
                 7,  38th Bde.
                 8,  39th Bde.
                 9,  40th Bde.
                10, N.Z.M.R Bde.
                 11. N.Z.Inf. Bde.
                 12. 4th Aust. Inf. Bde.
                 13, C.R.A.
                 14 C.R.E.
                 15, O/C 7th Bde, Ind. Mtn Art.
                 16, No 3 Section,
                 17  No 4 Section.
                 18  No 5 Section.
                 19  No 6 Section.
                 20  Anzac.
                 21  1st Aust. Division.
                 22  A.D.M.S.
                 23  A.D.C. to G.O.C.
                 24  O/C Div. Train.
                 25  Admin Staff.


"C" Form (Original).   Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.    No. of Message .......
Prefix EF    Code CC    Words .......
Charges to collect  £   s.    d.

Received From LBK

By Copeland
Sent, or sent out 
At .......
To ....3......
By ..........

Office Stamp. 

Handed in at LBK Office 1515  m.  Received 1523  m.

TO             4th   Aust   Bde

*Sender's  Number JB44
Day of Month 11th
In reply to Number 

Following message from Division
begins as already intimated
tonight is an important
Mohommedan festival, aa
Precautions to meet a turkish
attack should be complete
aaa The festival lasts
for three days and during
that time fanaticism will
be added to their natural
desire to drive us out  ends.
To all Bns JP McGlinn Lt Col 11 8 15
OC Bde Sigs DM
Staff Ofcrs GRG 
to see JPMcG  Lt Col 11/8/15
FROM Indian Bde 1450



Aug. 11th

My dear Monash,

Reference my telephone message as
to move forward of left of line - this evening -
Please note that it will commence at 7.p.m. 9 pm see dso(1)
instead of as I told you.
Yours Sincly
H.V. Cox

I am sorry that I cannot return the 100 men who
are in 5th Gurkha line at once.  They shall
come back to you as soon as possible.

"C" Form (Duplicate).    Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS    No. of Message ......
Charges to Pay. 
£   s.   d.
Office Stamp.                                                     
11/8/15 BG
Handed in at ........................ Office ..............m. Received .............m.
TO General Monash
Sender's Number G 100
Day of Month 11th
In reply to Number


The Movement Arranged
on left of our line will
Not commence till 1900.

FROM G.O.C. No. 6
PLACE & TIME  1650




In order to prevent the enemy's snipers
from establishing themselves along our
front, and also to prevent him from
entrenching, the whole of the country
to our front must be kept under
close and continuous observation
from our trenches throughout day
and night.  Wherever, along our
line, present trenches are so placed
that the lower country to our
front is not visible from our
trenches small observation posts
(one N.C.O. and three good shots) with
field glasses are to be pushed
forward to points where they can
observe and where they can bring
fire to bear on any enemy snipers
or movement.  Later, these 
observation points are to be
connected by trenches to our
main line.
JP McG  Lt Col
1030  12 8 15 
By   order to
OC  1  Post  
         2   "
         3    "
Section Reserve


"C" Form (Original).    Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message ........

Prefix .....Code  HB     Words xx
Charges to collect £   s. d.
Service Instructions.


From         NZ      

By    Copeland 
Sent, or sent out
At    8.55 am   
To ......
By ......
Office Stamp.          


Handed in at    NZ   Office.......m.  Recd. 0852  m.

TO          Aust   Inf   Bde

*Sender's Number G 213 

Day of Month 12th 
In reply to Number

Short Summary morning tenth
to morning eleventh aaa
Heavy Turkish attack was
delivered about 0530 directed
principally against RHODODENDRON 
spur CHUNUK BAIR and down
the slopes of FARM aaa
Turks massed in great numbers
under cover of Chunuk Bair
aaa   Must have suffered
very heavy losses coming
over ridge as exposed to
artillery and naval gun
fire who were making excellent
practise  aaa   Turks succeeded in 
recapturing trenches on CHUNUK BAIR
which we captured ninth they
also pushed down slopes

 "C' Form (Original).    Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message .....
Prefix ..... Code ..... Words .....
Charges to collect £   s.   d.
Service Instructions.
From .....
By .....
Sent, or sent out
At  .............m.
To ................
By ....................
Office Stamp.

Handed in at ...................  Office ................m. Received ..............m.
 *Sender's Number
Date of Month
In reply to Number
above farm but further
advance stopped by troops
on rhododendron spur and
three spurs below farm aaa
Turks also pushed down W
slopes of Chunuk Bair and
were taken in reverse by
our artillery and machine guns
from No 4 section which inflicted  
heavy losses  aaa  Turkish attack
died down about 1100 aaa  In  
a afternoon forward trenches
below farm vacated - owing to heavy
cross fire to which they were subject
FROM          NZ   Div   0750



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