Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 7, 8 August - 15 August 1915, Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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C.M. Form A. 88. ArForm Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Messaga. Ell M Calb / onty Ctt Reed. AtM. This message is on a/e of: Ofice of Origin and Service Instructions Dent Dervice Aleonomonn II 2 m DOm om BS BrtoA Ft O Mynde Meap 20 th Mgne OAANONE SnutoMME WTENGWM AAA sether Sir party 16th febat up Henche to day Fnow this they use suppled well with bearen wide Kenver lafer - the am o Cot Pope tred have been officer stiped M E.R. White L.H.FI last Place Time 14.Pitat 101 The above may be forwarded as now corrected (D) Censor. Srtrod hosrar or rowon inmorned to becrrast to No mr This line should be erased I not required. DINI, OM
Eperation order a4 Copy 3 br D f HV cox command ug 1/20 186/ Sicton anzac disence Pesitions taken up fo with 10th 11 will, he as follows 39th Injantry Bbe which include 4t K.O. Lanes Rex) minus one Rataltion flus my Connouft Ranes Lie. Farm inclusios along edge of three ouurs and accress to 5t Tukla Right (ag. Line adered to be taken up esterday s 190 9th And IB 54 wshas, aand las 4th Aushalian L Bot-stand pd abone katalion in reserve near their ling and ready to move hat notice, orderly at at Ho gro 4t St Wales Borderers Stans fast Sikho Reserve in second 13 trenches on 5th In Kha right gand ready to isoid te 10 oe Battal 39t Ber reservei second line trenchs from 14th Siphs Right to Fully 1 Verkhas - reserve in 2n0 fine Trenched from Pilly to Table 10/3 Hill Hagalatt Connought Rangmon mme in fitly ley bmve ahatntie. orderly at fn Cox Hagrs. 6th Eurkhad in reserve in rear of Lett pank St Wales Baderer and is fins twwo piquite of one company cach betwien S.WBS Left and the sea No 2 Coy N.L.R.B, in reserve in bisouac Para 2. all pillies and kavines near our lim must be carefully searched for supers and sial tes of mary before dark 2451
12 A8S IHE WOHIH kaw such navines as leaw behween lines hard by h wint i be iquated by untral anganger during night Gh 1600 Cptain Disteiow
4 4 2 Roe oft doct ts atpact 6 opy ofp con 4 mnet Support want 44 flact th Also from Anafact Tht t 4 645 Salt 18
t 5 Datu Fror SE. MOOce carter to be Cie seen I have e that were is nid inforig danger dt all, the Purks are ass of the nart our trench at all machine Fun (is not every our trensh as repoed infitating am awaiding instructions 10/8/15 al ha 1730 No 914 Flatsons to
fiverly throneg tne w epsn 2. ]major R. Rafkeine/ D.S.0) Tias quitting Meh moring down ridd of Hill nto Culler at foot of 10th and our extrem seft 99A we are upable to reply wich Iire god maching sun is playing aand lop of our carapet and a mumber of smper are fering alsd 481. 14500 I euss observed abut 20 surs in oner & tve leaving rench on reight & moving down near OROCeR aaQ Kualacelable Hanted in to Adj 10/8/15 1441 wor 4 10/2 apy. Te pitation tem Locatech from no t. Obsrantion Post (Mr Macdelmeds) French is now Ivrlig high explisive shells along from of my Brencles. tim puiton teeted fon topenation foet ao (followy. Kdage Loue suck bat tru 712 Oclock 200 yards in rear lae of sernt right edge of same (2 Guns pudication, nre is1500 yards from Obs Rost. pit possible for an artilleng officer tBhc look at thifo te fram the place where repuned seen N Syactont 19 o t5
M foot No EgBde secton of Dep c ao 10.8.1 e on in gaented er order ang ga Monase read and explain toa Fer lore is organient as pllows Right Detdw Hainy r 10 NAEed l in r Ii Frence 24 evn f amyg 2 uppor 29 4 Fatigues 24 unng ln accosed to bmext n of compeent i pecial perse of te officer on our During duty insuppor equpment anise be kept wandy asest it may be put on at any ham. within two inmenles During dut on Farges men y 3on mhay be ptepred for drawnyg danty rations and water; also for working partied as requires (ent Taycor, Mc Panson & Npod are detarled for pefp Section. Land Toyers will arrange ant one officer at egast shall always be sert and superr ti Dn e Right seption (ee folcowing will for a song of onty 24ee o4ce Ma Mar Seann +12091600 o0£ 9800 LHare 4p 1640f 7000 8200 1200 45 Dat& Eage 20p9p400 works of pumanent iprovment will be organised. Ferbse will be carried sut wnd pmno of oton C. Desare poar is peace nde command of few Grapes, will ian Adams, OAMS. Nichyleg &J alle BIATamD
2 Wee kanks fre enjoyined use the wpos seg i are dejency of the port, not one by stubboud rigatingin accordance with the Bapiyons of t sixteently) but also by constant spadd work for the ereing Pes ae Poat N.Q. ary if cnpre of 181 Sesm 410 OPNO sesned to all officers or 1830 ye Knth

“A" Form.       C.M. Form A.89.
 Army Form C. 2121.

MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.  No. of Message ....













This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at m.
From    92
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.


TO    Brigade Major
 4th  A.I.F.  Brigade

* Sender's Number. Day of Month. In reply to Number A A A                                                       

I took a stretcher  party
behind 16th up to 16th trenches
this day & now they are
well supplied with bearers under
Capt Kenny, who arrived later.
Col Pope & Med Officer have been

From  E.R. White   Capt.     3rd L.H.F.A.
Time   14. o'clock     10/8/15

The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.

D.210/9.13.-C.9258.             * This line should be erased if not required.


[*Copy 3
Operation Order No

10th August
by Bd Gen H V Cox commanding  
No 6 Section Anzac defences

Positions taken up for night 10th 11th
will be as follows
39th Infantry Bde, which includes
4th K.O. Lancs' Regt) minus one
Batallion plus Lxzy Batallion
Connought Rangers & Linc. Farm
inclusive, along edge of three
spurs and across to 5th Gurkha
Right (viz. Line ordered to be taken
up yesterday) 
5th Gurkhas, ^plus 100 4th Aust IB stand fast
4th Australian Inf Bde - stand fast
about but one Batallion in reserve near
their line and ready to move
at short notice, orderly at Gen
Cox' Hdqrs -
4th Sth Wales Borderers Stand  fast
14th Sikhs - Reserve in second 
trenches on 5th Gurkha right

and ready to assist them
one Battalion 39th Bde reserve in
second line trenches from 14th Sikhs
Right to Gully
10th Gurkhas - reserve in 2nd Line
Trenches from Gully to Table Top
Half Batt Connaught Rangers in
reserve in Gully - ready to move
at short notice - orderly at
Gen Cox'  Hdqrs -.
6th Gurkhas in reserve in rear
of Left flank Sth Wales Borderers
and to find two piquets of
one company each between
S. W Bs Left and the sea
No 2 Coy N.Z.R.E. in reserve
in bivouac

Para 2.
All Gullies and Ravines near
our lines must be carefully
searched for snipers and small
sorties of enemy before dark


and such ravines as lead between
Lines held by two units to be
piqueted by mutual arrangement
during night.


To C.O. 4th Inf Brig
No 3 Post
Turks approaching down
slope opposite in considerable
numbers -
Support wanted in Right
Also shelling us from

Lindsay Clarke
A Coy
13th Battn
14/  10/8/15


C.O.  13th Battn
From Lt E. Moseley

I have seen Lieut. Carter & he
informs me that there is no
danger at all, the Turks are not
near our trench at all, & the
enemy's Machine Gun is not
infilating our trench as reported
I am awaiting instructions

E.Moseley Lieut
No 9 & 10 Platoons


From:- Lieut K.W.Crabbe  
To:-  Major R. Rankine D.S.O.
Turks quitting trenches
moving down side of Hill
into Gulley at foot of 13th
and our extreme left.  AAA.
We are unable to reply
with fire, as a machine Gun
is playing along top of our
Trench Parapet, and a number
of snipers are firing also  A.A.A.
LATER.-  Just observed
about 20 Turks in ones &
twos leaving trench on
right, & moving down near
K Wallace Crabbe Lt

Handed in by Adjt
14th Bn    10/8/15


To:-   Adj.  14th  Battalion.
— . —
Gun Located  from No.1. Observation
Post  (Mt. Macdermids) Trench is
now Firing high explosive shells
along front of my Trenches. -

Gun position reported  from Observation
Post as follows. -
"Large Lone Thick Oak Tree
"12 o'clock 200 yards in rear -
"Line of Scrub - right edge of
"same 2 Guns"
Indication Tree is 1500 yards
from Obs. Post.
Is it possible for an
artillery officer to have a
look at this position from
the place where reported seen.

K Wallace Crabbe Lt


Outpost No. 1
4th Inf. Bde Section of Defence
No 1 (By Lt Col. Pope Commdg) 10.8.15
1.  The Post is established under orders by
Brigd Genl. J. Monash V.D. which have
been read and explained to all Officers.
2.  The Post is organised as follows:-

Bn  Left Right Detached 1/5 Ghurkas
14th     Post
Garrison 100 rifles 50 rifles 50 rifles  
    2 M.Guns
M.G Section

3.  Garrisons will be told off in reliefs
In Trench   24 hours  } commencing
In Support 24     "        } 8.0 pm

Fatigues     24     "        } today
During duty in trench men are only
allowed to divest themselves of their
equipment by special permission
of the officer on duty.
During duty in support equipment
must be kept handy so that it
may be put on at any time
within two minutes.
During  duty on Fatigues  men


3 ctd. may be utilised for drawing ammunition
rations and water;  also for
working parties as required.
4. Lieuts Taylor, McPherson & McLeod
xxx are detailed for Left Section.
Lieut Taylor will arrange that
one officer at least shall always
be alert and supervising Section.
In the Right Section the following
will be the tour of duty:-
Major Margolin }     2400 - 0400
& Lt Black            } & 1200  -  1600
 Lt Harwood      }      0400 - 0800

& Lt Jeffrey         }      1600  - 2000
 Lt Day                 }      0800 - 1200
& Lt Edge            }      2000 - 2400

5. Works of permanent improvement
will be organised. These will be
carried out under supervision
of Officer on duty
6. Detached post is placed under
command of Lieut Ahearn, with
Lieut. Adams, & Q.M.S. Nicholls & Sergts
Allen & Rennie specially detailed


7. All ranks are enjoined to
use the utmost energy in
the defence of the post, not
only by stubborn fighting  in
accordance with the traditions
of the sixteenth, but also by
constant spade work for the
strengthening of the Post.
8. The Post H.Q. are in centre of
Left Section.

Lt. Col
O.C. No 1 Post.

Issued to all officers on Post
1830. 10 8 15




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