Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 7, 8 August - 15 August 1915, Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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C.K. For A SCO Army Form C2128. Na of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. OPom. Bo Ohico BA Inquiries respecting this Message, or application for repetition of the same, may be made at /B the Delivering Office; but any complaint as to its delay, &o, should be made in writing and addressed to the officer in charge. In either case this form must accompany such inquiries or complaint J.H. 2 C Serres Bittbors to my Received here at Office at Honbed in at b Bd 20 LNGWNE Das a h Senter, Number AAA of rank 6/ 200 five section 1 16 G ans FROT PhACE TIM 144 Der
4 D A tt 8. O Present Conpition takon reports to M Am Section anot yeu i N.O N2N Dw.
1 Pon B AoT FPOM SA MESSAGES AND S. ANALL No. of Message Received Sent, or sentout Office Stamp. Prte 1 A Words Charges to collect Bervice Instructions. Handedin at RRECONEA Pondero Minber DA ASOR TrSWNANDS aaa W7 eneiy Goins an have am ty captare trook brigot 600 Nat FROM PLACEATIME 1600 This line should be crased if not required. (84832) M.R. Co. Lid. Wi. WssssIOrS. 50,000 Pads-Dis. Forms/ C.2123. A FOT O.SA 2 Cr No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Words/ Charge ra w Office of Origin and Service This message is on ase of: 6 service From eSAtA O FAAHN OAAN Y/BS 16th 1on 14t Bn 12th 15th Mit Hr. Stagy 1 SeAtGETH WrerGtHA MTASEN AAA BM 665 right guns report What Enemy tergent have any Maxyns and trdgs Captred in been Baga Battation Your HQ.40any Bd tlino RAIE Bde Mator Hustoaki Valley T 18No The above may be forwarded as now corrected. WNttim to fol 18n Com. Contrea pormor m on tred to vo t. A This line should be crased I not required
Te Pon Ar FTOM SR. MESSACES AND S. ANALL No. of Mossast Received Sent, or sentout Otlco Blamy. PrefizCode Words £8 ide Charges to collect Service Instructions. Handedin at O ARCCONEA SeAetSNA D a Sent LleST TSSANDO aaa who enemy Goins have an in D roosl tee 1 Mya Di FROM PLACEATIME) 1601 Te tsAt be Aand HAACAA (24832). M.R. Ca, Lid. WI. WSsslOr 50,000 Pads-V1s. Forms C.2123. 246 X1 H2.40 importubeliy nore RAIE 2/0/15 0 Bde Mator Mistoaki Valley T 18No The above may be forwarded as now corrected. HWilstims to fol 1on cam. <a t t a w This line should be crased I not required

C.M. Form A 89 (b).
Army Form C2123.
C Form.  (Duplicate)   MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.     No. of message......... 
Inquiries respecting this Message, or application for repetition of the same, may be made at the Delivering Office ; but any complaint as to its delay, &c., should be made in writing and addressed to the officer in charge.  In either case this form must accompany such inquiries or complaint.    

Office Stamp 
Service Instructions.                   Charges to pay}       £  s.  d.
Handed in at the                             Office at     M.              Received here at 1450  M. 

TO                                  4th   BDE
Sender's Number.            Day of Month.           In reply to Number.      AAA
five Officers 200 other ranks
& M G section with two

FROM   15th BN
TIME 1448


H.Q. NZ&A. Div.
Reference my conversation with G. O. C.

today, as an index of the present condition

of this Brigade, G. O 15th Battalion reports having

mustered only 5 officers 200 other & M.Gun Section.

AAA Returns from other Battalions not yet in.



"C" Form (Original)                                                                  Army Form C. 2123.

MESSAGES AND SIGNALS        No. of Message...............                                                                                

Prefix  SM   Code AB   Words 27
From 2C
By GA Auden
Sent, or sent out
Office Stamp.
£       s.      d.
Charges to collect
Service Instructions.
Handed in at  NZ          Office..........................m.    Received 1815 m.

TO                  4th A Inf Bde

*Sender's Number       Day of Month              In reply to Number        AAA

NZG54                                  8

Please report what enemy guns

and maxims if any have
been captured by troops in

your brigade nza  Divn 1600



PLACE & TIME       1600

*This line should be erased if not required.

(24932). M.R.Co.,Ltd. Wt. W9668/1672.  50,000 Pads–1/15.  Forms/C.2123

"A" Form.

Army Form C. 2121.

MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.       No. of Message ________

Prefix __________  Code _________m.




At _______________m

To ______________

By ______________

This message is on a/c of:

______________________ Service.


(Signature of "Franking Officer.")

Recd. at _______________m.

Date  76

From ______________

By _________________
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.

TO                14th Bn                                             16th Bn
                      15th "    nil TPMcSharry Capt   13th "

*Sender's Number           Day of Month          In reply to Number          A A A
BM665                                  Eighth                      N

Urgent report What Enemy guns
and maxims if any have

been Captured by troops in 
your Brigade Battalion

HQ 4th Inf Bde

unfortunately none

came in our way.

H Pope
Lt. Col
Coy 16th Bn. AIF


From Bde major

Place Australia Valley

Time 1840

8/8 15

The above may be forwarded as now corrected.



(Z) J P McGlinn

Lt Col BM

Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name
*This line should be erased if not required.


"C" Form (Original)
Army Form C. 2123.


No. of Message____________

Prefix SM  Code AB  Words 27


From 2C

By GA Auden

Sent, or sent out

At ___________m.



Office Stamp.

Charges to collect    £   s.   d.
Service Instructions.
Handed in at NZ Office____________m.  Received 1815 m.

TO 4th A Inf Bde

*Sender's Number

Day of Month

In reply to Number


Please report what enemy guns

and maxims if any have

been captured by troops in

your brigade nza Divn 1600

BM 666




*This line should be erased if not required.

(24932).  M.R.Co.Ltd Wt. W9668/1072 50,000 Pads-1/15. Forms C.2123. 


14thBn Nil. J Cooper Capn

15th Bn No Guns captured whatever

FV Thompson Lt

HQ 4th Inf Bde

unfortunately none

came in our way.

H Pope

Lt. Col

Coy 16th Bn A I F


From Bde major

Place Australia Valley

Time 1840

8/8 15

The above may be forwarded as now corrected. (Z) JP McGlinn Lt Col BM

Censor.  Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name

*This line should be erased if not required.



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