Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 7, 8 August - 15 August 1915, Part 15

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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can. (2) 82 S 13th Mvision (less 4th s. Vales Berderers) 29th Britiah Brisade (leas 664 leinster Regt. NoL. Mounted Rifles Brisate Ne. 1 Company, N.L. Engineers N.L. Infantry Brigade Maeri Contingent. Ba No. 2 Company, H.L. Egineers 4th S. Wales Berderers Indian Brigade an (Australian) Infantry Brigade. (50d.] V.s. Braitmaite Hent. Col Bc Issued at 6 pan. as under copg tomo War Dary Recorde 17th Dvisien Indian Brigade 29th British Brigade 36th Brigade 39th Brigade 4oth Brigade 10 N.L.K.K. Brigade 11 N.2. Inf.Brigade Ath Auet. Inf.Erigade C.R.A. C.RoBo A.D.M.S. senier Supply Officer OfC 7th Brisads, Indian Etn. Art. Ne. 3 Section No. 4 Section Ne. 5 Section Ne. 5 Section Aanae 1st Aust.Mv. A. B.C. For 6.0.C. O.C. Mv. Train. Admin.Staff. Poteletefetofetefetetosetet
Orders for No. 6 Section by Br-General H.v. Cox.0h.,6.5.1.. Indian Under instructions received from N.C.A. Division, the Brigate willhove to the left tenight, as beley, and take up a lint from the left of the S.x. Borderers to KALAR CHaIR, 1.c. the right of 9th Cerps. This line vill be entrenched near the S.x. Borderers and a piegnet (entrencked) line acress the low ground. the 14th siths will leave their present pesition at 8-30 p.m. and moving by the AGHYL DERE Hala will turn off at S.T.B. Gully and will take up a line of trenches to S. and S.N. OfYEKEK KUEwell to close the gap now existing between the left of the S.x.N. and the right piaquet of the 5th Curthss. the 10th Gurkhas will leave their present position at 9 p.m. 3. and march down the AGMYL DEim at the bettom a 6th Gurkha guide will meet then and take them to So.3 Pisquet. The Regiment will furnish Be.3 Fiequet and another (so.4) of 1 company each (Fiequet & support) between No.5 and EAELAR CAAIR getting into touch with the right of the 9th Corps. the 6th Gurkhas will retsin Nos. 1 and 2 Fiecuets. The 8th Gurthas will be is reserve near Brigade Bd. Ors. (at smare 92-4-4-7) and will march down the AGEYL DERE to that place as soon as relieved in their trenches by troops of Genl. Cay-- ley's Brigade. They will, send 1 Company st 8-30 p.m. to escort and guard Brigade Ed. Crs. from present pesition to nex Head rs. 4. Every Battelion poring will carry water tine with it to its new bivouses to eneble it to use the wells. The l00 pen frew the itn Instrallan Infentry Brignds whe form a reserve to the 1/5th Curkha Rifles vill rejoin their unit. The right of the Australian Brigade will be taken to be the left of the trench petually occupled by the 5th Surkhas, 1.c. the right of the party of 70 Austrelian Infantry who are in the same vulley as the 115th Curkhas and who hold across the rasor edged ridge inclusive and will be the right of the section commanded by Br-General Cox which will inelude the following treops :- 4ths Auawralien, Brigude. 4th South Gales Borderers. Indian Brigade. Ertp AGRYL DERE. 15-8-15. Brigade Major, Indian Brigade. OKAENK KUYU Gob 4t Averation IIde
AO. Pon DIS Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No of Message Sent, or sent out Othco Blomy. Received at Words FoBI " " Charges to collect a Service Instructions. -m. Received 620 Handedin at. enerdl TWOSSWSHSNSS Bendero Minder DAT SISNN AAA relieving Rec the fantry begin p 2 to O T Bm Mx Bde po 184 FROM Bestion PLACESTIME The tsMenb Fisst HestM JMn AACanl Mmsion, Amrar M. TomtM.
tenteduto a put nt S. Andgo Vacte Junre 12757 150 p A 1 26 2am ets6 d mening t parion of the abefences in 4 fre vicinity o our present popiion will be re-orgoinine as follows 206 Sicken o Legends will have its R16HT Lesting on te LEFI of SRO-CEN EAYLEYS BSICA M some to in fe gigenity o7 902/ 9 9. yut its cxrat pcation will be rofied ater 30) honever the point on the Right plank of the grand of 20 man ( the 16th Battalion, who recently occupied the left French held by the 5th FORKHAS The line (axtends from this point through oun present position in the direction of H00 HeYA WEII and the DAi the irection A92LAR OAIR. suring his night such will eetabliett aay (cores in 15 (ordionty o the lader fefacg of 4 Becd $/26/0/904400 up Choi of 4th Kust nd Brigae n their present poaition 4th Swpertin t our 1.106 det Dans Dtigade £1I ething fGP Sectien) the taposon 2 4 Ind Brigade Supt. will ham as at present tt ft st. Pat Brigale mayor pn nt tt o Sety Heser 47 op t Apy 4 13
TO Pow Onsiaa AT PONOMSD. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No of Messago Office Stamp. Charges to Pay. " d. -m. Received 54 Office Handedin at. th ust CIOSSWSSNN CgrR DATOSONN aaa then ter k an £o Deen al FROM PLACES TIME 121832) M.R.Ca., Lid. WE WSSSSIST 50,000 Pad.


13th Division (less 4th S. Wales  Borderers)
29th British Brigade (less 6th Leinster Regt.
N.Z. Mounted Rifles Brigade
No. 1 Company, N.Z. Engineers
N.Z. Infantry Brigade
Maori  Contingent. 

No. 2 Company, N.Z. Engineers
4th S. Wales Borderers
Indian Brigade
4th (Australian) Infantry Brigade.  

( Sgd.) W. G. Braithwaite Lieut. Col.
General Staff.

Issued at 6 p.m. as under:
Copy No. xxxWar Diaryxxxxxxxxxxx
1         War Diary
2 & 3  Records
4        13th Division
5         Indian Brigade
6         29th British Brigade
7         38th Brigade
8         39th Brigade
9         40th Brigade
10        N.Z.M.R Brigade
11         N.Z. Inf.Brigade 
12        4th Aust. Inf. Brigade
13        C.R.A
14        C.R.E 
15        A.D.M.S
16        Senior Supply Officer
17        O/C 7th Brigade, Indian Mtn. Art.
18        No. 3 Section
19        No. 4 Section
20       No. 5 Section
21        No. 6 Section
22        Anzac 
23        1st Aust.Div.
24        A.D.C. for G.O.C.
25        O.C. Div. Train.
26        Admin. Staff.




Orders for No. 6 Section by Br-General H.V. Cox, O.B., C.S.I.. 

1. Under instructions received from N.S.A Division, the ^Indian Brigade
will move to the left tonight, as below, and take up a line from
the left of the S.W. Borderers to KAZLAR CHAIR, i.e. the right of
9th Corps.
This line will be entrenched near the S.W. Borderers and a
picquet (entrenched) line across the low ground. 
2. The 14th Sikhs will leave their present position at 8-30 p.m.
and moving by the AGHYL DERE Nala will turn off at S.W.B Gully and
will take up a line of trenches to S. and S.W. of *KUABUAK KUYU well
to close the gap now existing between the left of the S.W.B. and
the right picquet of the 6th Gurkhas.
3. The 10th Gurkhas will leave their present position at 9 p.m.
and march down to AGHYL DERE: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxx at the bottom a 6th Gurkha guide will meet them and take
them to No.3 Picquet. The Regiment will furnish No.3 Picquet and
another (No.4) of 1 company each (Picquet & support) between No.3
and KAZLAR CHAIR getting into touch with the right of the 9th Corps.
The 6th Gurkhas will retain Nos. 1 and 2 Picquets.
The 5th Gurkhas will be in reserve near Brigade Hd. Qrs.
(at Square 92-M-4-7) and will march down the AGHYL DERE to that
place as soon as relieved in their trenches by troops of Genl. Cayley's
Brigade. They will, send 1 company at 9-30 p.m. to escort
and guard Brigade Hd. Qrs. from present position to new Head Qrs.
4. Every Battalion moving will carry water tins with it to its
new bivouacs to enable it to use the wells. 
5. The 100 men from the 4th Australian Infantry Brigade who form
a reserve to the 1/5th Gurkha Rifles will rejoin their unit. 
The right of the Australian Brigade will be taken to be the
left of the trench actually occupied by the 5th Gurkhas, i.e. the
right of the party of 70 Australian Infantry who are in the same
valley as the 1/5th Gurkhas and who hold across the razor edged
ridge inclusive and will be the right of the section commanded by
Br-General Cox which will include the following troops  :-
4th Australian Brigade.
4th South Wales Borderers.
Indian Brigade.

[[ GW Ayl.? ]] Captain,
Brigade Major, Indian Brigade.


4th Australian Bde


"C" Form (Original).            Army Form C.2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message.... 
Prefix SM   Code 77
From   2BK
By   jm
Office Stamp.
Handed in at .........Office ......... m. Recd 6 52 pm

TO     General Monash
Sender's Number       Day of Month     In reply to Number

           1825                              13                                   -                         AAA
Regret owing  to weakness of relieving
Regiment the 100 Australian Infantry
in Support of the Ghurkas will 
have to remain where they are as
a temporary measure until
General Cayley can make other

OC  14th Bn
Please note & return
JP McGlinn Lt Col
4th Inf Bde

R Rankine Maj.
Comdg. 14th Battn

FROM                6 Section


Headquarters, 4th Aust Inf Bde,
Australia Valley,
(Square 9215)
1830, 13th Aug 1915.
From 2130 this evening the
portion of the Defences in the
vicinity of our present position
will be re-organised as follows:-
No 6 Section of Defences will have
its RIGHT resting on the LEFT of
point is in the vicinity of 92 U 9,
but its exact location will be
notified later.  It is, however,
the point on the Right Flank of
the group of 70 men of the
16th Battalion, who recently
occupied the left trench held
by the 5th GURKHAS*
The line extends from this 
point through our present position
in the direction of KABA KUYA
WELL and xxxxxx  across The PLAIN in
the directon of KAZLAR CHAIR*
During this night touch will
be established with the 9th
ARMY CORPS in the vicinity
of the latter place*

The troops of No 6 Section
will consist of
4th Aust Inf Brigade (in
their present position),
[*1. 106*]  4th S.W Borderers (on to our
Indian Brigade (on the 
extreme Left of the 
The dispositions of the 4th
Aust Inf Brigade will remain
as at present.

JP McGlinn
Lt. Col.,
Brigade Major,  4th. (Aust) Inf. Bde.

O.C. Sectn Reserve
15th Bn
To copy note & return pls
JP McGlinn Lt Col
4th  Bde


"C" Form (Duplicate).           Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.  No. of Message....
Office Stamp  
Handed in at.........Office  ........... m.  Recd 7.37 pm

TO                    4th   Aust   Inf
Sender's Number    Day of Month    In reply to number

         SC 336                            13                        SC 8                       AAA

Flank and centre flags
all seen.  Thank  you

FROM                    C R A
PLACE & TIME      1902 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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