Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 7, 8 August - 15 August 1915, Part 14

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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A M Dn JS MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. an Message Ym S.C Charges to Pay Office Stamp. " d. Tittie Seron Balema W 4thh Wat Log S Das 9 0 LWOSGWSNSNNN aAa Will o hapt AOS 7 X 4 te ct it8 ptice Lo say 1424 £7 the 500 but 24 ES will hinse + Sodar £44 Tkn FROM a PLACESTIME 124832). M.R. Co, Lid. WE. WASSSISTL 50,000 Pads-11S. Forms1 O.2123. Form MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Words Charse This message is on a/c of: OACe AOMSNASYH SEI Sent. Service CAAMAFII ORA CRA NL.&A Siision 1 SteGNA In reply to Number. Daj of Month. 62 aptain ROSE Bove and Fll our Bnoll between 42 at 172 AAA - Place The above may be forwarded as now corrected Censor T C. Army Form C. 2121. No. of Message. Reed. at Date MonI AAA 42d tren her V3 Wa
CO Now Dbsiane Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Mossago OneoSa Charges to Pay. 242p 2 " d. 25 18 Handedin at. ORCO AROCONOR sent SenGSNENR DATSSSON LteSSWDSNSS aaa This fis each you Will 2t4 peac Same he D Valley At4 Tak left Sect to right FROM Ses. PLACESTIME (24832) M.R.Co.,LAd. WEWIsSSIISR5
10 Jo O. W OSSA MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of message Received Sent, or sent out a Office Stamp From 136 Charges to collect SeMNEGHSMMON 1 Handedin S Bender& Dunber SAANONN LTOSISNINSN aaa Please terne a party With tools tonygh at work Until M lief of 50 3a road divers. ACHYt 82 AAt parties Shon 28 Capta SKE Con hear those te Shos that M Sect Advise 1.0 LX arrange I have make at X to FROM X PLACESTIME tip The tesMedt And HesMn CBSe) M.R.Co.Lid. WLWISSIISH SO00 Peds DIS. FormsCM. D.M. Pecod man at once Jn CD. 15 Clande an fra working I Arrange for a party of 50 menfwith 25 pick & 25 shovels to work from 2100 to 2400 this night on a road divession in the Aghyl Deve 2. Arrang for a second party of 50 men as before, to relieve the forme party at 2400 & to work till 0300 tomorrow. This party to take ane the tools of the fors party, &be sure to long these tools back to you fo25 3. send an officer at once to captain I Kelsy at Senval Coxis H.Q. to ascetan exactly where the party hav t rport & to lusine no hitch, as the work is very tveent. This officer to act as puide to the parties A. The parties should be at the work punc trally at the starting time named St Let me have a report tomorrow by $000 as to the work done & its location. C. Ackdge
tete $0/3 Ol. [2t. Battation. b arrange for a working party 50 men under an officer with 25 picks and 25 shovels to work from 2100 to 2400 this night on a road diversion in the A6476 DERE 2. Arrange for a second party of 50 men, as before, to retieve the Dormer party at 2400 & to work till 0300 tomorrow. This party to take over the tools of the first party, & he smre to bring trese tool's back to your 3. Send an officer at once to CAPTAIN KKELSEY, N.T.ENORS, at GENERAL COxSH.Q. to ascertain exactly where the parties have to report, & to ensure no hitch, as the work is very urgent. This officer to net as guide to the parties. 4. The parties should be at the work punchially at the starting times nained 5. Let me have a report tomorrow by 100 as to the work done & its Cocation 6 Acknowledge. 134& tu at Caly Tote tanson at (ns) a Batae. B8.15
.O. Ferrs Capicate Army Form O. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No of Message OAeO Stamp Charges to Pay. inx 2 " d. 19 13/8 cor Office Handed in at tI TWSG WNSSSS DGSMONN Bendero Miber aaa BA ho aten Shrul wet night las li ill 40 to 92 de it sh ist 12 Ses $40 a H respectivel si &4 is Well AH helts Indian Ine Brrong t Nod ly Se lt n an PROK PLACEATIME (24932). M.R. Co,Lid. WL WASSS/16TE 50,000 Pads-11S. Forms C. 2123.
J maoeourow emna 2 SeD Tnsora No. 2 rest, August 17th 1915. the 6th Leinster Rest, leas 2 Companies, preseeded this aar te te 4 bection in redlef of the/ Cheahire Rest, lese 2 Conpanies, the latter recjeining the t0th Brigade is No. 7 section on completion of the relief. 2 Companies 6th Lainster Next. preceeded this day to Ne. 3 section to relieve 2 Companies, Cheshire Regt, the latter rejeining the 40th Brigade on completion of the velief. The fellowing recadjustment of boundaries of Nes. 5 and 5 Sections, and the Treeps alletted thereto will some into affect Vithont Aalay (althe around now occupted by the 7th Curthas vill be taken over by the Treops under the command of Brigeteneral V. de s. Cayley. (D)rhe Indian Brigade will take ever from the left of the South Vales Berderers to the extrane left of the line. (o) the left of Ne. 5 section vill be extended to the Spur orerieating the Aan BIR LN Seuare 92 V b.9. (1.c. ine risht of the 4th (Anstralian) Infantry Brigade). (a)Treeps per under the comand of Brig-General V. to s. carter 121 cano under 10 comad of 120 O.O.C. N0. 3 Section. (of the recdistribution of treops vill, therefore, be as follows s- Dseo 10t Aust. LH. Brigade 2 Ceys. 6th Leinster Regt. Dsa IIl hitts Belrade oth Leinster Regt. leas 2 beys.

"C" Form (Duplicate)             Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message...... 

Sm       BC        63                  Office Stamp
                                                      13/8/15  (16)
Handed in NZ Office 1415 m.  Recd 1422 m.
TO                  4th Aust Inf  Bde 

Sender's          Day of          In reply 

Number           Month         to Number 

SC 327                  13th                                 AAA
Will you please instruct Capt
ROSE to wave a flag
to mark position of our
trenches 1700 today from same
place as it was done

from on four days ago
AAA It was not seen
then but Lt Col SYKES
will himself look for it
today AAA Please let me.

FROM                    C. R. A.
PLACE & TIME     1410.  


"A" Form                                   Army Form C.2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message..... 

Recd. at ............. m.

Date  ..........................

From............................       (17) 

By .................................. 

TO     C R A
           NZ & A Division 

Sender's         Day of          In reply 

Number          Month         to Number.  

SC 8                   13.8.15            SC 327           AAA
Captain ROSE will wave red
and yellow flag from our trenches
on knoll between 92 U3 & 6
at 1730 AAA Please inform
us if this flag can be seen


From     4th Australian Brigade
Time       1450


"C" Form (Duplicate).          Army Form C. 2123.

MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.  No. of Message.....

342p       69.


Office Stamp



Handed in at ...........Office............. m. Recd 4  57 m.

TO               General Monash

Sender's         Day of         In reply 

Number          Month        to Number  

1525                      13                   --                     AAA

This afternoon orders will reach you
placing you right at the right of
the 70 men now in the same
valley as the 5 Ghurkas AAA
The 100 men in Support there
will return to you AAA The
Indian Brigade moves round to the
left of SWB and General Coxs
Section will then extend from your
right to 9th Army Corps right.
FROM              6th Section



"C" Form (Original).  Army Form C.2123.

MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.  No. of Message ..............

Prefix SM Code cg   Words 69

Office Stamp

13/8/15  (34)

Handed in at ...........Office ............ m. Recd 4-15pm.

TO              General Monash

Sender's         Day of         In reply 

Number          Month        to Number 

1530                      13                  --                AAA

Please furnish a party of 50 men
with tools tonight at 9p to work
until 12 midnight and a relief of
50 men to work from midnight to
3 am on the road diversion in
should go to Captain SKELSEY
Commanding 2nd NZ Engineers
near these H.Q. and be
shown the work to be done


Advise C.O. 6th Section that
I have made all arrangements to
on 13th

FROM                    General Cox BM 767

PLACE & TIME      4 15p


B.M.  Please issue at once     (35)

C.O. 15th Bn

1. Arrange for a ∧working party of 50 men ∧under an officer with
25 picks & 25 shovels to work from 

2100 to 2400 this night on a
road diversion in the Aghyl Dere

2. Arrange for a second party of 50

men, as before, to relieve the former

party at 2400 & to work till 0300

tomorrow. This party to take over the tools of the first

party, & be sure to bring these tools back to you.

3. Send an officer at once to Captain Skelsey ∧N.Z. Engineers

at General Cox's H.Q. to ascertain

exactly where the partyies hasve to report, & to

ensure no hitch, as the work is very

urgent. This officer to act as guide to the parties.

4. The parties should be at the work punctually

at the starting times named.

5.  Let me have a report tomorrow by 1000

as to the work done & its location.

6.  Ackdge.


Dictated 1650

(36) 13/8/15                                 

C.O. 15th Battalion.

1. Arrange for a working party of
50 men under an officer with

25 picks and 25 shovels to work

from 2100 to 2400 this night on

a road diversion in the AGHYL

2. Arrange for a second party of 50

men, as before, to relieve the former

party at 2400 & to work till 0300

tomorrow. This party to take over

the tools of the first party, & be

sure to bring these tools back
to you.
3. Send an officer at once to CAPTAIN


COX'S H.Q. to ascertain exactly where

the parties have to report, & to

ensure no hitch, as the work

is very urgent. This officer to

act as guide to the parties.
4. The parties should be at the 

work punctually at the

starting times named.
5. Let me have a report tomorrow by

1000 as to the work done & its

6. Acknowledge.

JP McGlinn 


Bde Major, 4th (Aust) Inf Bde.



"C" Form (Duplicate).              Army Form C. 2123.

MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message .........

Sm   4 5p.   2BK                            Office Stamp.                                                                  85                  (19)         B


Handed in at ........ Office .............. m. Received 4 20 m

TO                          General Monash

Sender's          Day of         In reply

Number           Month        to Number  

1555                        13               Bm 762       AAA

Worcesters should have taken KABAK

KUYU Well last night but failed

but SW. B extended their left to 92

N Z and 6th Gurkhas pushed up

These two left picquets to 92

H 5 and 92 G 6 respectively AAA.

Their right picquet remains at

junction of 92 HIMN Well is

strongly held by enemy AAA Indian

Bde moves round to left of SWB

tonight to secure left of line and

close gap up to 9th Corps.



FROM                      6 Section



FORCE ATTACKING SARI BAIR   (83)                                  

Copy No. 12


No. 2 Post.

August 13th 1915.

1. MOVEMENTS  The 6th Leinster Regt, less 2 Companies, proceeded this 
day to No. 4 Section in relief of the/ 8th Cheshire Regt, less

2 companies, the latter re-joining the 40th Brigade in

No. 5 Section on completion of the relief.

2 Companies 6th Leinster Regt. proceeded this day to No.

3 Section to relieve 2 Companies, Cheshire Regt, the

latter rejoining the 40th Brigade on completion of the 




The following re-adjustment of boundaries of Nos. 5 and

6 Sections, and the Troops allotted thereto will come into

effect without delay:

(a) The ground now occupied by the 5th Gurkhas will be taken
over by the Troops under the command of Brig-General W.

de S. Cayley.

(b) The Indian Brigade will take over from the left of the

South Wales Borderers to the extreme left of the line.

(c) The left of No. 5 Section will be extended to the Spur

overlooking the ASMA DERE in Square 92 U 6.9. (i.e. the

right of the 4th (Australian) Infantry Brigade).

(d) Troops now under the command of Brig-General W. de S.

Cayley will come under the command of the G.O.C.  No. 5


(e) The re-distribution of troops will, therefore, be as



1st Aust. L.H. Brigade

2 Coys. 6th Leinster Regt.


3rd A.L.H. Brigade

6th Leinster Regt. less 2 Coys. 




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