Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 7, 8 August - 15 August 1915, Part 13

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Copy. of General M.E.F.) Rentine order 420 of 1318115. 2420. DS O PMT Og Arrangements have been made by I.G.C., with Messrs, Cox and Co., Alexandria, to enable officers to purchase stores through them. Messrs. Cox and Co. will make a charge of 58 ad valorem on all stores so purchased. This agency charge will be added to the cost of the articles ordered. storas bought through this agency will be handed over to the Officer. IC. Transit Shed, Base, Alexandria, who will be provided with proper forwarding and receipt notes. officers who buy stores direct from tradesmen should give instructions to the tradesmen that all cases should be properly labelled and delivered to the Officer. I C Transit Shed, Base, Alexandria, with proper forwarding and receipt notes. when the Officer LC Transit shed has accumulated a sufficient quantity of packages he will requisition for the services of a N.C.o, to take charge of them during the voyage. This N.C.o. will hand over the packages to the Stores Supply Detachment Officer at Mudros. The Steres Supply Detachment will give safe conduct to all packages addressed to the Frent, and it. is hoped that in future no-less:or. damage to stores will occurt.
Iamn Aany 14. W.F.H. Sn Altlo go tho attanht uport of lapt Sonyn vary gowr ten I am bashang tt I have alwoys found ly Capt Dughon wery loth to undervate the ply geal capacity of the troops, & thefore his report attached causes sujety & is submitted his consideration soth mau The fist case mentioned in pap 2 of the rput a kinde my pesonal noticn, & I am guit catisfud that it would be impossible to regard this man (kwate talue as fit. & avritibly ho any nulitiony anty whnteone
4 4 TEMOR 5/22 No3ROST Austraha Falley Report 24 in ending 8500 13/0/15 Situation wornat o sacds epa op 1315/15 Oxtortunity w tuen of qunt ferod to intor the trant and communication. Francher were accpeneed where mecesan 5communitation Frambe E now complete Start made toap toepri con sidens necosary Wiith m atance of two Pareocape Pelleg wer to a pxat excent feaned. Mase could be done in tha ay of more witate. then Rocopie Piples ep Tussort tente far Fea dosmene an Peer of tring fins 56 ad for retiving me <tape g wl go an now for gos wirking orer Mem now get I Pays complete nest JH. Hanknan Sit 0500 4
MeSSOSS AN SSSIS Many aneae This message is on ale o CneetETP ANd SIM S IM MAMOM. Date Deron From VMAFTATIKINSFST AMCOTY/PY Bde Major 4th Brigade 530 13.8-15 ot 24 hoursending Ke Inreply to N Senders Nam Day of Month AAA 13 B4.754 A24 No 2 Post Fire Trenches Steady renergehe progress has been made, trenches are now safe throughout line Communication trnches. Your in all two are complete throughout & the remaining are sufficiently good to provide safe enhance & these will be further imprved t teday Support Trenches Sateral cmmunication is now well established & while sufficient to enable them to beuse they will be continued & improsed Water he inadequate supply makes the work very extausting & water fatiques take from the numbers otherwise available fr digging Amping Four special supers posts are Implete & manned by observers & snpers constantly, thei work has been satsfacty all day pussng on day snight ty Counchh Right o picked Miners Place 2 Dout t The above May be Converded as now corrected I N1 and No 2 Cas Cratoa aran t r a r t This line should be crased if not required A SS T MTRTRSN T R TT SR MMI. MESSAaE T AnS SIENAIS, SA SISMNIA Charges to Par. [ORee Siamg. 2 " 8 30 3/8/13 TEANSRANMO3 55 D m. Received 85 3 4m. $05.4 In de Enuao an thy bassaly reser hatfalion to B0 and during nigh 12th/13t i move of any in parta Hook place FRON 15th C.O. Brn PLACEATIME 052 C8se) M.R. Co, Lid. WEWIssSIIST APa
AoiI S 13/8 9 D Pide tere following insident if trought ader woe about $1130100ay is was reported dat a wounded ounarmed Turt was making signs, of oideres about 69 yards in front on my Denched Poct. (I pase orders that if he were avle to gave ibe wes to be accorved oodsng e be toae t gms he pernes be broge throne be pop ualytcali No. 11887 PRC. HOWLAND and No, 1787 PA G.V.BRONN, both of B company 16t B oeres to brig man in They exept ont trough the same to r and alternately the one carrying him and and steren expaning brought frm in. They. ware about an hour and a helf cerrying, out the task, and from the time, ary left owng 147 D Bencle until kney returned to i isible te womded prisges they were on ground which ceney knew to be subject to constant maclime guv fire 20 as a jeat of skill, in erey evrough wish, and of peyysicce strengthy in carrying te wounded Tusl back under ae uidday auy, and as an exhobition of cobl cold blooded conrage axtending over an howr and a fiell This action of these two men appeals to me as sh best vene if was yet being m pillege sai The Turh whose night b wafe broken above the gutile apparenty a day or two ago, was medicall attended nis being sent sown He was utterly famislyes & Kntt Hohe Del OC.No. 1Poot A S A79

Copy of General (M.E.F.) Routine Order 420 of 13/8/15.



1. Arrangements have been made by I.G.C., with Messrs. Cox and Co.,
Alexandria, to enable Officers to purchase stores through them.
Messrs. Cox and Co. will make a charge of 5% ad valorem on all stores
so purchased. This agency charge will be added to the cost of the
articles ordered.
Stores bought through this agency will be handed over to the
Officer I/C. Transit Shed, Base, Alexandria, who will be provided
with proper forwarding and receipt notes.
2. Officers who buy stores direct from tradesmen should give
instructions to the tradesmen that all cases should be properly
labelled and delivered to the Officer I/C  Transit Shed, Base,
Alexandria, with proper forwarding and receipt notes.
3. When the Officer I/C Transit Shed has accumulated a sufficient
quantity of packages he will requisition for the services of a N.C.O.
to take charge of them during the voyage. This N.C.O. will hand over
the packages to the Stores Supply Detachment Officer at Mudros.
The Stores Supply Detachment will give safe conduct to all packages
addressed to the Front, and it is hoped that in future no loss or 
damage to stores will occur".


3 Copies Book   (about Aug. 1915.

N. Z. A. Div.
Although the attached report of Capt Loughran is 
in very grave terms, I am bound to say that I have always
found him very Capt Loughran very loth to underrate the
physical capacity of the troops, & therefore his report attached 
causes anxiety & is submitted for consideration:-
The first case mentioned in page 2 of this report of 29th inst 
and again in report of 30th  idem came
^came under my personal notice, & I am quite satisfied that it
would be impossible to regard this man (Private Palmer) as fit
& available for any military duty whatever.


13TH  Bn
No 3 POST.
Australia Valley
Report  24 hrs ending
0500  13/8/15.

1. Situation normal for period ended
0500   13/8/15.
2. Opportunity was taken of quiet
period to improve. Fire trenches
and communications. Trenches
were deepened where necessary.
3. 5 communication trenches are
now complete.
4. Starts were made to sap forward
to better Fire positions were considered
5. With the assistance of two Periscope
Rifles sniping was to a great
extent reduced. More could be
done in this way, if more of
these Periscopic Rifles were available

6.  Support trenches have been commenced
in Rear of Firing Line.
7. A scheme for relieving men in
trenches was evolved and is now
in good working order. Men
now get 1 Days complete rest
in every 4.

FN Thompson Lt


TO        Bde Major 4th Brigade
Report 24 hours ending 0530  13-8-15
Sender's Number   Day of Month    In reply to Number
AZ4                                13.                             B.H. 754
No  2  Post.
Fire Trenches. Steady & energetic progress has been
made, trenches are now safe throughout line
Communication Trenches. Four in all, two are
complete throughout & the remaining are sufficiently
good to provide safe entrance & these will be further
improved tomorrow today.
Support Trenches. Lateral communication is now
well established & while sufficient to enable them
to be used, they will be continued & improved
Water. The inadequate supply makes the work
very exhausting & water fatigues take from the
numbers otherwise available for digging.
Sniping. Four special snipers posts are complete
& manned by observers & snipers constantly, their work
has been satisfactory all day.
Connection Right & Left is pushing on day & night by
picked miners

R. Rankine Major
Cmdr No 2 Post

BQ     13/8/15
Service Instructions.        SM
Handed in at   Q D   Office  Recd. 0534 m.
TO       HQ'S.  4th Inf  Bde
My battalion is reserve
battalion to Bde
and during night of
12th - 13th no movement
of any importance
took place
FROM                        C. O.  15th  Bn
PLACE & TIME         0527


13. 8. 15
H Q  4th Inf Bde.                   21
The following incident is brought
under notice:-
About 1130 today it was reported that
a wounded unarmed Turk was making
signs of distress about 60 yards in front
of my Detached Post. I gave orders
that if he were able to crawl in he
was to be allowed to do so & that signs
should be made to indicate this to
him. Otherwise he should be brought
in. It turned out that he was
unable to crawl in.
No. 1887 Pte C. HOWLAND and No. 1787
Pte G.V. BROWN, both of B Company 16th
Battn, volunteered to bring the man in.
They crept out through the scrub
to the man, and alternately the
one carrying him and the other
guiding, brought him in. They
were about an hour and a half
carrying out the task, and
from the time they left our


trench until they returned to us
with the wounded prisoner. they 
were on ground which they
knew to be subject to constant
machine gun fire.                         20
As a feat of skill in crawling
through bush, and of physical
strength in carrying the wounded
Turk back under the midday
sun, and as an exhibition of
cool cold blooded courage this
extending over an hour and a half
this action of these two men
appeals to me as the best thing
it has yet been my privilege to
The Turk, whose right leg was
broken above the ankle apparently
a day or two ago, was medically
attended & is being sent down.
He was utterly famished & thirsty.
H. Pope
Lt. Col
O.C. No. 1 Post
4th Inf Bde Section



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