Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 7, 8 August - 15 August 1915, Part 12

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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GL Pon Ay Por C. DA No. of Message MESSNGES MND SIGNALS l Charre and This message is on as of An a Orgig and Sarrice Instractions 8 - Dervice n s RISAENN FISt MANN By Cup 9 F 610 4 + MCETHE Eanone Cnt AAA felowing ofict 4 E ew 730 for this enfs at St JNC Section be plan of wlt wterhet t ostet at 224012 HW akin dacSicy 6C Ce Sgch &Not also KLI BEver aut st tinctes t te W.A. resnt tert X Sae t Eutt II ofied 404 shelfe line f KARA with wouh 92C HKIA KNE 55 L4 9f sfecat 41 From Nte for X5 Place 9 Tme TMAn any t JM a Ms Matt (2) t CM A a ANL This lne should be arased II not reguired. 2 ANoain
2 Co Army Form C. BM. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. 35.2 ChartO - 0 Reed at OMEACHENMEN MANEA Thismessage is on alc of Sent 7 St fons From CMANOIFNARPS OMAOTI 8 T0 first She SANoSt WANWN AAA 12 200 due Your mo ning report at monin achs hs nt 2r happe thould also 60 wichde ton reps ma progress is Drensche cation Buttty Compuns avwon pi Recopnnisn at est eish f Ant bot ill Do p PION Place Dlous tht Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected Mr sowr fore d a ta or re in oned to wr to . This line should be crase! if not required. 200 S.B.LA WE. WISISISI-SACO, 8/1L Ferme CAISIIO.
Or Form (Duplicate). army Form C.. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No of Message Charges to Pay. Office Stamp. 2 a d. 3 402 2/0/0 Seres Rtcton ORC Handedinat D Rovored 6 BagRegon SinlFSKSNNN DTGSHON TEWOSSWSSNSS aaa 1 DM 16th AUsTRAN MF bod mennt laige o en ox abov thoope restind Cannot farm see the 444 them yomself so cannot give map Fe on FROM 1PO ENEWMAN LT. PLACEATIME 1520 (A8SS) M.R. Ca., Lid. WE. Wisss 0 Pads- IIS. F
sees 80 15 Bn Narrative 1915 From 1200 August 8, 3o 1800 August 13 1915 The Brigade Ces 13t n which was in the fring line) remained in reserve until 1800 on the 9. Aug when the 14th 16 Ts moved into sections of the firing line in sector occupied. byg 4h Brigade the 15th Bry remaining in same bivonac as reserve. on 10ang about 0000 a fatique party of 150 men under Major Carter smoved out to dig an innerline of defence for the 39th Indian Bde While as this task Major Carter and one man were wounded This party completed task and returned to bivonac al 1700 and about half. an hour later we heard heavy rifle fire and some bombing on the 13th Battalion position at the head of our gults immediately a messenger ruched downe from the firing line of the 13th Bter saying M that reinforcements were inguitti wanted as the Turks were Ghargens the 33th Trenches, I then ordered the Br to stand to arms and a second messenger came down asking for bombs about shrowers, I allowed some of my bombe throwers to proceed to the trenches and a thirds time aissenger came down to say that reinforcuments must be sent up as the ememy were in the trenches. In the meantine I had been trying to get into touch with Bde without success and as the situation seemed critical on the messans received order DCoy, up to nanforce the B. tine at the nead of our gully and also held another 50 in this vecunty to further support our own troope, pending exact information as to the situalton, Shorthy afterwards I got touch with the Brigadie who directed me that 15B were not be employed but as a reslt of my explanation of the position he instructed me to take sitnationing
hands and do what I considered necessary. It was necessary to put 5omen of mny battalion into the firing line due to it being thinty held and shortly afterwards two plations 13. Th reported and later on another Platoons came up, the whole being under comprand of Captain Nortar- Russell 13 Battatwon. By this time Capt Eastwood Brigade Staff came round, and enquired as to the situation which by this time had been cleared up and enemys attack bearen off. I then withdrew my men from flying line, and they were replaced by 13th 13ir meen and arrangements made for 13th Bn to keep one company in reserve at this position. our casualties were killed 2 others Wounded 18 Since then Battalion has remained in bivonac doing Bryade, duties a supplying Bde fatigues
Hear 70 D Feaden to 4 13 14 4 General Sit oir list & wch am you ont 86 X darry Datials t & you will f abl tt past wel ran he cmn to know i you 8 thm al. ohit Salbold te with with past loces with 0 4 owyown Ledcer. Ohone nothing o which you would be eellome t store Shad. to t An Papatus wte chsion placed me th t . Peere Fully I fam se in Muli Anspod each mich t my tim Dov. So tate ap to your is tup wit watehn Esam up of same to po issue them t ongar o youes stor is empty we are only on + lations bask here. Davion hed a has hand & Doctor, ordered him away send your he tell my he had nery po wasting out by Sunday Stndest 24 Lgu ohedently and Horman Mafor
No. 132/15. Major McClintock, D.A.P.S. N.E.F. ALEXANDRIA. General Monash V.D. might please be informed accordingly. I would suggest registering your reply. Remnham Lieut. Alexandria, O.C. Aust Base Post Office, 10. s. 15. General J. Monash V.D. 0.C. 4th. Infantry Brigade, Anzac Cove, CALLIPOLL. 1 had sent this file to Major McClintock who had a letter from Head quarters saying that you were complaining that some mail matter for you had not come to hand, When seeing him about general matters this morning he asked me to send to you direct which I do accordingly, Blnningham son. Alexandria, O.C. Aust Base Post office. 13. 8. 15.

"A" Form.           Army Form.  C. 2121.
Recd. at 1550
Date 12 8 15
TO O.C. 4/ S.W. Borderers       Br. Gen Monash 
      "       9/Worcester Regt
                1/6 G.R.
Day of Month
The following operations will take place at
7.30 pm this evening with a view to reach firing
line on left of No. 6 Section in accordance with
arranged plan. 9/ Worcester Regt will attack snipe
posts & trench just north of well at KABBAK KOYU
& will cover the establishment of a piquet of
6th Gurkhas close by to & North East West of well
and also assist S.W. Borderers to prolong
their present trenches to the well.
The line of piquets of 6th Gurkhas is to extend
in a straight line from KABAK KOYU
well to touch with 9th Corps at
Major Beresford, 9/ S.W.B. will
in command of the operations.
From 6 Section
No 2 & 3 posts

J McGlinn
16 35
[[LV Wyms?]] Captain


"A" Form.  Army Form. C.2121.
Code 4 50  Words 53 Charge 1
2BK 545/
T0  4th Aust Bde
Sender's Number 
Day of Month

Your morning report due
at 6 each morning
on previous 24 hours
happenings should also
include brief report on
progress made in
trenches improving
Communications putting
down Sniping reconnaissance
and establishment of
Anti Sniping posts &
work generally

From 6 Section
Out to Bns
BM 754


Received 6-7 pm

Sender's Number 
LP 52  
Day of Month

a large body of enemy's
troops resting in GULLY above
the farm AAA Cannot see
them myself so cannot give
position on map


15th Bn Narrative
From 1200 August 8th 1915
To 1800 August 13th 1915

The Brigade (less 13th Bn which was
in the firing line) remained in reserve
until 1800 on the 9th Aug when the
14th & 16th Bns moved into sections of
the firing line in sector occupied.
by 4th Brigade the 15th Bn remaining
in same bivouac as reserve.
on 10th Aug about 0800 a fatigue party
of 150 men under Major Carter
moved out to dig an inner line
of defence for the 29th Indian B'de.
While as this task Major
Carter and one man were wounded.
This party completed task
and returned to bivouac at 1700 and
about half. an hour later we heard
heavy rifle fire and some bombing on the
13th Battalion position at the head of our gully
immediately a ^13th messenger rushed down
from the firing line of the 13th Btn saying

that reinforcements were urgently
wanted as the Turks were charging
the 13th Trenches, I then ordered the Bn
to stand to arms and a second
messenger came down asking for bombs
& bomb throwers, I allowed some of
my bomb throwers to proceed to the
trenches and a third time a messenger
came down to say that reinforcements
must be sent up as the enemy were
in the trenches. In the meantime I had
been trying to get into touch with B'de
without success and as the situation
seemed critical on the messages received
I order D Coy up to reinforce the 13th
line at the head of our gully and
also held another 50 in this vicinity
to further support our own troops
pending exact information as to the
situation. Shortly afterwards I got touch
with the Brigadier who directed me that
15 Bn were not be employed but as a
result of my explanation of the position
he instructed me to take situation in


hand and do what I considered
necessary. It was necessary to put
50 men of my battalion into the firing
line due to it being thinly held
and shortly afterwards two platoons
of 13th Bn reported and later on another
2 Platoons came up, the whole being
under command of Captain Norton-
Russell 13th Battalion. By this time
Capt Eastwood Brigade Staff came
round and enquired as to the
situation which by this time had
been cleared up and enemys attack
beaten off. I then withdrew my men
from firing line, and they were replaced
by 13th B'n men and arrangements
made for 13th B'n to keep one company
in reserve at this position.
Our casualties were Killed        2 others
                                     Wounded 18    "
Since then Battalion has
remained in bivouac doing Brigade,
duties & supplying B'de fatigues
Ian H Cannan Lt
C/C 1572


1300 Reserve Gully
Dear General
I am enclosing lists
of articles sent out to you during
the past week & you will be able
to know if you have received
them all. Garibaldi shirt &
tooth paste laces will also be with
bearer. I have nothing in our own
store, which you would be welcome to
if I had. Gen Carruthers has
placed me in charge of the water
in Reserve Gully & have to issue
to Mule Transport each night to
take up to your Div. so my time
is taken up with watching Issue
Sugar  there is no issue to us of same
& your store is empty we are only on
½ rations back here. Dawson has a
bad hand & Doctor ordered him away
he tell me he will hang on & send your
washing out by Sunday. Kindest
regards to all
A HosmanYoung


No. 132/15.

Major McClintock,
D.A.P.S. M.E.F.
General Monash V.D. might please be informed
I would suggest registering your reply.

O.C. Aust Base Post Office.
10. 8. 15.

General J. Monash V.D.
O.C. 4th. Infantry Brigade,
Anzac Cove,
I had sent this file to Major McClintock who
had a letter from Head quarters saying that you were complaining
that some mail matter for you had not come to hand.
When seeing him about general matters this
morning he asked me to send to you direct which I do accordingly.

C.S.Cunningham Lieut.
O.C. Aust Base Post Office.
13. 8. 15. 



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