Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 6, 3 August - 7 August 1915, Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Fall of Singapore
Awaiting approval
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5/8/15 Sperating Hug7 Conference with C.OS TI. Explain general plan R. Read & Consider Operation order 13. Tix Bayonets when turning into Aghyl Dere $4. Every leader take his successor into his confidence on S. Reserve fully to be clear of all, trops after 8p.m till our march starts. N6.13t Br responsible for reaching Daitch by 9.45 17. No talling out to assist in carrying wounded I8. Notify position of Bn. H.Q. to each other &9.No liaison officer ofteri (10. Meeting o all officers & N.C.OS (except on special duty) 9.30 a.m.V 11. All Baltalion + Cc Commander hold larjest possible reserves. Address to Officer & N.C.O I Perfect sitence No lights or Smoking I Riples not to be loaded IHang on to Sandbags, picke & shovels VConseive food & water ILeaders keep Cool IAll leades to know whoe who, tell men no of Co & Bn, name of O Br. Cx. Getting touch, & keeping touch, & communications Messages - place, time, wnit, bearing I Cutting & knotting enemy telephone wives Itutting enemy fins & M Guns out of action. Vigilance to see orders obeyed - by all leadin I Digging - in dark - two men pits - sandbog Cover &Tanword
A05 2/0/50 Notes se Routs Tolats From Aghy Dea gads track horng Pounts yt 7 5 A Byde H.Q. Reserve Gally 475 475 B Trctim Receive Gully & Heach Red 1260 1735 C Sayli Beit Dere 450 2185 D N3 outpost 1300 0 3485 E Aghyl Deve -Feack crossing. 1460 4945 1460 F. Wher track Crones 92.S.X. (viicaibed) 270 1730 5215 G. Confluence of Aghyl Deves, 780 2510 H. Foot of Spuc at CR Tuation E. 9 E in Dere 5995 1000 3510 6995 the Objective A in Kahnan Approfemation. From present Byde H.Q. to Aghyl Deve in 92.& 2 miles 2 waites Thence to Abdel Rahman Spu of miles Tolat 9.35p10 Pan NS supply depot at 9.45 pc Pan S.T. - beach road 630p Resh No 3 onspost (1710?) e/mil assuming. no halts at 11.65 p.n. Reach Aghyl Deve trackenig say Checks. 12.30 a Reach pt. when 12414 leave Rerch Empluence of Aghyt Dear 12.35 an? 1.40 am? Reach Objectue M.
SPECLAL ORDER. General Headquarters, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, 5th August, 1915. Soldiers of the old army and the new. Some of you have already won imperishable renown at our first landing or have since built up our foothold upon the peninsula, yard by yard, with deeds of heroism and endurance. Others have arrived just in time to take part in our next great fight against Germany and Turkey, the would be oppressors of the rest of the human race. You, veterans, are about to add fresh lastre to your arms. Happen what may so much at least is certain. As to you, soldiers of the new formations, you are privileged indeed to have the chance vouchsafed you of playing a decisive part in events which may herald the birth of a new and happier world. You stand for the great cause of Freedom. In the hour of trial remember this and the faith that is in you will bring you victoriously through. LAN HAMILTON, General.
Ar Form. Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. N0. of MeaaRC P Ce M Wor C Reed. at This message in on a/c of Thee A Cuent Serice Citbron Date Sonie MAFTTTNORN Thotar BSen Awn ntBA In reply to Number. MAE D A6 AAA 12627 commanders and cmpositio of Reserve forlens. columns are ars a) Lett Covenus Hine MGen IRAVERS 4 J.W. Bord M 5th wills R Stt 88th C kt /2 tof Reserve Columns. DERE ()) AG H14 29th MntBde Oen Carty R War 912 Els wore - f D. N.H.. Place ad folo Rt I Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. Com BAMEANIANONAMMROME WMAPINHNILL - Ar Form. Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message c alar Ce OheedSrnt Firts Han This message in on a/c of: Reed. at sonic EETMITE F- FTMINE MRATT/ B T0 SleSRN SAAMont Toient to Ninte AAA 12 CHAILAY DEPE 6th South Sams Sotol [elrs wele Bald ntto Rt 12 St. Welck R. NAD Place 1930 The above may be forwarded as now corrected. h t Cover sears a rar wtome CYNN. AHAMNE
O. FOTM, COMINON Rec Pretix Nom Meane stance Secice Mistcton Handed in at the 70 SeSM FRON PLA TIME All Porterage, Redirection, and the 10d Cores i OON Coll Mny FONNC.NR MESSACES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Office Stamp Sent, or sent out Word Collected 33. 120 0 Returned Office at Received here at 14 32 In Tepty 1O Number Day of Month AAA sane dicate at ech amps affixed to the face of the Wibrn oare paces headed Delivery and 14 out are
Kiny Fon C. RR MESSACES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message C. Form. (Original Office Stamp. Recd Sent, or sent out Cose Pret from Collected Paid out Narce Returned SeNCE ffice at Received here at Handed aber. AAA FROM PLACE by me and of Stamps affired t ceo An Po Frm, and the Particutars of Ench Charges and St Emennis Fand CM Are io Se SA Ct is the spaces beaded Delivery and Charses for Deliver This lne should be crased i not required
AU 4 Ann Mnstal 3 MEY LEALAND AID AUSTRALAE DLUTSION. SECREL. DIYLSLOYALORDERLe 11. Anzac Cove, 54th August 1915. Lerance Nape Tallipoli 1: 20,000 and Anzac Area Wap 1: 10,000 The Australian and New Evaland Army Curps with attached (a) Treops has been ordered to undertake offensive eperatiene ForMN comencing on the 6th August, 1915, with a view to eventually occupying the line GABA prr -Along main SND epur marked approximately by the track 82 - 87 165 CHUNUK BAIR and thence along the CHUNUK BAIR RIDGE to and including KcJA CHEEEN TEER. The First Australian Divisien assaults the Turkish posi- 10) tions on Plateau 400 (68 C) at 5 p.m. on the 6th August, and later undertakes a subsidiary operation against GEREAN OFFICERS TRENCH. (c) The New Zealand and Australlan Division, the 13th Division less one brigade (except one battalion) and less Artillery 29th Indian infantry Brigade, and the Indian Mcuntadn Artillery Prigade, less one section 2lst Mountain Battery, under the comnand of Major General Sir A. J. Godley, K.C.M.G.,C. D., undertakes operations on the 6th and 7th August, as detailed in para 2. A force is being landed North of the AFLAC Pesitien on (2) the night 617th August far an operation distinct from that of the Anzac Force. The following Naval support will be available:- 10) A Southern Squadron of five vessels; stationed off GABA TEPE, and firing en targets East of Plateau 400 (68 C) - HILL 180 (80 N 9) - CHUNUK BAIR ORIDGE. A Northem Squadren of two Meniters and two Torped- Boat Destroyers, firing on targets on the Northern and Western Slopes of SARI BAIR (80 0 K; 81 A; 93 W). The G.O.C. intends- With covering forces to attack and held KLOY. (a) 1I2 1. The Line DESTROYFR HILL (80 1 1) exclusive - TABLE TOP - BAUCHOP'S EILL,-3 (a) (92 x 7._8) 2. The DRYAK TELIK BAIR, 3 (b) (92. N). with the object of covering the march of the left assaulting column (3 d) and prstecting the right of a Force being landad to the North West. (0) To attack and hold the Line CHUNUK EAIR (80 K 3) KOYA CHEEEN TEPE (93 W. 6) - starting from the line Nc. 1 POST (80 H 6) - Nc. 3 POST (80 B4) - West end of AGHYLDERY (92 d 6) in two assaulting columns (3 c and a). (o) To co-operate with an attack on BABY 700 which is to be delivered by Nc. 4 Section (3 f), and to maked goed the Line GUINNS POST (80.S.7) - K roads about SCRUBST MYOLL. (80.2.) - CEUNUK BAIR with the object of taking the CHESSBOARD trenches (80.S.3.) in reverse and oppesing the eneny’'s reserves from the direction f KOYA DERE. To eventually hold the Line, OUINNS POST (80.S.7. 10) X roads near SCRUBBY KDOLL, CFURTK BAIR, KOSA CHET AE
2. 3 eREERST TRDOPS. Tines for leaving biysuacs and routes to be followed by columns to the points fron which they pass cur Cutpost Line are shown on the March Table attached. The New Lealand hounted Rifles Brigade, Otago Pounted Rirles Right (a) Reginent, New Zealand Field Troop, and Waori Contingent, CoseM under the cownand of Brigadier-General A.E. Ruesell will Force. seize and hold the points BIG TABLE TOP (80 C 9), OLDNYc. 3 POST (80 B 9), BAUCFOP'S HILL (92 K 7 and 8) with the object of covering the advance (in its initial stages) Ix of the assaulting columns. This Force will conence its advance from Nos 2 and 3 Posts at 9 p.m. 6th August. General Russell will arrange to hold the points occupied with sufficient garrisons and will, when the Turther advance of the Assaultiny Columns admits of his doing so, asserble such of his Force as renains in hand at a cenvenient7I the CHHLAK DERE and report to the G.O.C. for orders. General Russell will also arrange to hold Nos 1, 2, and 3 Posts with three troops or. plateonmyrites 1 each, throughout the operations. 310). The 13th Division will Turnish a Crvering Force. Strengt Left 1 Brigade (lese 2 Battalions and Field Amoulance Details) to AF COTESLR seize and hold the DAEAK JElia D 1A.n (92.E) occupying its Force. Northern Slopes as far Mast as KHCLL 92 0 9 inccusive with the ovject of (1) protectile the left Flank of the left assaulting column during its passage up the AGETL DTRE (Lower portion) and (2) protecting the right of a force landing to the North Fest. Thie force must reach the Southern Slopes of the DAAK IELIK BAIR AY. 10.30 p.m. The New Zealanc infantry Brigade, one Mountain Bettery 10) (lees 1 Section) and one Company N.2. Engineers, under the 23056 compand of Brigadier-General T.T. Johnston, will nove via Assaultine Celumn. the Communication Trench to the vicinity of the Westem ends of the SALLL BTT DERE (Square 50 H 1) and the CMLAK DERE (Square 80 A 6): the leading Troops of this column will connencd moving up these Gullies at 10.30 p.v. Objectives The Line Peint 161 (80 K 6) - CHUNUK BAIR - Read of KUR DERE (81 A 4). When this has been sained and conselidated, a report will be made at once to Divisional Report Centre, and preparations made for the further advance indicated in para 1 C. 310) The 27th (Indian) Infantry Brigade, 4th Australian Infantry Brigade, One Mountain Battery (leas one Section) and 1 Com- 2e Assaulting pany N. L. Engineers, under the command of Brigadier-General Celunn. H. V. Cex, will move via the Beach Road to the CHAILAK DERE West of No 3 Post (80 B. 4). The leading Troops of this Colum will crose the CEAILAK DERE at 10.30 p.m. Objective: KOJA CHMETM TEPR with a view to the eventual occupation and consolidation of the line head of AUR HERE (8i A 4) - KOYA CFTIENTEPE (inclusive The Colunn will nove viz WALDEN POINT (92 W1) and the AGHYL DERE, and after clearing the covering Force (para J. b) will protect our left flank. The 1jth Division (less 2 Infantry Brigades, except 1 138 Battalion, 2 Field Company Engineers and Divisional Artillery will be in recerve, and will be dispased in two columns. Croors to leave thei Divouacs and march via the BEACH ROAD p egnt aapa (80 & 3 to 80 A 6), so as to reach the mouths of the AGHYL DERE and CHAILAK DERE respectively by 1 a.m., 7th Rugust. On arrival they will halt and await srders. 318) The Mrst Light Horee Brigade, 4 Battalion 13th Division Moors In and two Sections Field Ambulance, under the command of Brigadier-General H.C. Chauvel, C.M.G., will occupy and secur S 3 Section of Defence (Leas COURTEEYS POST). No General Chauvel will support the attack on the KEX NEK LYRKEIEX by fire action, and by the assault and occupation or carzein traecnes in front of 9UINES POST, and will eventually cocoperete in the consolidation of the line GTLES FOST (8C S) SCRUBBy KHOLL (80 2 2).
TROOPS IN 20 SPOFIOE Bo 00 SS BO 30 SE 22 Enene. DIVISTOFAL Rrort CNTtE. 13) 30 The Third Light Horse Brigads, 1 Section 26th Fourtain Battery, 1 Field Conpany Engincers 13th Division, 2 Bat- taliens 13th Division (leas 2 Companies), 2 Sections Field Anbulance; under the corrrand of Brigadier-General F. Hughes will occupy and secure the Line RUSSELLS TOP (80 N 7) WALKTR'S RIDGR (80 M 8. 9.) to the sea. These forces will in the night 617th August, when the attack on the left has commenced, engage the enemy by fire and bemb attack At 4.30 a.m. (unless orders are given to the contrary 7th August, General Hughes will assault and secure certain trenches on the NEK (80 N 8), BABY 700 (80 N. 8 and 9) and CHESSBOARD (80 s. 3). This attack will be in conjunction with the attack on BATTLESEIP HILL (80. 0. 2) and BABY 700, referred to in para 3 (c). The N.2. & A. Divisional Artillery (less Headquarters and 4 guns 26th Jacob's Mountain Battery) will retain its present pesitions. One Mountain Battery (leas 1 Section remaining on RUSSELL's ToP) (60 N. 7). Joine the Laft Assaulting Column (vide para 3 d). One Lountain Battery (Less 1 Section) Joins the Right Assaulting Column (vide para 3.0). The above dxtntin to be detailed by the O/C, Indian Mountan Artillery Brigade. The details of Artillery Support available are given in Appendix Ac attached to these Orders. Engineer Field Companies are allatted to Assaulting Celunne to Reserve Columns, and Sections of Defence (vide para 3. c. d. and h.). The C.R.E. will make arrangements for the firing, when erdered, of mines which have been prepared in frent of QUTITS POST (80 S. 7), POPT'S HILL (80 S 4), and HUSSELLS ToP (80 N 7). Also for the maintenance of Fining Operations in these Pests. Bearer Divisions will be alletfed to Brigades as under;- E.2. Mounted Rifles Bde. N.2 Mounted Field Ambulance. 1st A.L. H. Brigade. 1 Section N.L. Field Aabulance. mC 1 Section 4th Australian F.Amb. 3rd A.D.H. Brigade. 1 Section N.2. Field Anbulance 1 Section 4th Australian F.Anb. 2.2. Infantry Brigade. 1st A.L.K. Field Aribr and 1 Section N.2. Field Anbt 4th Aust. Infantry Brigade. 3rd A.L. H. Field Anb. and 1 Section 4th Aust. F. Anb. Field Anbulances of the 13th Division will be disposed under Divisional arrangements. Dressing Stations will be established as follows:- Monash Gully (Co w 1. Walker’'s Ridge Gully (80 R 1) Chailak Dere. (To be formed at dawn, 7th August. Aghil Dere. Special instructions regarding details of the aperations are issued herewith. (Appendix Bj. Dirisional Repert Centre vill be at No 2 Outpost from 7 p.n., 6th August. Awarte WoWMou Coon2 General Staff, N.2. and A. Division


Operations of Aug 6 & 7 

Conference with C.O'S
 I. Explain general plan
 2.  Read & Consider Operations order
 3.  Fix Bayonets when turning into Aghyl Dere
 4. Every leader take his successor into his confidence
 5.  Reserve gully to be clear of all our troops after 8 p.m till our march starts.
 6.  13th Bn responsible for reaching S P Arach by 9.45.
 7.  No falling out to assist in carrying wounded
 8. Notify position of Bn. H.Q. to each other
 9.  No liaison officers after comm
  10. Meeting of all officers & N.C.O'S (except on special duty) 9.30 a.m.
⇡ 11. All Battalion & Co Commanders hold largest possible reserves.
Address to Officers & N.C.O's
Perfect silence
 No lights or Smoking
 Rifles not to be loaded
 Hang on to Sandbags, picks & shovels
 Conserve food & water
 Leaders keep cool
All leaders to know who's who, tell men no of Co & Bn, name of Co + Bn Cr.
 Getting touch, & keeping touch, & communications
    Messages - place, time, unit, bearing
Cutting & knotting enemy telephone wires
 Putting enemy guns & M. Guns out of action.
 Vigilance to see orders obeyed - by all leaders
 Digging - in dark - two men pits - Sandbag Cover


T                           5/8/15

Notes re Route

Points Yards



From Aghyl Dere

track crossing 


A.  Bgde H.Q. Reserve Gully   0 -
B. Junction Reserve Gully & Heach Road 475 475 -
C. Sazli Beit Dere 1260 1735 -
D.  No 3 outpost 450 2185 -
E. Aghyl Dere - track crossing. 1300 3485 0
F. Where track crosses 92.5.x (via creek bed) 1460 4945 1460
G. Confluence of Aghyl Deres. 270 5215 1730
H. Foot of Spur at CK Junction E. of e in Dere 780 5995 2510
I. Objective A in Rahman 1000 6995 3510


From present Bgde H.Q to Aghyl Dere in 92.v = 2 miles

Thence to Abdel Rahman Spur =  2 miles

Total   4 miles


Pass No5 supply depot at                             9.35 p.m.        )

Pass S.P. - beach road                                   9.45 p.m.         )

Reach No 3 outpost (1710x) = 1 mile            10.30 p.m.      )  assuming

Reach Aghyl Dere track crossing say         11.15. p.m.  ?    )   no halts or

Reach pt. where 13 + 14 leave                        12.30 a.m. ?   )  checks

Reach Confluence of Aghyl Deres               12.35 a.m. ?   )

Reach objective                                                  1.40 a.m. ?   )




 General Headquarters,
Mediterranean Expeditionary Force,
5th August, 1915. 

Soldiers of the old army and the new.
Some of you have already won imperishable renown at our first landing
or have since built up our foothold upon the peninsula, yard by yard, with deeds
of heroism and endurance.  Others have arrived just in time to take part in our
next great fight against Germany and Turkey, the would-be oppressors of the
rest of the human race.
You, veterans, are about to add fresh lustre to your arms.  Happen what
may so much at least is certain.
As to you, soldiers of the new formations, you are privileged indeed to
have the chance vouchsafed you of playing a decisive part in events which may
herald the birth of a new and happier world.  You stand for the great cause of
freedom. In the hour of trial remember this and the faith that is in you will 
bring you victoriously through.


"A" Form.
Army Form C. 2121.

Prefix  Code    m.
Words    Charge
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer")
Received at   m.
From    4
At   m.
Office of Origin & Service Instructions.
TO Br Gen Monash

4 Aus Inf Bl
 *  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
NZG877                             5
Commanders and composition of Reserve 

columns are as follows.

(a) Left Covering Force     BrGen TRAVERS

4th S.W Bord.

5th Wills R

1/2 88th Co RE

Lt Col Tilney to

note this. JM


L G Tilney
Lt Col.

b) Reserve Columns


39th Inf Bde BrGen Cayly
9th R. War R.

7th Glos. R.

9th Worc R

7th N Staff. R.

72nd FdCo: RE

"A" Form.
Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Words    Charge
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer")
Recd. at   m.
From 3
At   m.
Office of Origin & Service Instructions.
*Sender's Number.  Day of Month.  In reply to Number.  AAA


6th South Lancs                    )   Lt Col

8th Welch R (Purnells)         )  Bald

1/2 88th Co RE                         )    8th Welch R

From  NZA Div

Time     1930

WP Braithwaite Lt Col



Army Form C. 2123.

C. Form. (Original).
Prefix    Code    Words

Charges for Delivery

Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At   .M.
at    .M.
Office Stamp.

Service Instructions.
Handed in at the     Office at     M.  Received here at     M.
TO   4th INF BDE
*Sender's Number.  Day of Month.   In reply to Number. AAA
NZQ 878                     5th                                  _____
Flares are to be burned by the advanced
troops at dawn on AUGUST 7th to indicate
to the Navy the position reached. AAA
These flares consist of Naval Green
lights and one is to be burned at
3.45 AM and another at 3.55 AM by each
Battalion in the front line along the
position occupied by its most advanced
troops AAA     Care is to be taken
to place the flare where it will be
shaded from the direction of the enemy AAA
If the CHUNUK BAIR ridge has been 
reached the flares will be burned



Army Form C. 2123.
"C" Form. (Original).  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.  No. of Message
Prefix   Code   Words

Charges for Delivery
Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At   .M.
at  .M.
Office Stamp.
Service Instructions.
Handed in at the     Office at    M.  Received here at     M.
TO       2

*Sender's Number.  Day of Month.  In reply to Number.  AAA
a little lower down our side of the
slope AAA These flares will be 
obtained by Brigades from CAPT
PARRY OR EDEN in charge of the
Ammunition Supply without delay.


TIME         2015


Hand drawn diagram - see original document



4. Aust Inf Bde       32              

Anzac Cove,
5 4th August 1915.

Reference Maps
Gallipoli 1: 20,000
Anzac Area Map 1: 10,000

(a) The Australian and New Zealand Army Corps with attached
Troops has been ordered to undertake offensive operations
commencing on the 6th August, 1915, with a view to
eventually occupying the line GABA TEPE - Along main
spur marked approximately by the track 82 - 87 - 165
CHUNUK BAIR and thence along the CHUNUK BAIR RIDGE to
and including KOJA CHEMEN TEPE, with this object in 
(b) The First Australian Division assaults the Turkish positions 
on Plateau 400 (68 C) at 5 p.m. on the 6th August,
and later undertakes a subsidiary operation against
(c) The New Zealand and Australian Division, the 13th Division
less one brigade (except one battalion) and less Artillery,
29th Indian Infantry Brigade, and the Indian Mountadn
Artillery Brigade, less one section 2lst Mountain Battery,,
under the command of Major General Sir A. J. Godley,
K.C.M.G., C. B., undertakes operations on the 6th and
7th August, as detailed in para 2.
(d) A force is being landed North of the ANZAC Position on
the night 6/7th August for an operation distinct from
that of the Anzac Force.
(e) The following Naval support will be available:-
A Southern Squadron of five vessels, stationed off
GABA TEPE, and firing on targets East of Plateau 400
(68 C) - HILL 180 (80 N 9) - CHUNUK BAIR BRIDGE.
A Northern Squadron of two Monitors and two Torpedo
Boat Destroyers, firing on targets on the Northern and
Western Slopes ofSARI BAIR (80 0 K; 81 A; 93 W).


 The G.O.C. intends-
(a) With covering forces to attack and hold - 
1. The Line DESTROYER HILL (80 I 1) exclusive -
TABLE TOP - BAUCHOP'S HILL, - 3 (a) (92 X 7 - 8)

2. The DANAK JELIK BAIR, 3 (b) (92. N). with the
object of covering the march of the left assaulting
column (3 d) and protecting the right of a Force being
landed to the North West.
(b) To attack and hold the Line CHUNUK BAIR (80 X 3) - 
KOJA CHEMEN TEPE (93 W 6) - starting from the line No.
1 POST (80 H 8) - No. 3 POST (80 B4) - West end of
AGHYL DERE (92 Q 6) in two assaulting columns (3 c and d).
(c) To co-operate with an attack on BABY 700 which is to
be delivered by No. 4 Section (3 f), and to make god
good the line QUINN'S POST (80.S.7) - X roads about
SCRUBBY KNOLL. (80.Z.) - CHUNUK BAIR with the object of
taking the CHESSBOARD trenches (80.S.3.) in reverse and
opposing the enemy's reserves from the direction of
(d) To eventually hold the Line, QUINN'S POST (80.S.7.)


2.                31
Times for leaving bivouacs and routes to be followed
by columns to the points from which they pass our Outpost
Line are shown on the March Table attached.
Right Covering Force.

(a)  The New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade, Otago Mounted Rifles 
Regiment, New Zealand Field Troop, and Maori Contingent,
under the command of Brigadier-General A.H. Russell will
seize and hold the points BIG TABLE TOP (80 C 9), OLD N No.
3 POST (80 B 9), BAUCHOP'S HILL (92 X 7 and 8) with the
object of covering the advance (in its initial stages) xx
of the assaulting columns. This Force will commence its
advance from Nos 2 and 3 Posts at 9 p.m. 6th August.
General Russell will arrange to hold the points
occupied with sufficient garrisons and will, when the
further advance of the Assaulting Columns admits of his
doing so, assemble such of his Force as remains in hand
at a convenient spot in the CHALAK DERE and report to the G.O.C.
for orders. General Russell will also arrange to hold Nos
1, 2, and 3 Posts with three troops or platoons, i.e. 1 
each, throughout the operations.
Left Covering Force.
3 (b). The 13th Division will furnish a Covering Force. Strengt
1 Brigade (less 2 Battalions and Field Ambulance Details) to
seize and hold the DANAK JELIK BAIR (92.N) occupying its
Northern Slopes as far East as KNOLL 92 0 9 inclusive with
the object of (1) protecting the left flank of the left
assaulting column during its passage up the AGHIL DERE (Lower
portion) and (2) protecting the right of a force landing
to the North West.
This force must reach the Southern Slopes of the
Right Assaulting Column.
3 (c) The New Zealand infantry Brigade, one Mountain Battery
(less 1 Section) and one Company N.Z. Engineers, under the
command of Brigadier-General F.E. Johnston, will move via
the Communication Trench to the vicinity of the Western
ends of the SAZLI BEIT DERE (Square 80 H 1) and the CHAILAK
DERE (Square 80 A 6): the leading Troops of this column
will commence moving up these Gullies at 10.30 p.m.
Objectives The Line Point 161 (80 K 6) - CHUNUK BAIR -
Head of KUR DERE (81 A 4).
When this has been gained and consolidated, a report will
be made at once to Divisional Report Centre, and preparations
made for the further advance indicated in para 1 C.
Left Assaulting Column.
3 (d) The 29th (Indian) Infantry Brigade, 4th Australian Infantry
Brigade, One Mountain Battery (less one Section) and 1 Company 
N. Z. Engineers, under the command of Brigadier-General
H. V. Cox, will move via the Beach Road to the CHAILAK DERE
West of No 3 Post (80 B. 4). The leading Troops of this
Column will cross the CHAILAK DERE at 10.30 p.m.
Objective: KOJA CHEMEN TEPE with a view to the eventual
occupation and consolidation of the line head of KUR DERE
(81 A 4) - KOJA CHEMEN TEPE (inclusive).
The Column will move via WALDEN POINT (92 W 1) and the AGHYL
DERE, and after clearing the covering Force (para 3. b) will
protect our left flank.
3 (e) The 13th Division (less 2 Infantry Brigades, except 1
Battalion, 2 Field Company Engineers and Divisional Artillery
will be in reserve, and will be disposed in two columns.
Troops to leave their bivouacs and march via the BEACH ROAD
XXXXXXXXXX (80 Q 3 to 80 A 6), so as to reach the
mouths of the AGHYL DERE and CHAILAK DERE respectively by
1 a.m., 7th August. On arrival they will halt and await

3 (f) (1) The First Light Horse Brigade, ½ Battalion 13th Division
and two Sections Field Ambulance, under the command of
Brigadier-General H.G. Chauvel, C.M.G., will occupy and secure
No 3 Section of Defence (Less COURTNEY'S POST).
General Chauvel will support the attack on the KEX NEK
XXXXXXXX by fire action, and by the assault and occupation
of certain trenches in front of QUINN'S POST, and will
eventually co-operate in the consolidation of the line


3.       30
(2) The Third Light Horse Brigade, 1 Section 26th Mountain
Battery, 1 Field Company Engineers 13th Division, 2 Battalions

13th Division (less 2 Companies), 2 Sections Field
Ambulance; under the command of Brigadier-General F. Hughes
will occupy and secure the Line RUSSELL'S TOP (80 N 7)
WALKER'S RIDGE (80 H 8. 9.) to the sea.

(3) These forces will, on the night 6/7th August, when the
attack on the left has commenced, engage the enemy by
fire and bomb attack
At 4.30 a.m. (unless orders are given to the contrary)
7th August, General Hughes will assault and secure certain
trenches on the NEK (80 N 8), BABY 700 (80 N. 8 and 9)
and CHESSBOARD (80 S. 3).
This attack will be in conjunction with the attack on
BATTLESHIP HILL (80. 0. 2) and BABY 700, referred to in
para 3 (c).
3. (g).


The N.Z. & A. Divisional Artillery (less Headquarters and
4 guns 26th Jacob's Mountain Battery) will retain its
present positions.
One Mountain Battery (less 1 Section remaining on RUSSELL'S
TOP) (80 N. 7), joins the Laft Assaulting Column (vide
para 3 d).
One Mountain Battery (Less 1 Section) joins the Right
Assaulting Column (vide para 3.c).
The above dxtntin to be detailed by the O/C, Indian Mountain
Artillery Brigade.
The details of Artillery Support available are given in
Appendix "A" attached to these Orders.

3. (h) 

Engineer Field Companies are allotted to Assaulting Columns,
to Reserve Columns, and Sections of Defence (vide para
3. c. d. and h.).
The C.R.E. will make arrangements for the firing, when
ordered, of mines which have been prepared in front of
QUINN'S POST (80 S. 7), POPE'S HILL (80 S 4), and RUSSELL'S
TOP (80 N 7). Also for the maintenance of Mining Operations
in these Posts.

4. (a) 


Bearer Divisions will be allotted to Brigades as under;-
N.Z. Mounted Rifles Bde.     N.Z. Mounted Field Ambulance.
1st A.L.H. Brigade.                  1 Section N.Z. Field Ambulance and
                                                    1 Section 4th Australian F.Amb.
3rd A.D.H. Brigade.                1 Section N.Z. Field Ambulance
                                                    1 Section 4th Australian F.Amb.
N.Z.. Infantry Brigade.           1st A.L.H. Field Amb? and
                                                    1 Section N.Z. Field Amb.
4th Aust. Infantry Brigade.      3rd A.L. H. Field Amb. and
                                                    1 Section 4th Aust. F. Amb.
Field Ambulances of the 13th Division will be disposed
under Divisional arrangements.
4. (b). 


Dressing Stations will be established as follows:-
Monash Gully (80 W 1)
Walker’s Ridge Gully (80 R 1)
Chailak Dere. ) To be formed at dawn, 7th August.
Aghil Dere.     )


Special instructions regarding details of the operations are
issued herewith. (Appendix B).


Divisional Report Centre will be at No 2 Outpost from
7 p.m., 6th August.
WG Braithwaite Major,      

For Lieut-Colonel

General Staff,
N.Z. and A. Division. 

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