Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 6, 10 June - 12 July 1915, Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Reserve Gently 17th June 1915 To The C.O 14th Bath From A OC. C. Cy In forwarding the astacted stites I have to report the following Reinforcements One half of the company is now composed of 2nd 3r 4t and 5th Renforcements which have been trained toi squad and close order drill but no fielo taining and little Musketry A large number of these men were issued with their riftes on embarkation in wethowine and nave done very little Range firing in Egypt and no Fuls folmg at all. In my opinion these Reiforcements are not fit to go into Action with then present chsiiplive and training 2 Officers Out of the six crigial Company Officer I am the only one left. From the fine officers since alletted to the c one, (Mr Graham) held a commission in the Bath. (D C) two others Eesses neate (since sent to Hospital) and Luscombe reinforcements and the remaining too, messss Enatthews and Latie promotes from the rank of B.M.S and Sgr. respectully. th Vp There are six new W.C.O in the company out of a complement of fifteen. Your are at promotions and two came from 3 and 4th Re-ments I have not had an opportunity to judge the capabilities of Hhe two remforcements, As all the Sots of the Company except one who is Acting OMS. have been wounder or promoted men from the puner E.CO. of the coy. have been
been promoted to take their place. The lack of effecient W.C.RS is one of the most serious disadvantages we have to contene with General taking the following facts into consider- ation it is my opinion that this mit is quite unfit to take it place in Active work at the present time- () Lack of Fraining and disciptine in Reinfercements and consequent deticration of disciplive of original men of the Bath Detioration of plysical fitness after eight (2 weeks spent most in augont and Trenches (3 officers of company having new commands tm being jirst tromoted from N.C.D.S lack of facilities for training and improving 2 the disciplinee of the men and consequent lass of opportunity for officers and N.C.OB to know their men and gt get a mup of their work to Lack of Mcoh effeciency as most of the existing ones have either been promoted from pisr to senior V.CAs or promotes from the tranks. HCumberland Lieut Emuidg. C Ely. 14th Bn.
16 10 (6 C Co. 11th B O32 Total Strength of Coy 186 & 17 - 903 No of Original men 93 No y and Penf 21 Do 331 Total 54 No of 4th Kenyt 8 Total 29 No of Original officer Additions:- Ranks Fromoted from Rew Joined with transpened from 2 leay Total Hoepl 4
4 657 X C Coy. 9 No of Orginac N. C 0 Aaditions promotion Recifts 15 total DCumberland Deutenant Coy 14th Br Comdg Comvalants Non- 2 HC. Gro M.C IBeavers Poneers 3 Bds. Legs
a ef9h 1k x y abed 2. 214 a -.50 6 -25 C 20 d10 16/15 xx) &f f- a-c 1-6d -5 4r- 824 9 42 2-7 2 4 K (ae) N. 2-6.9
(x4d6) (a.0) 9-2-br d. a-c (3e-y) = c & 9 9 (2-6-9) 4 (a.e) x= ( 410-20) & (50-20) 2 2-10/ & 30) x 20x 4100 4900/ 20221000 K 50 40 30-20£10 40. 2 9 50-20 30 (50-4)=C & 1602 (50-20- 2) 4 60.0) 2 4way 200 t y5056 -4150-5e 50-4-50 3 100-1500l x256 200 -80E & C 72500-10e’ 22900 p 15000 -3200/- 180e 2500_ 3400 _ (500_180)6 900 290 C 1040 135 2.596 52
t I I- 7 (IL - 11 4 1- FT LLE 1 II 47I 44 a 41 t o I 7 I7 I 7 F T 17/6/15
Ar Form. Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. Nort CAISE PICLE Cale Recd. AtTM. This message is on a/c of OREESOISN SSSMS THMES Sent. Date Service At From To 3 B CIINMEOI FIMHIN ORCIN anntinemn 70 Dos of Mont LIeSBD Sentets Hinrec AAA Seventeenth June/15 n 70 CCol. a from on re be 4 eived cont commnnnn He t Revr 16 fate of Lr pr who was k t o 2/6/15 anenenenenenene Co know what you Please let me about the lad, H if possible when in boundbly wa Cheplan, I that the f the atin I may write onanonmne the Ca C lease return r at o - Col From Place Time 1DD (2) The above may be forwarded as now corrected. amanm Sienature of Addresser or Person suthorined to Clesraph in his name. ConO This line should be crased if not required.
mo TE BON Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. No16 CSSE Preh Cale Recd. AtT.M. This message is on a/c of: Oce of OriSiM & Service instructions Sent. Date Service M At From To By B Drng an onen f men TSTERANFES OT FIMSINS ORCOST 70 1 F SeSS SSNS LaFest to Miner AAA t 912 A B 2.0.1 inn he a n Te portion of the mamrond berderifg upon the line of the 14th Bn floes not dompare tvurable as to liskep with other portions of the road. Then are a pext many lowne stone santlaa over the surfacg. There are lss serious incronpliments of be removed eat at several places, which must ond the a they veduce the affectios withth of the side drain have not been manntained open or to imptove properly apt, and much can be done the top of the rund by sspreaing him soil to efac fill ineqnlitiesof or whon ach mnamm tor pt p. 1. B 20 From anenenenten ene Place T Time 0500 The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 3 ammmnt mn Sienature of Addresser Of Person authorized to EleGraph in his name. ConS This line should be erased if not required.
AFLAC IETELLIGEYCE BULLETIN OO Lator reports of the fighting on tho night of tho 15th whon the Turks mado an unsuccossful attack on our tronchos show that the onory lod by a Gornan Officer and a Turkish officor nado a gallant attack on tho tronches occupiod by tho 88th Brigade. A few Turks word Killod on the parapet itself but nost of then fell doad boford reaching our tronch. Botwoon 40 and 50 doad could bo counted including both tho Gorman and tho Turkish Officers. Tho now tronches gained on the 12th by the South Walos Bordorors and Lordor Regimont word also attachod. The attack was procoded by a strong borbing party. Our troops were forcod to rotiro about 50 yards whore they entronched. At daybroak tho vacatod tronch was onfiladod by our machine gun fire fron tho right and loft and tho Dublin Fusiliors, who occupiod this pastkinn portion of the lino counter attacked with tho bayonet and rocaptured tho tronch which was found to contain about 200 dead Turks. Our casualties Noro very slight. Thoro was a quiet day in the Southorn sphoro yosterday oxcept for somo sholling fron the Asiatic shore. Army Corps Hoadquartors, 18th Juno, 1915. 18 1 400

Reserve Gully
17th June 1915

To The C.O 14th Batt

From A / OC. 'C' Coy
In forwarding the attached states I have
to report the following

One half of the company is now composed
of 2nd, 3rd 4th and 5th Reinforcements which have
been trained to in squad and close order
drill, but no field training and little Musketry. 
A large number of these men were issued with their
rifles on embarkation in Melbourne and have done
very little Range firing in Egypt and no Field 
firing at all. In my opinion these Reinforcements 
are not fit to go into Action with their present 
discipline and training

Coy Officers
Out of the six original Company Officers I am
the only one left. From the five officers since
allotted to the coy, one, (Mr Graham) held a commission
in the Battn. (D Coy) two others Messrs Neale (since
sent to Hospital) and Luscombe reinforcements,
and the remaining two, Messrs Matthews and Lathie
promoted from the rank of Q.M.S. and Sgt

There are six new NCO’s in the company
out of a complement of fifteen. Four are
promotions and two came from 3rd and 4th
Re-ments. I have not had an opportunity to
judge the capabilities of the two reinforcements.
As all the Sgts of the Company except one who
is Acting QMS. have been wounded or promoted
men from the junior N.C.O.’s of the coy. have been


been promoted to take their place. The lack of
efficient N.C.O.'s is one of the most serious
disadvantages we have to contend with.

Taking the following facts into consideration

it is my opinion that this unit is 
quite unfit to take its place in Active work 

at the present time-
(1) Lack of training and discipline in
Reinforcements and consequent detioration of
discipline of original men of the Battn
(2) Detioration of physical fitness after eight 
weeks spent mostly in Dugouts and Trenches.
(3) Officers of company having new commands

two being first promoted from N.C.O's.
(4) Lack of facilities for training and improving
the discipline of the men and consequent loss of
opportunity for officers and N.C.O's to know their
men and getting get a grip of their work.
(5) Lack of N.C.O's efficiency as most of the
existing ones have either been promoted from 
junior to senior N.C.O.'s or promoted from 
the ranks.
V Cumberland Lieut
Commdg. "C" Coy. 14th Bn.



"C" Coy     14th Bn A. I.F. 
(a)    Total Strength of Coy      186 + 17  =  203
(b)    No of Original men           93
(c)     No of 2nd Reliefs              21

                do    3rd        "               33
                                           Total   54
 (D)    No of 4th Reliefs              31

                  "      5th      "                  8

                                            Total   39
 (E)    No of Original officers          1

                Promoted from Ranks        2
                Joined with 4th Reliefs       1

                                        5th      "             1
                Transferred from 'D' Coy     1
                                               Total          5
                                          Hospt             1



"C" Coy

(F)        No of Original N.C Os             9
             promotion                                4
             Recifts                                        2
                                          Total             15

V. Cumberland Lieutenant
Comdg 'C' Coy 14th Bn

Bn Hd Qrs                2
A M C.                       6
S Bearers                 4
Pioneers                  3
Bde. Sigs                 2



Diagram -see original text. 

x2 = (x-j)2 + f  ✓

f = a - c   ✓
j = b - d    ✓
h2 = e2 + q2   ✓
h =  x - y   ✓

q/e = (x - j)/f   ✓
h2 = k2 + (a - e)  ✓
k = x - b - q   ✓



abcd efghjkxy

x, a, b, d, c, q, e, y

a = 50
b = 20
c = 20
d = 10


x2 = (x + d - b)2 + (a - c)2

g/e = (x - b +  d)/(a-c)  

(x - y)2 = e2 + g2

y2 = (x - b - g)2 + (a - e)2

x2 = (x + 10 - 20)2 +(50 - 20)2 = x-10|2 + 30|2
x2 = x2 - 20x + 100 + 900 | 20x = 1000


g/e = (50 - 20 + 10) / (50 - 20) = 40/30 = 4/3 therefore g = 4e/3

(50 - y )2 = e2 + 16e2/9
y2 = (50 - 20 - 4e/3)2 + (50 - e)2
y2 - 100y + 2500 = e2 ( 25/9 e2
50 - y = 5/3e therefore y = 50 - 5e/3 = ± (150 - 5e) / 3
(2?500 + 1500 e + 25 e2 )/ 9 = 900 - 80e + 16e2/9 + 2500 - 100e + e2
22500/9 + 1500e/9 = 3400e - 180e
2500 - 3400 = (500/3 - 180)e
e = (900 + 3)/1040 = 67 1/2 therefore y = 90
135/52 = 2.596




Hand drawn maze- see original. 


"A" Form.
Army Form C. 2121.

No. of Message



Office of Origin & Service Instructions







This message is on a/c of:


(Signature of "Franking Officer")

Recd. at............m





Sender's Number.

Day of Month.

In reply to Number.

Seventeenth  June /15

 Lt Col. Pope

Herewith cable just received from 
the father of Lieut. Kerr 16th Bn,  who 
was, I think, killed on 2/6/15.  -
Please let me know what you can 
about the lad, & if possible where he was 
buried, they want chaplain; so that
I may write to the father.

Please return the cable.

John Monash Col.


Time 1155

The above may be forwarded as now corrected. (Z)
Censor. Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.

*This line should be erased if not required.



"A" Form.
Army Form C. 2121.

No. of Message..........









This message is on a/c of:


(Signature of "Franking Officer")

Recd. at..................m





Sender's Number.

Day of Month


In reply to Number.


C.O. 14th Bn

The portion of the main road bordering upon the
 lines of the 14th Bn does not compare favorably
as to upkeep with other portions of the road. There 
are a great many loose stones scattered over the
surface. There are also serious encroachments of 
earth at several places, which must be removed
as they reduce the effective width of the road. The 
side drains have not been maintained open or 
properly cut, and much can be done to improve 
the top of the road by spreading fine soil to
fill inequalities of surface.
John Monash Col

C.O. of 4th A.I.B
Time 0800

The above may be forwarded as now corrected. (Z)
Censor. Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
*This line should be erased if not required.




Later reports of the fighting on the night of the 15th when the 
Turks made an unsuccessful attack on our trenches show that the enemy
led by a German Officer and a Turkish Officer made a gallant attack on
the trenches occupied by the 88th Brigade. A few Turks were killed
on the parapet itself but most of them fell dead before reaching our
trench. Between 40 and 50 dead could be counted including both the 
German and the Turkish Officers.

The new trenches gained on the 12th by the South Wales Borderers
and Border Regiment were also attacked. The attack was preceded by a 
strong bombing party. Our troops were forced to retire about 50 yards 
where they entrenched. At daybreak the vacated trench was enfiladed 
by our machine gun fire from the right and left and the Dublin Fusiliers, 
who occupied this position portion of the line counter attacked with the
bayonet and recaptured the trench which was found to contain about 200
dead Turks. Our casualties were very slight.
There was a quiet day in the Southern sphere yesterday except for 
some shelling from the Asiatic shore.

Army Corp Headquarters,

18th June, 1915.
Ig / 406

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