Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 6, 10 June - 12 July 1915, Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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10 Major Senal D B.D. Godley 10/6/15 Dear General Iaw Sold. Lesslie today as you diacted & fully discussed with him the vogent need of my getting proper & prompt information from the O.C. Ad. ranced Base Alexandrin, about the fate & disposal of our cnsnatters. – While he was quite sympathitie, he would not act upon my request, but said that of Drv. H.Q. put up a request that Army Coop shired take steps to get this information expedited he would be glad to do so. JhuMonash Col.
Extract from General Routino Orders of. 10 June 1915 - 265. Line recording? In order to assimitate the methods of recording time on the Royal Nary the French and the British Force. respectively and to secure. uniformity in referring to hours of issue and despatch of orders instructions and messages the method of recording time in rogue in the Royal Navy will be adopted. Throughout the Mediterranean Exped- itionary Sorce. All Times to be indicated will be written in a group of pourfigures. The Times between 12 Midnight and Noon will be written as heretofore, but without the addition of A.M. and the figure O must appear at the commencement of any group indicating a time carlier than 10.A9. Sigure. O must also he inserted immediately in front of the last figure when less. than 10 minutes are indicated. Thus 8.15 am will be written 0815 9.7. a.m will be written 0907 The times between 12 Noon. and 12. Mianight: will be recorded by writing the hours 12.A11.12 as 23. 24. and omitting 8.17. The figure O' will be inserted immediately in front of the rast figure when less than 10 minutes are indicated thus 4.30 pm will s written at 1630 and 109 pm. as. 2209 The system of recording ting will be brought into force at midnight on the 18th June.
Cor T. For A. M. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Mo Ol MNSRI Charge Nor F Recd. at This message is on a/c of: Te ACtH SEMIEE HMEO Sent. Date Service From OrEA PTAN ORC Bill Mt 4th Aust T0 FSeattSR EUNtM AAA 1010 N7C6D ut omriou Wo H Septions 2 am fgents, and int larry will o draying with 9 new o denies pas at the fire the exemys rain ligus Mom He Senue time yar shefts fie ten with PIAE on right L0NE in duection left on BABV 700 and Commanous hewe been Section ade open nfte and mactine requested to him. aar same hin fie at acknotledge plene From NLA Di Place Br Time 230 pm The above may be forwarded as now corrected. ly brethwent b Censer. SiEnature Of Addrener Of Person Mulhorned WICESTApp I MISNAME. thie te soud be erasd it not cemred
Fnlying wote Bell Coted 9.52 3 # a vination big net 8 Gh saetene ene n e te A t M an M e Ci Mn tont 10 Juv 1915 im Returned and Charchell le PM Clao ga for C6. 4 B
3 10/6/15 Headquasters N.E&A. Div. This case is resubmitted for favor of reconsideration on the further grounds set forth below, in view of Army Coops Minute of 23/5/15: 1. Anstralian Establishments provide as follows:- 10y To command a Signal Troop - A Subaltion (W.E, A.M.F. p. 56) 1912 (bs to conmand a Signal Company- A Major of iit p.59) Captain 2ieut McGlenn was spefically appointed to command H2nd Signal Company (Vistoria]] See A.I.F. Covadation list 29 1914 p. 488 & not merely as Commanding a Section. 3. My only reason for with holding a recommendation from the ontret that the office should be promoted Captain was because he was entirely unknown to me, + I desired that he should have the stulus of hevy to deserve such recommendation. - He has now amply justifiel Such recommendation, as he is an expect electrician & telepraphest orcee, & has made his command efficient in spite of many dif- ficulties of defective exnipment. 4. It is to be noted all officer commanding signal troops receivet the rank of Captain in Australia, even the the Establishments provided for a Subaltion only irz. Capt. Downing 1st L.H. Agde See AI. Fdiat pisy Capt. Stanley ilid p39 do Capt Gartrell 3 diil 43 do 5. This promation would not be in excen of Establishment but would merly carty into effect the original intention C.0.9th Pobmtmoned Cve A.18
11 10/6/15 Head Quarters N.Z&A. Die. re Machine Gun Section Sx p62 Reference my letter re above of 6/6/15 & telegram N.Y.G. A8 9/6/15 the position is as follows:- 1. I have no personel either wholly or partially trained in M.G. work, available to relieve the pessonnel now with No 3 Section 2. Originally I trained, in each Battalion, two additional M. G. Sections diving to heavy losses in M.G. personnel, these have all already been absorbed, & the residuum of all three section of all fond Battalions is now still with No 3 Section. 3. I have no means of training further personnel, as all remaining Officers & N.C.O of the M.G. Siations are still in N. 3 Section. fo the McG. officers report that owing to the fixed position of the guns & the confinet space in the trenches, there is great difficulty in m- proving the efficiency of the indifferently Frained members of the personnel still present with thes Siction. They are being employed beft filling, amunition carrying & other subordinate duties. S. Apsst from the desire to afford some relief to these men, who have been now continuomly in the trencher for over 6 weeks, this matter of relief fo foesh training is advanced solety in the initer. rots of Intiree efficiency, copecially in case of mobile operations 6. It is thought that, as there have been several Mastime Grmns may put out of action, thered be spare M. C. Detachments available in some other units of the Division, to relieve some Or all of the Detachments belonging to this Brignde thutnonast C.O. Fonrock (Hut/ Mn. Bal
amnn D PorM Army Form. C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. CaRe Nort PR Cote Recd. A M. This message is on a/c of: Oee N SRS SerCe MO Sent. Date Service At M From To. By me B MMIEO. PIAMNY, OANNV 1n 0.13 in inenenen on e e e e e e e e ne 10 T0 inr 16 FSeattOMN DoS Of MOnt Larest toRiner AAA Eleventh /6/15 In vrew of the great delay which is occurring in the retuon to units of slightly wounded or temporarily sick officer N.C. 0s & men, & invewof the statements brought here by Reinforcements & consilisents of having seem our personnel) apparently quite fit to resume duty, in Egypt or elsewhere I should be glad yf each C would tuonaly one today with definite particulars in typical cases that may be within at may writing of 3 have come to his knowledge, where meny g any rank) having regard to the nature of their orginal disability. sould reasonably have been expected to reom us long before now These particular Name, Dank, 4c nature of insulty of to comprine ellness, date of evaciation, & any informationo hand as to his present condition eved of the latter be only her say M A.1.B - Li amonash Place f TO919I C04t N.I.B. ? The above may be forwarded as now corrected. (2) STEAMEHIHHHEANAMITM MITIHT WSSSMKINNNE ConO This line should be crased if not required.
send Rank Intiil Name Col. Yonash Lr Col. J.P McGlimn Capt. C.4 Feob C.R. Seclenmeys 5i Lt. Col. G.T Burnage Major W.W. Ellis Capt. T.M. A. Suvrant Lieut E.V. Tompson 63D macarthert F.H. Faddy Capt. Shellshere 5.0.6 Herring R.T.1 Hunt 13 F.N Edmonds 15 N.S. Brache Lient R.GE kellick Wroythe 17 4:2 y 4.0 Runssell e T.HA Simpson 4.5 satier 20 taskull Sinclard 22 43:2 Locke 23 CD Hophins F.G. Frainge 25 T.E see K.A. McLeod 29 Wilson F.G R.H trowe 5.4 Perry BinineI C.W 31 H.T. Nathins F.o Barton 33 Yorks I DD.G 34 6.8 gardiner 35 A.F. Smith 36 R.G. Legge 37 D Col. R.E Coustrey 38 adame Major Capt E.M. Dare Major H.N Young Lieut CR.14 con &2 G.4.1 Clarke 43 4.G Loughcan Capt. r. 44 Kankine Man 45 Capte T.H. Stail &6 N.C.W Baldock F. As Hight 47 Connelly 40 C.C 49 HIX Hoggest 50 Lieut Henry 51 CR Hutton 32 T.C Hanbe 53 4.4 Hamilton Combes 55 H.N Boyle D.H. Knowen. Walke H.E. Groom 6:2 Gites 59 H.R Havs 60 0:6:1 Thomann 61 D.L.a Richadion 62 nc Cumbeland 63 L.E. Ball femt 48 13 14 a Appoint ment. C.0. B.M. 0.0. V.0. C.0. 5inC. as. P.M. 7.0. 5.10 M.8. 1.9.0 C.8. SinC adt A.M. T.e 5.0 n.8. 11/6/15 Transferred as B.M. to 2nd 1.34, 27/5/15 wounded 29/5/15, to England. Killed 2/5/15. Fomatel 2nd in C. & Major 1/5/15 Left with Horses Mouing 3/5/15 W. 29/5/15 Ret 39/5/4. Major 1/2/15 - W. 28/4/15 W. 20/5/15 Reb. 20/5/15. Major 1/2/16 Sick - away 5/6/15 (Hen. Major) sick a auay 3/6/15 Capt. 16/12/14 Invalided 4/5/15 W. 29/5/15 Capt. 16/1414 Capt Bay 7/5/7 Mil Cron 7/6/15, Invalidel 2/6/18 w 1/5/15 Capt 7/8/18 W.29/5/15 Feb. 29/6/15 to Brigade Staff a. 0.0. namrescape fon Shill 28/4/15 W. 27/4/15 (arns) K.2/5/15 K.26/4/15 H. 2/0/15 K. 3/5/15. N. 26/4/15 W. 3/5/15 act agt 9/6/16 W. 27/4/15 N. 29/5/15 (serions) Military Coves 2/6/15, W. 12/5/15, Reb. 16/5/15 Invalided 28/5/15 W. 27/4/15. Ret. 15/5/15. Acting C.O. Major 27/5/15 Fransft D.C.R. W20/5/15 to Malta Capt. 27/5/15 & to A.Co D.5.0. 2/6/15 Major 16/12/14 Invalided 11/5/15 Invalided 27/4/18. Invalided 30/4/15 W. 27/4/15. Ret. 2/6/16 R.27/4/16 Reported 2/6/15 Capt. 16/12/19? Capt. 16/12/14 N. 30/4/15 W. 27/4/15 (snions/ England N. 19/5/16 W. 2/5/15 Capt. 27/0/10 Varions) N. 19/5/15 Capt. 22/5/18 N. 1/5/15. Died N. 4/5/15 Capt. 22/8/15 W. 30/5/15 7.0. & to Californan sick 20/5/15 Now S.O
64 Liei K.GH Crabbe Cox A.R KNarren 5.3 Ruttand 68 L Col. T.H. Cannan H.P. Caster Major Capte Mea Wellis 20 F.W. Craig Lieut Mathew B.G o'Brien N 73 heither Capt. TF.G 74 Major R.E. snowden Nalsh 76 apt. T.F. sumn Richardson 70 T.F Canan D.4 Cif carset 80 Moran 81 Lieut 4.0 Davies or waters 4.5 83 Aill 84 TiHe Evensen N.Y 86 L.X Harry n 7.A Good 87 Douglas 88 A or Diesion Dickimon 6.5 C.E. Snast collin L.4 92 Robertion D.S. freeman E.2. Armstrong casey 69 96 Hinman 4.6 Hill heswell + ACl. A. Pope 100 1.5 Filney Major 100 Gacdonald RLA 102 Capt. 102 fint Gorman M.M. Sampth 104 Wilton E.A 105 McCegoe 106 Capt. R.S. Baker 5.1. Major Yausbridge we 108 F.D Caster 109 mille Capt 110 5.2 Townshend in HP.A mittam 112 F.B. Gladman 113 Lieut E.6.1 Margoln 114 N.A. Southern 115 L.P. Heming 116 EOA Brune 117 Boashaw 118 5.4 F.G. chabret 119 N.4 Duostor 120 F.K. Langsford 121 Enslewss 6.4 122 Elston 123 W.6 Buston 4I 124 A47 Mountain 125 AP Finlay 126 her W.D 127 EH. Kretchmal 122 129 C.A Geddes Blyt R.B 130 A.E Carse 131 p4 15 a to W. 13/5/15 Feb. 24/5/15 W. 45/15 (ari) N.1/5/15. 1.9.0 C.0 5.2.C. K. 3/5/16 ad. P.M. Invanded to England 10/5/15 7.0 5.0. act agt. on.8. IN. 2/5/15 N.28/415 Maor 1/2/15 K. 29/5/15, Mapor 1/5/15 Major 29/5/15 W. 27/4/15 seons sick 3/5/15 N. 3/5/15 Capt. 16/2/14 N.1/5/15 Oeet. 1/6/15 Capt. 16/12/14 W. 2/5/16 serions K28/415 Iwalided at Broadmeatua & 0/12/14 epp W. 9/5/15 & 2/0/15 Capt & Adpt. 25/4/15, N.9/5/16 Capt. 2/5/15 N. 26/4/15 serious W. 2614/15. Died. N. 1/5/15 W. 3/5/15 Mining 9/6/16 W. 28/4/15 - Mining N.3/5/15 k 10/5/15 34 wound W. 9/5/15 N. 915/15 W.29/5/15 R. 29/5/15 Capt. 29/5/15 M.G.0. W. 2/5/15 serious C.0. (N. 2/5/15 & 29/5/15 but not off duty) ✓ SinC. Pinne 25/4/15 ag Left on Trausport a.M. Lipe sick in Mell. T.O. W. 26/4/15 (renins) 5.0 N.4/5/15 Feb. 3/5/15 M.0. W. 5/5/15 (serions) bow a fand D.S.6. 2/4/16. K.20/4/15 N.2/5/15 N.9/5/15 Landed 95/15 M.T.O. Invalided 1/4/15 (auatralis) Invalided & lipe at Base. Capt (earty) N. 2/5/15 Reb. 5/5/15 Capt. 25/4/15 N. 2/5/15 W. 27/4/15 Ret. 3/6/15 K.2/5/151 N. 2/5/18 & W.2/5/15 K. 9/5/151 Capt. 10/5/15 - Sick 7/6/15 & Capt & Adft. 2/5/15 K.9/5/16. Prisoner 25/4/15. & K. 25/18 N. 28/4/15 ✓ N. 20/4/15 (senons) England N. 2/5/15 N.6/5/15 V K. 2/5/15✓ Capt. 2/5/15 W. 29/4/15 (Died 1.8.6


Major General Sir A.J. Godley

Dear General.

I saw Lt Col. Lesslie today as you directed
& fully discussed with him the urgent need of my
getting proper & prompt information from the O.C. Advanced
Base Alexandria, about the fate & disposal
of our casualties. - While he was quite sympathetic,
he would not act upon my request, but said that
if Div. H.Q. put up a request that Army Corps
should take steps to get this information expedited
he would be glad to do so.

John Monash


Extract from General Routine Orders
of 10th June 1915

265. Time Recording:-
In order to assimilate the methods of recording time in
the Royal Navy.. the French and the British Force
respectively and to secure uniformity in referring to hours
of issue and despatch of orders instructions and messages
the method of recording time in vogue in the Royal Navy
will be adopted throughout the Mediterranean Expeditionary
All times to be indicated will be written in a group of
four figures.  The times between 12 Midnight and Noon
will be written as heretofore but without the addition
of "A.M." and the figure "0" must appear at the commencement
of any group indicating a time earlier than 10.A.M.
Figure "0" must also be inserted immediately in front of the
last figure when less than 10 minutes are indicated.  Thus
8.15 a.m will be written 0815
9. 7 a.m will be written 0907
The times between 12 Noon and 12 Midnight will be
recorded by writing the hours . . . . . . 11.12 as
. . . . . . 23.24. and omitting "P.M."  The figure "0" will be
inserted immediately in front of the last figure when less
than 10 minutes are indicated thus will be written
as "1630" and 10. 9 p.m. as "2209"
The system of recording time will be brought into force
at midnight on the 15th June. 




TO  4th Aust. Inf Bde
*Sender's Number        Day of Month.    
          NZG 68                      10/6/15

At 2 a.m. tomorrow both sections
will carry out feints and
(*device*) devices with a view to drawing
the enemy's fire AAA At the
same time the Mountain Guns
will fire ten star shells
in direction of L O N E  P I N E on right
and B A B Y  700  on left.
AAA.  Section Commanders have been
requested to open rifle and machine
gun fire at same time.  AAA
Please acknowledge
From  NZA Div
ime  6.30pm
Ackd Bm 236                  PTO

WG Braithwaite Lt Col


O.C. 14th Bn
For information as O.C.
Inlying Picquet.  Pls
note return
JP McGlinn
10 JUN 1915
9-15 pm
B.M.    III
Noted and Returned
9.52 P.M
Chas MM Dare
Major of Adjt
for C.O. 14th Bn



Headquarters N.Z & A. Div.
This case is resubmitted for favor of reconsideration
on the further grounds set forth below, in view of Army Corps Minute
of 23/5/15 :-
1.  Australian Establishments provide as follows: -
(a) To command a Signal Troop - A Subaltern (W.E, A.M.F. p. 56)
(b) To command a Signal Company - A Major or Captain (ibid p. 59)
2.  Lieut McGlinn was specifically appointed to command
No 2nd Signal Company (Victoria) {see A.I.F Gradation list {of 1914 p. 48  }
& not merely as Commanding a Section.
3.  My only reason for withholding a recommendation from the outset that
this officer should be promoted Captain was because he was entirely
unknown to me, & I desired that he should have the stimulus of having
to deserve such recommendation. - He has now amply justified
such recommendation, as he is an expert electrician & telegraphist
officer, & has made his command efficient in spite of many difficulties
of defective equipment.
4.  It is to be noted ^ that all officers commanding Signal Troops received
the rank of Captain in Australia, even tho' the Establishments
provided for a Subaltern only viz: -
Capt. Downing 1st L. H. Bgde see A.I.F. Lists  p. 35
Capt. Stanley    2nd         do              ibid             p. 39
Capt Gartrell     3rd          do              ibid             p. 43
5.  This promotion would not be in excess of Establishments, but
would merely carry into effect the original intention.
John Monash
C.O. 4th



Head Quarters N.Z & A. Div.
re Machine Gun Sections

Reference my letter re above of 6/6/15 - (see smaller book p. 62) & telegram N.Z.G. 48
of 9/6/15 the position is as follows: -
1.  I have no personnel either wholly or partially trained in
M.G. work, available to relieve the personnel now with No 3 Section
2.  Originally I trained, in each Battalion, two additional M.G. Sections
Owing to heavy losses in M.G. personnel, these have all already
been absorbed, & the residuum of all three sections of all four
Battalions is now still with No 3 Section.
3.  I have no means of training further personnel, as all remaining
officers & N.C.O's of the M.G. Sections are still in No 3 Section.
4.  The M.G. officers report that owing to the fixed positions of the guns
& the confined space in the trenches, there is great difficult in improving
the efficiency of the indifferently trained members of the
personnel still present with these Sections.  They are being employed
belt-filling, ammunition carrying & other subordinate duties.
5.  Apart from the desire to afford some relief to these men, who
have been now continuously in the trenches for over 6 weeks, this
matter of relief for fresh training is advanced solely in the interests
of future efficiency, especially in case of mobile operations.
6.  It is thought that, as there have been several Machine Guns
put out of action, there should ∧may be spare M.G. Detachments
available in some other units of the Division, to relieve some
or all of the Detachments belonging to this Brigade.
John Monash
C.O. Fourth (Aust) Inf. Bgde


TO { C.O. 13 Bn
       {         14  -
       {         15  -
       {         16  -

Day of Month.        
In view of the great delay which is occurring in the return
to Units of slightly wounded or temporarily sick officers,
N.C.O's & men, & in view of the statements brought here
by Reinforcements & Convalescents of having seen our
personnel, apparently quite fit to resume duty, - in
Egypt or elsewhere - I should be glad if each C.O
would furnish me today with definite particulars in
writing of 3 typical cases that may be within or may
have come to his knowledge, where men (of any
rank) having regard to the nature of their original
disability, could reasonably have been expected to
rejoin us long before now. - These particulars
to comprise Name, Rank, No, nature of casualty or
illness, date of evacuation, & any information to
hand as to his present condition - even if the latter
be only hearsay.

From 4th A.I.B.
Time 0919/

John Monash
C.O. 4th A.I.B.



Rank Initials Name Unit Appoint-
1. Col. J. Monash H.Q. C.O.  
2. Lt Col. J.P. McGlinn " B.M.  
3 Capt. C.H. Jess " O.O. Transferred as B.M. to 2nd 1. Bde, 27/5/15
4 " C.R. Seelenmeyer " V.O.  
5. Lt. Col. G.J. Burnage 13 C.O. Wounded 29/5/15, to England
6. Major W.W. Ellis " S. in C. Killed 2/5/15.
7 Capt. J.M.A. Durrant " Adjt. Promoted 2nd in C. & Major 1/5/15
8 Lieut F.V. Thompson " Q.M.  
9 " G.D.D. Macarthur " T.O. Left with Horses.
10 " F.H.  Faddy " S.O Missing 3/5/15
11 Capt. C. Shellshear " M.O. W. 30/5/15 Ret 30/5/15.
12 " S.C.E. Herring "   Major 1/2/15 - W. 28/4/15
13 " R.T. Hunt "   W. 20/5/15 Ret 20/5/15 Major 1/2/15
14 " J.N. Edmonds "   Sick - away 5/6/15 (Hon. Major)
15 " W.O. Brache "   Sick - away 3/5/15
16 Lieut. R.G.E. Kellick "   Capt. 16/12/14 Invalided 4/5/15
17 " W.A. Forsythe "   W. 29/5/15
18 " H.N. Russell "   Capt. 16/12/14
19 " J.W.A. Simpson "   Capt 16/12/14 & Adjt 7/5/15, Mil. Cross 2/6/15, Invalided 4/6/15.
20 " H.J. Salier "   W. 1/5/15 Capt. 7/5/15
21 " H. Hartwell-Sinclair "   W. 29/5/15 Ret. 29/5/15
22 " W.J.M. Locke "   to Brigade Staff as O.O.
23 " C.B. Hopkins "   narrow escape from Shell 28/4/15
24 " F.G. Grainger "   W. 27/4/15 (serious)
25 " J.E. Lee "    
26 " K.A. McLeod "   K. 3/5/15
27 " F.G. Wilson "   K. 26/4/15
28 " R.H. Crowe "   K. 2/5/15
29 " S.L. Perry "    
30 " C.W. Binnie       √ "   K. 3/5/15
31 " H.T. Watkins "   K. 26/4/15
32 " F.M. Barton "   W. 3/5/15
33 " D.G. Marks      √ "   act. adjt. 4/6/15
34 " G.G. Gardiner "   W. 27/4/15
35 " A.F. Smith "   W. 29/5/15 (serious)
36 " R.G. Legge       √ " M.G.O. Military Cross 2/6/15, W. 12/5/15, Ret. 16/5/15
37 Lt. Col R.E. Courtney 14 C.O. Invalided 28/5/15
38 Major J. Adams " S in C W. 27/4/15. Ret. 15/5/15. Acting C.O.
39 Capt. C.M. Dare " Adjt. Major 27/5/15
40 Major H.N. Young " Q.M.  
41 Lieut C.R.M. Cox      √ " T.O. Transf. to D. Co.  W 20/5/15 to Malta
42 " G.H. Clarke " S.O. Capt. 27/5/15 & to A. Co
43 Capt. H.G. Loughran " M.O.  
44 Major R. Rankine "   D.S.O. 2/6/15
45 Capt. T.H. Steel "   Major 16/12/14 Invalided 11/5/15
46 " N.C.W. Baldock "   Invalided 27/4/15.
47 " F.H. Wright "   Invalided 30/4/15
48 " C.E. Connelly "   W. 27/4/15. Ret. 2/6/15
49 " W.R. Hoggart "   K. 27/4/15
50 Lieut A. Henly "   Reported 2/6/15  Capt. 16/12/14?
51 " C.R. Hutton "   Capt. 16/12/14  W. 30/4/15
52 " J.G. Hanby "   W. 27/4/15 (serious) England
53 " W.H. Hamilton "   K. 19/5/15
54 " B. Combes "   W. 2/5/15  Capt. 27/5/15 (serious)
55 " H.N. Boyle "   W. 19/5/15  Capt. 27/5/15
56 " A.H. Curwen-Walker "   W. 1/5/15.  Died
57 " W.E. Groom "   W. 1/5/15  Capt. 27/5/15
58 " C.L. Giles "   W. 30/5/15
59 " H.R. Harris "    
60 " O.C.W. Fuhrmann "   T.O. & to Californian
61 " D.L.K. Richardson "    
62 " K.C. Cumberland "    
63 " L.E. Ball "   Sick 20/5/15  Now S.O
64 Lieut. K.G.H. Crabbe 14    
65 " A.R. Cox "   W. 13/5/15  Ret. 24/5/15
66 " R. Warren "   W. 1/5/15 (serious)
67 " J.B. Rutland " M.G.O. K. 1/5/15.
68 Lt. Col. J.H. Cannan 15 C.O.
69 Major H.R. Carter " S. in C.
70 Capt. W.O. Willis " Adjt. √ K. 3/5/15.
71 Lieut F.W. Craig " Q.M.
72 " B.G. Matthews " T.O. √ Invalided to England 10/5/15
73 " N. O'Brien " S.O. √ act. adjt.
74 Capt. J.F.G. Luther " M.O.
75 Major R.E. Snowden "   √ W. 2/5/15
76 Capt. J.F. Walsh "   K. 28/4/15  Major 1/2/15
77 " H. Quinn "   K. 29/5/15, Major 1/5/15
78 " J.F. Richardson "   W. 27/4/15 serious  Major 29/5/15
79 " D.H. Cannan "   sick 1/5/15
80 " C.F. Corser "   W. 3/5/15.
81 Lieut F. Moran "   Capt. 16/12/14  W. 1/5/15  Ret. 1/6/15
82 " H.C. Davies "   Capt. 16/12/14  W. 2/5/15 serious
83 " L.J. Waters "   K 28/4/15
84 " T.N. Hill "   W. 29/5/15  Invalided at Broadmeadows 20/12/14.   x
85 " N.T. Svensen "   W. 9/5/15
86 " S.W. Harry "   Capt & Adjt. 25/4/15, & 7/5/15  K. 9/5/15
87 " J.A. Good "   Capt. 2/5/15
88 " A. Douglas "   W. 26/4/15 serious
89 " N. Dickson "   W. 26/4/15. Died.
90 " G.F. Dickinson "   W. 1/5/15
91 " C.E. Snartt "   W. 3/5/15
92 " L.N. Collin "   Missing 9/5/15.
93 " T. Robertson "   W. 28/4/15 - Missing
94 " D.S. Freeman "   K. 3/5/15
95 " F.L. Armstrong "   K. 10/5/15
96 " L.G. Casey "   W. 9/5/15  34 wounds.
97 " A.G. Hinman "   K. 9/5/15
98 " J. Hill "   W. 29/5/15 Ret. 29/5/15 Capt. 29/5/15
99 " H Kessell " M.G.O. W. 2/5/15 serious
100 Lt Col. H. Pope 16 C.O.  
101 Major L.E. Tilney " S in C. (W. 2/5/15 & 29/5/15 but not off duty)  √
102 Capt. R.T.A. Macdonald " Adjt Prisoner 25/4/15
103 Lieut. T. Gorman " Q.M. Left on Transport
104 " M.M. Smyth " T.O. Left sick in Melb.
105 " E.A. Wilton " S.O. W. 26/4/15 (serious)
106 Capt. R.S. McGregor " M.O. W. 1/5/15 Ret. 3/5/15
107 Major E.K. Baker "   W. 5/5/15 (serious)
108 " W.O. Mansbridge "   D.S.O. 2/5/15.    blown out of trench.
109 " F.B. Carter "   K. 28/4/15
110 Capt. J. Miller "   Major  K. 2/5/15
111 " S.E. Townshend "   K. 9/5/15  Landed 8/5/15  M.T.O.
112 " H.P.H. Brittain "   Invalided 1/4/15 (Australia)
113 Lieut F.B. Gladman "   Invalided & left at Base.
114 " E.L. Margolin "   Capt. (early) W. 2/5/15 Ret. 5/5/15
115 " H.A. Southern "   Capt. 25/4/15  K. 2/5/15
116 " L.D. Heming "   W. 27/4/15  Ret. 3/6/15
117 " E.O.A. Bruns "   K. 2/5/15  √
118 " J.A. Brashaw "   W. 2/5/15  √
119 " F.G. Chabrel "   W. 2/5/15  √
120 " N.H. Durston "   K. 9/5/15  √
121 " J.K. Langsford "   Capt. 10/5/15 - sick 7/6/15  √
122 " G.L. Curlewis "   Capt & Adjt 2/5/15  K. 9/5/15  √
123 " W.E. Elston "   Prisoner 25/4/15.  √
124 " H.J. Burton "   K. 2/5/15   √
125 " A.H.T. Mountain "   K. 28/4/15  √
126 " A.P. Imlay "   W. 28/4/15 (serious) England  √
127 " W.B. Kerr "   K. 2/5/15  √
128 " E.H. Kretchmar "   K. 6/5/15  √
129 " C.A.  Geddes "   K. 2/5/15 sick  √
130 " R.B. Blyth "   Capt. 2/5/15
131 " A.E. Carse " M.G.O. W. 27/4/15 ( Died  √
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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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