Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 5, 25 May - 10 June 1915, Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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43 ap the conclusion of the Generals speech the Bripadie, Colonely Monach, briefly thanked him on behalf of the Feourth Migade, & assured him ttat whely next they were sadled upon tor service in any part of the faring line, they wrued put forth they upnout endewr 13to jrsti the commendation which he had so penerongly bestowed upon them. I folouel mouish th ced f tchic forhis majeste the King which were lustly given fom ther therand style - the calves trouts on thy Anstration volling from ont to the sea. valley to valli Th honor the pecloury list compoises the Battalin 14 H.S.C Major Kankine th 14 4o Major Manstadg th Capt Simpison Lo ilitan bron 13 do. Lieut Logge th D.C. o Private A. Wright os 1. d H. Upton for 1 Sof M Corbett 15 o 16 Cpl. F. Black d 13th 6 Che Francis Fir Busnett orfedieal Corps Am Stepf Sqt H. Tackson do. do Corporal Bluck have of the above Set Major Cobett commissioned pauk bee fince promoted
Re S
38 and distinction, it has been very havd to sugle out individuals, but as Conmended of this Division I have had the honor of sending on the names of some 20 officer Honen, trm that of gond Brigadied downward, Fo special & honorable mention in Despatches (For most meritoriom service + conspicuous pallantry + It has pleasel his Majesty the King to confer upon the Brigade two Distinguished Lervice (orders,) two Military Coosses a Sven Distinmshed conduct Medal. thot rewards between the canding of this Brigadon April 25 & May 5, an surely a grand & enviable record I am sure now that you will soon be wanting to set back to the pont line, after you have had a little while to reorgning &refit. I am plad to have had this opportunity of meeting you sincerely thanking you all fo the guelant work you have done. because on bepal of the Imperal Government, the freat senices you have rendered to the glory of the smpios - preated senrce than you probably you thank you, Colonal Monash e rele your tff you officers & all commanding the highest to the Cowent your personnel from for the work you have the prst done duriing five week
No 26 FORCE ORHER No. 19. EDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDS General Headquarters, and June, 1915. 1. It ie notified for information that the ravine shown as KEREVES HERS on the official operations map, seale 1740,000, will continue to be called by that name and not DOMUL BERE, which name appears in captured Turkish maps. The Favine named CHOMAK or DOFUL DERE will be 20 Known as CHOMAK AE.E, and the hill named ACiiI BABA will continue to be knom by this name and not as ATCh TEPE, 1 Major-General, C.G.So 1 Ledtn.Exp. Force. Copies to: G.O.C..A.H.L.A.C. G.O.C., 29th Division. W.U.C., A2nd (East Lanes) Division. G.C.C..Royal Naval Division. O.C..Armoured Car Squadron, R.M.A.S. Issurd at 12 noon. Copies forwarded to G.O.C., Australian Division. G.O.C., N. 2. 8 A. Diision. O.C., L.M.A. Brigade. Six 12 noon, 4/6/15 General Staff A. 8 N. 2. A. C.
Army Form C. 2122. BrForm. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Oe Sen Received C PORE Wor MceASMEEMEMo 1054 From 74 t6 70 B Iust Inf in reply to Number. Da O Nom SenetONANNE AAA Aa 99. 912 H A5 soon as the 10t Liant Horse Reg. has reported itts arrival in No4 it wrle no longer be secter necessary for the Infentry Bhe in Divisionse reserve to furnish a battation as inlying piequet to be bivonaced every night beach below walker Brage At8 1 Aadressed 4th Aust Inf Bhe Repeated) No 4 Section. Aexpowleage receipt PION Pace 0a This tine should be Crased it not required.
Army Form C. 2123. C. Com S MESSACES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message aa 4y Pretin AYaa Dorde Sent, or sent out 11 Office Stamp. from t Collected tl Distance PA ON Returned Service instructions. Handed in at the Office at Received here a4 45. 0 tust AS Day of Monit J s o S. AAA hi on beack outh t lke ridge had this afte ner and preventing men Aathing H0 Dee to nav it nep ang fo sen your lvenacted fill are pup hill ere Kenitable 4 e ported ticty bent B1 MAFARTAO saftternos semann FROM PLACE TIME All Porterage, Redirecties, or a, and the particulars of Ane Paid Ot Are to Se SAI CA Cherres tor Octer Ei ine Specces neaded -Deneiyy and to the wmats is gund at mond
Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message MESSACES AND SIGNALS C. FOrM. COTISINAN. Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out To0e P from Collected Meane Paid out Distance Returned Received here a Handed in at the AAR 160 Senters Hinber mugh act i Int Bdl & dowon at inlying wear complete ux dow eth Knownedge then Gatts 20 metion ts in Bde Lor FROM PLACE TIME amps affixed to the face of the All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collecied on delivery a he spaces headed Delivery and ,, and the particulars of such charges and ofamounts pr Charges for Delivery This ln
C. TOM UONNN Recd from 81 Service instructions. Handed in at the 70 Please inlaying repert pasitio 4 FROM PLACE TIME ATSTEE Charaes 1o. Pretix Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SICNALS. No. of Message Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Word COOC ) Conected Paid out Bisnce Returned Office at Received h 91 14 204 a Battelin tle tonight a AA0 puiquet B what 8E:1 early ecilaance 19N.LC AA.A 920 No 4 " her charges collected on delivery are to be bought to account by me ans of Stamps alll 1 sore, in the spaces & ges and of as our are to be set forth ounts te wa t gud t as nae
TeMorS Handed in at the FROM PLACE TIME BotE RoWO reti Tistance Army Form C. 2123. AND SICNALS SAC No. of Message Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Collected Paid out Returned Wie - AAA ouat by me ans of Stamps affired to the face of the ae Cenana Telver are to be bousm to spaces headed Delivery and ve, in forth te w wa
Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message MESSACES AND SIGNALS. O. Form. (Original). Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Words CoO Recd. Jet from Collected Meare BO 3/120 o Distance Returned 6:13 received here 2o2pm Handed in at the 70 AAA 1 ME appusinted lease I have your 45 12 I wack anne ct nes fice neks under an it 1be coned conge FROM M N Anacflove PLACE TIME me ins of Stamps affired to the face of the bought Mll Perterase, Redirection, or other charges collecied on delivery are to 1ove, in the spaces headed Deliver ParEMess of such charges and ol amounts paid our are to be set lorth CMeRC t Na

At the conclusion of the General's speech,
the Brigadier, Colonel Monash, briefly thanked him
on behalf of the Fourth Brigade, & assured him
that when next they were called upon for service
in any part of the firing line, they would put
forth their utmost endeavours to justify the
commendation which he had so generously
bestowed upon them. -  Colonel Monash then
called for three cheers for his Majesty the King
which were lustily given from three thousand
throats in the Australian style - the echoes
rolling from valley to valley & ^far out to the sea. -
The honors list comprises the following : -
D.S.O.  - Major Rankine 14th Battalion
        Major Mansbridge 16th   do.
Military Cross - Capt Simpson 13th   do.
        Lieut. Legge  13th      do.
D.C.M.  Private A. Wright 15th   do.
                 "         W. Upton  13th   do.
            Sgt Major Corbett  15th  do.
             Cpl. P. Black            16th  do   
             Cpl. Francis             13th   do.
             Private Burnett Army Medical Corps
             Staff Sqt H. Jackson   do.      do.
Of the above Sgt Major Corbett & Corporal Black have
since been promoted to commissioned rank.


Return to

Mrs Monash

Hotel Australia


and distinction, it has been very hard to single out
individuals, but as Commander of this Division I have
had the honor of sending on the names of some 20 officers
&men, from that of your Brigadier downward, for special
& honorable mention in Despatches, for most meritorious
service & conspicuous gallantry. - It has pleased
his Majesty the King to confer upon this Brigade two
Distinguished Service Orders, two Military Crosses
and Seven Distinguished Conduct Medals. -  Those
rewards, between the landing of this Brigade on April
25 & May 5, are surely a grand & enviable record.
I am sure now that you will soon be wanting to
get back to the front line, after you have had a
little while to reorganize & refit. I am glad to
have had this opportunity of meeting you &
sincerely thanking you all for the gallant work
you have done. -
On behalf of the Imperial Government, ^because xx of the
great services you have rendered to the glory of the
Empire - greater service than you probably yourselves
realize - I thank you, Colonel Monash,
your staff, your Commanding officers & all
your personnel from the highest to the lowest
for the work you have done during the past
five weeks!! ——


No 26
General Headquarters,
2nd June, 1915.
1. It is notified for information that the ravine
shown as KEREVES DERE on the official operations map,
scale 1/40,000, will continue to be called by that name
and not DOMUZ DERE, which name appears in captured
Turkish maps.
2. The ravine named CHOMAK or DOEUZ DERE will be
known as CHOMAK DERE, and the hill named ACHI BABA will
continue to be known by this name and not as ATCH TEPE.
WP Braithwaite
Medtn.Exp. Force.
Copies to:
G.O.C., A.N.Z.A.C.
G.O.C., 29th Division.
G.O.C., 42nd (East Lancs) Division.
G.O.C., Royal Naval Division.
O.C., Armoured Car Squadron, R.N.A.S.
Issued at 12 noon.
Copies forwarded to
G.O.C., Australian Division.
G.O.C., N.Z.&A. Diision.
O.C., I.M.A. Brigade.
12 noon, 4/6/15
General Staff


"B" Form.  Army Form C. 2122.
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
At  10.20 a.m.
By Cc
Office Stamp.
TO   4th Aust Inf Bd
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     
NZG 912                           2nd                               _________
AS soon as the 10th Light Horse Reg.
has reported its arrival in No 4
section it will no longer be
necessary for the Infantry Bde
in Divisional reserve to furnish
a battalion as inlying piquet
to be bivouaced every night
on beach below Walkers
Ridge AAA  {1 Addressed 4th Aust Inf Bde
                       {Repeated No 4 Section.
Acknowledge receipt
From    LGA Div
Place    10.10 am
*This line should be erased if not required



Army Form C 2123
C Form. (Original.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message
from DHQ
By  Col
Prefix    SM  Code 4.30p   Words 119
Charges for Delivery.
Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At      M.
at  M.
Office Stamp     2/6/15
Service Instructions.
Handed in at the  NZ    Office at     M.    Received here at 4.45pM.
To 4th Aust Inf Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number      
NZG920                          2nd                       ________
Sniping on the beach south of
Walkers ridge is bad this
afternoon and preventing men
from bathing AAA Please
arrange to have it kept
down AAA Some of your
brigade are still bivouacked
too high up the hill &
too near here AAA Considerable
bodies of enemy are reported
to be collecting about
BIYUK ANAFARTA this afternoon
AAA please warn all your
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to account by means of Stamps affixed to the face of the
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and
"Charges for Delivery"
*  This line should be erased if not required.


2    1

Army Form C 2123
C Form. (Original.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message
Prefix     Code  Words
Charges for Delivery.
Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At      M.
at  M.
Office Stamp     2/6/15
Service Instructions.
Handed in at the     Office at     M.    Received here at M.
To  2
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
posts to expect attack tonight
and arrange with 4th Inf Bde
to have a battn down
on the beach as inlying
picquet pending complete
arrival and settling down of
the 10th L.H. AAA Acknowledge
and report when battn
4th Inf Bde is in position




Btn 204




PLACE  4 30pm
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to account by means of Stamps affixed to the face of the
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and
"Charges for Delivery"
*  This line should be erased if not required.



Army Form C 2123
C Form. (Original.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message
From   MR
By   B.N.
Prefix     Code  Words
Charges for Delivery.
Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At      M.
at  M.
Office Stamp
Service Instructions.
Handed in at the     Office at     M.    Received here at pM.
To   4th INF BDE
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
      BM 323                        Second
Please detail one Battalion as
inlying piquet tonight AAA and
report when Bn is in
position AAA 8.P.M. early enough
AAA This is in accordance
with xx N.Z.G 920 AAA
FROM  H.Q No 4 Section
TIME        5 .P.M.
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to account by means of Stamps affixed to the face of the
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and
"Charges for Delivery"

*  This line should be erased if not required.


Army Form C 2123
C Form. (Original.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message
from   Bde
By   HCP
Prefix     Code  Words  25
Charges for Delivery.
Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At      M.
at  M.
Office Stamp
Service Instructions.    SM
Handed in at the     Office at     M.    Received here at 6.15 M.
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number    AAA
BM 327                            Second                BM 205
Yes a guide will be
sent you if you are
FROM  H.Q 4 Sec
TIME        6 P.M.
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to account by means of Stamps affixed to the face of the
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and
"Charges for Delivery"
*  This line should be erased if not required.


2nd  9
Army Form C 2123
C Form. (Original.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message
from   QRW
By   GS
Prefix SM    Code  5/15 p   Words  53
Charges for Delivery.
Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At      M.
at  M.
Office Stamp
Service Instructions.    SM
Handed in at the     N.Z.  Office at     M.    Received here at 6-2pM.
To  4th Inf Bge
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
LAPM 30                         2nd June
Please have your Brigade acquainted
with Div order 121. no men to
come to Anzac Cove beach
unless under an officer or NCO
or special pass as the
transport becomes congested
Q in Fatigue √ 1 NCO 6 men  5-45am
Locke       √3 NCOs  20 men 8 am to midday
  "             )   "  5   "      5    "        1 til 5 pm
Stores Fatique
Number    "
√ 10 men Btn 8 am

Done B.O. 175
PLACE  Anzac Cove
TIME     6 P.M.
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to account by means of Stamps affixed to the face of the
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and
"Charges for Delivery"
*  This line should be erased if not required.



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