Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 5, 25 May - 10 June 1915, Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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AUS er Divisional Headquarters, R.N. Division, 29th May, 1915. M.669. An unfortumate ineident oecurred thie morning ubout 4.15 A.M. men A party of 2i/'DRAKE" Battalion were returning from the firing line, and instead of using the Communieating Trench as ortered,took a short eut across the open. The P.O. in charge lost direction and came on the French Support Trench. The French Officer states he challenged three times, the party scatteredand tried to take shelter but naturally were fired upon. The P.O. and e men were killed and five men wounded, The P.O. was entirely responsible and no blame can be attached to the French Troops. I have sent acopy of this report to Generak GUURAUD. Signed A. PARIS Major-General, c.O.c., General Headquarters, Meiterranean E xped. Force. c.0.c.. A. 4 N.Z. Army Corps. It is suggested that the incidant referred to in the attached nemorandum might be circulited to Battalions as a warning to men not to wander from unknownroutes at night. a7/S/is. Sgd. N. Beynon. Lt. Col.. A.A.G., c.H.O.. M.E.F. c.0.c.. N.Z.4 A. Division. Forwarded. Please cause the above to be eirculated to Battalions of your Divition. S. Ar. 23 Rd. Sød. M.Hancock, Major, D.A.A. 4 0.M.C. Wt Kiig kapo 28/S/15. A.4 N.Z. Army Corps. Gao 16SSS
. Em Intemden MESSAGES AND STONAL do dd kommne Wore) Ohree - t Hand a Ome.oi OnginandServioe Instructton: Late e Potcherck t tn 1 5/ 5 SlAUE -ber2l Honitt TTrer Tuntr HerrFumte aaA dlit I tas Varrt Tr F Vrrsg Afäclt aad re e disell ie ste enigå itet alfansaut LaenLo 35. O.G Liste 1r E Tenset ttrord actes tuto e Räivgongt seretetnants Seetun af LoBUNNS atil afadoo anaghånto a merr Häwt hKe sardoplingtie blfetesese at ouldd be walekid fof and tke Lanberbrerg 15T emplaned Lesgches Srshlal if Defadeent Irat vanng ease larbertalreg 12 ae topplinag lglorssTAST IRag eneik 2 Nekte i v eammemanng itb ranst denetk Trn yrs e te erer er cer 06 Er orchers tctet 6 etetecheten te cenetiche mn Frued and epohed by, dns e ruden idh, Aerade de S. T. Steat af tr beant go se ine Handg, Reonone Di. Fen Ans Fand mn MESSAGES AND SIGNALS Re dd kommne shr Thle mennge le or d (Hand. at- Ome.oi Onginandsae Instruchom Date Prerkost te otn 3 / o. -enderr Funhr -Der2 Hon0t -Frre E Konhef aa. Ckngandad r ic ba i dat aord r Aen en aetegeent das - tUL EIUREIT Place HB 0. a gerav mr le franchr e Der crcrift TT4 T7 Krstee truf emmmnt int i e e e e e ei ninn ieger Rat, Raven
ae Apn OSeense 9 16 Br tas autardt fe Sbanvvatso, pordkan walzadice-- rano rt. t Stpn a atgo a Lønpers forst detart faemked ty (umm ptate on prorastnin a Peltg. Liree .[e b 24 Hihntintenherter il
L.H.B. No. 39 No. 3 Section Defanoe. Monash Valley asth. May. 1915. To all Units, No' 3 Section Defenee. A certain smount of disorganisation has ocourred anong the parties who are engaged in mining on QULNN's POST. In erder that the work may be earried out expeditiouely. Commanding Offieers vill please notify all sen of their Commands on this were work tht the men who xxx detailed for the 4 p.m. to &.m. shift for today vill report at that hour to Lieut. Davey. Jrd. A.L.H.Reginent at CUIET'S POST, and that chifte detøiled for 8 p.m. t- 12 p.m. mining wdil repert for duvy at These howre respestively. Captain. Staff Capdaihelst. A.L.M.Rae.
AUS 8 L.N.B. No. 40 No. 3 Section Defenoe. IISTRINUII v or Incors s. MONASH VALLEY, Eruox. ay zet. 1si5. Trom ii an Errov LOCAL. RESAVE I4 nW. Carrison - itth. IN. OOURTIS POST. 100 all ranks ieth. A.L.H. (2). or isth. INF as Canterbury Battn. 180 LOCAL RESERVE - i6th. INF. CARRISON - 300 all ranks Znd. A.L.H. (3). POPFS POST. ioth. A.L.H. 100 LOCAL RESERVE - ist. A.L.H. PIoqUET beteeen CUITT'S and POPF'S POSTS, ) i Ofi., i Sgt., i Cpl., and i0 men from the Garrison of QUINN's Posf oe be in position at 7 p.m. and remain on duty until s a.m. PICQUET betveen POPE's POST and No, 4 SECTION. (5). i Ofi.. i Sst., i Cple. and 24 men from iéth. IwF. to be in posi¬ tion et 7 p.m. and remain on duty until t a.m. DNIIR DEFINOTS. (e). Jrd. A.L.R. - to find i Off: and i Obcervation Posts of i N.C.O. and C men each on the Inner Line of Dofence. The Post on North side of MONASH VALLEY will furnish a patrol of 2 men to move every half hour up the communication trench from the left of the Ihese Observation Post to meet the patrol from No. 4 Section. Posts vill mount at 7 p.m. and dismount at s a.m. the folloving Jrd. A.L.H. vill also man the Inner Defenoee if merning. ardered. Ounpl IES EVE. (7). Jrd. A.L.K. (less Inner Defence Troope). ioth. A.L.H. (lose OUINN's and POPE'S parties).. i3th. Imr. lst. Eimaul moor. slumkd Yrrr ON LNII. (s). DIyryIBUyIUN OF MlORIEE 94 TIU (.). pne ist. A.L.N. (a). POPr'sPOST.- 2nd. . 1 . (from 7p.m. to 7 an. eth. RESERVE g Jrd. A.L.H. (b). COURTNETs POST sth. - i 13ch. ieth. iéth. (ir a 7p.m. to 7 am. eth. A.L.H. RESERVE ieth. A.L.H. (c). INNER DEFENCES. i5th. Bdilhen Majer K.M. ist. A.L.H. Bde. Iesued at io f.m. to COURTMEY'S. OUINN'S and POPE's POSTS, SEOTION N' ist. 3rd. 4 iOth. A.L.H., H.C. 4th. I.B., 13th. isth. 4 i6th. INF. SIG TP. Pef
No. 3 Section Defenoe, MONASH GULLY, So/S/ieis. DISTRIBUTION OF TROC NO. 3 SECTION From 12:30 p.m. to-morros (1) -COURTNET'S POST. itth. INF. (less i Coy.) 3 Coy's WELLINCTON BATTN. This Post finds its ovn Local Reserve. (2)- Uo Gerrison - 100 all ranke (iOth. A.L.H') à Coy's CANTERBURY BATTN. Local Reserve - 3 Coy'e CANTERBURI BATTN. (3)-- POPE'S POST. Gerrison - 300 all ranke znd. A.L.R. ioo ist. Local Reserve - ist. A.L.H. (less i Sedn) (). PICQUET between OUINN'S and POPE'S POSTS. i Off., i Szt., i Cpl.. 4 ió men from the Garrison of QUINN'S POST to be in position et 7 p.m. and remain on duty until 5 a.m./ PICQUET between POPE'S POST and No, 4 SECTION (5). i Off.. i Sgt.. 2 Cple., 4 24 men from ist. A.L.H. to be in position at 7 p.m. and remain on duty until s a.m. INNER DEFENCES. (c). 3 A.L.H. - to find i Off., and 2 Observation Posts of i N.C.O. an e men each on the Inner Line of Defence. The Post on North side of MONASH VALLEY will furnish a patrol of 2 men to move overy half hour up the communieation trench from the left of the post to meet the patrol from No. 4 Section. These Observation Pocts will mount at 7 p.m. and dismount at 5 a.m. the following morning. . Srd. A.L.H. vill also man the Inner Dofences if ordered. ohrrridr FüvEr!E. th Srd. A.L.H. (less Inner Defences Troope). A.L.H. (less QUINNS and POPE'S parties) iSth. INF. (less 270 all ranks), 3 COv's isth. INF.. 230 all ranks ÖTAGO BATTN. (e).. SIGWAL UNIT ON DUTY. ist. SIGNAL TROOP. DISTRIBUTION OF MACHINE OUN SECTIONS. (.). ist. A.L.H. - 3 gune (2)-- POPF's POST. Znd. ESENE OrAGO BATI II 1b) COURTNET'S POST, Jrd. A.L.H. - 2 guns. 1Sth. INF. i4th. iéth. WELLIVGTON BATTN 2 guns. RESERVE OTAGO BATTN. isth. INF. (0).- UNER DEFENCES. CANTERBURI BATTE I Major B.M. ist. A: L.H. Brigade. Yssued at i0 p.m. to COURTNEr'S. OUIMIS, & POPE'SEPOSTS, SECTION R'O', ist. 3rd. & iOth. A.L.H. 4.I.B. H.0. 15th. 15th. INF., WELLINCTON and OTAGO BATTNS.,
OTOFTT. 30/5/15. INTELLIGENOE BULLETIN. It is reported on reliable authority that rolations between Turkey and Bulgaria aro now less good than thoy have hitherto been. This is said to be partially due to Bulgaria insisting on the rest- itution by the Turks of a quantity of Bulgarian rolling stock, used hithorto by the Turks on the Ottoman section of tho railway. From tho samo sourco, the Turks have exhausted thoir roservo stock of coal. Enver Pasha stated that tho floot can no longer move on account of shortago of coal, and that its naval guns will now bo used on land. Troops have boen hurriod up by rail to Constantinoplo from Syria, as trains will probably soon coase to run. Adrianoplo is now roported to bo donudod of troops, big guns and barbed wire, and nood no longor be considorod as a fortross. Aorial roconnaissance of this morning reports that thero is no unusual movoment of troops in tho noighborhood of ANZAC or at KOJADERE. Hoadquarters roport a vory markod docreaso in tho onomy's riflo firo,during tho past 48 hours, it is surmisod that this is duo to want of ammunition. ---------
Appointment. Promotion. Candles. Drnnsrort. DIVISIONAR ONDERS PIRT II No. 58 rigadier-Goneral H.B. Walker, D.S.O. Tomply. Commanding 1st Australian Division. ---- Divisional Headquarters, ANZAC COVE, 30th May, 1915. ---------------------------- 193. - The following appointment has been approved:- Sth Battalion Ein Hfeutenant D.R. ZLKEs, to be adjutant vice Cort. Possingham killed inaction. Datod 9th May, 1915. 194. - 1rovotion. Livisfonal Staff Rank to which nank and N.e 1o. romoted Date. 353 Drivor Douglas, J.C. Corporal 7.5.1915. .. J.K.FORSYTH, Lt.-Col., A.A.2.2.M.G. ----------- ADMINI TRATIVE MEMOR NDUM. No. 3 1. - 'Units requiring candlos for working parties will indent for them on Supply Depot stating quantity and purpose for which required. 2. - When damaged wifles, empties otc., are being roturned to urdhance, steys must be taken by Os. C. units to see that a n.c.o. or man is sent bach with the mule convoy. This n.c.o. or man will be rosponsiblo that the roturned stores are dolivered at Ordnance Lepot and that the pop fores are repliced on pack saddles and sechrely lashed thereto. J.K.FOMSYTH, L5.-Col. A.A.4..M.G.
M of THe STGATONS ae 117 Laf )e Ado a V2. 60 Ee
Set. Ta 29 30 31 Thne 1 2. et CKung g bripte. 1Or Cutslung emer t 2) ich do anve 62 10 Hallingfta am t 2 230 g Stägo an Toh Bal: g Pautdung au 1ri2e Ce Halliinglen aune 12Ar. Bal. o Stago ame /Ba tpde Hgie aghse) Stad g tralinngor attr 2 hsle g aukkland, amse BBevner. 13 5 Hallingten 17t £Otage 15) 5 Cantesbung 164 3015/Ir 279 4 135 lu 8.20 kees 5 due 16-H Md.ic. 1o.10 .t Celt. dan (T. Rlameindes 25 lar Gaim. Wogde H. Spe laave i f or Semainder ihr lease 1 Kamencler 154 Tants s'ahr N7 pharte


Divisional Headquarters,
R.N. Division,
29th May, 1915.



X  An unfortunate incident occurred this morning about 4.15 A.M.
A party of 21 men/"DRAKE" Battalion were returning from the firing line, and instead of using the Communicating Trench as ordered, took a short cut across the open.  The P.O. in charge lost direction and came on the French Support Trench.
The French Officer states he challenged three times, the party
scattered and tried to take shelter but naturally were fired upon. The P.O. and 4 men were killed and five men wounded.
The P.O. was entirely responsible and no blame can be attached 
to the French Troops. 
I have sent acopy of this report to Generak GOURAUD.
Signed A. PARIS Major-General,
General Headquarters,
Mediterranean E xped. Force.

A.  &  N.Z.  Army Corps.
It is suggested that the incident referred to in the attached
memorandum might be circulated to Battalions as a warning to men not to wander from un known routes at night.

27/5/15.               Sgd.  N. Beynon, Lt. Col.,
                             A.A.G.,  G.H.Q.,  M.E.F.

N.Z. & A. Division.
Forwarded.  Please cause the above to be circulated to Battalions
of your Division.
                 Sgd.  M.Hancock, Major.
                 D.A.A. & Q.M.G.
29/5.15.     A.& N.Z.  Army Corps.
4th A I. Bde
H.G. REID Major
29:5.15  a/aa & QMG*]


"A" Form.                                    Army Form C. 2121.

MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.  No. of Message....


This message is on a/c of:


.................................... X  Service


Recd. at.......................m

Date ...............................

From ..... (*76 in circle*)

By ......................................


TO         Col. CHAUVEL
Sender's         Day of         In reply

Number         Month         to Number  

                            29th                                              AAA

Canterbury  Bn  has  sent
an  officer  ahead  to  report
and  the  Bn  will  be
here  within  half  an  hour
AAA  G.O.C.  wishes  you  to
know  that  sections  one  &
two  report  enemy  retirements
along  their  front  &  to  QUINNS
right  and  G.O.C.  suggests
that  opportunities  for  our
adopting  the  offensive  should
be  watched  for  and  the 
Canterbury  Bn  employed
for  this  purpose  if  expedient
AAA  In  any  case  Canterbury  Bn  Officers
are  to  study  QUINNS POST  to-day  with
a  view  to  commencing  its  relief  with


"A" Form.                                     Army Form C. 2121.

MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.  No. of Message....

TO                              2/


Sender's         Day of         In reply

Number         Month         to Number



one  company  tomorrow  and
others  on  subsequent  days




From              COL MONASH
Place              H.Q.
Time               9.15am.

(Z) W.J.M. Locke Lieut.

Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.



                    (* 29 )              (*77 in circle*))


No 3  Section  Defence

(1) Balance  of  16th Bn  less  detail
for  observation  post- have
now  been  withdrawn - 
Mr Harwood  is  in  charge  of

(2) There  is  also  a  Snipers  post
detail  furnished  by  Quinns
post  in  position  in  Gully.

WO Mansbridge major
16' Bn  11-8am
29 5 15


L.H.B. No. 39                              28

                                      (*78 in circle*))               
No. 3 Section Defence,
Monash Valley,
29th, May, 1915.


To all Units, No' 3 Section Defence.

A certain amount of disorganization has
occurred among the parties who are engaged in mining
on QUINN'S POST.   In order that work may be
carried out expeditiously, Commanding Officers
will please notify all men of their Commands on this
work tht the men who are were detailed for the 4 p.m. to
8 p.m. shift for today will report at thatt hour to 
Lieut. Davey, 3rd. A.L.H.Regiment at QUINN'S POST,
and that shifts detailed for 8 p.m. to and 12 p.m. mining
will report for duty at these hours respectively.

W P Farr  Captain.
Staff Captain, 1st. A.L.H. Bde.



L.H.B. No. 40


No. 3. Section Defence,
May 29th. 1915.

From 11 a.m. tomorrow.

(1).  COURTNEY'S POST.  - Garrison - 14th. INF. LOCAL RESERVE 14 INF.

(2).  QUINN'S POST.          -        "      100 all ranks 10th A.L.H.
                                                                 275   "     "        15th. INF
                                                                  180   "     "        Canterbury Battn.

(3).  POPE'S POST.      - GARRISON - 300 all ranks 2nd. A.L.H.
                                                                     100   "       "   10th. A.L.H.

(4)   PICQUET between QUINN'S and POPE'S POSTS.

1 Off., 1 Sgt., 1 Cpl., and 10 men from the Garrison of QUINN'S

POST to be in position at 7 p.m. and remain on duty until 5 a.m.

(5).  PICQUET between POPE'S POST and No. 4 SECTION.
1 Off., 1 Sgt., 2 Cpls. and 24 men from 16th. INF. to be in position
at 7 p.m. and remain on duty until 5 a.m.

3rd. A.L.H. - to find 1 Off. and 2 Observation Posts of 1 N.C.O.
and 8 men each on the Inner Line of Defence.  The Post on North 
side of MONASH VALLEY will furnish a patrol of 2 men to move 
every half hour up the communication trench from the left of the 

Post to meet the patrol from No. 4 Section.  These Observation
Posts will mount at 7 p.m. and dismount at 5 a.m. the following 
morning.  3rd A.L.H. will also man the Inner Defences if 

3rd. A.L.H. (less Inner Defence Troops), 10th. A.L.H. (less QUINN'S
and POPE'S parties)., 13th. INF.


(a). POPES POST. -            1st.    A.L.H.  -  2 guns
                                                2nd.      "       -  2    "
RESERVE                              9th.       "       -  1     " (from 7p.m. to 7 a.m.

(b). COURTNEY'S POST-    3rd.    A.L.H.   - 2 guns
                                                 8th.        "        - 2    "
                                                 13th. INF.         - 1     "
                                                 14th.   "             - 1     "
                                                 16th.   "             - 2     "
RESERVE                               9th.   A.L.H.     - 1      " (from 7 p.m. to 7 am.

(c). INNER DEFENCES.       10th.  A.L.H.     - 2     "
                                                  15th.  INF.           2     "


EM Williams Major 
B.M. 1st. A.L.H. Bde.

Issued at 10 p.m. to COURTNEY'S, QUINN'S and POPE'S POSTS, SECTION H'Q',
1st. 3rd. & 10th A.L.H., H.Q. 4th. I.B., 13th. 15th. & 16th. INF, SIG TP.




No. 3 Section Defence,
From 12:30 p.m. to-morrow

(1)  - COURTNEY'S POST.   -   14th. INF.  (less 1 Coy.)
                                                        2 Coy's WELLINGTON BATTN.
This Post finds its own Local Reserve.

(2). - QUINN'S POST.             -  Garrison - 100 all ranks (10th. A.L.H)
                                                           2 Coy's CANTERBURY BATTN.
Local Reserve - 2 Coy's CANTERBURY BATTN.

(3). - POPE'S POST.                 -  Garrison - 300 all ranks 2nd. A.L.H.
                                                                             100   "     "            1st.       "
Local Reserve - 1st. A.L.H.  (less 1 Sqdn)

(4). - PICQUET between QUINN'S and POPE'S POSTS.
1 Off., 1 Sgt., 1 Cpl., & 10 men from the Garrison of QUINN'S POST 
to be in position at 7 p.m. and remain on duty until 5 a.m.)

(5). - PICQUET between POPE's POST AND No. 4 SECTION.
1 Off., 1 Sgt., 2 Cpls., & 24 men from 1st. A.L.H. to be in position
at 7 p.m. and remain on duty until 5 a.m.

3 A.L.H. - to find 1 Off., and 2 Observation Posts of 1 N.C.O. and
8 men each on the Inner Line of Defence. The Post on North side
of MONASH VALLEY will furnish a patrol of 2 men to move every half 
hour up the communication trench from the left of the post to meet 
the patrol from No. 4 Section.  These Observation Posts will mount  
at 7 p.m. and dismount at 5 a.m. the following morning. xxx 3rd. 
A.L.H. will also man the Inner Defences if ordered.

3rd.  A.L.H (Less Inner Defences Troops), 10th, A.L.H. (less QUINNS
and POPE'S parties) 13th. INF. (less 270 all ranks), 3 COY'S 15th.
INF., 230 all ranks OTAGO BATTN.


         (a). - POPES POST.              -  1st. A.L.H.           - 2 guns
                                                              2nd.   "                - 2     "                     
RESERVE                                 OTAGO BATTN             1     "

(b). - COURTNEY'S POST.   - 3rd. A.L.H.  - 2 guns.
                                                      13th. INF.      1     "
                                                      14th.    "         1     "
                                                       16th.    "        2     "
WELLINGTON BATTN                                    2  guns.
RESERVE    OTAGO BATTN.                          1       "

(c). -   INNER DEFENCES.       15TH. INF.     2      "
                                 CANTERBURY BATTN    2     " 

EM Williams Major 
B.M. 1st. A.L.H. Brigade.


Issued at 10 p.m. to COURTNEY'S, QUINNS, & POPE'S POSTS, SECTION H'Q',
1st. 3rd. & 10th. A.L.H. 4.I.B. H.Q. 13th. 15th. INF., WELLINGTON and



INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN.          30/5/15.

It is reported on reliable authority that relations between
Turkey and Bulgaria are now less good than they have hitherto been.
This is said to be partially due to Bulgaria insisting on the restitution
by the Turks of a quantity of Bulgarian rolling stock, used
hitherto by the Turks on the Ottoman section of the railway.

From the same source, the Turks have exhausted their reserve 
stock of coal.

Enver Pasha stated that the fleet can no longer move on account
of shortage of coal, and that its naval guns will now be used on

Troops have been hurried up by rail to Constantinople from Syria,
as trains will probably soon cease to run.  Adrianople is now reported
to be denuded of troops, big guns and barbed wire, and need no longer be considered as a fortress.

Aerial reconnaissance of this morning reports that there is no
unusual movement of troops in the neighbourhood of ANZAC or at

Headquarters report a very marked decrease in the enemy's rifle
fire during the past 48 hours, it is surmised that this is due to the 
want of ammunition.




Brigadier-General H.B. Walker, D.S.O.,
Temply. Commanding 1st Australian Division.

Divisional Headquarters,
ANZAC COVE, 30th May, 1915.

Appointment. 193. - the following appointment has been approved: 
8th Battalion -
2nd Lieutenant D.R. WEEKES, to be adjutant vice
Capt. Possingham killed in action.
Dated 9th May, 1915.
 . .  . .
Promotion. 194. - Promotion.
                               Divisional Staff.

No. Rank and Name Rank to which
353 Driver   Douglas J.C. Corporal 7.5.15

J.K.FORSYTH, Lt. -Col.,
A.A. & .Q.M.G. 


Candles.    1. - Units requiring candles for working parties
will indent for them on Supply Depot stating quantity and
purpose for which required.

Transport. 2. - When damaged rifles, empties etc., are being
returned to Ordnance, steps must be taken by Os. C. units
to see that a n.c.o. or man is sent back with the mule

This n.c.o. or man will be responsible that the
returned stores are delivered at Ordnance Depot and that
the pack ropes are replaced on pack saddles and securely
lashed thereto.


J.K.FORSYTH. Lt. -Col.
A.A. &.Q.M.G. 




(map -see original document)             

Scale 1:10,000
Yards 250_______0________250________500________750_______[[1000]]
V.I. 80'



Change of Brigades

Sat. May 29. 1 Co Canterbury arrive to 2
S  "   30
1 Co  do arrive to 2
1 Co Wellington arrive to C
M  "    31

230 of Otago arrive 9a.m.
Bal. of Canterbury arrive 12.20
1 Co Wellington arrive 1.40.
{{270 of 13th leave 8.20

All 16th Bn, [H.Q.  leave & 1 Co 15th {10.20 /10.30?}
1 Co 14th leave 1.20p.m. 

T  June  1

Bal. of Otago arrive 10a.m.
Bgde H.Q. arrives 1.20 p.m.
Bal of Wellington arrive 2

Remainder 13th leave 9 a.m.

Bgde H.Q. leave 1 p.m.

Remainder 14th leave 1

W   "     2.


Whole of Aukland arrive

13th to Wellington
14th to Otago
16} to Canterbury


Remainder 15th


Tents d'Abri
W.P. sheets 


Last edited by:
Patricia McEwanPatricia McEwan
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