Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 5, 25 May - 10 June 1915, Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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-- - ------- om verm n3 "A"Fornn Anny Form C 2121. No of Message AND SIGNALS. (mssaems sann! Telr PFredrDodeu Las stv Thieneseage ieon aeof: Omoe of Ongin and Servioe Instructions Taamt Dte - -Deret at on. -7 io By- y -leskonshne ot "Franding omer 1 ot 7 T0 I s Vohd Botrer t Artaut Fin 0 20 Funndet Ferr Mari AAA Zet stch So 2 Posr 7hr Barrsne I GULNNS 178 Hong I. Laennenlagg ty 77 us wrntonv 4T 11 af C 9 Will 700 H. Bde Gh Jrelen 2 7 50 350 7 1 137 Bo at The Bresd at Detale wrrle ba OUT SPost zvr lldanfe and Bvovro0 Tehrrte speril Mart Ihe Tor Brm 455 155 V Benns Post dunae th Karte ty fa garressad dr) 3n herisf eo From Tn s ee tat I.I Place te e Time at Ebet 1 De 4 g.s951 Tele sdaer ann be fersarshel er ane geracei -- - Hrnsturfs od Lodtemer or Frrssn sncheoftnd kolskerrch ku bde vut Cenaor . Ihk Hne shonkd be eqaeed M not required. Inenin dess.
e. a L.H.B. No. . 34 No. 3 Section Defence. Monach Valler. 7th. ay. 1415. Referenee "Distribstion of froepe- (L.H.B.Mo.33) issued last night, the tine of relief should reedll am.A not" a.m." as stated therein. Millien mjol UPERLAL B.M..1z.A.L.N.Bde. .n 2719 6. 4aurd ith Infantry Brigade.
"A Form, Anmy Form C. 2121. MESSAOES AND 3LON2tS Poo komre Vorde Charge - Recdatm. Thre mereges on ale of One ofonpn and servoe Instructoe Dhte. - i - Serm . For ) 0. .....------------------- --- . (Signature of "Franking Oftoer.") z.-1 HIBae 70 60. I 2re Telnsp hr Mr 2r. Ramshe AAA bpt Hae TTTTR r 846 Arata Macre fentileg Atäad vült Atesoo. A 55 Baste Kaste Bestabs 24t Leap fortt - ste Tio Fom 31 5? iet Vallag Phuee R Thme Vo --------------- .......................................... ................. Frnshre st octkenor ot terft thei ftntergrsce to tkeon16 Cenem. Ihms Mne shouht be ernsed M not requrred 6ar - Mol å co Lud, Londen - wIlnch,zuis, No eo 3uå Fürns Uslelje
STn chen er i kom o Service Anstruch Handed at te T FROA PLACE TIME Redtreclien, of Teresm and the part "Cheges e Delh Prestz Distance 1 Army Form C. 2128 OESANOSOI 4e. ot Nessase Otice Stamp ent, of sent out Cohesed Paid out Returned Received ce as AAA iit o IA n AaLM 2ulte Uvgte pe hette c Ellk Curdest Gat 2C Bou a tscous by me as o Saps stre solerled on delvery a ngaboesee st or
L.N.R. N6. .3 No. 3 Sestion lefone. as VAllEx, oth. May 1a15. PDTTRIO OI TOOPS FO. BIVN. a.n. tomorrow. ( Derrisen itch lesal Roveree ieth. INF. 22gy derrieor ise all ranke ioth.A.L.N. -so 13Un. INF. Local Rosorve lStn. INF. (3). rer derrivernn 30o all ranke End.A.L.N. ieth. A.L.M. Local Rosoyve (0-- nevx borom UUDETS ORI PTTTSE: off.. i sct.. £ ie tryn the Gar rieon ef OVLAT .teb position et 7 p.n. ril on onty until s a.m. 15- Eno boenOEE 4 Er. i Sectior. i Sct.. 2 Cple, ond se coa from int. to be in resition at 7 p.a. o raein os eutg until,sa.. (6)- Jrd. A.L.2. - to find i Offioero Obnervation Poetz ef i H.C.0. and e Inner Line of Defenos. Ihe North side of Monas ex of z nen to ve very half hour up the Co soprieation french from the left of the Fost to t the Fatrol fros No. t Scction. Thee Ctoorvation Posts will meunt at 7 r.m. und dienpunt et s a.a. Dhe follewing srdernd- ist. .N.. Jrd. L.L.H. (le Lmn rre Troopn). 10th. A.1.H. (1 er PPS . LSch. InF. (bess Poof party). m smtf. eth. Lrr' DOE ) Norkjorx u (2) PEFPET. iet L.L.K. M.6. Segtion .) ind. nmuuryr th. na pb). Sdknnnur a vorn Dri. A.I.R. M.C. Sooton ech. ioh sth. in () won. gtr RR.Pegdon isth¬ ayy. uelsen Be. ist h1. Mé. sned at 10 p.m. je LDurrury: R. Uorury? AFOTFS POSTE 157. 32?107 A14. 5eet,wda t ako Hikstuss-Sjera
L.N.B. No. 3e No. 3 Section Defmoe. MONASR COLLY, 2s/S/ieis. Ow ov Inaors wo. Dlernis From ii a.m. to- ( CURIYEYS PO3I. Sarrison 1'sh. INFAFTRY. Local Reserve - itth. INFAMTRY. POS. sarriron 100 all ranks ioth. A.! sto isth. nurkyrNY. Looal Reserve- isth. INFAFTRY. Porrs PoCT. (.). Gerrison 300 all ranks Znd. A.L.H. ioo ioth. A.L.N. Local Reserve - ist. A.L.M. (d). Plcovrr between CUIENS and POPr's POSTO. i Officer. i Sgt. i Cpl. and io son from the Garrison of CUINF'S PoSf to be in pesition et 7 p.m. and remain on duty until 5 a.m. (t). EloouEf betvoon POPE'S POST and No. 4 S) i off.. i Sct.. à Cple and se men trom léth. LNf. to be in position at 7 p.m. and remain on duty until 5 a.m. Te). Jrd. A.L.N. - to find i Officer and à Observation Poste of i N.C.C end e men each on the Inner Line of Defence. The post en North side of MONASH VALLEY will furnish a patrol of à men to move every half hour up the commenication trench from the left of the Post to neet the patrol from No. 6 Scetion. These Observation Fosts will mount at 7 p.m. and dismount at s a.m. the folloving morning. 3rd. A.L.H. will also man the Inner Dofencce lf ordered. (). DrsuUE. Jri. A.L.N.. 10th. A.L.N. (lese OV. EN'S and FOrf'S parties) iSth. ImF. (s). SIORAL UNTT ON DUTY. - ist SIomAL noO 19). DISTNINTON OY MACNINE OUN SECIIOFS 12)- POPFS POST, ist. A.L.H.- : gune znd. RESERVE sth. (from V P.n. to V a.m. Jrd. A.L.N. - . () COUTIEIS POST. eth. ieth. INF. - lcth. INF. olkyr eth. A.L.N. . i (from 7 p.m. to V a.m.) () m fOth. L.L.N. 13th. Inr. isth. INF. - Yssued at io p.m. to COURTNEr'S, CUINN'S A POPE'S POSTS, SECTTON H.O ist.. Jrd.. iOth. A.L.H.. 4th. I.B. H.C.. 13th.. isth. 4 isth. In. TP. Aderiggn A
Extract from Routine Orders, dated 28th May, 1915. 105. The Army Corps Commandor has learnt, from an Complimentary. entry in a Turkich Officer's note book, that in an attack on May lOth, the lossos in two Turkish regiments alone amounted to 600 killed and 2000 wounded. The attack is evidently tho counter attack which forced the l5th battalion to relinquich the trenches which it håd takon during the night, with a loss of about 200 killed, wounded and missing. The Army Corps Commander congratulates Colonel Cannen and the lSth battalion and thoso associated with it, on having inflicted a punish- ment on the enmy far outweighing their losses ax in this operation. Army Corpe Headquarters.
- 2. BR 28515 Oved ofeileng GR10SoN Hoso hansferen 6 Bir dosn Glenen Ae 3. 40 T TJ
SECRET. INTELLIGENOE BULLETIN 29/5/15. Tho following information has boon obtainod from prisonors brought in during tho 29th instant:- Thoy woro drivon on to tho attack on QUINNS POST by thoir officors who subsoquontly loft thom. Anothor 20 would havo surrondorod if thoir signals and shouts could havo boon undorstood. About 200 of tho advance battalion woro killod by hand gronados flung into thom by thoir own troops in rosorvo. Sovoral of thoso mon aro rogular soldiors, but tho majority aro tho rawost rocruits, who in somo casos do not know how to hold or firo a riflo. Each man had from 150 to 200 rounds of ammunition. Thoir ordors woro, aftor tho oxplosion of tho mino, to attack. 5 mon from oach company woro armod with hand bombs - boing unablo to stay in our communication tronch most of thom rotreatod, whon 40% woro killod by our maching guns¬ Tho mon who stayod on in tho tronch woro afraid to surrondor, having boon told that thoy would bo killod, ono howovor, had read som of our proclamations, and porsuaded tho othors. Our sholl firo vory offoctice, but numbors of sholls burst just short of thoir rosorve tronchos. An aoroplano bomb foll noar a fiold kitchon killing 2 mon, two days ago. Many troops aro oncampod in Sq.224 F & K (?) in a valloy. Troops, ammunition, and transport aro at KOJADERE and BOGHALI and during tho last bombardmont of tho formor placo ono of thoir guns was knockod out by a diroct hit. Somo of thoso mon arrivod in tho firing lino 4 days ago from PAN- DERMA- 3 stoamors (ono bolonging to tho "Doutscho Lovant Lino") with soldiors and cattlo brought thon to AK BASHI LIMAN - tho now disombark- ation baso. Thoy had boon colloctod from all parts of Asia Minor. Our snipors aro said to got 8 to 10 mon por Battalion daily. Tho onemy's procoduro for sniping work is to work in pairs. During a lull in tho fighting thoy creop up to our lines,throw a couplo of hand bombs and ondoavour in tho subsoquont confusion to got insido our lines. Tho 4th Division is said to havo arrivod yostorday from ADABAZAR o noar ! SMIRNA to roliovo tho 5th Division. Thoy woro told to romain in rosorvo anothor 24 hours as tho 5th Division woro ongagod in mining and wishod to watch tho offoct. It is roportod that tho 4th Division is mado up of 36 Battalions of from 6 to 800 mon oach and that rogimonts havo boon dono away with. It is said to consist of vory old mon and moro youths of no military oxporionco. The Sth Division is also statod to bo in rosorvo noar horo but in¬ formation is not so dofinito. The O.C. 27th Rogimont rofused to load his mon egainst tho English - ho was takon handcuffod to Constantinoplo and paraded through tho stroota his rogimont was sont into tho firing lino. Tho 25th and 26th rogimonts opposo our right. Tho 13th, 14th and 15th our contro, 22nd, 27th and 125th our loft- (this statomont must bo acceptod with rosorvo. Turkish lossos during last nights fighting aro ostimatod at 2000 killod and woundod. Our sholls burst amongst thoir resorvo troops whon in closc for¬ mation. Many await our attack in ordor to surrondor. If thoy ondoavor to como in to us without thoir riflos, thoy aro shot by thoir own pooplo, if thoy bring thoir riflos, wo shoot thom. Thoro aro rumours in tho Turkish camps of a poaco botwoon England and Turkoy. All mon in thoir firing tronchos stand to arms all night and aro "roliovod at dawn. Tho rogimonts in tho firing lino aro changod onco a wook at 10 p.m. It was said that 5000 of thoir doad woro buriod during tho cossation of arms.
....... AUSTALIAN ATT.A: C. Anzao Covo, 28/5/15. Spociel Krov Corps Circular Last night we vore ablo to copture cnemp's tronches on tthe rd Australin Ini fentry Eri- both our flanks. On the rig gado sent cut a porty of about 50 mon which surprised and soizod two strong tronchos held by cbout 150 Tur eks. Our party, was the fire from a dostroyor. They procoedod to within supported by about 800 yerds of MAEA TEPE and turnod tho enony out of thoir risonor with tronchoc, bayonotting 3 Turks and bringing in ono omsolyos. On the loft flank the Low Zea¬ no loos whatover to the flos sont forword a party from our outlying land eunte s pickot which is voll in advance of our position, and drovo tho Nurks out of tho tronchos thoy wero holding higher up the hill. The Turks flod in disorder and thoir casualtios aro not known, We had one men killod and five woundod. Such successful onter- prisos reflost tho groatost oredit on the troops that carry them out, and do a groat deal to dostroy tho morale of the onemy, who aro ovidontly already in a stato of demoralisation from their losses. It should be romemborod, that whon such attacks are made, ondeavour should be made to copture as many prisonors as possiblo, and invariably to bring beck riflos and ammunition of any onemy whe may be kilod. In tho contro of our position tho Turks explodod a mine just in front of ono of our tronchos, and thon rushed forward to att- ack. Thoy suocodod in gotting into a portion of ono of the ronchos, but from this they wero soon dislodgod, and all who ontored woro eithor killod or taben priconers. Sone 50 Turks voro killod actually in tho vicinity of eur trench and 15 takon rom rifle, machino prisonors, whilo thoir lossos further back ni, and artillory must havo oon vory hoavy. The troops must boar in mind that howover sovoroly they may ko attacked intho tronches, and wherovor this attack is accom- paniod ly mino oxploding, bomb throving, or fire, tho tronchos cannot possibly in any circumstances be abandonod. Wo new havo rosoryos, and those aro invariably brought up to support stron any hard prossod tronch, but it ay naturally take a short time beforo thoy can got up. It is howovor absolutoly ossontial that dor all circumstunces hang on to tho troops in tho tronch must und last man, as to giro up at pronch may rosult in disaster to our whole forco. ----

C.M. Form A.39.
"A" FORM.   Army Form C. 2121.
26 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message
Prefix   Code    m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words.   Charge. 
At  m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of “Franking Officer.” )
Recd. at m.
From 72

To OC 13th Bn  OC 15th BN

x Copied & Noted 26/5/15 
AWN at 9.35pm x

*Sender’s Number.    Day of Month.  In reply to Number  AAA

Bm 166                          Twenty Sixth
The Garrison for QUINNS POST
for the 48 Arms commencing 
at 11 A M tomorrow 27th inst
will consist of
100 A.L.H. Bde } Inclusive of Officers
350 13th Bn       } & N.C.O's
The details of 13th Bn at present at
QUINNS POST will be withdrawn and
return to Bivouac
[* GRY*] The 15th Bn will form the local
Reserve for QUINNS POST during the
period Some is garrisoned by 13th Bn
From   JP McGlinn Lieut Col
Place   Bde Major
Time    4th Inf Bde
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
Censor. (Z) 9.20 pm 26-5-15
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph
in his name.
210/9.13. - C.9258.     * This line should be erased if not required.



L.H.B. No. Xx 34

No. 3 Section Defence.
Monash Valley.

27th. May. 1915.
Reference "Distribution of Troops" (L.H.B.No. 33)
issued last night. the time of relief should read "11   a.m.
not “9  a.m.” as stated therein.
C W Williams
B.M.,1st. A.L.H. Bde.
MAY 27 1915        8.47 am.
4th Infantry Brigade.


"A" FORM.   Army Form C. 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS        27    No. of Message  
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words Charge
At  m.
This message is on a/c of:

(Signature of “Franking Officer.”)
Recd. at .m.
From 74
To  CO 4th A I Bde / 9.45am
*Sender’s Number.    Day of Month.  In reply to Number  AAA
BM 4                               27

All troops in this section 
will immediately stand 
to arms AAA
all units & posts have 
been informed.
From H Q No 3 Section
Place Monash Valley
Time   9.30 am
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
Censor.(Z) W P Farr Cpt
TL H Bde 
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.
* This line should be erased if not required.
(632)  —McC. & Co. Ltd., London.  — W 11400/2045.  100,00 2/15.  Forms C2121/10.


Army Form 
C. 2123. C. Form. (Original).   
Recd.    K.A                     
By        DM
Prefix   Code   Words
Means   Phone
Charges for Delivery
Paid out 
Sent, or sent out
At   M.
at   M. 
Office Stamp
Handed in at the    Office at   M. Received here at 9.3p
 TO  4th Inf Bde       9        27   
*Sender’s Number.    Day of Month.  In reply to Number  AAA
KA 300                           27th 
Message from 2nd Artillery Bde 
begins Cptn Carter prepared nz
troops at Cesyd of
went to observation station and 
was shown place where movement
was AAA Guns are laid 
on trenches in this direction
ready to fire at night 
AAA think if advisable OC 
that section should know ends
FROM    1st Inf Bde 
TIME     9 pM



 L.H.B. N0. 36
No. 3 Section Defence.
27th. May 1915.
From 11 a.m. tomorrow. 
(1).- COURTNEY'S POST. - Garrison             -            14th INF.
                                                 Local  Reserve     -          14th INF
(2).-  QUINN'S POST.  -    Garrison               -            100 all ranks 10th. A.L.H. 
                                                                                          350 "      "       13th. INF.   
                                              Local Reserve.   -              15th. INF.
 (3)  POPE'S POST.   -      Garrison              -              300 all ranks 2nd. A.L.H.

                                              100   "     "        10th. A.L.H.
                                              Local Reserve    -               16th. INF.
(4)  PICQUET between QUINN'S and POPE'S POSTS. 
                                              1 Off.,  1 Sgt., 1 Cpl., and 10 men from
                                              the Garrison of QUINN'S POST to be in
                                              position at 7 p.m. and remain on duty
                                              until 5 a.m. 
(5).-  PICQUET between POPE'S POST and No. 4 Section.
                                              1 Off. , 1 Sgt . , 2 Cpls. and 24 men from
                                              16th    th Inf. to be in position at 7 p.m.

                                               and remain on duty until 5  a.m.
(6).- INNER DEFENCES  -    3rd. A.L.H. - to find 1 Officer and 2 
                                                Observation  Posts of  1 N.C.O. and 8 men
                                                each on the  Inner Line of Defence. The 
                                               Post on North side of Monash Vall ey
                                               will furnish a Patrol of 2 men to move 
                                               every  half hour up the Communication |
                                               Trench from the left of the Post to meet 
                                               the Patrol from No. 4 Section. These
                                                Observation  Posts will mount at 7 p.m.
                                                and  dismount at 5 a.m. The following
                                                morning. 3rd. A.L.H. will also man the 
                                                Inner Defences if ordered.
(7).- GENERAL RESERVE - 1st. A.L.H.. 3rd. A.L.H. (less Inner
                                                   Defence Troops). 10th. AL.H. (less 
                                                   QUINN'S and POPE'S POSTS). 13th. INF (less
                                                   QUINN'S POST party).
(a).- POPE'S POST. -  1st.        A.L.H.    M.G.     Section   - 2 guns
                                         2nd.         "           "               "          -  2    "
          RESERVE            9th.          "           "               "           -  1    "     (from
                                        7 p.m. to 7 a.m.)
(b).-COURTNEY'S POST  3rd.  A.L.H.    M.G.    Section   - 2  guns
                                               6th       "            "              "          - 2      "
                                               16th      "           "               "          - 2      "
          RESERVE                    9th      "           "               "           - 1       " (from 
                                            7 p.m. to 7 a.m.)
(c).-  INNER DEFENCES     10th. A.L.H.    M.G.    Section  -2  guns
                                                15th.     INF.        "               "       - 1      "
                                                 16th.    INF.        "               "        -2      " 
CW Williams
B.M. 1st. A.L.H. Bde 

Issued at 10 p.m. to COURTNEY'S QUINN'S & POPE'S POSTS 
1st. 3.rd. 10th A.L.H.
Section H,Q.  4.I.B.H.Q.  13.15.16. INF. SIG. TP.


L.H.B. No. 38 

No. 3 Section Defnce.



From 11 a.m. to-morrow
Garrison     -     14th. INFANTRY.
Local Reserve - 14th. INFANTRY.
Garrison    -   100 all ranks 10th. A.L.H.
                         350 "     "        15th. INFANTRY.

Local Reserve - 16th. INFANTRY
Garrison    -   300 all ranks 2nd. A.L.H.
                         100   "     "      10th.  A.L.H.
Local Reserve  -  1st. A.H.L
(4). PICQUET between QUINN'S and POPE'S POSTS.
1 Officer, 1 Sgt, 1 Cpl, and 10 men from the Garrison of
QUINN'S POST to be in position at 7 p.m. and remain on duty until 5a.m.
(5). PICQUET between POPE'S POST and No. 4 SECTION
1 Off., 1 Sgt., 2 Cpls and 24 men from 16th. INF. to be in
at 7 p.m. and remain on duty until 5 a.m.
3rd. A.L.H. - to find 1 Officer and 2 Observation Posts of 1 N.C.O 
and 3 men each on the Inner Line of Defence. The post on North side 
of MONASH VALLEY will furnish a patrol of 2 men to move every half 
hour up to the communication trench from the left of the Post to 
meet the patrol from No. 4 Section. These Observation Posts will 
mount at 7 p.m. and dismount at 5 a.m. the following morning. 3rd
A.L.H. will also man the Inner Defences if ordered. 


3rd. A.L.H., 10th A.L.H (less QUINN'S and POPE'S parties) 13th.INF.

(A).  POPE'S POST.  - 1st. A.L.H. - 2 guns
                                        2nd  "       -  2    "
         RESERVE             9th  "        - 1    " (from 7 p.m. to 7a.m.)
(B)   COURTNEY'S POST.  - 3rd. A.L.H. - 2  "
                                                    8th.    "      - 2  "
                                                    14th. INF.  - 1  "
                                                    16th. INF.  - 2  "
           RESERVE                        9th. A.L.H. - 1 " (from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.) 

(5/8) INNER DEFENCES -   10th. A.L.H.- 2   "

                                                   13th. INF.    - 1     "

                                                    15th. INF.  -    2   "

Issued at 10 p.m. to COURTNEY'S, QUINN'S & POPE'S POSTS. SECTION H.Q.. 1st.,

3rd., & 10th. A.L.H., 4th. I.B. H.Q., 13th., 15th.,& 16th. INF. SIG' TP.

CW Williams Maj 


Extract from Routine Orders, 
dated 28th May, 1915.
Complimentary. 105.  The Army Corps Commander has learnt, from an 
entry in a Turkish Officer's note book, that in an 
attack on May 10th, the losses in two Turkish
regiments alone amounted to 600 killed and 2000
wounded.   The attack is evidently the counter
attack which forced the 15th battalion to relinquish
the trenches which it had taken during the night,
with a loss of about 200 killed, wounded and
The Army Corps Commander congratulates
Colonel Cannon and the 15th battalion and those
associated with it,  on having inflicted a punishment
on the enemy far outweighing their losses on
in this operation.
Army Corps Headquarters



2nd Bde

Correct spelling

Moss Transferred to Div Amm


5th Bn

3.20 p.m.


The following information has been obtained from prisoners brought 
in during the 29th instant:-
They were driven on to the attack on QUINNS POST by their officers 
who subsequently left them.  Another 20 would have surrendered if their 
signals and shouts could have been understood.  About 200 of the advance
battalion were killed by hand grenades flung into them by their own 
troops in reserve.
Several of these men are regular soldiers, but the majority are the 
rawest recruits, who in some cases do not know how to hold or fire a 
Each man had from 150 to 200 rounds of ammunition. Their orders were, 
after the explosion of the mine, to attack.  5 men from each company 
were armed with hand bombs – being unable to stay in our communication
trench most of them retreated,  when 40% were killed by our machine guns.
The men who stayed on in the trench were afraid to surrender,  having 
been told that they would be killed,  one however,  had read some of our
proclamations,  and persuaded the others.
Our shell fire very effectice,  but numbers of shells burst just 
short of their reserve trenches.
An aeroplane bomb fell near a field kitchen killing 2 men,  two days 
Many troops are encamped in Sq.224 F & K (?) in a valley.
Troops, ammunition, and transport are at KOJADERE and BOGHALI and 
during the last bombardment of the former place one of their guns was 
knocked out by a direct hit. 
Some of these men arrived in the firing line 4 days ago from PANDERMA. 
- 3 steamers (one belonging to the "Deutsche Lovant Lino") with 
soldiers and cattle brought them to AK BASHI LIMAN – the new disembarkation 
base. They had been collected from all parts of Asia Minor.
Our snipers are said to got 8 to 10 men per Battalion daily.
The enemy's procedure for sniping work is to work in pairs. During 
a lull in the fighting they creep up to our lines, throw a couple of 
hand bombs and endeavour in the subsequent confusion to get inside our 
The 4th Division is said to have arrived yesterday from ADABAZAR 
near SMYRNA to relieve the 5th Division.  They were told to remain in 
reserve another 24 hours as the 5th Division were engaged in mining 
and wished to watch the effect.  It is reported that the 4th Division
is made up of 36 Battalions of from 6 to 800 men each and regiments 
have been done away with.
It is said to consist of very old men and mere youths of no military 
The 3th Division is also stated to be in reserve near here but information 
is not so definite.
The O.C.  27th Regiment refused to lead his men against the English – 
he was taken handcuffed to Constantinople and paraded through the streets 
his regiment was sent into the firing line.
The 25th and 26th regiments oppose our right.  The 13th, 14th and 
15th our centre,  22nd, 27th and 125th our left– (this statement must be 
accepted with reserve.)
Turkish losses during last nights fighting are estimated at 2000 killed 
and wounded.
Our shells burst amongst their reserve troops when in close formation.
Many await our attack in order to surrender.  If they endeavour to 
come in to us without their rifles, they are shot by their own people, 
if they bring their rifles, we shoot them.
There are rumours in the Turkish camps of a peace between England 
and Turkey. 
All men in their firing trenches stand to arms all night and are 
relieved at dawn.  The regiments in the firing line are changed once a 
week at 10 p.m.
It was said that 5000 of their dead were buried during the cessation 
of arms. 


Special Army Corps Circular.                        Anzac Cove,  29/5/15.
Last night we were able to capture enemy's trenches on
both our flanks.  On the right the 3rd Australian Infantry Brigade 
sent out a party of about 50 men which surprised and seized 
two strong trenches held by about 150 Turks.  Our party was 
supported by the fire from a destroyer.  They proceeded to within 
about 800 yards of KABA TEPE and turned the enemy out of their 
trenches,  bayonetting 5 Turks and bringing in one prisoner with 
no loss whatever to themselves.  On the left flank the New Zealand 
Mounted Rifles sent forward a party from our outlying
picket which is well in advance of our position, and drove the 
Turks out of the trenches they were holding higher up the hill.
The Turks fled in disorder and their casualties are not known.
We had one man killed and five wounded.  Such successful enterprises 
reflect the greatest credit on the troops that carry them 
out, and do a great deal to destroy the morale of the enemy, who 
are evidently already in a state of demoralisation from their 
It should be remembered that when such attacks are made,
endeavour should be made to capture as many prisoners as possible, 
and invariably to bring back rifles and ammunition of any enemy 
who may be killed.
In the centre of our position the Turks exploded a mine just 
in front of one of our trenches, and then rushed forward to attack.  
They succeded in getting into a portion of one of the 
trenches, but from this they were soon dislodged, and all who 
entered were either killed or taken prisoners.  Some 50 Turks 
were killed actually in the vicinity of our trench and 16 taken 
prisoners,  while their losses further back from rifle,  machine 
gun,  and artillery must have been very heavy.
The troops must bear in mind that however severely they may
be attacked in the trenches,  and wherever this attack is  accom-
panied by mine exploding,  bomb throwing,  or fire,  the trenches 
cannot possibly in any circumstances be abandoned. We now have 
strong reserves,  and these are invariably brought up to support  
any hard pressed trench,  but it may naturally take a short time 
before they can get up.  It is however absolutely essential that 
troops in the trench must under all circumstances hang on to the 
last man, as to give up a trench may result in disaster to our 
whole force.



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