Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 5, 16 May - 25 May 1915, Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
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Wtle Rel 3 saction Refence, MRASH UALLEY. WFBNN 1915. MEEEMSEMEMLM Pru 11 an. 83rd. inst. to 1 t 26th inst. (or until nooner aanded (M.- CEAM Carrison - 1tth IET. Loeal Pesorve - 1tth. IY. (a).- MnRMM. Carrisn - 350 all ranks 15th. IMr. i0e all ruanks 2nd. A.L.N. Loeal Roserve - 18th. IMr. 1. REEAME Carriton - Ord. A.L.H. Local Renerve - 1st. ALH. (.- Em EMELLM 1 0ff.. 1 fat. 1 Cpl., and 17 son from t Garrison of Crnnes PoET to be in position at 7 pade and remain on duty until 5 an. 18).- EELELME J 85 ,upl. and 12 men from 16th. in ve Klon at I Rr. and mann on auty to 161._ Ovaervation Pesti and Patrols Lrom AOtn. ALH. irt. A.L.K. to provids mose until relieved trday (7).- Cth Loth. A.LK. (leas mnor Defence Treeps). (O).- SLMLMor DSME,. MYM illiam Majer. RH. 1st. ALt Brignds. Cevies as unter isensd at 10135 am. CourTETS POT. Ouws PoST piores pogr. EETION H.C. Art. ALR. and. A.L.R. 10th. A.l.H. An. INT. BDE H.C. 13th. Er. 16th. InT. 510
Summary of Situation As 6. Sourneen Lone May 22 on lip In the action of Indian Brigade reported yesterdo the ensing lat not less than 500 men. Our loss was about 200 May 30th Last night Breuch in conjunction with Naval Brigade made an appreciable advance with only slight loss The right and centre of Rast Lancashiro bivision also pusted forward but 29th Civision made uo advance owing to very heavy fire from Turkest trenches. H.S. Aust bivision I ssued to do N2rA Division As. C.M.D. Bde. i
Erm Ca collect landed in FRON PLACRS Sio Low B SIGNALS MESSAGES Sent, o Words Prok ORC ACeAWEN T Me MS CA SI many Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message. MCeSIAMS. MON m. Received AAA er mand Diva
cown Ar Form. Army Form C. 2121. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Words Charge Prefix Code Recd. AtM. This message is on a/c of: Office of Origin & Service Instructions. Sent. Date Service. II At From To mmn By By (Signature of Franking Officer)) T0 h en + Lotest tMinter. - Das Of Mont AAA H Dcot a Mne ting s m Ig. r fad ae antene ene War a nene n e on tet en din My n ithe de pted to be to you have C iti this so a am only sory um fesw fin t dro to tnd aim hardt to See in one May I trouble you man mat omee anywus know the f g ha g on the ors the in one Aube Moos, who was it owas H p I the ompany &c ing t when I ina at at paid promotion ao &lep e i o wth in Kindly 1 mmon to e me know Your conven mna you ver si t Dombo 23/5715 FroR t C f ace Mriash Vally Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 2) nmeannmeamumonend n me icnimon Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. Censor This line should be crased if not required.
93 Co 3 DC13 Bm 157- 25 OHerewith copy of Articles of Armistice & 1 Copy of Difpewatern instructions thereon for your Perusae & return by Gauntomonad I In pursuance of above B Bn wil furnish the following detail ODelimitation Carty to consid of specially selected intellyen Mer. allember a Sergt to report at Bde H0 at Sam tomorrad noinst, eachmember Of this Party to wear white Arm Carw on left arm & to carry asteck of branch aft ong with white rag or white Pape flag fasteed thereto, this farty to carng
8. Copy Nccco00 tre w an morm Brriers Divisional Headquarters MaeDel ANZAC COUE, 237d, May. 1915 A suspension of arns for the purpose of allowing the burtal of the Turkish dead, and removal of wounded, between the epposing tranches has been arranged, to commence at 7.30 A.M.tomerrow. Copies of a paper which includes necessary articies of the agreement in which they should be given offeet to, are sent herewith, -receipt to be acknowledged once to Divisional Meadquarters.Those should be eireulated and made known to all concerned, and all officere commanding parties clearing the ground are to be suppited with a copy. 2 With reference to the instructions (abeve referred to (article 8) a beerer party 890 atrong is to be furnished in each section of Def- once as followat- NaiL Saalian. 10t A.L.H.Brigade—-Maptain, tsubalterns, MHodieal Offfcer, 100 other ranks. Ain Aust. InfeBde.—HCaptain, tsubalterns, MMedical Offfcer, 100 other ranks. O.E SSGIIO W.L.N. K.srigadeMCaptain, tsubalterns, Medieal Offieer, 190 other ranks. ndCaptain, ESubalterns, MMedical Officer, 100 osher ranks. N.K. Inf.Brigade Chaplains may accompany bearer parties. Dolinitation parties will be found as followa- Interpreterccc. Captain the Hon.A. Herbert. Modical Offy...Lieut.Colonel P.C.Fenwick, N.K. Modical Corpe. 4 party of 50 specially selected N.C.Oes and mon each with a white flag, to be detailed as unders- Jo0000 Other Fonka lot A.L.H.Brigade I offieer doo0v00o0Ad Other ranks. Ath Aust. Inf.Bde.) mmndd Omer rons. N.L.H.R.Brigade Locfieerl 00oolld Other ranks. N.2. Inf.Brigade the officer tonlylfrom each section to report to Lient. Colonel skeen, A.Hefex detailed instruations. ANEAC Headquarters, before Dvery advantage must be taken of this eppersunity of naking the ground in frent of our trenches sanitary, and in eases where corpees have been built into parapets, these should 1f peasible, be remeved also. The arrangement laye down that ne werk on tranches, saps, commmication trenches, and gun emplacements is to be carried out; though this does not definitely forbid such military work as putting up wire entanglenents. The spirit of the agreement should be ebserved, and no military work lenianing stores, so should be carried out beyond the daily rentine a otce, impreving Diveuses, sholters, and so on. During the period when firing is not perniesible, the tine vill be vell enployed in cleaning rifles, suns, and machine sune, also in collecting and sending down to the Beach all spare amunition, accoutrements, shell and eartridge cases, water sins, biscuit tins, bexes, etc.. in addition to the usual leck-out bysten in force at present, & cereful leoksent to to be kept by saleesed officere, as under. Fros No.A Section. (a) in the direction of Ridge 872. (B) Along the foethins N. of WALKERS RIDGE. (0! in the direction of JOHNSTONRS JOLLY and GUINNs Postse as to give early notice of hestile nevements in these Airections.
N.2.0.808 conta. 6. con. The names of the selected officers to be submitted by the O.C.No.4 Section to Divisional Headquarters, without delay. Reports from these special lookeout stations are to be repeated every hour by O.sC.Sections to Divisional Headquarters. Bruithwant -Lient.Colonel, we General Staff. New Zealand and Australian Division.
4th Aund Mt Bl SPEOLLL LDT-UCTYOLS FOR TTIO. DRLLG SUBPLSIO OF LRE 22th.AJ, 1915. wwawae The follering articlo. of n aGreeient for a usponion of Arm. are rercluced, ith instruction. for riving the offect. rticle, 1. i Musension of ar. for the Frice of 8 hour- beginning at 7-30 Ofcloct on by 24th and ending at 4050 O'cloc on Sime day of 2ath, is creed to for the jur ose of burying the doad and renoving the ounded beteen the o go ing trencne.. Fticle 2. T.o. Stulf Officor: T.o Interroter: T.o odical Officr: of ouch Force. One hundred mon ith one hundred whit. Plugs. Hill nuet at a point on the buuch to Filonctr orth of KALA at 7.45 cono Dro.S, Officer. - B.lts nt later bottl, in. - aterbottls. On account of the brotin ground nd the nuarne of the trenchc. tC ch oth.r, the arce to b. claared i. to be divided WCrmey D, decided on by the Scnior Stafr Officer. into arr of 1,90 notros long (approiilicatoly), in each of ich artics of not fworo tha 200 men of oithor side are to be oryloyec, to avoid i erFrd of rion forking betreon the tronches. Thoss prti.- to D. ithout oguiront ocoot wat rbottl, strotchers, MProOr- tion of ict ndhovol. t C aoro the nor of clsaring will b. corencod and ill COASC at 4M. or Carlior if the or I. conloted. 1f ther. 1. 11rlihoo! of mnothr d., boing required, the tofficersllt tn! refer to thuir Coruncer. For order to continuing noitt. atted wtihio 5. The folloing roeur1ll bd:- Tho deliitation prt;1ll nov. along theoition starting o the loingn of ch ition1tth Flg tutlnteribl h. If-ray botoon tho oTDoing troncho. a the SEEFT Offic. sond order to advence to thetretcher borrartitone theartic:111 ir vo out From thedooory troncho and clean the 2ono u. to tho ling of Bite Flag., t Ling all oneny dead or ounded u to the contrel lin for Follovl by tl. other Lidc,ith t5 oicotioh of cor0. hich C.nnot ba rovod, which:1ll be interrod thore found. aticlo &. and Oguiment 1l1 bo icsol of Follo:- ftor the dood and ounded h..rc boen reoved, th Tur’ i boarer uad to lrnd equiment found in the arr. on thoir Side s Fr the Cividing lin: all arc. and cquirient Pound on the Britin Lice will be collect)nl to thi lin here the il1 b over to the Turi Officer. ofter renoving the boit. of rifl.. in their prasonce. Sinilarly, all the Briti.h riflos hich are foum on the Turis:1?: of the diviKing linc; -rill be brought and handed over s thout bolt; to the Officerhe re suprintending the ovecititior on tho British Lido of the sone. The bolt, thu rmoved1ll b. ton y. nd oqulmrent of i rieer ounied officer: 1ll by roturnad to their on Lido:itbout re-triction. ticlc 5. During the Monsion of .rr. 11 noverents of troe: OTOCt the boarer and dolfuitation rtios b. Eoon the linc. of tronches I. forbiddon,n. hostil:sing of treo. behind these tronches 1l1 bs urficient ren for bro Fing off the n:-n ioh 0
13 - It is understood that no embarliation or disombarlation of irticle 6. troons will take place during the susponsion, of arms botweor MREL and UVLL. PEE: on the other side the Turkish forcos ectually or gaged i in the neighberhetd of LABA TEP vill not bo roinferced during the Sueponsion of arms. Te werke en the trenches, saps, communication trenahos, irticlo7. or gur orplacements is to be carriod out during the duration of the suspension of arms. Should any incident givo rico to the suspicion that the Articie E. abcvo ocnditions are not being adhored to, bither Sonior sta FCFficor may breat off the suspension giving a poried of halfean-hour in which to garn both sides of the cossaticn: provided always that the trcops or both sidos may be Fopt in a state of reediness for defonce, rithout Eccusotion of Froach f the susponsion: and ir the caso of unfcrescon attaer, oither party is froe to take action as the situation domands. The,ta. Officors will Pix on a place to which they vill Article G. arrange for Popertc to be sont and for communications to go from to Tho Site vill bo notified to their own troops when heir Cornandors. doeidod on. ncopt through the:taff Officers, no one can give an artislo 10. order for the cessation of the susponsicn of arms, oncept in the case of an unepoctod attac!. Ftielo 11 N N X K regarding acreplanc roconnaissance. Artislo 19. 111 delinitation partios, and pearor partios, in case of an uno-pectod outbrcal of hostilitios are to be froo to withdraw to thoir ovr lines, and are as far as possible not to bo firod on. Article Ir. N K X K Powors of Staff Officors. W F.SEUOFTOS A 20 M. LA OFGIYEG LOV LREICLSE OT. oww The hour reforrod to is illa Franca’ which is C minutes aCud of Arny Corps time. rticle 1. Liring is to cease at 7.70 a.n. all along the linc, but none of the usial daily precautions or loolout arrangements are to to Folarced, nor is any roduction in the garrison to be made, 11 ranko aro to be warned not to show thomselves and thus disclose the position of the occupied tronchos or saps. Articlo 2. 1 boarer party 200 strong, or 105s in Front or sections there corpees aro not vory ninerous, with c Tull allowance of strotchers and C picts and 3 Chovele for interring much docomposod corpses, is to be held roady at 6 a.n. in each cection of tho defenco. It 1: not neccssary that all should be arbulance personnel, but a white arm band cloth or paper with or without rod cross; is to be Forn on the left arm. Red cross flags, up to C per soction, are to be takon. ittontion is Crarn to the ordor of aress. Dead and rounced aro to bo cleared from the vicinity of our trenchosfrer gradually working out to rarde the cividing line, The delimitation parties will bo as follows:- Staff Officers -Lt-Col. SEcon, G.S.O. 1. Army Corps. ajor Dler EY. G..O. C. Mustralian Division. One From ustrelian Divigion. Interpretors One From ey Seeland and Australian Division. One From Austrelian Division. -odical Officers From Ley Zealand and Lustralian Division. OD0 50 men, each with a white flag. From Australian Division. 50 men, oach with a hite flag, from Jex Zealand and Australian Division.
at s- t Tho Fllg noed only be a SMll am tito cloth, or oven. sh.ot of D.3or, but shoult be Firiod to . st.No or branch over 4 feot long, sr- pened at the, ond to plant in the ground. Those parties Hill moct Lt.-Col. Foen on the boach by SppryQ:0.1 t 6.45 a.m. 1Thoy should h.vo nter bottles Filled and Food For t.0 Tho ncn Hill recsivo instruc ions there s to d. in their poc.ots. their actions in carrring out the procedure coun in p.r. 5. 11 bodies or rounded t.ln to the dividing Lino mariod b the Tits Tl.g Da.Fors rill b: 1id out in ros .an not in ho.s and tro. tCA Ht. over: rospoct cuo to the cond. dFles t.Mon t) .ro to bo curried in strotchors -5 the rticie 4. Turticul.r rocuest or the Turlish remrespntativo s05 te woid sus- ricions that they ro to bo carried My, Tnchight riso ir the ron R.mcilod then in the usu1 m.7. Mausor bolts aro. ronovablo by Lrerinc bac: tho bolt, sushing out the 15Tt Chargor guido and rithdrring the boit. Solts should then bo collected on tho strotcher and romovod to our lines along rith r L.F. rirlos h.ndod by the Rrls,s the: wo collocted. hould be talon to Lond these rirles foriard at i, nc not -11 t once. Spoci.l instructions are boing issued on this -rticlos 5 and 3. woint. Curo should bo t Len to ropuir of complete any deren. vo rticlo 7. r b rticle S. Any suspoctod broach of the conditions is to be roportod t onco to LC.L. uFEars. Cr the oction for trans insion to Division. MC. Army Cor Headmerters. In Penort of onory’s action michwears to be contrary to tho conditions of th Sumonsion should bo vrified bofore reuert and C.rorul rocord Topt of the hour and circumstncos. In Cusc ofn cbvious intontion on the pirt of the eno- to att.c, O.CR COELDECF OF .est or soction of tho defonce is rosponsible or renorting at onco and for I ridito mo.suros to moot it. rticle 19. Horo lso, thouch ir 7osiblo the notice of coss.sion of thC SuSDOnsion SoulC Do For1, Dost and Soction Comndors ro ros- DoSiblo For t. King modi to resuros to root it. 7oclLl curo soculd bo t.on, if tho borer prtios and rticlo 13. Thito Pl.g parties to rotiro, not to Tiro it ther, or oven in their diroction unless the milit.Pr situ.tion demands it. Jmy Corpe Lo. dquar ors, 25rd. a7, 1615.


L.H.B.  No. 18

No. 3 Section Defence,
23rd. May 1915.

From 11 a.m. 23rd. inst. to 11 a.m. 25th inst.
(Or until sooner amended)

(1). - COURTNEY'S POST - Garrison - 14th INF.

                                                  Local Reserve - 14th INF.

(2). - QUINN'S POST -          Garrison - 350 all ranks 15th. INF.

                                                                     100 all ranks 2nd. A.L.H.

                                                  Local Reserve - 16th. INF.

(3). - POPE'S POST. -            Garrison - 3rd. A.L.H.

                                                  Local Reserve - 1st. A.L.H.

(4). - PICQUET between  QUINN'S and POPE'S POSTS.

                                                  1 Off., 1 Sgt., 1 Cpl., and 10 men from the

                                                  Garrison of QUINN'S POST to be in position at

                                                  7 p.m. and remain on duty until 5 a.m.

(5). - PICQUET between POPE'S POST and No. 4 SECTION.

                                                  1 Off., 1 Sgt., 1 Cpl. and 12 men from 16th. INF.

                                                  to be in position at 7 p.m. and remain on duty

                                                  until 5 a.m.

(6). - INNER DEFENCES. - Observation Posts and Patrols from 10th. A.L.H.

                                                 1st. A.L.H. to provide these until relieved today

(7). - GENERAL RESERVE. - 10th. A.L.H. (less Inner Defence Troops). 13 INF.



C.W, Williams


B.M. 1st. A.L.H. Brigade.

Copies as under issued at 10:35 a.m.





1st. A.L.H.

2nd. A.L.H.

10th. A.L.H.

4th. INF. BDE H.Q.

13th. INF.

16th. INF.



Summary of Situation
No 6.
Southern Zone
May 23rd
             In the action on left of Indian Brigade reported yesterday
the enemy lost not less than 500 men. Our loss was
about 200.
May 24th
Last night French in conjunction with Naval
Brigade made an appreciable advance with only
slight loss.made no advance owing to very heavy fir
e from
Turkish trenches.
             The right and centre of East Lancashire
Division also pushed forward but 29th Division

made us advanced owing to enemy heavy fire from

Turkish trenches


Issued to. H.Q. Aust. Division
                   "       NZ & A Division
                   "       C.M.D. Bde.
Genl. file




From QW





Received  6.2pm


TO 4th Aust Inf. Bde

*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   

 ADC 56                          23rd


Have you any officer who you 

could spare and recommend for the

appointment of second in command

to the Howe Bn R.N. DIVN aaa

Please reply by telephone

Replied to Btn 15th
 FROM. Gen Godley ADC.
PLACE & TIME Anzac Cove.   6p.


 Lt Col Hawkins

2nd Inf. Brigade

My dear Hawkins

I am delighted to hear that you have come

this so far, safe & well, & am only sorry that it is

so hard to find time to come down to see you.

May I trouble you in one matter  - I am very

anxious to know the fate of one of my nephews,

one Aubrey Moss, who was either in the 5th or 6th

He was a Company Scout, I think, & was expecting

promotion when I saw him last at Mena.

Kindly get someone to make enquiries & let

me know at your convenience.

Yours very sincerely 

John Monash


From 4th. Inf.  Bgde H.Q.

Place Monash Valley


OC 13th
Btn 15th - 23rd

1) Herewith 1 Copy of Articles of
Armistice & 1 Copy of Typewritten
instructions thereon for your
perusal & return by 9 am tomorrow
2) In pursuance of above B' Bn
will furnish the following details
a) Delimitation Party :- to consist
of 13 specially selected intelligent
men. All under a Sergt to
report at Bde HQ at 5 am
tomorrow 24' inst: each member
of this Party to wear white
Arm Band on left arm &
to carry a stick or branch 4 ft
long with white rag or white
paper flag fastened thereto;
this Party to carry


Copy No....


N.Z.G. 609
Divisional Headquarters
23rd, May. 1915
1. A suspension of arms for the purpose of allowing the burial of the
Turkish dead, and removal of wounded, between the opposing trenches has
been arranged, to commence at 7.30 A.M.tomorrow. Copies of a paper,
which includes necessary articles of the agreement in which they should
be given effect to, are sent herewith, -receipt to be acknowledged at
once to Divisional Headquarters. These should be circulated and made
known to all concerned, and all officers commanding parties clearing
the ground are to be supplied with a copy.
2. x With reference to the instructions (above referred to) (Article 2)
a bearer party 200 strong is to be furnished in each section of Defence
as follows :-
No. 3 Section.
1st A.L.H.Brigade—-1 Captain, 4 Subalterns, 1 Medical Officer, 100 Other ranks.
4th Aust. Inf. Bde.—1 Captain, 4 Subalterns, 1 Medical Officer, 100 Other ranks.
No. 4 Section.
N.Z.M.R. Brigade ___ 1 Captain, 4 Subalterns, 1 Medical Officer, 100 Other ranks.
N.Z. Inf.Brigade ____ 1 Captain, 4 Subalterns, 1  Medical Officer, 100 Other ranks.
                                      Chaplains may accompany bearer parties.
3.  Delimitation parties will be found as follows :-
Interpreter ... Captain the Hon.A. Herbert.
Medical Offr ... Lieut.Colonel P.C.Fenwick, N.Z. Medical Corps.
A party of 50 specially selected N.C.O.s and men each with a white flag,
to be detailed as under :-
1st A.L.H.Brigade)        1 Officer ) .......... 12 Other ranks.
4th Aust. Inf. Bde.)                        .......... 13 Other ranks.

N.Z.M.R.Brigade)         1 Officer) ........... 12 Other ranks.

N.Z.Inf.Brigade  )                           ........... 13 Other ranks.
The officer (only) from each section to report to Lieut. Colonel Skeen,
ANZAC Headquarters, before 6 A.M. for detailed instructions. 
4.  Every advantage must be taken of this opportunity of making the ground
in front of our trenches sanitary, and in cases where corpses have been
built into parapets, these should 1f possible, be removed also.
5.  The arrangement lays down that no work on trenches, saps, communication
trenches, and gun emplacements is to be carried out; though this does not
definitely forbid such military work as putting up wire entanglements.
The spirit of the agreement should be observed, and no military work

should be carried out beyond the daily routine of replenishing stores, 
etc., improving bivouacs, shelters, and so on.
During the period when firing is not permissible, the tine will be well
employed in cleaning rifles, guns, and machine guns, also in collecting
and sending down to the Beach all spare ammunition, accoutrements, empty
shell and cartridge cases, water tins, biscuit tins, boxes, etc..
6.  In addition to the usual look-out system in force at present, a careful
look-out is to be kept by selected officers, as under.
From No.4 Section.
(A) In the direction of Ridge 971.
(B) Along the foothills N. of WALKERS RIDGE.
(C) In the direction of JOHNSTONE'S JOLLY and QUINN's POST, so as to
give early notice of hostile movements in these directions.


N.Z.G.609 Contd.
6. con. The names of the selected officers to be submitted by the O.C.No.4
Section to Divisional Headquarters, without delay.
Reports from these special look-out stations are to be repeated
every hour by O.sC.Sections to Divisional Headquarters.
W J Braithwaite  Lieut.Colonel,
General Staff.
New Zealand and Australian Division.


4th Aust Inf Bde
24th. May, 1915.
The following articles of an Agreement for a suspension of
Arms, are reproduced, with instructions for giving them effect.
 Article 1. A suspension of arms for the space of 9 hours

beginning at 7.30 o'clock on May 24th and ending at 4.50 o'cloc
on same day of May 24th, is agreed to for the purpose of burying
the dead and removing the wounded between the opposing trenches.

Article 2.    Two Staff Officers                       )
                     Two Interpreters                        )
                     Two Medical Officers                )              of each force.
                     One hundred men with one  )
                          hundred white flags.           )
Will meet at a point on the beach two kilometres North of KABA
TEPE, at 7.45 a.m.
Dress, Officers - Belts and water bottles; Men- Waterbottles.
 On account of the broken ground and the nearness of the
trenches to each other, the area to be cleared is to be divided
up as may be decided on by the Senior Staff Officers into areas

of 1,000 metres long (approximately), in each of which parties of

not more than 200 men of either side are to be employed, to avoid

a crowd of men working between the trenches. Those parties to be

without equipment except waterbottles, stretchers, and a proportion

of picks and shovels. 

At 8 a.m. the work of clearing will be commenced and will

cease at 4 p.m. or earlier if the work is completed.

If there is a likelihood of another day being required, the

Staff Officers will meet at 5 p.m. and refer to their Commanders

for orders as to continuing next day.

Article 3. The following procedure will be noted adopted:-

The delimitation party will move along the position starting

from the sea, leaving a man of each nationality with a white flag

at suitable intervals as nearly as possible half-way between the

opposing trenches.

As the Staff Officers send orders to advance to the stretcher

bearer parties allotted to each zone, these parties will move out

from their own trenches and clear the zone up to the line of

white flags, taking all enemy dead or wounded up to the control

line for removal by the other side, with the exception of corpses

which cannot be moved, which will be interred where found.

Article 4. Arms and equipment will be disposed of as follows:-

After the dead and wounded have been removed, the Turkish bearer

squads can take away all arms and equipment found in the area on

their side as far as the dividing line: all arms and equipment

found on the British side will be collected and taken to this

line where they will be handed over to the Turkish  officers after

removing the bolts of rifles in their presence.

Similarly, all the British rifles which are found on the

Turkish side of the dividing line, will be brought and handed over

without bolts to the Officers who are superintending the evacuation

on the British side of the zone. The bolts thus removed will be

taken away. Arms and equipment of dead or wounded officers will 

be returned to their own side without restriction.

Article 5. During the suspension of arms all movements of troops

except the bearer and delimitation parties between the lines of

trenches is forbidden, and hostile passing of troops behind those 

trenches will be sufficient reason for breaking off the suspension

of arms. 


- 2 -
Article 6. It is understood that no embarkation or disembarkation of
troops will take place during the suspension of arms between  KABA TEPE
and SUVLA BAY: on the other side the Turkish forces actually engaged
in the neighbourhood of KABA TEPE will not be reinforced during the
suspension of arms.

Article 7. No works on the trenches, saps, communication trenches,
or gun emplacements is to be carried out during the duration of the
suspension of arms.

Article 8. Should any incident give rise to the suspicion that the
above conditions are not being adhered to, either Senior Staff Officer
may break off the suspension giving a period of half-an-hour in which
to warn both sides of the cessation: provided always that the troops
of both sides may be kept in a state of readiness for defence, without
accusation of breach of the suspension: and in the case of unforeseen
attack, either party is free to take action as the situation demands.

Article 9. The Staff Officers fix on a place to which they will
arrange for reports to be sent and for communications to go from to
their Commanders. The site will be notified to their own troops when
decided on.
Article 10. Except through the Staff Officers, no one can give an

order for the cessation of the suspension of arms, except in the case of
an unexpected attack.

Article 11. X X X X regarding aeroplane reconnaissance.

Article 12. All delimitation parties, and bearer parties, in case of
an unepected outbreak of hostilities are to be free to withdraw to
their own lines, and are as far as possible not to be fired on.

Article 13. X X X X Powers of Staff Officers.


"HOUR" : The hour referred to is "Alla Franca" which is 8 minutes
ahead of Army Corps time.

Article 1. Firing is to cease at 7.30 a.m. all along the line, but
none of the usual daily precautions or lookout arrangements are to be
relaxed, nor is any reduction in the garrison to be made.
All ranks are to be warned not to show themselves and thus disclose
the position of the occupied trenches or saps.

Article 2. A bearer party 200 strong [[1 1/2 lines erased]]
or less in front of sections where corpses are not very numerous, with
a full allowance of stretchers and 8 picks and 8 shovels for interring
much decomposed corpses, is to be held ready at 8 a.m. in each section of
tho defence.
It is not necessary that all should be ambulance personnel, but a
white arm band cloth or paper with or without red cross; is to be worn
on the left arm. Red cross flags, up to 6 per section, are to be taken.
Attention is drawn to the order of dress.
Dead and wounded are to be cleared from the vicinity of our trenches first
gradually working out towards the dividing line.
The delimitation parties will be as follows:-
Staff Officers         - Lt-Col. Skeen, G.S.O. 1. Army Corps.
                                   Major Blamey, G.S.O 5. Australian Division.
Interpreters           - One from Australian Division.
                                    One from New Zealand and Australian Division.

Medical Officers   - One from Australian Division.
                                    One from New Zealand and Australian Division.
50 men, each with a white flag, from Australian Division.
50 men, each with a white flag, from New Zealand and Australian Division.


The flag need only be a small xxx white cloth, or even a sheet of
paper, but should be fixed to a stake or branch over 4 foot long, sharpened
at the end to plant in the ground.
Those parties will meet Lt.-Col. Skeen on the beach by SAPPER POST
at 6.45 a.m. ∧ Haversacks not to be worn They should have water bottles filled and food for the

day in their pockets. The men will receive instructions there as to
their actions in carrying out the procedure laid down in para 5.
All bodies or wounded taken to the dividing line marked by the
white flag bearers will be laid out in rows and not in heaps and treated

with every respect due to the dead.

Article 4. Rifles taken up are to be carried in stretchers - at the

particular request of the Turkish representative so as to avoid suspicions

that they are to be carried away, which might arise if the men 

handled them in the usual way.

Mauser bolts are removable by drawing back the bolt, pushing out

the left charger guide and withdrawing the bolt. Bolts should then

be collected on the stretcher and removed to our lines along with any

L.E. rifles handed back by the Turks, as they are collected.

Care should be taken to send these rifles forward at intervals, and

not all at once.

Articles 5 and 6. Special instructions are being issued on this


Article 7. Care should be taken to repair or complete any defensive 

works before 7.50 a.m to-morrow.

Article 8. Any suspected breach of the conditions is to be reported

at once to Headquarters of the Section for transmission to Divisions

and Army Corps Headquarters.

Any report of enemy's action which appears to be contrary to the

conditions of the suspension should be verified before report and a

careful record kept of the hour and circumstances.

In case of an obvious intention on the part of the enemy to attack,

each Commander of a post or section of the defence is responsible for

reporting at once and for taking immediate measures to meet it.

Article 10. More also, though if possible the notice of cessation of

the suspension should be formal, post and Section commanders are responsible

 for taking immediate measures to meet it.

Article 11. Special care should be taken,  if the bearer parties and

white flag parties have to retire, not to fire at them, or even in

their direction unless the military situation demands it.

Army Corps Headquarters,

23rd. May, 1915.





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Patricia McEwanPatricia McEwan
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