Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 5, 16 May - 25 May 1915, Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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21 65 841 Quigpsto 21.515 1. A. M Dnt Bryade col ceanvel has been into tranker and sen woutd in progretso. It is undersood that hen Harris will remain as long as light cerres tonight and will bring only a few men with him. The worh to be some mannly by the men who are in the pring line, Tens will be more satisfcton as are working party are to a large extent in the way. doing work which might jush a well be done by the men who are sitting by ronly pring an occasional shot pco of 80 8.0 pnn
M MB Att SoNlS H OeMW P OACSSAN Sertto Htnet Rocotet Handed in at Tpess. News SAASSSSENE 1 AAA Paris Between nicupfort andarras the graund unfrecticante starf esfittory duelo two Gemen serpplines brought down.we have propessed frean buse and Carpee te captured several enhe iy wood. Petrigrad. Afficial Battle of Whole falican [eontinps onthe 185 int wecaptured 1000 prosoners enemy direplaness drephed bomet on Prymse creny apfusedseven he sourh of ly Rome The Wamber bby 407 who to 74 adopted 16 exharidirary powers Hfill larre Bridges the Hemmoalth FROM Distate PLACES TIME Iiy toe Fillt C. BAWE SI A.SM, TEA TO. PoM BASS JA RNS SAR MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. Ol Nossase B OACSSAN OAAMEWSS 8 a Serteo MAt acored .3 SMeSS DAAont TSWSGWENNN JoAOSMIMON AAA snep General died on the Hospit Iwas buried as adxandrea ship Twor Britisk merghantmen were torpedsed during wik ending the 19th inst out of 1430 aklases & pailing FROM PLAORS TID W.28L 588. 30,000 Pads 8/1. S. B. Lad.-Forme C.MM
TF EMIITD WO WSRIIHE DITTSION. .2.C. No 562 Divisicnal Headquarters, Anzac Cove, 22nd Way, 1923. 20 4th Aurt Mnf Bile very ingent JCMORUA A Please cause the following to be widely known;- (1) 1t appears that the Turks are very short of equigment and rifles, and are making every effort to gather these from their dead after dark. Mfforts should therefore be made, tonight, to gather as many rifles as possible from those dropped in the vicinity of our trenches during the recent attacks, 1f this can be done without expesing the men to a heavy Bifle fire. (2) Some of the Turks appear to be using our rifles, taken from our dead. It is very important, therefore, that annunition should be looked after carefully, and, in future eperations, not dropped about, or left on the dead. (3) All ranks must be careful not to allow themselves to be lulled into a false sense of security at the present pause in eperations, or during any actual suspension of hostilities along our line. Full precautions must be taken, and, in spite of the discomfort caused by the rainy weather, activity in sharpshecting, in look-out work, and in supervision, must not be relaxed in the X alishtest degreey We Braithwaite Lieut-Colonel, General Staff. Per Zealand & Australian Divisions,
A0S Seen M. 22/5/15 NOE 7r No. 3 Section Defence, Monash Valley, 22nd May 1815. BSTMISUTIN OF MOOPS M.S SECTION Per to-night, 22/8/1815. (D).- SOUETHLS POGT - Carrison itth Mr. Local Reserve - 14th INT. (2).- WIIS PeST Carrison - 3th Lii ranks 13 A Mr. LRIaarrar 100 all ranks 2 A.L.H. Local Reserve - 15th Mr. 1S- REESPOSR -Garrison - 5 A.L.H. F Loeal Reserve - 16th INT. 1A).- PICTTETYbetreen WITTg and Pop) From Barriaon of Crmts Posz. 18) RLCTEL Btreen POPES POS andNe, LEMIIO,-1 M 10J.- IEEEPMECE Observation Posts and Patrols from 10to do bo the TAS- EMRIL ESIITE -15t. A.L.H., 5th. A.L.H., and 13th INT. (leas Garrison in WUINNIS POST. DRICADE SMTION, AM. HT. BRICADE (8).- SICMINIL- OWilliamo Batt. 1st. A.LR. Bde. Issued at 6150 pem.. 400070 COURTNETS POST OUIHNS POST. POPE'S POST. SECTION H.Co ist. A.L.H. and. A.L.H. 4th. L.B. H.C. 13th. INT. 15th. INF. 16th. INF. 816. Tp.
Army Form C. 2123. MESS No. of Message. NALS. Sent, OrCenISU OMCeSIAN. PreRY Code. Words 23 20 Charges to collect Senice Mstictons Received. Handed in at Sn F MAN AAA sstall ine arng if foresay faly as it seltt on the has yanged side ithes in the war again it ario dedwt on ha Though no form gnd bonn yet. Pown Wna be mistake pheay of the in caise the beaod mince you ores guiia it in Busdan ernsping aa and franc pae haverosite nicitate Statinnt906 the popte did FROM PLACE & TIE The the Mont te And HMtSeAita Rons Bistra Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message. MESSAGES AND SIGNA) MMESIANS A Pretix Code Words Caies to collect Seciite MMS Receed Handed in at. MicSt BHSE & S tan DS AAA 15 cimaried intent apevirel is mdige it tothe from homefthis mnooning tell sevitable ctif us that has bein to ken by voy vopes to am chember. 174 the lst defus adoptes the epasating powers, will ind cours tor Beutain France o Russh the gimysent wehhn ihicests me out arin carenttile as in rasiness y wby ti her friendful of isthe on the psiding the Induld which e avissstor 40 Wl a Tresb FROM PlACE & TinS SUATSENN
MOr Form (Original Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. MCe SIAN. SCN, OISEMON Received Mot D cal Chaiges to coled 63 Seniite Matcions m. Received. MiesBa Wiett tNI O AMont AAA SintetGHinte by DKS wen the 1 Psput aBnwise trsy precaune the acpmandns asadors will dustrian iu se elowed to crofes the pontr unel the formenead nave returned lately from tirlin re ean ancufate wounni or youdon if busy signngout plian who e porks of retraping to ther my inomery to gain the duny which is motitsing the of retrnen scoring Gustran Tmn FROM PLACE & TMS) TE TE MA JO. Form COrigina Army Form C. 2123 No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIO MMCESISN. Recee cNo Charges to collect Serice Hetcton Received. Handed in at FSnOT MINNN AWSSSR Dd AAA NiN2 s errooe. on powi an in the wi onr with the war: in in longtt. sint yeth no pronan naptt heiin kan trrosps are he wort men on the fronte this and Gay at fild treowns 28 Ty
PM SMA Army Ferm C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message— CAIREOTOPS OMceSianS. 23 SeNice MMON 1 Handed in at Trriss. Sles e DA A Mont WieAytMME AAA ptaly ine the arina Haly as everying foregaw has langed herself on the the actuc in the of sidle coar against vartariion Though no formal declaration has get oun mmade the figns gannd be mistaken the uppeal of the hiser the blanishments 1 tence you kngow the bribes of anctua the false rports of erushing ictous in Kusstan ynd frong and flanders all f for a fruthe ganefailed medst sd soo send whe people id not from the FRON Sn ANMNI 2 O Form Duplicate Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message MEESIAN CAIRESTEN SeNICEMAHEEENOS m. Received MisteBa SenterFMNinC. Wient toMtee DM A Honi AAA intetney clamoued take yn aime woreliss nseage some this morning tell from fus that the iniitable stik has bein taken by 4ou votes to 74 the Hallan chamber of depates adopted the exvisfondinary powvers, bill and chers for Betain France +ussge the generart uctrian impsicats sare still for henre but attain is in readiness t caty theig of the frontier friesdful of the inquel and the fndidages to which the umbassador Great Pudain Frana & Racer Mon JncANN
Or Form (Duplicate) Arny Forr C. Mrs. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message Carkes to Pay. JRCESISNS. SetEe AMRSOR 164 Handed in at Recered Sr TOANnE WieNt BAn AAA ore intc by the srtin Popuracy ttalian yout nat when were precount the gersmandond arctiian unbassadors will not se slowed to cross he rontur unel the sation imdicadon have returngs. Sately from Perlin o vienna the dilian gnalate in forson is vusy signingpues porks of pliang who returning too toer no iy is jain the oumy which is mobilising the ccogding to Wlyrm Gustrian furm Tunna have wutady Hon RACAMNY tr Dowicete A Por C. 223 No. of Message. WIE AND SIGNAL. CAIRESN MMCESIAN. 4 Senice Hstcton Handed in at AReceied TWieey toHe Senders Dunber AAA teegun to terosse talian in the worary on which the war of Everytion will be tought. 54000 than dustres have been sent Concentrition caups aystorian tropps are taking their station on the fuonteer o men are workin gay and night ou bunghes and fuld fortifiations FRon PACEA FINS
- Ar Form. Army Form C. 2121. No. of Message. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Worts Charge Prefin Code m. Recd. atM. This message is on a/c of: Ohice of Orisin & Service Instructions Sent. Date Service. A11. From To. By (Signature of Franking Officer) By T0 in reply to Number. SentersRiet DAS A MONK. AAA mo 25 attalaw 40 we report a ar wll nsan £5 md Tnoth tn meat ose of dis Thaned afin m anen n en enenen nente 1t ine e i a eay shdg ft n X in d 4 af int an 16 p m n connein Dee n ant o on e n 5 snvertin t < but hand a 4 4 is bast in nom th an en en te t e e d t from may inten f 0 cam or will ppliet 1 wn d t M.1. From Place Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. (2) ammmmam sume Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. CeNSO This line should be erased if not required.
10 Sor C Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. Recen Sent, OfSeNON MMCESIAN. Words E8 Charges to collect SANOMAMMES Handed in at A Recened Slt t B DM AMont AAA we isfance has bysenwome monits ago so buns the siray for whh we do not voucht when od Kitevenu wahashed when the wo would end his fibly wwas a cannot tell you mnt tay war will an alll you when int ont will begin of well pesinn May gonof on want acy and keadee coric telgeran Ner d wsh as p tuedy pArsSS it mghit emmenced At Monast FROM sial and PlACEA TAIE Fovour o return please This tie would be chaild it aot regurced illia 5:1 mMy CO Pom BuNRS Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. CASESTPN OMESIAN. SeniteMitnen (62 Handed in at Receied SntetF Dinter Da o the WICASW AAA Fur expance has Aeggun. some moning, ago to huns the story for which we do not vouch when lood Setchener was alked when the wiuls end his ruply, was g cannot tell you when thy war well end but I can all you when it will begin at will begin in may head in the lighs of our rant activgees in rance ganders, the laconic tildgravy nom find marshall ffener hgrs is significant ptestay night our yosre commences FroN PlAcE & TiE

21                           (51)

Q41                        QUINNS POST.


H.Q. 4th Inf. Brigade

Col. Chauvel has

been into trenches - and seen

work in progress.

It is understood that Lieut.

Harris will remain as long

as light serves tonight and

will bring only a few men

with him - the work to be

done mainly by the men

who are in the firing line.

This will be more satisfactory
as the "working party" are

to a large extent in the way -

doing work which might just 

as well be done by the men

who are sitting by & only firing

an occasional shot 

H. Pope 

Lt. Col

cy OC Quinns Post





No. of Message

4a  IB



TO    Press News

Day of Month.  


Paris      Between nieuport and arras
the ground unpracticable sharp artillery
duels two German aeroplanes brought
down.  We have progressed near
Ouse and Champagne.  We captured
several trenches in the ailly wood.
Petrograd.  Official.  Battle of
whole Galician continues on the
18th inst we captured 4000 prisoners
enemy aeroplanes dropped bombs on
Prymzmal enemy captured several trenches
south of Prymzmal.
Rome      The Chamber by 407 votes
to 74 adopted the extraordinary
powers bill.

Cairo      Bridges the Commonwealth



TIME & PLACE  Dictated to [[?]]

JR McG L Col

23 5 15


Received 11.3 am.

TO   SJ   2


Inspr General died on the Hospital

ship & was buried at Alexandria

Two British merchantmen were
torpedoed during week ending the

19th inst out of 1438 arrivals &





No 512

Divisional Headquarters,

Anzac Cove,

22nd May, 1915.


To 4th Aust Inf Bde

Very urgent


X Please cause the following to be widely known:-

(1)  It appears that the Turks are very short of equipment and
rifles, and are making every effort to gather these from their dead
after dark.  Efforts should therefore be made, tonight, to gather as
many rifles as possible from those dropped in the vicinity of our
trenches during the recent attacks, if this can be done without
exposing the men to a heavy rifle fire.

(2)  Some of the Turks appear to be using our rifles, taken
from our dead.  It is very important, therefore, that ammunition
should be looked after carefully, and, in future operations, not
dropped about, or left on the dead.

(3)  All ranks must be careful not to allow themselves to be
lulled into a false sense of security at the present pause in
operations, or during any actual suspension of hostilities along
our line.  Full precautions must be taken, and, in spite of the
discomfort caused by the rainy weather, activity in sharpshooting,
in look-out work, and in supervision, must not be relaxed in the X
slightest degree. X

WG Braithwaite.


General Staff.

New Zealand & Australian Divisionx,

(*Bol 64

para 2 *)



L.H.B. No. 17


No. 3 Section Defence,

Monash Valley,

22nd May 1915.



For to-night, 22/5/1915

(1).-  COURTNEY'S POST -  Garrison 14th INF.

Local Reserve - 14th INF.

(2).- QUINN'S POST  -  Garrison - 35s0 all ranks 13 IXF INF.


100 all ranks 2 A.L.H.

Local Reserve - 15th INF.

(3).-  POPE'S POST  -  Garrison - 3 A.L.H.

Local Reserve - 16th INF.

(4).-  PICQUETS between QUINN'S and POPE'S POSTS.

From Garrison of QUINN'S POST.

(5)  PICQUET between POPE'S POST and No. 4 SECTION. - 16th INF

(6). -  INNER DEFENCES.  -  Observation Posts and Patrols from
1st. A.L.H.

(7).-  GENERAL RESERVE.  -  1st. A.L.H., 5th. A.L.H., and 13th

INF. (less Garrison in QUINN'S POST.



CW Williams Major.

B.M. 1st. A.L.H. Bde.

Issued at 6:50 p.m. - A Copy to





1st. A.L.H.

2nd. A.L.H.

4th. I.B. H.Q.

13th. INF.

15th. INF.

16th. INF.

SIG. Tp.

Recd at 5pm








TO          Press.

Italy inc the arena.
Italy as everyone foresaw
has ranged herself on the
side of the allies in the
war against barbarism
Though no formal declaration has
yet been made the signs cannot
be mistaken, the appeal of the
Kaiser the blandishment of
Prince Von Bulow the bribes of
Austria the false reports of
Crushing victories in Russian
and France and Flanders all
have failed if for a [[time?]] the
Italian govt seems to hesitate
the people did not from the




outset they clamoured to
take up arms wireless messages
from Rome this morning tell
us that the inevitable step
has been taken by 407 votes to
74 the Italian chamber of
deputies adopted the extraordinary
powers bill and cheered for
Britain France & Russia the
german and Austrian ambassadors
are still in Rome but a train
is in readiness to carry them
to the frontier mindful of
the insults and the undignified
to which the ambassadors of
Great Britain France & Russia


were subjected by the
Populacy of Berlin the

Italian Govt. has taken wise

precaution the german and
Austrian ambassadors will not
be allowed to cross the frontier
until the Italian ambassadors
have returned safely from Berlin
& vienna the Italian consulate
in London is busy signing pass
ports of Italians who are
returning to their own
country to join the army
which is mobilising the
Austrians according to telegram
from Vienna have already


begun to terrorise Italians
in the territory on which
the war of liberation will be
fought.  59 000 Italians in

Austria have been sent to
concentration camps Austrian
troops are taking their station
on the frontier & men are working
day and night on trenches and
field fortifications. 





Italy inc the arena.
Italy as everyone foresaw
has ranged herself on the
side of the allies in the
war against barbarism
Though no formal declaration has
yet been made the signs cannot
be mistaken, the appeal of the
Kaiser the blandishments of
Prince Von Bulow the bribes of
Austria the false reports of
Crushing victories in Russian
and France and Flanders all
have failed if for a [[time?]] the
Italian govt seems to hesitate
the people did not from the





outset they clamoured to
take up arms wireless messages
from Rome this morning tell
us that the inevitable step
has been taken by 407 votes to
74 the Italian chamber of
deputies adopted the extraordinary
powers bill and cheers for
Britain France & Russia the
german and Austrian ambassadors
are still in Rome but a train
is in readiness to carry them
to the frontier mindful of
the insults and the undignified
to which the ambassadors of
Great Britain France & Russia 




were subjected by the the 
Populacy of Berlin.

Italian Govt. has taken wise

precaution the german and
Austrian ambassadors will not
be allowed to cross the frontier
until the Italian ambassadors
have returned safely from Berlin
& vienna the Italian consulate
in London is busy signing pass
ports of Italians who are
returning to their own
country to join the army
which is mobilising the
Austrians according to telegram
from Vienna have already





begun to terrorise Italians
in the territory on which
the war of liberation will be
fought.  59 000 Italians in

Austria have been sent to
concentration camps Austrian
troops are taking their station
on the frontier & men are working
day and night on trenches and
field fortifications.  RRR





C.O's Battalions will please report, as soon
as possible, whether, in their opinion, the
issue of a fresh (frozen) meat ration
should be discontinued in event of
(a) shortage of butchering implements to cut up
the meat

(b) The prospective shortage of fresh
In replying C.O's should be able to present

adequate supplies of material for field, but must

bear in mind that it is by no means certain
that food from overseas can or will be


John Monash Col.

C.O. 4th A.I.B.





Our advance has begun.  Some
months ago so runs the
story for which we do not
vouch when lord Kitchener
was asked when the war would
end his reply was "I cannot
tell you when the war will
end but I can tell you when
it will begin it will begin in
May" Read the light of our
recent activities in France &
Flanders the laconic telegram
from field marshall finch
hqrs is significant "On Tuesday
night our advance commenced"

FROM      Col Monash
PLACE & TIME   for perusal and
favour of return please
*This line should be erased if not required.
(*23.5.15.*)  CW Williams

BM Maj 




Our advance has begun.  Some
months ago so runs the
story for which we do not
vouch when lord Kitchener
was asked when the war would
end his reply was "I cannot
tell you when the war will
end but I can tell you when
it will begin it will begin in
May" Read in the light of our
recent activities in France &
Flanders the laconic telegram
from field marshall finch

hQrs is significant.  "On Tuesday
night our advance commenced".



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Karen GorzynskaKaren Gorzynska
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