Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 5, 16 May - 25 May 1915, Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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120 2. M. VAATIM RAIS 83 9110 O21 TTCONSOMR SPEOLL Tho Army Corps Commandor has much olcasuro in publishing for tho information of all rahls tho following atract from a lottor mich ho has rocoivod from Sir Lan Hamilton - I jant you and noro ospocially your r gimontal officers and mon who Tvo not, and cannot possibly have, , wido vioy of the war choss board in thoir Fon, to roaliso tho full importance of the wor! thoy aro making good at t. C hourly rish of their livos. To thom it must soom a vory inadoquato roward to hold a forr squaro milos of worthloss, sorubby mount-in, but it is not so, and tho maintonance of the position of Sari Bair may provo to bo tho fulcrum for tho lovor Thich will topplo over Gormany and tho prido of tho Cormans. MBSisslr Liout.-Colono) AA & AMG. Anzac CovO Mustralian and LoY Zoaland Army Corps. 20/5/25.
ITIHM 8 Army Form C 2123. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS O. Por Orp Office Stamp or repotition of the same, May be made at Inquiries respecting this Message, or a should be made in writing and addressed the Delivering Office; but any complaint as to i to the officer in charge. In either case this form must accompany such inquiries of complaint Charges SiMeKRENN Received here al Ofice Handed in at the 20 W 11 Das of Month SindrS Di AAA left 2000 Agaim imend Parie fles tenk so as fat dead taken centl ck lida use 4 Fir mbars ever Yer isoner wither Arre n 1 ag the fouse a ennoingr a Kitc in id Gouts fe wha sat bet protected rop as employmen sono ome FROM PLACE TIME
48 BAOT VAAI Riy Pow CRIS MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Messase O.Ferm.ICOrgina Othce Stans Sent, or sent out Worde Prehx cose Reed. from Mean Coeanat. J. Jn. Distance. a Recuned Serite Mitrintons Fanded in atns OMS Received here at 7 270 S . P Dos O Mot A M t P AAA of Simitar me Mods thus removing an unjusiifiable dis advantage- Newsp oallipoty, thoroughly satisfatctory be emplasised writlen French successes in arras Russidns Holding mone ung in have starked ind West Galicia by counkr offensive Bu Roving lowing bribute General he paid wothat These are consistent reports that toalition Goot in three neouist leader to be imes Asquith today Conferted FROM PLACE TIME F, SitS Mna The Paricutars of Mich Charles and Clame M Toe Fand F. M
Army Form C 2123. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. O. Kom. Busia Ofice Stane Inquiries respecting this Message, or application for repetition of the same, may be made a the Delivering Office; but any complaint as to its delay, &c, should be made in writing and addressed to the officer in charge. In either case this form must accompany such inquiries of compl Serrice Mitticton 142 Received here at Office at Handed in at the T0 t A 30. o m AAA SeneS Dum offices is allocation exac rumoured a ne an w Chamber Bonan M alfour andtea Streeth white nter ll Ser Beauthamp Haldane Car Lord D Halce and sacas ford tis will Birrell I ha understood will The bit ed a yesiar emain dmeralti hear mentioned 15 w bines t FROM PLACE TIME
COTRTON re Meare Sistanc Handed in at the 270 Sender GSTumber as first FROM PLACE TIME 160 Pa MN MESSA cole Day of Month. £5 Army Form C 2123. AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Norte cted Pa. Oot.J fn. Reone Office at Recunved nee o/33a AAA
AUSTRALLAN AFD NEW EEALATD ARIY CORPE. TFGTEUCTIORS REGARDIEG COLREICATION WITH THE EEE.T. -WA The following notes aro to be widely circulated. The enemy may nossibly now send forward a white flag or Red Crescent Flag to cover renoval of dead and wounded. Tho woints to be observed by Commanders of sections and of parts of the fire trenches, are:- avery precenition must be taken to avoid firing in error on people covered by the above lags. Tut overy precant on must also be taken to prevent the oneny using Tleg to cover novement with houtile intentions. Nono of the enemy mus be permitted to overlool. our trenches. To do this, on a flag being shown by the enomy, a white flag Thould Shown in reply to a white flag, a Red Cross flag in reply to a Rod Cres- oent Fiag. On the person showing the white Flag coming Forward, he should be helted by signal at a point equidistant from the two lines of trench, and a mossengor under cover of our Flag sent out to meet him. If the shower of the flag is accompanied by mon to collectdoad, the whcl0 party must be halted, and not allowod to oross towards our tronches. An interprotor should then be called for and their intentions ascertained. Ir their intention is ronovel of burced or dead, en unarmod party may bo alloror to coinc out. Our trenches are to bo manned and a sharp lool-out Kopt, but no firing excont in nccissity, and men should not expose thomsolves. An uncrrad party will trey be sont forward with ontrenching tools to colloct and bury thecdity, removing idontification dises, unless the cornso is too putreTied to PManc, and bury with thew all onomy oculment. Tho oner shoule rot c allowed to cloer any portion of tho Ground nearor to on tronches then helfeey, but up to that limit should be 700 to remove any rticlve of Clothing or conipmont, excopt ouns and machinc guns. Obsorvors should be warnel, both in the immodiate vicinity of the cloaring operations, and in sections overlooking it, to Kcop e loot. out of and massn of the own or other settestr wich appeary to t hostto intent. io Cor 0 132
Misnes ha M 5/5 &A Dr Mnaneant the pmers of wa
20/5/21 po00 Te have now heard that the Turna propose to oelebrate their Constteution Day, which is the 25rd, by a pig attack, but whether this is to be on us or at Cape Haller we do not Eow. 5 If they attack us we must be quite sume t make of it a Constitution Day for ourselves, and to give thom such a lesson as they have never had in their lives before. Remember they are an aboolutely inforior army to ourselves in mopal and training, and will only be driven to the attack, which will not be made with their hearts really in it. It 1a probable that any attack will be commenced by a heavy bombardment, and it is possible that during this bombardent shells It is therefore containing acphyziating gases will be fired at us. essential that every man should carry the new helmet which has just been served out, and if there is an gas anywhere about, these nelmets are at once to be worn. They may be found hot and a little uncomfortable, but romembor they ensure absolute immnity from the gas, which therefore can do us no harm. 1f at any time you find yourself in a cloud of gas, the best thing is to stand still and keep quiet. It is quite possible that if the attack commences at night, the enomy may precede it by quietly ojecting gas from cylinders. Here again there need be no fear if helmets are immediately worn, while wo must at once see if we can locate the position of the cylindors, and knook thom out either with gun fire or with bombs, or if possible maxims if they-oan be brought to bear upon them. Should we be able to upset a few cylindors in the enomy'e trenches, they would find their dastardly use of gas rocoiling entirely on their own heads. During the bombardments trenches will be kept as empty as possible with due consideration for safety, as wo want to avoid all Dossiblo lossos by shell fire. Then, when the bombardmont is over, and ther: cnomy aro likely to attack, wo will fill up our tronchos with our full strongth, and if cur 20,660 boys here cannot pump lead into any unlimited number of Turks so as complotely to wipe them out, I shall indood be astonishod, If any Turks got noar the tronches they will of course be well bombod and bayonotted, and it ic mcro than probable in sevoral places thoy will bo. so domoralised that you will be able to Tollow thom up and take thoir tronchos, and I hope machino gune without further opposition. A double issue of run will probably be found in thoir tronches. tstsandwood
INITELLIG. NCE BULLETIY - 21st. MAY, 1915. -ameaoom& The Following is a resume of the information obtained from prisoners and documents captured during the last throe days - Troons stated to be now, or to have recontly been, employed againot ANEAG. Ist, Fth and Cth rogiments 1iC1Or and. Diy ATON 1Fth, 14th and 1Fth reedmnts 1VI F66. A7th, AOth and 135th periments 2 B7th, 7and and 77th rogimb:it DIVE1O Poth, 27th, 33rc,, Cath, and 7cth regiments, al0 whe: The Cth. Biyisien (10th, 17th, and 13th pEdmnts) and the str Ision (SEn., 2ard and 24th regtnonts) are belloved to hare arrived Taking into consideration 10sos, 35,600 may to taken DIV At LITLAUI. as being the number of troops against ANZAC, the majority of whor are untrainod or olderly roservists. Ammunition appears to be very plontiful among the Turks. In certsinr cases Turkish ofFieore are reorted to have drive: thoir men into action with sword and povclyor - and there ir no doub that a good many of the troops against LICAC have no hoapt in their Werk. Marshal Lican von Sandors Pasha is reported to bo in to Feninsula and to have dirooted the attack of 10/19 Lay which, it was intended, was to have been pushod right horse and drivon us into the This attack is bolioved to have boon spoclelly ordered by Inver Pasha who is anxious that the Roditorranoan Expeditianary Foro 304. should be destroyed boforo the arrival of roinforcements. A vory larg proportion of Turkish officers heve beer killod and thor Is much dysentery in the enemy's lincs. Thore is a soncoaled road by which Turkis’ poinforcomonts are Frought up from the dircction of Calliyoll. This passes near tho ruis of BUTU. AMAFARTA. Wo are givn to undorstand that our counded and priconors who have Fallon irto the hanes of the Turks how. boon sent to the CULRAT hospital in Constant inople and ar: boine wll troated. Tho bodios drossed in Right grey wniforrs which lic in front Gondarno.l. of Cortain Cf our tronches ar those if a contingont of Of whom a Large Miecbor are known to hove arriv d from BRUSA. All a reo that the Turlish losses in the recont Fighting have ECCM very hovero and many of the ir pon aro roportod by priscnors to Eo anxicus to surronder if they car: do so without boins shot by thei n side. The Gorrans ao sproading storios of Proat victorios by soa and in Lgynt Pot those are rocolvod ovor by the Turks with cortain creins of saltt. An entry in the captured diary of a Turkict starf Off cor renorts that two of our shrapnol foll among the lst. battelic. of the Gyrd roglnont, Killing 12 and wounding 5 mon. In anothr Tattalion only two officcrs aro loft allvc. Lrry Corns Hondquariors, AREOc CovO, 2ist. Ray, 1915. 0000 as is was
M. PON Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. 110. Of MeSARE Wol CATTE - Recd. AM This message is on a/c of OheeNSII S SeIISe MSMOS 580E Date Service At ID. From To By TITFTE O FTMS, SRAA T0 im LASSSR DOS SA MON. LteS t N AAA 21/5/15 O.O. Brners Fest One o 24 in o 1I Horse fave seporter at your paid t ae prt of t sick lonefly depental is ap pieton hamntete t n n t od e ne t o Duyns post & fortan tt so as in en ene of Ti festa a aon t 4 Iat d n unto c tisfegeoy apt y taken in enentone if in sely a wp to from 4 o o ps lie to parpt as arningthe tho as bat about 1yint (to c e in the bast wall of the touch to pte Commuication a n parget is at leact E. Mh From PacE Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. (2) amme mna mation SMMTYEHKIIEN AI MIETL CIHSINEI O MESINN MIO MME CoNO This line should be crased if not required.


The Army Corps Commander has much pleasure in publishing for the
information of all ranks the following extract from a letter which he
has received from Sir Ian Hamilton -
"I want you and more especially your regimental officers and 
"men who have not, and cannot possibly have, a wide view of the war
 "chess board in their ken, to realize the full importance of the work 
 "they are making good at the hourly risk of their lives.
"To them it must seem a very inadequate reward to hold a few
"square miles of worthless, scrubby mountain, but it is not so, and
"the maintenance of the position of Sari Bair may prove to be the 
"fulcrum for the lever which will topple over Germany and the pride 
"of the Germans."
W. B Sissler
Lieut.-Colonel A.A. & Q.M.G.
Anzac Cove,
20/5/15. Australian and New Zealand Army Corps



  20 Army Form C 2123
C Form (Duplicate.) MESSAGE AND SIGNALS. No. of Message  .....
  Office Stamp
Inquiries respecting this Message, or application for repetition of same, may be made at 40
the Delivering Office; but any complaint as to its delay, &c., should be made in writing and addressed
to the officer in charge. In either case this form must accompany such enquiries or complaint.
    £ s. d.
Service Instructions. Charges}
to pay}
Handed in at the   Office at   M. received here at    M.
TO { Press
Sender's Number. Day of month. In reply to Number.  AAA
Paris - Germans in Belgium left 2000
dead and a great number of rifles French
consolidated positions recently taken
French have taken group of Houses
in region of Albran.
Germans devoting themselves to bombarding
Arras  We took today further prisoners
in Belgium  the Germans again repulsed
at Berry Au Bac. House of
Lords Lord Kitchener announced 
that British & French Govts felt
that their troops must be protected
from poisonous gases by employment




  Army Form C 2123.
C. Form. 1 (Original). MESSAGE AND SIGNALS No. of Message ...
Recd Prefix ........ Code ....... Words ......... Sent, or sent out Office Stamp
from .........           At ........ . M. 39
  Delivery. Means ............ Charges for
Collected ...... ........
  ......... .......... By .........
By ........   Distance   Paid out .... Returned
Service Instructions. at ......... . M.
Handed in at the   Office at     M. Received here at   M.
  ( 2
TO {  
 * Sender's Number. Day of Month. In reply to Number. AAA
of similar methods thus removing
an unjustifiable disadvantage -
News from Gallipoli thoroughly
satisfactory  He emphasised brilliant
French successes in Arras
Russians Holding strong line in
West Galicia and have started
by counter offensive in Bukovina
he paid glowing tribute to General
Botha - there are consistent reports
in Loby that Coalition Govt is
to be formed three unionist leaders
conferred with Asquith today
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to account by means of Stamps affixed to the face of the form, and
the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and "Charges for Delivery".
   * This line should be erased if not required  





    Army Form C 2123.
C Form (Duplicate) MESSAGE AND SIGNALS No. of Message  .....
  Office Stamp
Inquiries respecting this Message, or application for repetition of same, may be made at 38
the Delivering Office; but any complaint as to its delay, &c., should be made in writing and addressed
to the officer in charge. In either case this form must accompany such enquiries or complaint.
    £ s. d.
Service Instructions. Charges}
to pay}
Handed in at the   Office at   M. received here at    M.
TO { 3
Sender's Number. Day of month. In reply to Number.  AAA
exact allocation of offices is
undetermined but rumoured 
Mr Balfour Bonar saw Chamberlain
& E Smith and Earl of
Derby will enter cabinet while
Lord Haldane Earl of Beauchamp
Lord Lucas Mr Halcourt and
Mr Birrell will resign It is
understood Lord Fisher has
resigned and Mr Churchill will
leave admiralty but remain
in Cabinet  Mr Balfour mentioned




  Army Form C 2123.
C. Form. 1 (Original). MESSAGE AND SIGNALS No. of Message ...
Recd Prefix ........ Code ....... Words ......... Sent, or sent out Office Stamp
from .........           At ........ . M. 37
  Delivery. Means ............ Charges for
Collected ...... ........
  ......... .......... By .........
By ........   Distance   Paid out .... Returned
Service Instructions. at ......... . M.
Handed in at the   Office at     M. Received here at 11 33 a M.
TO {  
  ( 4
 * Sender's Number. Day of Month. In reply to Number. AAA
as first Lord
Dictated today
4.55 pm.
J.P. McGlinn BM
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to account by means of Stamps affixed to the face of the form, and
the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and "Charges for Delivery".
   * This line should be erased if not required  





The following notes are to be widely circulated.
The enemy may possibly now send forward a white flag or Red Crescent
flag to cover removal of dead and wounded.

The points to be observed by Commanders of sections and of parts of
the fire trenches, are : -

1. Every precaution must be taken to avoid firing in error on people
covered by the above flags.
2.  But every precaution must also be taken to prevent the enemy using
either flag to cover movement with hostile intentions.
3.  None of the enemy must be permitted to overlook our trenches.

To do this, a flag being shown by the enemy, a white flag should
be shown in reply to a white flag, a Red Cross flag in reply to a Red Crescent
flag. On the person showing the white  flag coming forward, he should
be halted by signal at a point equidistant from the two lines of trench,
and a messenger under cover of our flag sent out to meet him.

If the shower of the flag is accompanied by men to collect dead, the
whole party must be halted, and not allowed to cross towards our trenches.

An interpreter should then be called for and their intentions

If their intention is removal of wounded or dead, an unarmed party
may be allowed to come out.  Our trenches are to be manned and a sharp
look-out kept, but no firing except in necessity, and men should not expose
themselves.   An unarmed party will then be sent forward with entrenching
tools to collect and bury the dead in pits, removing identification discs,
unless the corpse is too putrefied to handle, and bury with them all enemy
equipment.  The enemy should not be allowed to clear any portion of the
ground nearer to our trenches than halfway, but up to that limit should be
free to remove any articles of clothing or equipment, except guns and
machine guns.

Observers should be warned, both in the immediate vicinity of the
clearing operations, and in sections overlooking it, to keep a look out for
any massing of the enemy or other activity which appears to have a hostile

Anzac Cove,
20th. May, 1915.



Received 2 prisoners from
4th Inft Bdge
Anzac Cove
D Keith Lieut
NZ & A Div
First receipt for prisoners of war





We have now heard that the Turks propose to celebrate their
Constitution Day, which is the 23rd, by a big attack, but whether
this it to be on us or at Cape Helles we do not know.

If they attack us we must be quite sure to make of it a
Constitution Day for ourselves, and to give them such a lesson as
they have never had in their lives before.

Remember they are an absolutely inferior army to ourselves
in moral and training, and will only be driven to the attack, which
will not be made with their hearts really in it.

It is probable that any attack will be commenced by a heavy
bombardment, and it is possible that during this bombardment shells
containing asphyxiating gases will be fired at us. It is therefore
essential that every man should carry the new helmet which has just
been served out, and if there is any gas anywhere about, these
helmets are at once to be worn. They may be found hot and a little
uncomfortable, but remember they ensure absolute immunity from the
gas, which therefore can do us no harm. If at any time you find
yourself in a cloud of gas, the best thing is to stand still and keep

It is quite possible that if the attack commences at night,
the enemy may precede it by quietly ejecting gas from cylinders.
Here again there need be no fear if helmets are immediately worn,
while we must at once see if we can locate the position of the
cylinders, and knock them out either with gun fire or with bombs,
or if possible maxims if they can be brought to bear upon them.
Should we be able to upset a few cylinders in the enemy's trenches,
they would find their dastardly use of gas recoiling entirely on
their own heads.

During the bombardments trenches will be kept as empty as
possible with due consideration for safety, as we want to avoid all
possible losses by shell fire. Then, when the bombardment is over,
and the enemy are likely to attack, we will fill up our
trenches with our full strength, and if our 20,000 boys here cannot
pump lead into any unlimited number of Turks so as completely to
wipe them out, I shall indeed be astonished.

If any Turks get near the trenches they will of course be
well bombed and bayonetted, and it is more than probable in
several places they will be  so demoralised that you will be able to
follow them up and take their trenches and I hope machine guns
without further opposition.  A double issue of rum will probably
be found in their trenches.

W. R. Birdwood, L.G. 




The following is a resume of the information obtained from
prisoners and documents captured during the last three days -

Troops stated to be now, or to have recently been, employed
against ANZAC.

2nd. Division 1st, 5th and 6th regiments
5th. Division 13th, 14th and 15th regiments
16th. Division 47th, 48th and 135th regiments
19th. Division 57th, 72nd and 77th regiments
also the 20th, 27th, 33rd, 64th, and 76th regiments.

The 6th. Division (16th, 17th, and 18th regiments) and the 8th
Division (22nd, 23rd and 24th regiments) are believed to have arrived
at YENIKEUI. Taking into consideration losses, 55,000 may be taken
as being the number of troops against ANZAC, the majority of whom are
untrained or elderly reservists.
Ammunition appears to be very plentiful among the Turks.

In certain cases Turkish officers are reported to have driven
their men into action with sword and revolver - and there is no doubt
that a good many of the troops against ANZAC have no heart in their

Marshal Liman von Sanders Pasha is reported to be in the
Peninsula and to have directed the attack of 18/19 May which, it was
intended, was to have been pushed right home and driven us into the
sea.  This attack is believed to have been specially ordered by
Enver Pasha who is anxious that the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force
should be destroyed before the arrival of reinforcements.

A very large proportion of Turkish officers have been killed
and there is much dysentery in the enemy's lines.

There is a concealed road by which Turkish reinforcements are
brought up from the direction of Gallipoli. This passes near the

We are given to understand that our wounded and prisoners who
have fallen into the hands of the Turks have been sent to the GULHAN
Hospital in Constantinople and are being well treated.

The bodies dressed in light grey uniforms which lie in front
of certain of our trenches are those of a contingent of gendarmerie
of whom a large number are known to have arrived from BRUSA.

All agree that the Turkish losses in the recent fighting have
been very severe and many of their men are reported by prisoners to
be anxious to surrender if they can do so without being shot by their
own side.

The Germans are spreading stories of great victories by sea
and in Egypt but these are received even by the Turks with certain
"grains of salt".

An entry in the captured diary of a Turkish Staff Officer
reports that two of our shrapnel fell among the 1st. Battalion of
the 33rd regiment, killing 12 and wounding 5 men. In another
battalion only two officers are left alive.

Army Corps Headquarters,

Anzac Cove, 21st. May, 1915.

  "A" Form. Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix ... Code.. m. Words. Charge.      
Office of origin and
Service Instructions
    This message is on a/c of: Recd. at ...  m.
  Sent   Service Date  
  At ... m.   From  
  By Signature of "Franking Officer" By  
TO {  
Sender's Number Day of Month In reply to Number AAA
 *  21/5/15  
C. O. Quinn's Post.
One officer & 20 men of 1st L Horse have reported
at your post for a specially important task, which
briefly described is as follows: -
To improve the communication trench between
Quinn's Post and Courtney's Post so as to convert
such into an effective and efficient fire trench.
This requires these steps to be taken: -
(a) To rectify the depth of the trench to a uniform
4'-9" by either lower the parapet 
or raising the floor or both.
(b) To cut recesses at about 1 yd intervals
in the back wall of the trench, to facilitate
(c) To ensure that the parapet is at least
From 3 ft. thick
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. (Z)        
  Censor. Signature of the Addressor or person authorised to telegraph his name
   * This line should be erased if not required.  


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