Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 5, 16 May - 25 May 1915, Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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MEsSAGES a Norte Charge PreAr an Rood at M meee to on at0 01 TAEAAONEAMSMNE IASSN sot Date Dervice From IBSAature ofMFMALRP OMATY 4 20 SMAIMONN SEGBN S SSSN AAA 24 19 pereworh two ( AtH AHLAC ROSITION Map 4 to whon ffin a well te assued tc tha for Dafe Esponsiale At4 Oustody t the Cope two & forwarded mafe X Jork a t th direr T tion ProN MOWRSH CULIY MWilliams 954 an Time The above may be forwarded as now forreded cnor Cro d pamo or m ani . . This line should be crased Hf not required. 188 S.AL WE. WSSTSIL SO. 101L Form CIO.
Chy N P. H. Brigade 12 No. 3 feetion Defenre X Monssh Falley. P.H.B. Ao.Y 19:5: 1913 1-50 From, Valuable information received it is anticipated that the enemy will make a further determined attact; this afternoon The utmost vigilence is therefore to be erercised on posts, and units in support and peore, will be held in readinere in their brvouaes to be called upon at short notice. repaired All parspets are to be prepaed all te amnt apealon 1 aor W BM. 12 L.H. Bdy Copico issued as under at 1-40 per. Filed bop No1 2 4. 4.4 43 3r 3 OUINNS POSI COURTHE 115 POST. PO PE'S POST. L.B. for 13th Jup 16 06 2
a Por Wa Car OAN No. of Mossage MESSAGES AND SIGNALS Norse Charge oct at This menar t mad Td SFMN SANSVSNSNN 5 Perda 2 OMINTOI- FMTITT OMISI 20 2443H. 4A1B CO. ILH Ttot MMAMo aaa BMIHIA 19 all your men are see that Pleare instructed in the difference between markings on Britist and Berman acreptans has a red and blue & British AAR. underniath. BAA. painted ring black matter cross and his a Germar tips thrown back it wing has whank like 4Ah NONASH VAILEY JWopi Time B The above may be forwarded as now corrected - CM RNA n 288 S. B. L. FE MSSO D 1Op p
Recd Service Handed is ent, or sent out cwrned PLACE Pitt Buro B Army Form CMss. No. of Message Ohee Slans
C.1 Reed from Handed in at the FR PLA TIME All Porterage,) OE Army Form CMi2S. No of Message Office Stamp. ent out
ag Row OAM No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. CCorm. Oniaace) OReS BtAt Inquiries respecting this Message, or application for repetition of the same, may be made at the Delivering Office; but any complaint as to its delay, &c., should be made in writing and addressed to the officer in charge. In either case this form must accompany such inquiries or complaint. £ a d. Chargee Service Instructions. 1t0 pay Received here at OPe a Handed in at the Tep T0 20 40 Jft t l io Dentor. Day os Sonh Dender o Humber. AAA Tenbell bivingg at Patte remainedt today out at Calley duing hones One comsay Sent tooe I am case Femerenc Ouirn 1a not the ofher tw fom were slanding e beo t am Ma/ H arter FROM PLACE TIME—CreO.
AAYPONONI 2 sor No. of Mossage MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Norse CAATE care - Rocd at Dan TAEEAOMNEENEEEHAAN Date Sen Bervice From SEAMAITPTI- FMAMLINE MMIST ABde # SENYBTA SYHSSN SAtETHIE AAA 20 B.M. call Perse take special steps and upon all offcers int your command to make shenuous efferts soday to pake advancage of this respett which the eaemy to giving us to consolidateour Idefences and improve our covered was parpty and homby propy Whellers so that they may as far af possies be secese against heavy sheeling which we may expect shorte 8Ba sent to all Batation Copier 1// 1o.3 pection Deferd Moaser Walley FIE 5 The above may be forwarded as now corrected sar are d a v a ar to . t. . This line shon'’d be crased If not required. I A B. LA. Wi Worei 50,000 10/14 Forms CarO.
bay Forg D.VI Sr For Doslons MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Node7 Office Stamp CAAPSOWPS. 29/5/15 SurtESKMENMEE A1 cacted Handed in at WTONGWNSNSN DATO S AAA Nt XeC targe from t BOS for position truing toner $ Turpith woun fom O th HA4 Witt tou Inmatier att proops vns FroM B0 PLAORS TIME Resine M vey
SC10. 20 6 In continuation of instructions Curial N is Baued regattin wothed at the searching Of bodie is to be carried out at the mortuary in rean Of the dressing Station duting to day before removal to the cimetary aga. all Uuits dd not send burying Parties last evening o0a. This cause consideratle interruption in the workaaa all antly dises must knai on the bodies the chaptains wile remove there at time aburiaeaga Please intiae ESaitation (tonote retn sonecessary action Gallendlifeo /5710 Ao sA.N soe Khol
MEIR.RREN MR WEIL EKERR IRL DORPS. Army Corpu Headquarter, BATALF AOSM Izao Cove, 20th lay, 1915. It is itl the decrot regret thet I havo to announce to the Army Corys the doat! on the leth in tant of ajor-General 7. T. Bridgos, C. L.G., OCMENtor of the intraliar Division. General Bridgos has proved himsolf a not gallart Mldior and excellent Cornander. To he porsonally his loDS is a grovious blor; no Coimander could have rocoived more loyal and dovoted service than I heve rocoived at all times from Genoral Bridges. To him the Mutralian Divilion owos a dobt hich it car novor repay for 225 untiring and unwolfish labours hich are regonible for tho high Stato of organization to hich the Divinion ha: boen brought in overy detail. Tho high idoals ho placed boforo all rain-:2ll I here Go CC.m to the honour of his nano a. long a tho ilitary Nint ry of Lustralia lasts. 1A Bordward Liout-Gonoral, Cormnanding Ristralian and o: Zealand Lrmy Cor;..

Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words   Charge
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:
19 Service.
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at     m.
From 28
TO 4th. I.B 

*Sender's number BM 24
Day of Month 19

In reply to Number   AAA
Therewith two (2)
The officer to whom
map is issued will be
responsible for safe
custody AAA.

Two (2) copies of this
map have been forwarded
direct to ∧each of your units.
From  No 3 Section
Place  MONASH GULLY        CW Williams
Time   9.54 am
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.  (Z)
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name
*This line should be erased if not required.



Copy No 7
1st L. H. Brigade
No. 3 Section Defence.
Monash Valley.
19:5: 1915
[* Btn owed to
send a copy of to 
supply landing
L.H.B. No.9
From valuable information received
it is anticipated that the enemy will make
a further determined attack this afternoon.
The utmost vigilence is therefore to be
exercised on posts, and units in support
and reserve will be held in readiness
in their bivouacs to be called upon at
short notice.
All parapets are to be prepared repaired
with the utmost expedition. 

[*M Locke

 C W Williams


BM, 1st A.L.H.Bde.
Copies issued as under at 1-40 pm:-
Copy No 1 - Filed
"           "    2 - 2nd A.L.H 
"           "    3 - 3rd    "
"           "    4 - QUINN'S POST.
"           "    5 - COURTNEY'S POST.
"           "    6 - POPE'S POST.
"           "    7 - 4th I.B.
"           "    8 -   "    for 13th Infy
"           "    9 -   "    "     16th "


"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at     m.
From 29


*Sender's number BM41A  
Day of month  19. 
In reply to Number    AAA
 Please see that all your men are
instructed in the difference between
markings on British and German aeroplanes
AAA. British has a red ^or and blue
ring painted underneath. AAA.
German has a black maltese cross and
has its wing tips thrown back
like a hawk. 
From  BHQ
Time   3.40pm
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
(Z)    WP Farr Cpt
1LH Bde
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name
*This line should be erased if not required.


Army Form C 2123.
C. Form. (Original). MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message 52
Recd. from QW
Prefix Code Words
Delivery. Means  Distance
Charges for Delivery. Collected  Paid out  
Sent, or sent out
At   m.
at   m.
Office Stamp. 19/5    31
Service Instructions
Handed in at the    Office at   m. Received here at   11.15pm.

To   CO 1L H Bde             xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
CO 4 Inf Bde                    xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                                                        xxxxxxxx   Post
*  Senders Number.  NZG 4     Day of Month  19  In reply to Number   AAA

I congratulate you and your
battalions∧troops and all the garrisons of
your Posts on your gallant and
successful defence today AAA Australia
will be proud to hear of your
fine performance AAA The testimony
of fresh prisoners and your own 
observations will tell you what
great losses you have inflicted on 
the enemy A The Turks will 
probably attack again tonight but I 
have every confidence that you and your brave
garrisons will again repel them with


Army Form C 2123.
C. Form. (Original). MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message
Recd. from
Prefix Code Words
Delivery. Means  Distance
Charges for Delivery. Collected  Paid out  
Sent, or sent out
At   m.
at   m.
Office Stamp. 19/5 30
Service Instructions
Handed in at the  Office at   m. Received here at   m.

even more loss to them than

FROM      Genl. Godley  NZ & A Div

PLACE    [[Monash?]] Gully
TIME        5.20pm


Army Form C 2123.
C. Form. (Duplicate.) MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message 20
Inquiries respecting this Message, or application for repetition of the same, may be made at the Delivering Office; but any complaint as to its delay, &c., should be made in writing and addressed to the officer in charge. In either case this form must accompany such inquiries or complaint. 
Office Stamp. 43
Service Instructions.
Charges to pay } £  s.  d. 
Handed in at the office at   M.    Received here at   M. 

TO Brigade Major
4th Inft Bde
*Senders name.  Day of Month.   In reply to number.   AAA
15th Battn remained in bivouac at
Monash Valley during today but at
1 am one Company was sent to the
foot of Quinn's Hill in case of emergency
& the other two Companies were standing
to arms in bivouac.
H R Carter Major



"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
At   m.
This message is on a/c of: 20
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at     m.
From 36
 TO 4th I Bde

Senders Number. Day of Month.    In reply to Number   AAA
B.M.3                         20
Please take special steps and call
upon all officers in your command
to make strenuous efforts today
to take advantage of this respite
which the enemy is giving us to
consolidate our trenches defences
and improve our covered ways, 
parapets and bomb proof shelters
so that they may as far as
possible be secure against heavy
shelling which we may expect

Copies sent to all Battalions 8 45am

From No. 3 Section Defence
Place Monash Valley
Time 8.25 am


"C" Form (Duplicate.) Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message 37
Charges to Pay.   £  s.  d. 
Office Stamp. 20/5/15  41
Service Instructions.

Handed in at the    Office at     m. Received 3.30pm.

TO    4th Bde

Senders Number.   Day of Month.    In reply to Number  AAA
 AR320                           20th
I am putting up a 
large red cross flag in 
front of the centre of
my position for the purpose
of trying to bring in
some wounded Turkish prisoners
AAA Will you please inform
all troops in your immediate
FROM 1st Bde BN

O.C 3rd Sector
JP McGlinn
BN 20


SC10. 20th.      42
In continuation of instructions
issued regarding Burials it is 
notified that the searching
of bodies is to be carried
out at the mortuary in rear
of the dressing station during
the day before removal
to the cemetary aaa. All
units did not send burying
parties last evening aaa.
This causes considerable
interruption in the work aaa
All identity discs must remain
on the bodies The chaplains
will remove these at time
of burial aaa Please initial
OC 16 Battalion (* To note return) HQ 3000
Gallipoli Pens.  For necessary action
BM 4th A.I. Bde LtCol


Army Corps Headquarters,
Anzac Cove, 20th May, 1915.

Circular Memorandum.  
It is with the deepest regret that I have to announce to
the Army Corps the death on the 19th instant of Major-General W. T. 
Bridges, C. M.G., Commander of the Australian Division. General 
Bridges has proved himself a most gallant soldier and excellent 
Commander. To me personally his loss is a grevious blow; no 
commander could have received more loyal and devoted service than 
I have received at all times from General Bridges. To him the 
Australian Division owes a debt which it can never repay for his 
untiring and unselfish labours which are responsible for the 
high state of organization to which the Division has been brought 
in every detail.
The high ideals he placed before all ranks will I hope
go down to the honour of his name as long as the Military History
of Australia lasts.
W. R. Birdwood

Commanding Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
[*Already in

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