Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 5, 16 May - 25 May 1915, Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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---- ALLEALADALEEDLDALLMMED Ar Form. Army Form C. 212I. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Charge Wors - Reed. at This message is on a/c of: Office of Orisin & Service instructions. Sent. Date Service. 2 From SCMTITE OIFIRTINE ORCITT tt te X4 4 T0 Lcent toRie AAA DME O nond Section am allotie ts TSN P0S farris on to did 7 o forwa as morning - etion to Place Welliom + 11. VI am Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. SoME AAUOONANMMNNEODIPTMNNMIILE Censor This line should be crased if not required.
Copy No.H 1st AL. H. Brizade No. 3. pection Defence Monast, Falley 18/3/ 1915 HB10.5. In view of the bombardment today, which the enemy may consider has weakened our defences, ha vigilence io necessary ponight. The 16th Infanly must be ready to reinforce litter OUIANS or POPES POST. at short notice The 3rd H.P.H. and the 13th A must be ready to reinforc any portion of the threatened line, at short notice The 2nd HT.H. must be ready to occupy its allotted position at short notice Will Major AM. 1 T.H. Bde Copis isued as under at 6.10 pm Fited Copy 10. 2 2n A.2.4. 3HF.O COURTNETS POSI RUINNS POST POPE'S POST 4L.B por 16h If 13t
Copy 1t7 1st ARH. Brigad No3 Siction Defence Monash Valley. 18/5/1915 L.H.B. N. 6 I The following copy of a message received is publiched for information and action "Aeroplane reports troops with transport in Bivouac 228m in a space about 1000 yds by 1000 yds. Also more transport 228 B.C.I. Four small steamboats and number of boats be close to shore. It is possible enemy May have been reinforced. Be therefore alert for night attack. Advisable to stand to arms earlier than usual. Reinforcement generally followed by enemy activity at night. Message ends. All troops in the section will stand to arms at 3 a.m tomorrow. Working parties are to have their equipment ritles and ammunition cloe to them the whole time they are at work Major Hillian B M. 1St A.L.H. Bde Copies issued at 5 p.m. as under: Ap to5 QUIANS BST copy 41 Filed 8No6 POPE'S PUST 2 2NDALH 74th 16 3 3RDALH for 1 1 H COURINE 4
ETOHOT VAATLHM MESSAGES O. Por C1 cole Recd. Pref Keaa Iistanc TeFICE MSSENSOS Handed in at the 20M PLACE TIME Orerage, Redirection, or other char the particulars of such charges and of amount Te Tos Frands to on. HALLAATEUA Army For G. 423. AND- SIGNALS. No. of Messa Fee Stamy Sent, or Nord Reuurned - AAA t
a Hand Form C2123. Vo. of Message tee Stam. A1 FROM PLAC TIME Srticutar Siact MED 1DHOTVAAT
TOHOT YAATLHM MESSAGES C. ROM, BISEN Co Means FROM PLACE TIME Porierage, Redirectio sand due HALLAATEUA Army Form C 2123. AND SIONALS. No. of Message Thee San Sent, or sent out Ca Sa Aam
N24 OEWUGNO 2451 SOMIARY OF STTUATTON, NIL, ISTH, 2828. 4 Aurt Sif Bde 1. Information has been received that in the South during the night of May 17th and 18th, the East Lancashire Brigade advanced 500 yards and thus straightened out the line held. During the same night the French seized a Turkish trench 50 (yards N.E. of the redoubt on the left of their line, and successfully beat off all counter attacks. From information received from prisoners it appears that 2. at least 30,000 infantry were engaged in the attacks against ne land that of these some 9,000 belonged to the 11 Division, one of the Brack Divisions of the Turkish Army. Great loss has been inflicted on the enemy all along the line. CLaWo
S Por want MESSAGES AND SIGNALD. Overres to Par. Banded in at SeteeN Fon he PLAORETIME W.284 5. 80, 00 Pads 8/l. S.B. Lld-Farme C. 21 OMce Stann aA
OM PorN A.D ArForm Army Form C 2121. No. of Mossage. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. FHL . Cd / Mor C oodatm Thismessagen on a/e of: Office of Origin and Service Instructions Sow Drs service C + mPOmmmm y000000 Oonature of a Franking OMeT sugh T0 Drited for OASN WIWSM SGM AAA Nuichlu I that consider Relet car ory cupossib AAA pesent fiehtiy conjunes we ready dwise wen Relief - in DI PAce ti TTMOS to X The atove may be somerted as now grredted e m Connor.] Donature of Addressor or person anthorked to toleoraph in h1s name. 21010 For This line should be crased if not required.

"A" Form.                                       Army Form C. 2121. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.      No. of Message 
Prefix   Code   m. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 
Words. Charge 
At   m. 
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Office.") 
Recd. at     m. 
From  23 
TO   4th Inf Bde      11.50 am 
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA 
BM2                                   19  18 
The O.C. Section approves of  
the allotment of units  
to garrison QUINN's POST  
as forwarded by you this  
From     No 3 Section 
Place     HQ    C W Williams 
Time      11.4am 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
*This line should be erased if not required.


Copy No.4
1st A.L.H. Brigade 
No. 3. Section Defence
Monash Valley.
18/5/ 1915.
LHB No..5. 
In view of the bombardment today, which  
the enemy may consider has weakened our defences, 
extra vigilence is necessary tonight. 
The 16th Infantry must be ready to reinforce  
either QUINN'S or POPE'S POST. at short  
The 3rd A.L.H. and the 13th Inf. must be  
ready to reinforce any portion of the threatened lines at  
short notice. 
The 2nd A.L.H. must be ready to occupy  
its allotted position at short notice. 
C W Williams 
BM. 1st A.L..H. Bde
Copies issued as under at 6-10 pm
Copy No. 1 - Filed 
  "       "      2 - 2nd A.L.H
  "       "      3 - 3rd      " 
  "       "      4 - 4th I.B. 
  "       "      5 - COURTNEY'S POST 
  "       "      6 - QUINN'S POST 
  "       "      7 - POPE'S POST
  "       "      8 - 4th I.B for 16th Inf. 
  "       "      9 -    "      "    "  13th   " 


18   Copy  No. 7
1st ALH Brigade
No 3 Section Defence
Monash Valley.
L.H.B. No
A The following copy of a message  
received is published for information and  
"Aeroplane reports troops with  
transport in Bivouac 228 M in a  
space about 1000 yds by 1000 yds. Also  
more transport 228 B.C.II. Four small  
steamboats and number of boats lie  
close to shore. It is possible enemy  
may have been reinforced. Be therefore  
alert for night attack. Advisable to stand  
to arms earlier than usual. Reinforcements  
generally followed by enemy activity  
at night. Message ends."
All troops in the section will stand  
to arms at 3 a.m. tomorrow. Working  
parties are to have their equipment,  
rifles and ammunition close to them  
the whole time they are at work. 
C W Williams
B M. 1st A.L.H. Bde
Copies issued at 8p.m. as under:- 
Copy No. 1   Filed                                Copy No 5     QUINN''S POST  
   "        "    2  2nd A.L.H.                           "      No   6     POPE'S POST 
   "        "    3  3rd A.L.H.                            "        "   7      4th I.B 
   "        "    4  COURTNEY'S POST         "        "   8       4     " "  for 16 INF 
                                                                   "        "   9       4     " "   for 13    "


Army Form C 2123 
 C Form. (Original.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message 54 
Prefix   Code   Words 
Charges for Delivery. 
Paid out 
Sent, or sent out 
At      M. 
at  M. 
Office Stamp      
Service Instructions.  
Handed in at the      Office at     M.    Received here at 6.3pM. 
To Press 
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA  
Paris the french scored brilliant 
success capturing Exain cameroons 
Our losses insignificant those 
of enemy serious AAA Telegram from  
Urumiak dated 15th May says 6,000 
Armenians were now scared in am AAA 
Armenians are defending their sections 
against Turks & Kurds AAA . Help 
urgently needed AAA Callo AA  A Zeppelin 
dropped bombs killing some children 
Rome AAA Great rejoicing at Salamandre 
return to office 
FROM    4th IB   
PLACE    1st LH 
 TIME      2nd LH 
                 3rd LH  
Letters and papers  
C W Williams Mjr 
All Porterage,  Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to account by means of Stamps affixed to the face of the  
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and  
"Charges for Delivery" 
*  This line should be erased if not required.


 Army Form C 2123 
 C Form. (Original.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message  
Prefix   Code   Words 
Charges for Delivery. 
Paid out 
Sent, or sent out 
At      M. 
at  M. 
Office Stamp      
Service Instructions.  
Handed in at the      Office at     M.    Received here at 6.3pM. 
To Press 
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA  
  Newspapers announce that 
departure of austro-german ambassador 
is imminent Sir John French says 
that the first army today made
further successes south of Richebourg
L'avoue and all german trenches on
front of 2 Hills were captured AAA Several
bodies of germans surrendered voluntarily 
to xx our troops AAA One of the 
bodies in attempting to surrender were 
caught by german artillery and  
annihilated Number of prisoners
 All Porterage,  Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to account by means of Stamps affixed to the face of the  
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and  
"Charges for Delivery" 
*  This line should be erased if not required 


Army Form C 2123 
C Form. (Original.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message  
Prefix   Code   Words 
Charges for Delivery. 
Paid out 
Sent, or sent out 
At      M. 
at  M. 
Office Stamp      
Service Instructions.  
Handed in at the      Office at     M.    Received here at 6.3pM. 
To Press 
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA  
aaa not yet ascertained but 
550 have been cleared to lines of 
communication AAA [[?]] AAA [[?Evening]] AAA 
Enemy in Belgium evacuated last 
night remaining position west of  
Ypres we have maintained all gains 
in east bank AAA British north of 
La Bassle on Monday carried several
trenches inflicting heavy losses on
enemy AAA A detachment of xxxx 700
germans were caught between British
machine guns and were entirely
exterminated AAA We attacked Ailly 
All Porterage,  Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to account by means of Stamps affixed to the face of the  
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and  
"Charges for Delivery" 
*  This line should be erased if not required


Army Form C 2123 
C Form. (Original.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message  
Prefix   Code   Words 
Charges for Delivery. 
Paid out 
Sent, or sent out 
At      M. 
at  M. 
Office Stamp      
Service Instructions.  
Handed in at the      Office at     M.    Received here at 6.3pM. 
To Press 
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA                                        
Wood at dawn today and captured
several german works capturing 3
machine guns and 250 prisoners AAA
Unconfirmed report from north of 
french says that a zepplin was
shelled by french destroyer and
fell into the sea and disappeared
off Gravesend crew drowned  AAA A
Zeppelin was disabled by guns from Paris
fell two miles from Dunkirk 
and was wrecked crew of 50 captured AAA 
 All Porterage,  Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to account by means of Stamps affixed to the face of the  
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and  
"Charges for Delivery" 
*  This line should be erased if not required


SUMMARY OF SITUATION, MAY, 19TH, 1915.   4th Aust Inf Bde.

  1. Information has been received that in the South during the  
    night of May 17th and 18th, the East Lancashire Brigade advanced 500 
    yards and thus straightened out the line held.

     During the same night the French seized a Turkish trench 50 
    yards N.E. of the redoubt on the left of their line, and successfully 
     beat off all counter attacks. 
2.    From information received from prisoners it appears that 
       at least 30,000 infantry were engaged in the attacks against us, 
       and that of these some  9,000 belonged to the II Division, one of the  
       crack Divisions of The Turkish Army. 
       Great loss has been inflicted on the enemy all along the line. 


Top of form damaged
"C" Form (Du 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message 16 
Charges to Pay.  
₤   s.   d. 
Office Stamp. 
Service instructions. 
Handed in at            Office    m.   Received 8.21a5 pm. 
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA 
The machine gun previously 
reported out of action and 
under repair is now in  
action again
FROM  Courtneys Post 
PLACE & TIME   8.20am 
W. 2384-583. 30.000 Pads - 8/14.   S.B.Ltd. - Forms/C.21223 


C.M. Form A.39. 
"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121. 
Prefix   Code   m. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 
Words. Charge 
At   m. 
This message is on a/c of: 
  19 Service. 
(Signature of "Franking Office.") 
Recd. at     m. 
From   27 
TO   Brigadier 
        Fourth Brigade 
TO   Brigadier 
Fourth Brigade 
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA 
DF 11                                  Nineteenth 
I consider that it is  
impossible to carry out relief 
whilst present fighting continues AAA 
I will advise when ready 
for relief
From    C/G Quinns Post 
Time 8.45 am  
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 
J H Cannan 
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
*This line should be erased if not required. 
210/9.13. - C.9258 

Last edited by:
Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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