Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 5, 16 May - 25 May 1915, Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Form 1O Sennice Wist Handed in at the 70 inal) Wea NESSH MONH Ams tom SAND SICNALS. 10. A MecnRR or sent out Office Stamp Collected Paid out Returned Office at Received here al 109 AAA Hthaked ty 0 he lace of the TAF IA
-- C.M Form A. 88. ArForm Army Form C. 2121. No of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. - PelCodWorta CaE Reod. AtI Thismessage is on a/c of: Office of Origin and Service Instructions sew cmmmn BCmmummmn I communm n on 13 cmm m Loco mmmmmm B BBynature of M FamKinE OMMTF T0 4th Pdt 182 A.12 LGyAitont WhnGtoMt MtGMN AAA irtu Communistian treces Jursh Or WAS - lext wilh MACRCD i ou we r0er for omplet MO Sp H A 17 Place 235 The above may be forwarded as now corrected. Cenvor SMACAMan or rnon inmorned to teerr to No nr Thts line should be crased if not required. MORM OM
No. 3 Section Monast Valley Frwarded for information & for favor of your B firak be Sexmap ts Se 157 Soc s 4h Ef Do Noted. N Gullin 16 M Co - 725 /
Des Post 17:5:15 5 To Brigade Major 4t Jnfty Bde Ne 18th Bu was in bivonac until 11 Pm when it proceeded to Qumms post less t men who had been on duty at the post forthe preceivng ynours and the sick + slightly wounded who were left in the broonac. they relieved the 16th Bn unster Col Pope at 12 noon and after manning the tenches, the batang with 60 men o13 Bn who had reported for duty were employed in improving & rebuilding the eeasing trenches, digging new communicating & support renches. Inconseauence there will be a considerable improvement in the post me memy were very quiet all day H Klarter Major
Maton To Tow Dnsione LAY PONOR MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Na of Messuge Charges to Pay. Office Stamp m. Received. TTANSS aaA rom From PLACEATH Wass 88s. 30,000 Pads
ytt Remarke 85 atae WROR AI AYSTRALAN MMPERIAL 17MAVI9IS Machine e 8 6
O.M. Form A.S Ar Form Army Form C. 2121. 20. Af Macga MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Dl a Allwm C Reed atM Thismessage is on a/c of. Ow A SMGEAH De so dervice cmn mmte At 20 r B ionature of M Franking OMCOF cmmm T0 B1 RSM AINE WANon Trt WS SM SGTn AAA Eeventcutt 3045 WF2 auther Do you knew amitting these t at t0 dlas abled remest hereif Hell 60 Doustrags remarks appended. Apts eney to 0 et sick TOH 17//4 No Place 5T The above may be forwarded as now corrected. t Deri m 77 Censor Aratiro of Ae or pewo iored to Ceamh to M war Thts line should be erased H not required DAbN COR
2 D Goustneys HillC I am not aware of any flag being arranged for our benifit. We have a gun position which covers. enemy trenches to front OUIAN Hill. A bearing was taken on this two days ago by aid of a flag shewn from that position. and as the estert of field of fise was marked off there is no necessity for further bearings to be taken 1m I accompanied Capy Ross yesterday to position held by 1st Bligade where he selected positions to put guns. of 3 Light Hoose Reg. I understood from Capt. Rose that he was. going to arrange for a plag to be shown from Ouan N's Hill today to mark fields of fife for these gens, but I was not aware of time or that it was his intention to take bearings from MHFHNeYS H01l Aplainy F G Section
50 Ca how Be ig.0 Reserned an C BRIGADE MAIOR, AM INE, BRIGADE AUeTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE. 1IEMAYI9I5 24. Gs 0 4th Austhae Iuy Bde 4th Jnfr Bde 17/5/15 Arrangements made by me werex to the effect that a play should be shenow on the nost forward position of Quinns Host at 9. am. 12/5/15 in order to shew the O.C. M.Cs. Section of 3 Light Harse how far he could fire with sakley to our own men. This was done and observation taken from their Mls. vosition on the left of the st Bde. It was anccessing to include the OC. Mg Licion 14th Br. as he deart with this question on the 15th int Tnnore Capt. W Slap 2 Be
pr Copy 18 Section Order N 2 Colonel H.G. Chauvel, C.M.G. Commanding No 3 Section of Defence Monash Valley Tallipoli Peninsula 17/5/1915 Rearganisation of Section. -At 12 noon today the Permanent Command of Posts: Officers mentioned below will take over command of pasts as set out. Each C.O is provided with a permanent stof as set out below. To Command (a) Courtneys Post: Lieut. Col R. E. Courtney, 14th If 2nd in Command Major R. Rankine, 14th Inf. Orderly Officer 2nd Lieut L. E. Ball. 14th Inf. To Command (6) Quinn's Post Lieut. Col. J.H. Cannan, 15th Inf. 2nd in Command Major L. C. Tilney, VD. 16th Inf. Orderly Officer Qrent 78 Mc Sharry, 20 14 To Command (6) Popes Post Lieut Col. T.M. Rowell, 3rd L.H. 2nd in Command Magor T. W. Glayow, J.S.O., 2nd L.H. Orderly Officer dieut B. P.Nettleton, 1st L.H. The Engineer personnel attached from time to time to a past will be under the supervision of the O.C. Post. (2) Garrisons of Posts: (a) Courtney's Post: - 14th Infantry to farm a permanent garrison Quinn's Wost:- To be relieved evert 48 hours at 11 a.m by (6) Units of 4th Infantry Brigade. O.C Injantry Brigade will furnish a rester showing me rotation in which Unito will go into the post. This Froster should also show the Bivouse area go which units are located. Popes Post: - To be relieved every Wednesday at 9 a.m (C) by units of 101 A.L.H. Brigade.

Top of form damaged


Army Form 

 C Form. (Original.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message




Prefix Code   Words




Charges for Delivery.


Paid out

Sent, or sent out

At      M.



at  M.

Office Stamp     



Service Instructions. 

Handed in at the      Office at     M.    Received here at 3.25 PM.

To     4th Bde

*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

  QC 2                                 Sixteenth               

Courtneys Post has now established
communication with first Bat on
our right The trenches are
now complete from Queens Post
through Courtneys Post to 1st

PLACE  Mjr Rankine3


All Porterage,  Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to account by means of Stamps affixed to the face of the 

form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and 

"Charges for Delivery"

*  This line should be erased if not required.



 C.M. Form A.39.

"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.


Prefix   Code   m.

Office of Origin and Service Instructions.

Words. Charge


At   m.



This message is on a/c of:


344  p

(Signature of "Franking Office.")

Recd. at     m.


From    13


To {  4th Bde  A.I.F      16 5/75

 *  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

  Q.C.  42                            Sixteenth                                                                                   

Communications trenches with QUINN'S
POST on our left and with WALKER'S
POST on our right are now complete.
From       14th Bn A.I.F

Time        3.35 PM

The above may be forwarded as now corrected.



Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.

*This line should be erased if not required.

210/9.13. - C.9258


O. C.

No. 3 Section 15
Monash Valley
Forwarded for information & for
favor of return
J P. McGlinn Lt Col
Bde Major
4th Infty Bde

JW  O.C. 
4th Inf Bde


C R McWilliambey

for C.O.




Quinns Post
To Brigade Major
4th Infty Bde
The 15th Bn was in bivouac
until 11 Pm when it proceeded
to Quinn's post less 60 men who
had been on duty at the post
for the preceeding 24 hours, and
the sick & slightly wounded who
were left in the bivouac.
They relieved the 16th Bn under
Col Pope at 12 noon and after
manning the tenches, the balance
with 60 men of 13th Bn who had
reported for duty, were employed
in improving & rebuilding the
existing trenches, & digging new
communicating & support
trenches. In consequence there
will be a considerable
improvement in the post
The enemy were very quiet all day
H R Carter Major


"C" Form (Duplicate).    Army Form C. 2123


Charges to Pay. 

₤   s.   d.

Office Stamp.



Service instructions.

Handed in at            Office    m.   Received 4.35 pm.

TO   4th Bde

*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

P2                                     17

We received a message from
Capt xxxx ∧Quinn last night to
display a flag at our right
forward position at 9 A.M. today
for benefit of 14th Batt Mch Gun
AAA We complied xxx ∧but having recd
no instructions the 14th Batt
did not observe signal
FROM                        16th Batt
TIME & PLACE         Quinn's Post 9.40 A.M.
W. 2384-583. 30.000 Pads - 8/14.   S.B.Ltd. - Forms/C.21223



Courtneys Post
Anything known please
JRMcGlinn  Lt Col
17 MAY 1915
 4th Inft Bde AIF.

Remarks O.C. Machine Gun Section 
are attached.

RE Courtney

Lt Col

CO 14th Batt AIF


 C.M. Form A.39.

"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.


Prefix   Code   m.

Office of Origin and Service Instructions.

Words. Charge


At   m.



This message is on a/c of:


344  p

(Signature of "Franking Office.")

Recd. at     m.


From    17



 *  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

  Q.C.  45                            Seventeenth                                                      

Re P.2 attached. Do you know
any of this?
Please attach remarks at foot

C.O. Courtney's Hill
Remarks appended.
A.Blainey W.O.
17/5/15  o/c M. G. Section
From       14th Bn 

Time    9.45 

The above may be forwarded as now corrected.



RE Courtney

Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.

*This line should be erased if not required.

210/9.13. - C.9258




Courtney's Hill

I am not aware of
any flag being arranged
for our benefit.
We have a gun
position which covers
enemy trenches to front
Quinn's Hill. A bearing
was taken on this two
days ago by aid of a flag
shewn from that position.
and as the extent of field
of fire was marked off
there is no necessity for
further bearings to be

I accompanied Capt

Rose yesterday to position
held by 1st Brigade where
he selected positions to
put guns of 3rd Light Hoose
I understood from
Capt. Rose that he was.
going to arrange for a
flag to be shown from
QUINN's Hill to-day to
mark fields of fire for
these guns, but I was not
aware of time or that it
was his intention to take
bearings from Courtneys Hill
A Blainey W.O.
stc M G Section


Capt Rose    20
Bde Eng O

JP McGlinn  Lieut Colonel
17 MAY I9I5
 Hd Qrs
4th Austn Infy Bde


4th Infy Bde

Arrangements made by me were to the
effect that a flag should be shewn on
the most forward position of Quinns POST at
9. am. 17/5/15 in order to shew the O.C. M.Gs.
Section of 3rd Light Horse how far he could
fire with safety to our own men.
This was done and observation taken from
their MGs. position on the left of the 1st Bde.
It was unecessary to include the O.C. MG Section 14th
Bn. as he dealt with this question on the 15th inst.
J.M Rose  Capt NZS Corps



Section Order No. 2              Copy No.

Colonel H. G. Chavel, C.M.G
Commanding No. 3 Sector of Defence
para 7

Monash Valley

Gallipoli Peninsula


Reorganisation of Section

(1)  Permanent Command of Posts:  - At 12 noon today the
officers mentioned below will take over command
of posts as set out.
Each C.O. is provided with a permanent staff
as set out below.
(a) Courtney's Post: - To Command
                                         Lieut. Col R. E. Courtney, 14th Inf.

                                         2nd in Command
                                         Major R. Rankine, 14th Inf.
                                         Orderly Officer
                                         2nd Lieut L. E. Ball, 14th Inf.

(b) Quinn's Post:        To Command
                                         Lieut. Col J. H. Cannan, 15th Inf.

                                      2nd in Command
                                         Major L.E. Tilney, V.D., 16th Inf.
                                         Orderly Officer
                                         xxx Lieut T. P. McSharry, 2nd L.H.

(c) Pope's Post:          To Command
                                         Lieut. Col F. M. Rowell, 3rd L.H.

                                      2nd in Command
                                         Major T.W. Glasgow, D.S.O., 2nd L.H.
                                         Orderly Officer
                                         Lieut B. P. Nettleton, 1st L.H.

The Engineer personnel attached from time to time
to a post will be under the supervision of the
O.C. Post.
(2) Garrisons of Posts: - 
(a) Courtney's Post: - 14th Infantry to form a permanent garrison

(b) Quinn's Post: - To be relieved very 48 hours at 11 a.m. but 
Units of 4th Infantry Brigade.
O.C. 4th Infantry Brigade will furnish a
roster showing the rotation in which Units will go into
the post. This roster should also show the Bivouac area
in which Units are located.
(c) Pope's Post: - To be relieved every Wednesday at 9 a.m.
by Units of 1st A.L.H. Brigade.

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