Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 5, 6 May - 16 May 1915, Part 11

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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200000000000000 C.M. Form A. 80. Ar Form. SON 29 Army Form C. 2121. No of Messnge MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Nore C PCN CAt Rood at1 Thismessage is on a/c of: Office of Origin and Service Instructions Cont mum mmmn imm Bervice Cimimm Ill cmmen 11 D0 mmm mm McB onmungmm Major wryad T0 Bote 4 Infty WrG tot SGNt SANOnE AAA 12515 remained in sivouae Sth 10 te until 11AM 112 inst) when ope &plation relieved lot 1loy having at Qunns Will te RALI ten received instructions to meck positon. were place was akige with & E plations of the 15 137 making oy al of about 300 in all now at at the post May A Harter & the number will be at be post at CP.M. when company will report From Place Time The abole may be Sormerted as nw corrected < rEAWcanAMAMlrM Cennor This line should be crased if not required. DAAINM-DIRS
A0 Army Form C. Na. cor No. of Menare SIGNALS. MESSAGES AND Nore Ca FreAT Code Rood. at MJneaF MOnADA. OANAONNMAEMEENNN Sow Date Dervice From 3 C A F O Drgate Mayr T0 4t Nfty ssde LiGHRS MAYAHONNE RlGETHESE AAA 13-515 The 1st Bu leas readquasters remained at Qunns Port until 12 noon today when it was relieved by the LH. During the nigest the enemy pound in a heavy fore at injervals, and also threw a number of bombs. Tho several of these fill into our trench we had only five casnalties but in the early mornng two oven were killed & three more wounded sowards evening 2 p the everty e hubite a white flax, but thet made no effort to surrender nthawhiflagws still shewing our interpreter endeavoured topt an tolch with them nt without result the Batt is now in visonac at Bronaot talley + Karter Ma Mc Monash Wally. Te HCSPM The above may be forwarded as now corrected. - com. atorea aran o rom np to u t. . This line should be erased H not required O0 S.B. LEd. WI. WISSB5,000. 9/1l. Forms OInIO.
EACCCC RESPRAEEAEAPD UEY EEAEAPD AR CURTB. 5 PRPATIUENTT OF DURILIDIRE. During the last two days, soveral instances of the oneny showing a white Flag have beon roportod. Tho white Flag moroly mcans a dosiro to troat, usually with a viow to Burrondor. A. it is ncconsury to be on guard against troachory, no one should orposo KirielF to anF th. whito Ting, but to show tho unito Fl.G, of an. Flag that his signel ha boen aum. colour, may bo wavod in tolon of acoont o by th. offleor in cormend of the noction of tronct opposits the whit. Plg. [F Any of the nory thn comr Forward, unarmod, and obviously intenling to surronior, the ? shoul! &. allowo! to advance, though full prooentions against trouchory should be taken. On arrivas at our tronchos, thoy are to be taon in one by one, blindfoldod, and lod to the hoadquartare of the sootion. Thio procolure applics also to the approach of an onemy without a white Ilag, but unarmed and obviously intending to surrondor. O.JOE may Occur, howevor, whon a white flag is displayed, but nothing Rirther occure. In such a caso, the officer noarost the spot is at onee to inform his buttalion comnancor, who will ralo application For I Intorproter through his soction hoadquartors. The intorpr:t ry on 1, will call to the onomy, ordering them to come in one by or. ArV Tithout Arms, 1f the intention is to surrondor, otherviso to remor The Flr t onco. Arny Corps HcAquartors, Anzac Covc. 13/5/25.
Or Form (Duplicate). Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. SMCCSISNS CAIPESWES Fo On 13/5/14 Sernice Mitcton C m. Received. Office Handed in at tot Chanvel Seefion no T0 bomell Fit toIte o 93h SenES S AAA N30 command Sakes over DrGent Russell today Your Section number mercer ag eent from by relieved today Brigide naval es Bd Ris mounted zealand New at 8fr Bde embark. naval aa ack nowledge. Sonight aaa A Div 9. 20am FRON PLACR & TTHS
TO RO SS Kig Kan CR MESSAOES AND SIANALS. No. of Message. Received SeAL, OSENOUU OCESISM. Prefr Words Coe From Charges to collect Serrice MMcton Once m. Received Handed in at AAA gemin ade no end to aow ich n Fts wI Cept. I ma p a &set &ma Lepl & man Depg 1 ma FRoM PLACE & THIE
All Sgt Glen pe wad Urchard eept 2 16a New yo M. Kientie P Bellet Pt Gren Brown man ohen ing 45 McG Libe
Eokin B30 to 4 4 65 1 its Nge fome 4th th Bte 15 M 4 t Austt 1 followe Fren are sttno 1 14 24 Un 85 Ppriee ppa49 No 1.p5 Puhs Command bntr p. Centre (on ridge at head of vallcy 204 commands about 15 y0 on left ot Ouhins postion and had trge fued of pro on plately (4o) opp 37 te 15 has command of Valler oppostte State position alf head 617.8.910 commant Clest line of Ridg ofvaley 1N11 Gu in Rescip & for susipielion
A-FoRM. Army Form O. 2121 No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Wart Charce Rood atM. This message is on a/o of: Ofice of Origin and Service Instruction So Service. 4 ow DA Po coom Ornre D. Frding Obe) ( Ide souit sut 4 Jpur 13- 15 to TO Kynr £ period "" 14-V-15 to reply to Number SuthisT DA AMont AAA 185 Mormal Open Turist fird Quiane fom 2 Heavy Bouphs with 50 i 45 An 14 Sench, lyt Dan Every ployd for Lone Tie Vally Turmisted Jatyhe 2 9pro gt oters todi Fan 130/2 on Bench to accordance with instructis from Loppn onto res No3 Sectr Sent S0 7 18 place 75dH less 1570 at OUINNS St remane Qud tethis Goely Teneres knoweod fomndet when stylry agherpoon forme. From Kni OUINW Maco ben The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 127 Wgho tepe Monasy Vrries Rr ct N.t. Ae Sraied Rotreun a rawe rtoind to ceerst io he wre co This line should be crased if not required.
GE. ERAT. BL.D OOD has recoived the Tollowing tolegram From the HIGH CO.L.I: TO For AU TEALLA, LOTDOT. etwils published today. All gricvo for the horoic doad and wounded and glory in the Splondid valour and McDiCVCments of officers and men. The Following has boon deSpatchod in roply. Many thems. Your Find wiro much appreciated. BCheviour and gullentry of officors and mon in CCPecting landing in FecC of determinod opposition, and seizing difficult position was borond all 003. prlLsC. FIE.
C. Form. (One Rcct from SeFIKE MANIDS Handed in at the SeateroN FROM PLA An Port Redirection, or other a, and the particulars of such c rees for Delivery Pietir Means Distance Code e out Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message it, or sent out Office Stamp Returned Received here at AAA amps Oes EC.e 8 te and

From    (117)

TO         Brigade Major
              4th Infty Bde

Day of Month

15th Battn remained in bivouac
until 11 AM  12th inst, when 260
1 Coy & 1 platoon relieved Col Pope
at Quinn's Hill.  The RMLI having
received  instructions to vacate their
position, their place was taken with
1 Coy & 2 platoons of the 15th Bn making
a total of about 500 in all now
at the post.*

H R Carter Major

*This number will be at the post at 6 P.M.
when 1 Company will report



TO          Brigade Major
                4th Infty Bde 

Day of Month

The 15th Bn less Headquarters remained
at Quinn's Post until 12 noon today when
it was relieved by the 2nd L.H.
During the night the enemy poured in a heavy
fire at intervals, and also threw a number
of  bombs.  The several of these fell into our
trenches we had only five Casualties
but in the early morning two men were killed
& three more wounded.
Towards evening of 12th the enemy exhibited a white
flag, but they made no effort to surrender
and this a.m. while the flag was still
shewing our interpreter endeavoured to get
in touch with them, but without result
The  Battn  is now in bivouac at Monash

From        HR Carter  Major
Place        Monash Valley.
Time         4.45 PM


During the last two days, several instances of the enemy showing a
white flag have been reported.
The white flag merely means a desire to treat, usually with a view
to surrender. As it is necessary to be on guard against treachery, no one
should expose himself to answer the white flag, but to show the white
flag that his signal has been seen. A flag, of any colour, may be waved
in token of acceptance by the officer in command of the section of trench
opposite the white flag.
If any of the enemy then comes forward, unarmed, and obviously
intending to surrender, they should be allowed to advance, though full
precautions against treachery should be taken. On arrival at our trenches,
they are to be taken in one by one, blindfolded, and led to the headquarters
of the section.
This procedure applies also to the approach of an enemy without a
white flag, but unarmed and obviously intending to surrender.
Cases may occur, however, when a white flag is displayed, but
nothing further occurs. In such a case, the officer nearest the spot is
at once to inform his battalion commander, who will make application
for an interpreter through his section headquarters. The interpreter, on
arrival, will call to the enemy, ordering them to come in one by one
without arms, if the intention is to surrender, otherwise to remove the
flag at once.

Army Corps Headquarters,
Anzac Cove.


Office Stamp 13/5/15.
TO            Col Chauvel
                  Comdt  No 3  Section

Sender's Number              Day of Month
    NZG. 307                              13th                  

Br Genl Russell takes over command
of number four section today
from Genl Mercer aaa
Naval Brigade relieved today by
New Zealand Mounted Rifles Bde
aaa.  Naval Bde embark at 8 pm
tonight aaa  Acknowledge.

FROM                   NZA Div 9.20 am


From QW
By       WL

Handed in at [[? BO]] Received 2.10 p.m.
TO           4th AUST Bde
Sender's Number         Day of Month.          

 NZ QB 56                              13                             

Arrangements are being made
to send by trawler
tomorrow one man to each
transport lying at Mudros
to collect all blankets
and waterproof sheets A
Please send 8 men to
report to D.A.Q.M.G. at
7 A.M. tomorrow morning
for this purpose

13th             1 L Cpl   1 man  )
14th Bn      1 Segt    1 man  )  Bge HQ  (3)
15th             1 L Cpl    1 man )   6.15
16th             1 Segt     1 man )

FROM                  NZ & A DIV


13 - Cpl Warner          Pte McKenzie
14 - Sgt Glen               Pte Pellett
15 - Cpl Swain              "     Grime
16 -   "    Orchard          "     Brown

All except 2 16th men returned by
Major New D.A.Q.M.G as not
being required
JP McG  Lt Col
8 am



Looking up VaLLey from                   Hd Qrs.
Bde H.Qs                                                4th Austln Bde
                                                                  13th May 1915

N.     The O.C.
              4th Austln Bde
               Head of Valley

The positions of M.Gun are as follows:-

      1/1            1/12    1/1
Popes Hill                          Quinns 
[*NZ*]          3    4               Position               Valley
                                    Unoccupied                   Steeles
                                                    1/1   6                  1/1    5
10    9    8    7                            Firtree   

1/1   1/1  1/1  1/1    Bde HQs
[* 1/1 Reserve & Instruction*]
No. 1-2 3 Guns Command Enemys Rt Flank & Centre
on ridge at head of VaLLey.
No 4 Commands about 15 yds on left of Quinns position
and has large field of fire on plateau (400') opp. 3rd Bde.
No 5 has Command of Valley opposite Steeles position.
no 6 Command Crest line of Ridge at head
of valley. No 11 Gun in Reserve & for Instruction.



TO         4th Aust Infty Bde
               Report for period 6pm  13-5-15 to
                                                    "       14-5-15

13  5 15   6pm Normal
9.30 pm    Heavy Turkish fire Quinn's
                    with bombs
11.30   "              "                 "          "         "
1.45 am 14th    "                 "          "         "
    "      Enemy played Search light down
            valley for some time
8 am   Furnished Fatigue 2 Ofcrs 98 others for duty
             on Beach (13th Bn)
3.30 pm In accordance with instructions from OC
                 No. 3 Section sent 350 of 15th Bn to replace
                 2nd L.H. less 1 Sqdn at QUINNS.
                (1 Sqdn remained QUINNS)
                 Generals Birdwood & Gooley here this
                afternoon.  Former slightly wounded when
                visiting QUINNS
Time      6pm Quiet.

Gallipoli Peninsula             JP McGlinn  Lt Col
                                                 BM 4th Infy Bde


GENERAL BIRDWOOD has received the following telegram

"Details published today.   All grieve for the heroic
dead and wounded and glory in the splendid valour and
achievements of officers and men."

The following has been despatched in reply.

"Many thanks. Your kind wire much appreciated.
Behaviour and gallantry of officers and men in
effecting landing in face of determined opposition,
and seizing difficult position was beyond all
praise.  BIRDWOOD."



Received here at    5.20 a.m.

TO           FOURTH BDE

I wish to report everything
quiet yesterday aaa  Three men
wounded by snipers aaa Sapping
towards QUINNS POST and the
post on our right was
pushed on aaa  Enemy is
constructing some trenches on our
front which appear to be
of minor importance 

PLACE         6 am

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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