Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 5, 6 May - 16 May 1915, Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Cufe with te thanst Strengths Exfection 485 804 216 490 2d 596 24-578 484 9.475 2626 400 114 400 400 100 389 96 40d Tt Coutly repiiad Ports 455 Dun Eest Po Tept 00 Etdars Wornal 4HTou Lpantry Tind Saprsn 1st Relf Repief 1 iti 2 Rele Ham Por Edge daye 4 1440 14 0 144/400 Coutity 4e0 16th/2501.4.450 Rutin 1450 450 L4.460 1.4.450 14.40 400 13//480 fope day Senal change 149 Def 14/5/15 1386
cem Heeon Depenels. al whar 4 Fature of Wae o the pct e had the rank of Lig pneral has for th lest elsoe days brought your callent bussle astrahan) a my cohmand so far a defence of this ocction the responbitty for the lies. I wish to expens to yon of to them that to have feel it a very great honour een a placel best wishes to you all With Pehear te Yes vr7 pinclil 26 Care Rsthan Sncied then 15 12 3
cns pe Clonet Monash Commanding t ture big 2 N
Copy of letter sent May 12/15 to Mr Tuck Read July 7/15 I am sorry to have to impose upon you the paripul duty of letting Mr. Theodore Diak know all that can be with about the loss of his son. Among gne many hundreds of killed wounded & misseng in one neavy fighting, which has been continuong for the past 3 weeks, it has been very difficult to fet any accounts accusate particulars or to trace the course of all the details. You may well imapive on at my hand have been more thow fall & ther has been scarcely a moments breaking tune. I have only woday becalable to get renable particulars about youll Fink on the moe of Sunday May 2/3 the 16th Battalion was ordered to ahack & strong position held by the enxiys, a ridge from which our tine of supply could be threstened & to hold same till dawa. Youp Tinkwas acting as observer to major & hansbredge to no commanded the ceatre misattack. Preceded by a heavy artillery Bombading Flanched Meattack at 7.15 p.M. & the Battalion & very pallantly gamed held the ridge later in the night on faing line was runing + host of amminngl, I young bark vounteered t carry more out. This he did vvery callanty in the face of heavy machiefun fire but like so many others of his Battalion we god not return. altho has name io, returned as missing I am, affaid-hets certainly killed in artiows as arl the wounded were got in before the firing time withdrew ardawn- one charge of his Banzalion a which young Tuck took papt was one of the most fallailt a flouras of The in any treat of asms which srand to the creast of Aushaltan soldiess Tell Mr Fink how sorry I am to have to tell this sad news him In
1 Mmy Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. H. A MeCNE Cote M/ Mort ChoR. Reed. at This message is on a/c of: Mee ACnHSIMESMAMEE Date Service ronl Oc SInaurPTI.PIEMINIORCOTT]OY- 10 15th Jr Wfartes Mp Pdedys ertn 13th Bn Phene ane Danapt Say 17th S Chassall Seve Exas are time Abragt Sende, F S per of Mont in reply to Number. AAA om13f Twelftt Dromnal has from Appreral be reperied Cs obtaining allow H8 petuer and oneC Framput from tthe Lads. Office Sheet pe to be Action cybors direction once taken to te J2ghin Be hays My Rote mnast Valle 12-5-15 gai Pen da pelifuls Hope We a 16 N p 14. 2.513 NO7 From T The above my be serwarded as now corrected. onorBARMONMMISNESDNATNNWNMLL This line should be crased if not required. 12 1802 Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of MCAASC PICLEI Code 1/ Wordst ChorS Reed. at This message is on a/c of: The Af Cn H Serice Hon Sent. Dat Service From SEENFETT- FTMMIME OACTT/BY- Oc 13 fn I simpion vapt f Oc 15th B HKWarter Mjs 20 Chasclathare oc 16 Hope V.c Opract SenterGHnte Day of Monh, la reply to Number. AAA Bm 132 elfit OThe Commander of epet post will arrange for a rebiable ofer to visit tother posts on his right and legt and also those in Seatines of Defence under Brigafie Geneals mercer respecting Walderand with a vifw to struvying the lie of the (Comboy as appecting his own post its field of fire and the opportunities for mutual Support During attack or in dealing with sparsnooters. being too deep I many fire trenches are very inefficient, or too shallow, or mot bullet pyof, and withfut proper loop holes or means of part for a charge yc. the co of the post will be held responble that there depects receive immedate attentin. The Enginerss are axailable to supervise co of the post the Exccption of what is requifred but the is responsible for seeing that the wood isdone on lines and as soon proper as possible WGa Lo Wolfal (Tobenste reporned) Bdemat FOM 40M Bde Monost Vall Place Ealligety Pominnte 17/2 Time 975 The above may be forwarded as now corrected. Conor. SeAA O MA MHE WMETNNHHSMLL This line should be erased if not required.
F S PMSER Army Form C. 223. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message CAIPESTOPN ORECSP to w nw 1 Serice Mateton M WlbtoM AAA Colonel CHANVEL Commandin take forsetBde, will right over Command of No 3 Section Defencer now Dr General 1R0FMAH This day Haring bde are being aaa by Hrse bde relieved ight ada Please day this Acknowledge N2A D14 20 fo Fron RACE & THIS LIOON MESSAGES AND SIANAL OceStamn CAITESTOEN OX 2 8 d. 117 May M Serrice Micton 50 Handed in at Section Do Loiest to Nnte aronty AAA NYYE out ts joing parrot W Ection 14 loat from Swipers in Square 22488 for southern slope of Regor 1on Connecting PLUGGES Edge WALKERIS RIOSE with PLATEAV Please warn. all men AAA Sctun not Your their direction in fire Acknowledge AAA Done Sparn to Jol Brunge lye te Hney. Fron 3.25pn NEADIF PLACE & TINE
1. 0 Jmy Form C. 2121. No. of Message MESsAORS AND STONRS. CAACTE onto Reed. at t A . Te AOREHSMES ME Date Service FromE SAMTUTETIFTTKNE OMCOTT/BY- Colonel Chauvel Cng O.C. no 3 Section cosie for inhungation to General Mercera 1 Cust Division HEes WS MIMNS L ANant FSeeGM AAA N2G 302) 12 May party detailed from me The G0C (NExADw wishes a search 4 Aust Pf Brigade to s the ground between the NAONASHVALLEY Road and Pealean &quare 224 B546 C445 (incusive) for enemy shayp shorter. the drive is to be carefully & sytematically carried out and arrangement are to be made to prevent enemy sharpshorters escaping round the flank of the line while the drive is in progress. Before the drive start observation station (with signaller) are to be pasted at convenient prints on the Eastern slopes of MowAsn qviry to give notice of any movement in front of the line. The bayouet only is to be used except under very exceptaonal circumstances. The time the drive is to start will be noti fied by the O.C. No 3 Section to N2&A Div 1st Aust Dix, Ot. No 4 saction (General Mercer), 9oC. No 2 Section (General Walher) M ISH Ser pace An2HC Covi Time The above may be Corvarted as now corrected 2ame at nanen a rer a e . . . Consor. This line should be clased if not required 8 Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Recd at This message is on a/c of: Oe A OA SSME MANON Date service From 7 ISIEIMTEOIIFITTKNE OREOTT/BY (2 Wiery toH FSuetGNANE S ANant AAA Your attention is invited to the detailed arrangements made by Captain LATHBURY RML1 for last nights drive aaa the g00 will be pleased to see a copy of the detailed arrangements ana when once arranged the drive is on no account to be abandoned on account of bad weather Please acknoweg D Hint NEHADW Dev Pace AN 2AC CovE Time 5. 15 p.m. The above may be forwarded as now corrected. Conor.eo a This line should be crased if not required.
cccam man m na Or Form (Original Army Form C. 2123. No. of Messa MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Office Stamp. SEM, OISENON Words code Prefir From 171 &DM Charges to collect evice1 DM m. Received Othce Handed in at 13108 00 - Sente AAA twelfth By 134 message reply to Sn NA Der re patrol in cti accordg 8 27
12 lapt ts Duditer Cart Dear our left advises tte Tintish Battery is1 purs almost into their tren cues. can our artitery do an thery retier us t Casty 2
a M Army Form O2123. Shor, Dosinc WEBORS AD SONRS No. Af Memage ORCSSIAN Enquiries respecting this Message, or application for repotition of the same, may be made at the Delivering Office; but any complaint as to its delay, &c., should be made in writing and addressed to the officer in charge. In either case this form must accompany such inquiries or complaint 226 PerrS TtttonS Charges to pay Honded in a the OP Received here at LarW De AAA FROM PLACE VIIIII AAEEL-An


Confer with Col. Chauvel

Effective Strengths: -

13th       19-785        804

14th      20-790       810

15th       20-578       598                           1886

16th         9-475       484         2696

1st Reg.                    400

2nd "                         400

3rd "                          400         1200

Total                        3896         3896


Posts require:-  Courtney's Post     400

                             Quinn's Post           450

                              Pope's Post            450 400


                                        6 days                                      6 days

                                   Normal Infantry Tour                 L.H. Tour

Name of Post                 Garrison

1st Relief

2 days

2nd Relief

2 days

1st Relief 2' Relief
Courtney 400 14th/400 14th/400 14th/400 14th/400
Quinn 450 15th/450 16th/450 L.H. 450 L.H. 450
Pope 400 13th/400 13th 400/xxx L.H. 400 L.H. 400

Signals change for 6 days




3rd Section, Defences.

My dear Colonel

The Fortune of War & the fact that I temporarily
hold the rank of Brig. General has for the
last eleven days brought your gallant brigade
(4th Australian) under my command so far as
the responsibility for the defence of this section,

I wish to express to you & to them that
I feel it a very great honour to have
been so placed.

With best wishes to you all
Believe me
Yrs. very sincerely

Charles Trotman

Brig. General

12th May, 1915.



Colonel Monash
Commanding 4th Australian
Inf. Brigade


Copy of letter sent        May 12/15       
to Mr Fink                       Recd July 7/15

I am sorry to have to impose upon you the
painful duty of letting Mr Theodore Fink know
all that can be told about the loss of his son. Among
the many hundreds of killed wounded & missing in 
the heavy fighting which has been continuous for
the past 3 weeks, it has been very difficult to get any
accounts accurate particulars or to trace the course of
all the details.  You may well imagine that my hands
have been more than full & there has been scarcely
a moments breathing time.  I have only today been able
to get reliable particulars about young Fink. On the night
of Sunday May 2/3 the 16th Battalion was ordered to
attack a strong position held by the enemy, a ridge
from which our line of supply could be threatened &
to hold same till dawn.  Young Fink was acting as
observer to Major Mansbridge who commanded the centre
of this attack.  Preceded by a heavy artillery bombardment
I launched the attack at 7.15 p.m. & the Battalion
very gallantly gained & held the ridge later in the night
the firing line was running short of ammunition, &
young Fink volunteered to carry more out.  This he
did very gallantly in the face of heavy machine gun
fire, but like so many others of his Battalion he
did not return.  Altho his name is returned as missing
I am afraid he is certainly killed in action
as all the wounded were got in before the firing line
withdrew at dawn.  The charge of this Battalion in
which young Fink took part was one of the most
gallant fea & glorious of the many feats of arms
which stand to the credit of Australian soldiers.
Tell Mr Fink how sorry I am to have to tell
him this sad news.



"A" Form.   12                               Army Form C. 2121.

MESSAGES AND SIGNALS      No. of Message.....

Prefix....Code.....m. Words Charge

This message is on a/c of: 


(Signature of "Franking Officer") 

Recd. at.......m.





Office of Origin & Service Instructions.



At ... m.




13th Bn  √ PLene

14th   √  ChasMMDere

Capt & adjt

15th Bn HR Carter Mjr 

16th √  H Pope 

Engineers J Farqueson 


Bde Sgs    JMMcWhiter

AMC    Dawson   Capt

A.S.C.  WMc

*Senders Number.

BM 131  

 Day of Month. 


In reply to Number



Approval has been received Divisional

H.Q.  to allow of COs obtaining
from Transports one (1) Blanket and one (1)
w.p. sheet per Officer & other Ranks.

Action in above direction to be
at once taken.
JP McGlinn Lt Col
Bde major
4th  Infy  Bde
9 am 12-5-15
Monash Valley
Gallipoli Pensla
NOTED  H Pope Lt Col COG 16 Bn AIF. 12.5.15




The above may be forwarded as now corrected.



Signature or Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.

*This line should be erased if not required.


"A" Form.   12                              Army Form C. 2121.

MESSAGES AND SIGNALS      No. of Message.....

Prefix....Code.....m. Words Charge

This message is on a/c of: 


(Signature of "Franking Officer") 

Recd. at.......m.





Office of Origin & Service Instructions.



At ... m.




OC 13th Bn  J Simpson Capt & Adj

OC 14th  " ChasMMDere

Capt & adjt

OC 15th Bn HR Carter Mjr 

OC 16th "  H Pope Lt. Col. 

*Senders Number.

BM 132  

 Day of Month. 


In reply to Number



(1) The Commander of each post will arrange for a reliable Ofcr
to visit other posts on his right and left and also those in Sections
of Defence under Brigadier Generals Walker and Mercer respectively, 
with a view to studying the lie of the Country as affecting his
own post, its field of fire and the opportunities for mutual
support during attack, or in dealing with sharpshooters.

(2) Many fire trenches are very inefficient, being too deep
or too shallow, or not bullet proof, and without proper loop
holes or means of exit for a charge etc.  The CO of
the post will be held responsible that these defects receive
immediate attention.  The Engineers are available to supervise
the Execution of what is required, but the CO of the post
is responsible for seeing that the work is done on
proper lines and as soon as possible.

(To be noted & returned)

JP McGlinn Lt Colonel

Bde major

From            4th Inf Bde

Place            Monash Valley

Time             9.45am        Gallipoli Peninsula 12.5.15

The above may be forwarded as now corrected.



Signature or Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.

*This line should be erased if not required.


      12  "C" Form (Duplicate).                   Army Form C. 2123.

      MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.             No. of Message....          

SM      QW


Charges to Pay.

£   s.    d.

Office Stamp

12th May



Handed in at......... Office................m.  Received 248 pm.


*Senders Number.

NZG 294

 Day of Month. 


In reply to Number



Colonel CHAUVEL Commanding

Light Horse Bde will take
over command of No 3
Section of Defence from
Br General TROTMAN This day
aaa  Marine bde are being
relieved by Light Horse Bde
this day aaa Please

[* Acknowledged
in BM 139
JR McGlinn
Lt C
3.24p *]

FROM       NZA Div  2.20pm 



SM  12   QW


Charges to Pay.

£   s.    d.

Office Stamp

12th May 15



Handed in at......... Office................m.  Received 330 pm.

TO  No III Section

*Senders Number.

NZG 300

 Day of Month. 


In reply to Number



A patrol is going out
from No IV section to look
for snipers in Square 224 B 8
on Southern Slope of Razor
Edge. Connecting PLUGGES
AAA   Please warn all men
in your Section not to
fire in their direction
AAA   Acknowledge

[*Done & passed to Col Burnage
Popes Hill JPMcG*]

FROM                       NZA DIV 3.25pm



             "A" Form.   12                              Army Form C. 2121.

12        MESSAGES AND SIGNALS      No. of Message.....

Prefix....Code.....m. Words Charge

This message is on a/c of: 


(Signature of "Franking Officer") 

Recd. at.......m.





Office of Origin & Service Instructions.



At ... m.



TO    Colonel Chauvel CMG O.C. No 3 Section

          copies for information to General Mercer, & 1st Aust Division

*Senders Number.

NZG 302

 Day of Month. 

12 May 

In reply to Number



The GOC NZ & A Div wishes a party detailed from the
4th Aust Inf Brigade to survey search the ground between
the MONASH VALLEY Road and xxx Plugges Plateau xxx square 

224 B 5 + 6  C 4 + 5 (inclusive) for enemy sharp shooters.

The 'drive' is to be carefully & systematically carried
out and arrangements are to be made to prevent
enemy sharpshooters escaping round the flanks
of the line while the drive is in progress.  Before
the drive starts observation stations (with signallers)
are to be posted at convenient points on the Eastern slopes

of MONASH GULLY to give notice of any movement in front
of the line.  The bayonet only is to be used except under
very exceptional circumstances.  The time the drive is to
start will be notified by the O.C. No 3 Section to NZ & A Div
1st Aust Div, O.C. No 4 Section (General Mercer), G.O.C. No 2
Section (General Walker) - Acknowledged

From NZ & A Div


Time 5.30pm

The above may be forwarded as now corrected.



Signature or Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.

*This line should be erased if not required.


             "A" Form.                               Army Form C. 2121.

      MESSAGES AND SIGNALS      No. of Message.....

Prefix....Code.....m. Words Charge

This message is on a/c of: 


(Signature of "Franking Officer") 

Recd. at.......m.





Office of Origin & Service Instructions.



At ... m.



TO    2

*Senders Number.


 Day of Month. 


In reply to Number



Your attention is invited to the detailed
arrangements made by Captain LATHBURY
RMLI for last nights drive  aaa  The GOC
will be pleased to see a copy of the
detailed arrangements  aaa  When once
arranged the drive is on no account to
be abandoned on account of bad weather
Please acknowledge

From       NZ & A Div

Place       ANZAC COVE        N R Pinnill Major

Time         5.15. p.m.                 General Staff

The above may be forwarded as now corrected.



Signature or Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.

*This line should be erased if not required.


12    "C" Form (Original).              Army Form C. 2121.

  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.      No. of Messages....

Prefix....  Code..... Words....


From 12th


Sent, or sent out




Office Stamp



£     s.     d.

Charges to collect

Service Instructions.    

Handed in at................. Office...............m. Received..............m.


TO       FOURTH BDE.       (113)

*Senders Number.


 Day of Month. 


In reply to Number



In reply to message BM134

instructions re patrol received AAA

Issued accordingly

FROM                  13th Bn

PLACE & TIME    5-25 PM

*This line should be erased if not required.



Capn Jess             12

H Quarter           115

Dear Carl

Our left advises the
Turkish Battery is firing
almost into their trenches.

Can our artillery do anything
to relieve us

H R Carter

6 PM




                                 12                             C.M. Form A 39(b).

                                                                  Army Form C 2123.

C Form. (Duplicate.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.  No. of Message

Inquiries respecting this Message, or application for repetition of the same, may be made at

the Delivering Office; but any complaint as to its delay, &c., should be amde in writing and addressed

to the officer in charge. In either case this form must accompany such inquiries or complaint.

Office Stamp


Service Instructions

£    s.    d.

Charges to Pay

Handed in at the  Office at      M.     Received here at     M.


TO 4th Bgde Hdqrs

*Senders Number.


 Day of Month. 


In reply to Number



Report from Pope's Hill 11/5/15 - 12/5/15
Nothing of note to report today - Enemy very
quiet except for occasional sniping.

Capt Durrant is making a personal
tour of all positions occupied by
our troops. for the purpose of
viewing positions

FROM   JS    13th Bttn

PLACE    Pope's Hill

TIME        5-45


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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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