Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 5, 6 May - 16 May 1915, Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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in forwarding the above to all formations and units, I am directed by the General Officer Commanding to request you to draw the particular attention of all ranks under your command to the following points which can be and should be carried into effect. (1) The traversing of trenches and the digging of support trenches which in our case will, owing to the nature of the ground, be close in rear of thefrent line trenches. (2) The establiahment of strong supporting points to assist in the recapture of any portion of our front trenchs which may be lost. These can be established in connection with the bomb proof shelters now in process of erection. (3) The importance of well chosen positions for machine guns cannot be everestimated. We have ourselves seen what an important part machine guns are taking against us. Ne sooner do we capture an enemy trench than we find ounelves imnediately under the enfilade fire of one or more of their machine guns. For each machine gun, more there should be two or nes alternative positons. This increases the enemys difficulty in lecating the position of guns and in estimating their number. It is very important not to disclose the position of machine guns, and therefor when they are used to put downnthe fire of individual sharpshooters, they should never fire more than single 2 at a time. Officers Commanding must pay particular attention to the selection of picked shots to deal with theenemyis sharpshooters: our men should be encounged to take on the enemy at his own game. WG. Baithwantehtto Auzaclove. WD 7 May 19154
A I.B Anbiis Dley State Basis. Ws Fne LTa mal 14 15 16 6 4 19 26 9 y 70 g0 786 90 1691 483 of A Bae & Aldchmest
Taifol Porrata 41th May 1915. From C015t Bath To Hdges 4h Cand) Jrf. Bde st roll call held this shews the effective maning Spergth of the Bassation to be 14 officers 585 other ranks 599 total Thes does not wiih defachments left on Transports L. Col. i Cy. 15th Batsalion 46 (and) Iof Bdle
anded in at N 24 asual he Ro. Af Meaen ANDBTONAS CAMAr CAASSWOR 11543 tocoted aa MRON PhSOR
MSSSSRS RSD SISSHIS RS Satt CFCANON -Fore on th a 150 CDoare to wd eno puation Handed in at aa TIe 54 nave I JMSGSENNE D Ayo TEOSGWENSSN aaa ALAS4 Please Pensure that reformendat for special gallandry in the field are reported without any delay mon D.A.A.G. ANIAC cove PLAORATIME 43of -ThISIH MH A NAE MA W DaEads-Ari A BLld. Fon MASSO RODSSAHS. CASSWOEN t 8. Si 11/5/10 Handed in at FenderO NInS TSSN AAA Wa. an recommendation for s/ feld are repurtd Bris Gonnt 4th Cuut Enp Bte Iworddy to information veine puidanee Mic Rutins BA 510 P.M. May 1918 PROn ANLAC Cor P4H PLACKA TIME 50 WM A8 8, Ow Pads 81L A. B.Lld-FaryCAIs
. FrN Wa ToMOM 2 J MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Words/ Charre IrOAE Cale Rood. at This message to on alc of: TAEA SAFMEAME IAN Sew Date Dervice From A AA OA $ Dengace Maor 204 difty Sode SEAAGITHEE MMANE LeNGWKA AAA 115 Deport from 15 Seath since this bastation was relieved at 8s0 10 is, it has remained in birguac at Monash Valley. Opportunity was taken of the rest, to reayanise the battalion. A Klearter Major FOT Paco Time The abore may be Converded as now crritted Co tore oe te rene o on e This line should be crased if not required S B. LEd. Wi. Wise50000. 9/16. Forme CMTO.
CForm. (Original) Prefi Revt EO By- Corrice bstrct Handed in at FROM PLACE lop TIME All Porterage, Redirection, or other cha the particulars of such charges and of OrrnN-Ona C.M. Form As O Army Form O2122. No of Message. AND SIGNALS. Office Stamp Sent, or sent out 46 By Rebur AAA it LESSAGES
Co S Blle the request made your orderly in my hearing was for a carp- enter to reparr After breakfast. I am informed that is now the Proncer Sergt his bea at Bell 40 Elbantney 11.5.1. Col
12/1/18 C.O's AII Battalions Please state below the names of officers who where sent to get and touch with units orections on the right and left i hoc ke kent Irderly officer Br Capt Burnant 13th BWm was sent out this afternoon S. Capt. C Fcannae To Poper at Sar e Cat W fot on ine on lott Pat I have been portious e Br M 2h to Popes tul 0
To the Right Lim Einterlan the lest ientCrabbe Elleautin i 420a

In forwarding the above to all formations and units,  I am
directed by the General Officer Commanding to request you to draw
the particular attention of all ranks under your command to the
following points which can be and should be carried into effect.
(1)   The traversing of trenches and the digging of support trenches
which in our case will,  owing to the nature of the ground,  be
close in rear of the front line trenches.
(2)   The establishment of strong supporting points to assist in the
recapture of any portion of our front trenches which may be lost.
These can be established in connection with the bomb proof shelters
now in process of erection.
(3)   The importance of well chosen positions for machine guns cannot
be overestimated.  We have ourselves seen what an important part
machine guns are taking against us.  No sooner do we capture an
enemy trench than we find ourselves immediately under the enfilade
fire of one or more of their machine guns.  For each machine gun,
there should be two or moe more alternative positions.
This increases the enemy's difficulty in locating the position
of guns and in estimating their number.  It is very important not to
disclose the position of machine guns,  and therefore when they are
used to put down the fire of individual sharpshooters, they should
never fire more than single sbots shots .at a time.
Officers Commanding must pay particular attention to the
selection of picked shots to deal with theenemy's sharpshooters:
our men should be encouraged to take on the enemy at his own game.

WG Braithwaite Lt Col 

AnzacCove. }
17 May 1915. }


11/5/15         Daily state of 4th Bde &
BHQrs                 6 -    17
Bd Sigs.               1 -    19
NZ FEng            4 -  165
4th Fa                  1 -    30
Mac                     3 -    29
13                        19 -  786
14                        20   790
15                          9 -  691
16                          9 - 485


Gallipoli Peninsula,
11th May 1915.
From CO 15th Battn
To    Hdqrs                        107
4th (Aust) Inf. Bde
A roll call held this
morning, shows the effective
strength of the Battalion to be
14 officers
585 other ranks
599 total
This does not include
detachments left on Transports
J H Cannan Lt Col
CO 15th Battalion
4th (Aust) Inf Bde


AND SIGNALS.          No. of Message...
Charges to Pay.            

£    s.    d.                     
Office Stamp.
Service Instructions.                       
Handed in at ............ Office......m.  Received 2.28 pm.
TO    4th  Bde
*Sender's Number  Day of Month In reply to Number AAA
NZA /X                        Eleventh                          
Reference casualties no names of officers
casualties in sundays fight yet received
can you give fuller report than
that received by General Staff this
BM 128
11 5/15
FROM                      D.A.A.G Anzac Cove
PLACE & TIME      2.35p
W.2884-583. 30,000 Pads-8/14. S.B.Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.


Prefix  Code     Words
From  QW
By    KJ
Sent, or sent out
At   m.
Office Stamp.
₤  s.  d.
Charges to collect
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the      Office at     m.    Received here at  4.45pm.
TO        4th  Bde.  Gn

              3rd  Naval  Bde 

* Senders Number     Day of Month      In reply to Number           AAA

 NZA 241                          11th 
Please ensure that any recommendations
for special gallantry in the field are reported
without any delay
FROM                     D.A.A.G.  ANZAC Cove
PLACE & TIME      4.30p
*This line should be erased if not required.
W.2384-583. 30,000 Pads - 8/14 S.B.Ltd. Forms/C.2123.

MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.               No. of Message
SM      11      NW            Charges to Pay.           Office Stamp.

                      KJ               £     s.    d.                           11/5/15

Charges to Pay.
£     s.    d.    
Office Stamp.

Service Instructions.  
Handed in at     Office     m. Received 4.45 pm.

TO  4th Bde  Gn

        3rd Naval Bde
* Senders Number     Day of Month      In reply to Number     AAA
NZA 241                        11th
Please ensure that any recommendations
for special gallantry in the field are reported 
without any delay
Brigr Commanding 4th Aust. Inf. Bde
Forwarded for information
& guidance please
B.M 5.10PM
11 May 1915
FROM                   D.A.A.G.  ANZAC  COVE
PLACE & TIME      4.30p
W.2384-583. 30,000 Pads - 8/14 S.B.Ltd. Forms/C.2123.


"A" Form.                         
Army Form C. 2121.
11     MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.    No. of Message
Prefix    Code    m.          
Words  Charge
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
At     m.
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at     m. 
From    106
TO Brigade  Major

4th  Infty  Bde

*Sender's Number  Day of Month   In reply to Number AAA   
Report from 15th  Battn
Since this battalion was relieved at 8 AM
10* inst, it has remained in bivouac
at Monash Valley.
Opportunity was taken of the rest, to
reorganise  the  battalion
HR Carter Major
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph
in his name
*This line should be erased if not required.
8350 S. B. Ltd. Wt. W4843/541-50,000. 9/14. Forms C2121/10.


11   10                                      
C.M. Form A 39 (b).
Army Form C 2123.
C Form. (Original.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.  
No. of Message
Prefix    Code  Words 
Charges for Delivery. 
Paid out
Service Instructions.
Sent, or sent out                        
At   M.
at   M.
Office Stamp. 
Handed in at the      Office at        M.   Received here at     M.
TO            Bgde   Hdqrs
                  4th  Infy  Bgde 
*Sender's Number  Day of Month  In reply to Number AAA  

Summary of events Pope's Hill 10/5/15 to 
The enemy was very busy all night 10 5 15 - 11 5 15
keeping up a continual fire on our trenches
and throwing bombs.  Enemy's shrapnel has been
quieter today but several shells burst
on our right and left flank during
the afternoon 11/5/15.  Our own shells have
been bursting short and wounded two men.
During the day 11/5/15 only a few Turks have been
seen to our front. Casualties 1 killed 5
FROM      13th Battalion
PLACE      Pope's Hill
TIME        4.45 p.m
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on
delivery are to be brought to account by means of Stamps
affixed to the face of the form, and
the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out
are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed
"Delivery" and "Charges for Delivery."
*This line should be erased if not required.


C.O.   4th Bde
The request made by 
your orderly in my
hearing was for a carpenter 
to report "after
I am informed that 
the Pioneer Sergt has been is now
at Bttn H.Q.
RE Courtney
Lt Col.


C.O's All Battalions                                    
Please state 
below the names of officers 
who where sent to get
touch with units and
sections on the right
and left.
W.J.M. Locke Lieut
Orderly Officer
13th  Bn  Capt Durrant
13th Bttn was sent
out this afternoon
J.S. Capt
14th Bn
To Popes Hill
Capt DH Cannan
& Lt Sampson
15th Bn
[*all went at 3pm*]
To Courtneys Post
Capt H Quinn
I have here on both
positions 3 days ago
HC Chauval
16th Bn
To Courtney's position
& to Popes Hill   Major Tilney
& Major Mansbridge
will be sent tomorrow
H Pope Lt Col


To the Right -
Lieut Cumberland
To the Left -
Lieut Crabbe
R. E. Courtney
Lt Col
C. O. 14TH  Bttn
[*4th Bde A.I.F.*] 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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