Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 5, 6 May - 16 May 1915, Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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A0. t Arm -2123 MESSAGES,AND SIGNALS. No. of Message— Received SeNt, OSEMION Otice Stany. PreRx Call Words From Charges to collect 61 Seriice Myton H Handed in at Ohee on Received I1. 41 T0 0 B F Sender's Number MANON Liett WHIE aAA 44 Just two sufferia causualitie Furkesh shrapel from by atso about day south mactime Thir That one barrell Seasin through FRoM BN PLACE & TME 40:0- This line should be crased if not required.
ArForm JN MESSAGES AND SIGNA D. No. AMeaE ole mnein Collomn y Morte Care Office of Origin and Service Instructions This message is on a/e of: Reod. At dervice 6 LESL TTTETE, MAOT TI BY C.O.14 BATT SuEME SSAMON WAnGtoMt Maygt 13 AAA Te enemy and still active, and in shendsenpon of his fest fere is feing directer afout henct by a nunlerg singers who are concee in tence undergravt is valley see run s57NW fox apn 600400 AAA Te fthen of Peaaker saro 00yo fin ontend ae Weslawd des amadine gun dbeet commind in sanc 20 penhe cmlle lieAAA suring last night (onAyE19) HeFURRS se vy bey extending kin ende which are euly 200701 pero pes22d they appear to mgagene senete From Place Time The atore may be sorerted as noo arreaed D EETMFMIN MATTN WMAMNNWNANL The the cand to Cad AA Mtd MROMN Ar Form MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Ho oMe Thismessage is on a/c ef: [Rood. at Office of Origin and Service Instruction Date undervice Fron 83 LMEM TTTTETS MASNVIBY MM SSASON AAA 13 which i continue may extend all alenganfrent they can be seen sending a communicarn hench from them gre heniter eno left to a aix about 350 7or away in an vaskrly anderon. The render are occupied byde enemy and tey are sta renete from ten semeriner, we have maintrined a gear look on and hit alleast 12of teenemy per 5102 and 4AN Eday attactess stekl yenent henelewpat of me desAad ltfates Se M COORTNEYF PRTT Time The attte May te sorverted as ns arrected ETTNMANTN WIAAMMN SMILL ROl- OS line should be crased If not requires
AARDAYES BAU BISNSIS 1. A M PrCke Cody m/ Wort] Chare OteA CAAASNYTIAMEN This message is on a/e of Recd. a1 Dace service From JTAEETT TFTMPMS OMAVTIPY Drigadder Ede Fourth Ii Des Of Mo toreet to tnte 2F63 Since AAA Reconnasance report enemy Istell Daphing on right centre and left my position aAA Left and centre entrenched position Cheld at about one riple per yard AAA Right gubrenched position one pile aid pey three To right my pontion and sufolading Stvitis. tenches from galley at Grange 4.00 4d frogd my pontion are enemy machine fions oAAA Higher up valley. 6t S5 men is mountdn ba lery which at 11-p0 a.m flanded 2 spot ps my left fland supper renches F Place Tine The Crwe may be Cormaded as Mn Corrected Con SAAMANOMNMAMDMINNNNAIILL This line should be crased if not required. LS a O Army Form C. 212. 20 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. 10. of MeaK Preb Code i/Word] CharSe This message is on a/c of: Reed. at al t Date- Service From JOmureo Proatins Oticer 6 120 Da o Yo Lereet to ttte PFO AAA Donth AAA can from observe new pap r my fright enemy henches leading from walley. up tft the hills toward puntion Bdg continuous movement and Lo Genguy was moticiaple but mas been considerably ty checked my frg i hus newsat accounting peneral for fueny. 66150 M Orn Time 210 p The are n e ee a n D H Cannan HCol. -Conor.] Smne of pileaor of renon anhomed to cerrat n. MoM This line should be Crased it pot required
POM SOSN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Ro A Me Pll n Call Mole CE OAn A CMEErESE Thismessage is on a/c of: Roodat Date. Sernice ow SMF F, FTMNTM MRMTIBS. IRE IP4 CoA SyAiton WtNGHM 18 AAA est for Ls CCURLER I be haste e t hes 0 e I Ct a 4 fram Officer The 17 hul GUNNS Diring the night a truch Fill ptte impesed oo is bing b5 anod wit The atte may te sinvanted as nor correctel wus Pe MAMMMNAMOMMM MMMTN WAMTLL Sn AOA OOT tis has should be enaed i not required. ArForm Lo2 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No o Me Pe Ae Thismessage is on a/c of: oodatI Office of Origin and Service Instructions DaCmnn Dervice P0 F, M treet MAMon CS O S AAA Bun 116 /a ar II head Saps 15 your in POPES Three a e comletes and are front cameld to fom for me now being Fench. I fount. Sap is being whe an will be connected wit the other three saye. The whole of the prese five tan and suppls trenths trove been conlited and we now have. God Communication throught the. The nod is ousoOuhen b o the mas Bukham to to F Place 2po The above may of orpatget at tow rrected.] Srnature of Addrewer or Mreon anthorled to telegraph in Mie nan to cd t a ms WA CONS
CFerM. (Original.) MESSAC Prefix. Col6 trom Hease By Tistance. Service Instruction Handed in at the T0 WINN ill Turks ix apI -gradua at do ben ad l 9/5/15 out for and she FROM PLACE TIME AlOREREE, NAME,A the particalars of such charges and o OunnOr AND toborned C.M. Form As C. Army Form O2123. fa of Mossage. Thies Bany it out no at AAA act ies
ESSA CForM. COuplicate Inquiries respecting this Message, or application the Delivering Office; but any comple to the officer in charge. In ei Handed in at the T0 Byle Denter, Dumber sit I was t have and a have ridge FROM 3:th PLACE FIME Rerri-ama C.H. FormA S C Ary Form C212 No. of Message OeS SR may be made at ag and addressed d here a AAA sides. me
O Fom Conina K Po C. MS MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. Received Sent, or sent out MCESIAN. Prefik care Words Du7 w Charges to collect 16 Senice Hstttion Handed in at. Office Received P20 Cpti Yers F Satoan O Attn t Tent to Henr AAA Toh enemy nave sent ut four A1 spilks on our Frigh a fron apparently signal
OMPor E.D. Ar Form. Army Form C. 2121. Ho. AMR MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. CTE Pete nen enen elel e en e Reed. at Thismessage is on a/c of: Office of Origin and Service Instructions Date ter ommo Dere et ai mommm BCmon cnmommmmmmenn DOunonommeemno 02 n ORMFAMONENB T0 BATT C.O. 14 TGAMont WANGtM Seners SM AAA 9-5-15 0c 34 ave treates enemi awtiller ccupied ty ache robaflis as gawr right gur. I hene is visalle partly his dey by Lidedarrificially Drcnto gur saw be send from our nerele bt the pastes &anso oypring same sastierd seen The Rosinon diegnetly OAA of the sun& placemen is pon our ston 11420 14DS gue mackine serd ic 7 ear X $051 COURTNEYS DNM The above may be forwarded as now corrected. s Cenor.Armure of (AMear or rermn anorned to Cekrrort to Mnne This line should be crased If not required. 2OB OM
Der 18 Oc to hnfanty Dae the $th fotn Stan tartion tanks the fthe tarm bat mde cond dat yon by repoted tode tn you plen ca t infomrtion the forwanded at 2 Covenina som pastit M BM r art 25 50 15
AO. TOW BSS AON MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Na of Mossase OAAFO MW Surtes MtMtn Handedino D Caota Wirtess News Fender o ANN SATANONN LRNYWSNSNSN AAA The Foynt steamer mail 45 Insitain Kunk tour has u tewr out land hrau is reported It 2160. 22 that at have syed Most Nt. the Gerinstown officers have toushed ext the passingehs on Turner Wapt a submarines 2 mill aick Saw fored 2 tothorses which away evercome with anger Frin -colostal murset at thiet anones due horpified Wented to and say int at the Yermay dearty cost will FRON PEACK A MMIN Wa Do Bad TO. TOM DSton AIOSRN FMeso AnD SONS Na of Message OAWTEN OAAPOWPO SAFESMMMMON RN Handed in at STSSENENN SATAINORN TrEWENSE AAA The stunio in Washington. itficies wrctes it that the pente tt detremety grand. The admitralty says the newshaper that the papitara was druted is wholty Harse. (The Nr. of Surviors) abrtades given, is aptortmately correct. tehe Goot thas requgted the ambastator in Berter to ask youngony for a whoot of the sinking of vositamed the tank the oodeontiner tubmarine 20 trotch coast the crea Trurs on the more faveds. niotenty attact The grmants faris. St. Intren but were brish near Mon PLACEA TIME) W 30,00 Pads 81l. S. B.Ltd-Formanis

Army  2123.
"C" Form. (Original.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message
Prefix   Code   Words
Charges to Collect  ₤  s. d
Received    6
Sent, or sent out
At      m.
Office Stamp  
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at       Office at     m.    Received here at    11.41  m.
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
Just suffered two causualities
by Turkish shrapnel from
about due South - also 
one machine gun shot
through barrell casing.
Shewn Brigadier
FROM                     13th BN

PLACE & TIME      11.40 am


 C.M. Form A.39.
"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNA S.   No. of Message
Prefix   Code   Words
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge.
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at     m.
From    68
TO   C.O. 14 BATT
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
                                          May 9th 15

The enemy are still active and in
strength in front of this post.
Fire is being directed at our trench by
a number of snipers who are concealed
in dense undergrowth in valley
which runs SE/NW for about 600 YDS
AAA The further end of the valley
crosses a road 800 YDS from our trench
AAA The enemy have at least 2 machine
guns which command our trenches
AAA Their position cannot be located AAA
During last night (MAY 8/9) the TURKS
were very busy extending their
trenches which are only 200 YDS 
from our post AAA They appear to
be constructing a series of trenches
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.

"A" Form.   
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge.
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at     m.
From    67
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

which if continued may extend
all along our front. They can be
seen sending a communication
trench from their fire trenches
on our left to a dip about 350
YDS away in an Easterly direction.
The trenches are occupied by the
enemy and they fire at our trenches
from them sometimes. We have
maintained a good look out, and hit
at least 12 of the enemy between 5 am
and 7 A.M today.  Attached is
sketch of enemys trenches in front
of this post.  AAA
From     C L Giles Lieut.
Time       11.55 AM
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.    (Z)
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
*This line should be erased if not required.


Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge.
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at     
By    70
TO   Brigadier
Fourth Inf Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
   DF 63                             Ninth
Reconnaissance reports enemy still sapping
on right, centre and left 
of my position AAA  Left 
and centre entrenched position held
at about one rifle per
yard AAA  Right entrenched position
one rifle per three yards
To right of my position
and enfilading Turkish trenches from
valley at range 400 yds
from my position are enemys
machine guns AAA  Higher up
valley to SE is enemy's
mountain battery which at 11-20
a.m landed 12 shots into 
my left flank support trenches
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.    (Z)
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
*This line should be erased if not required.
"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge.
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at     m.
TO   69
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
      DF 63                          Ninth

AAA I can observe from
new sap on my right
enemy's trenches leading from valley
up the hills towards First
Bde position and continuous movement
of enemy was noticeable but
has been considerably checked by
my firing line in this
new sap accounting for several
of the enemy.


From       C/C 15 Bn
Place       Quinns Post
Time        12.10 pm
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
(Z) J H Cannan Lt Col
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
*This line should be erased if not required.


C.M. Form. A. 39.
 "A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge.
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at     m.
From    78
TO   Bde Major Aust I. Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
    BM 118                          ninth
The following reports have been received from
O.C. Posts, viz
COURTENEY'S - "Work on improvement of trenches
has been carried out through the night and a sap
on the extreme right has been extended six
or seven feet.  The sapping is necessarily short
as There is only room for one man to work
on front. I have now told off a permanent
Platoon at disposal of Engineer Officer.
The platoon will work in relief and it
is anticipated that progress by "this means 
will be greater"
QUINN'S "During the night our trenches were
still further improved but slow progress is being
made with our mining owing to the inadequate 
tools at the disposal of the Engineer.
They are however continually working"
[*Action taken re tools. JPMcG*]
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.  (Z)           (POPE'S PTO)
Censor.  Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
210/9.13. - C.9258   *This line should be erased if not required.

 C.M. Form. A. 39.
"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge.
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:
Service.    9
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at     m.
From    79
TO       Sheet 2
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

Bm 116 contd
POPE'S -"Three T head saps 15 yards in
front have been completed and are
now being connected to form a fire
trench. A fourth Sap is being worked
and will be connected with the other
three Saps. The whole of the present
fire trench and support trenches have
been connected and we now have good
communication throughout the works. The
road is now safe from Snipers. Overhead
cover has been built over the Maxim."

J P McGlinn Lt Col
Bde Major 4th Inf Bde
Time        2 pm
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.  (Z)
Censor.  Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.
210/9.13. - C.9258.       *This line should be erased if not required.


C.M. Form A 39 (b)
Army Form C 2123.
C Form. (Original.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message
Prefix   Code   Words
Charges for Delivery.
Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At      m.
Returned  at  m.
Office Stamp     81
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the      Office at     M.    Received here at      M.
TO  Bgde Hdqrs
      4th Infy Bgde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA


Interim report of work & casualties by 13th Bttn
6 p.m. 8/5/15 to 6 pm 9/5/15.

During the early part of night 8/5/15 everything was very
quiet. At 1.10am 9/5/15 the Turks made an attack
on our left - all men stood to arms. Small bodies of
Turks worked up to within 100 yds of our front and
at daylight gradually retired. The Marines in our
trenches had four casualties. X At 12 noon
9/5/15 a patrol of 1 Sgt and 4 Cpls was sent
out for the purpose of finding out positions 
and strength of the enemy. They reached
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to account by means
of Stamps affixed to the face of the form, and
the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces 
headed "Delivery" and "Charges for Delivery."
* This line should be erased if not required. 


C.M. Form A 89 (b).
Army Form C 2123.
C Form. (Duplicate.)     MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.    No. of Message
Inquiries respecting this Message, or application for repetition of the same, may be made at
the Delivering Office; but any complaint as to its delay, &c., should be made in writing and 
to the officer in charge.  In either case this form must accompany such inquiries or complaint.
Charges  }   £  s.  d.
to pay      }
Office Stamp.  80
Service Instructions.
Handed in at the     Office at     M.  Received here at    M.
TO  Bgde Hdqrs
4th Infy Bgde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

the trenches on Burnage's Hill and were
immediately subjected to heavy fire from all sides.
1 was killed 3 severely wounded X The sappers
have made three forward saps 15 yds long
and are now connecting them. All trenches 
have been improved. The Artillery of the
enemy dropped several shells on the
ridge to our left - presumably aiming 
at the position of the Marines on that 

FROM          13th Battalion
PLACE         Pope's Hill
TIME            4-30 pm 9/5/15 
D.362/7.14- C.7220. 


C Form. (Original.) 
Army Form c. 2123.
Prefix   Code   Words
from   QA
By        PN
Charges to Collect  ₤  s. d
Sent, or sent out
At      m.
Office Stamp     9/5/15
Service Instructions.    9
Handed in at       Office at    m.    Received    8.20Pm.
TO  Captn Jess
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA


The enemy have sent up 
four star shells on our
right front apparently a signal

FROM                   Major Carter
*This line should be erased if not required. 


C.M. Form A.39.
"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
QC 24
Words. Charge.
Sent    9
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at     m.
From   62
TO   C.O. 14 BATT
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

QC 34                              9-5-15

Have located enemy artillery
position, probably occupied by
light gun. A trench or gun pit 
is visable, partly hidden by
bushes artificially placed AAA No
 gun can be seen from our 
trench but the flashes caused
by firing same has been seen
distinctly AAA The position
of the gun emplacement is
about 420 YDS from our
machine gun, magnetic 
bearing 110o

From       CL Giles Lt
Time        8.20AM
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.  (Z)
Censor.   Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
210/9.13. - C.9258.   *This line should be erased if not required. 


O.C. 4 Infantry Bde 

The colour of the flags
marking the flanks for the various 
Posts under your command is to
be reported today -
Will you please cause this
information to be forwarded at your 
convenience as soon as practicable
M C Futing
BM 9.5.15
[* Information supplied by Capt Section
Copy attd JPMcG
9 5/ 15
8.50am *]


Army Form C. 2123
"C" Form (Duplicate).    
Charges to Pay. 
₤   s.   d.
Office Stamp.
Service instructions.
Handed in at            Office    m.   Received    m.
TO   Wireless News
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

The Royal mail steamer
Lusitania has been sunk 45
bodies have been land out
of 2160. It is reported
that 22 have died at
Queenstown. Most of the
officers have perished except
Capt Turner. The passengers on
deck saw a submarine, ½ mile
away which fired 2 torpedoes
France is overcome with anger
at Such a colossal murder
Neutral countries are horrified
at the outrage and say it
will cost Germany dearly

W.2384-583.  30,000 Pads-8/14.  S. B. Ltd.- Forms/C.2123.

Army Form C. 2123
"C" Form (Duplicate).    
Charges to Pay. 
₤   s.   d.
Office Stamp.
Service instructions.
Handed in at            Office    m.   Received    m.
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

Washington. The opinion in
official circles is that the position
is extremely grave. The Admiralty
says the newspaper that the
Lusitania was armed is wholly
false. The No. of survivors already
given is approximately correct.
The Govt. has requested the
ambassador in Berlin to ask Germany
for a report of the sinking of
the Lusitania.
Submarine 29 sank the Wilson liner
Truro on the Scotch coast. The crew
were saved.
Paris. The germans violently attacked
British near St Julien but were

W.2384-583.  30,000 Pads-8/14.  S. B. Ltd.- Forms/C.2123.


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