Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 5, 6 May - 16 May 1915, Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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T ASS AISS DRLLDL The FolloKing note compllrd from a circular Mcmorendum by G. o. C., 18th Intentry Bricade, ery r produced for guidancor- In the attack it le doubtrul if hend gronades could be or much use till tho first trinchos are capturod. If hold up, 0.5. by Tges, near the hostile Franches, it is possible that a hard Eronedo party Eight be o2uso te pitch Crensces into the onomyle tronchoe, but 15 is wiliely that chonades ranid vo us at that period of the action. Tho Einc mhen they hill be of rest use in an attack on opposing trohchos Hll be whon the front tronchos are gainod. Land gronadse Thould then be sent up oach of the comminication tronches and along tho Hiro trench. In oither case, the best position to take up rould b. in the trench behind a travorco or bend, fron thich cover grenades rould bo throm at any of the enory approaching. 2. To organizo a gronado party the Folloring is sugcested:- squad to sonsict of 2 nen (rith rifles and beyonots), 2 non for Threings Barhen Elunsl ian 5 how to carry ba-ol of fronados at (trained as throwors to repleco casunitics) and 1 J. c.c. in chargeof of squad. Tho party ould novo off up the tronch in the folloking order:- 30 an 7ith rirlo ard beyonet a ready for use. Dont throwers rith gronado. CFonadC. Parrior rith Feskot of to Co O. Second throter. Socond carrior. Spare Man. s soon as the first bashot of grenades is Finishod, 2t should bo passod back for a further supply, and the full baslot of the end Tarrier passed to the No. 1 Carrior. offensivs 2. The cronade squad should ect on the rE, borbing the onerry -shorevor found, and then-tesing on to bomb tho next soction botroon travorses; for if thoy romain stationary Thon tho onony is approach- ing, they vill bo located and probatly thomselves boribod. 5. Then an onony's fire trench has beon capturod, 1t 7121 p Recossary to make a socond advance, usually from the oomninication trenches, after hich the noxt trench rill have to be tackled, the bombing squad boing split in tro and turned outrards so as to avoid being talon in roar. C. In the defence, grenade squads are probably bost in the sumport trenchos, ready to advance up commnication tronchos to moot the onemy should he take the firo tronch and try to advance. commorooco
Ay Form C. B MESSACES AND SICNAIS. No. of Message— C. Form. (Original). Recd. Sent, or sent out Office Stamp. Nords Coll Pretix from 2 Collected Means Paid Out Distance Returned ce at Handed in at the 70 2 Wtey TO Dmb ins gi Il Drepchr my thot object retired the testing A ne tenelas ou Mumb Hair& FROM B0 PLACE An Po T.S MiCA- ChAISSES e0on mounts paid out are to be set forth Charrce for Di to the should be crased Unot
Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES ANL N0. Of MCCARE Words] CharSe Reed. at This message is on a/c of Oe A Mt ASEEE MMSN Somie 205 SEnAFEOTTFTMMME OMAOTTL Cannon tobrah Battali FSeetSN in reply to Number DAs At Ment AAA Brigade Please report Hars. possible yearer the whe being flags used planks mark Your position Eptat 95:13 From c 4th Bready Hgro. Time Gain. The above may be forwarded as now corrected. Conr.Mned Mnan AMINMIMNDDIAVTN Thie tine should be crased H not required 13th Bth Rdges 9. 5.15 (60 The red and fellow plag which was on our foremost position now marks the exhemity of our left flank. Our oight fladk is marked by a regimentae flag (two blues) Smmpson Capt. Aggt 13h Bth
Army Form C. 2121. Pom No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Cange Nort Reed. at This message is on a/e of. OeA- CII SSMMEE H Orte Sent Service 500 O anon t Brigade Haf 70 SSN LMetoN SAANn AAA 9 plouring are the colours of the fes uspd by the lanks bithelors /7 t 2 Bepeade to mark the position held by thein tet 5t syellow right fn i th LLLE lopes Cntreys Tle syellow rid syellow Qiure Nt aptate AAst tto FrOM Place Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. Tittre Mn A MA MMTRLSDAIFTNINIIVLL ConOr TMI. Ane MoMI Re. ased if
Moats Ad StSAWAhn onn Pretix Code Sent, or sent out Words Office Stamp o Meane ollected 6 Distance 8/15 Paid out Returned Service instructions Handed in at the Office at Received here at Lo0R BE Sentero Mimbe AAA eals fer Bm reports as oear snife half wa bare up eli Yarkes am his fa positie OPosidin fer 224 FROM PLACE Ma Jo. CM. 12 100 No. of Message. MESSAARS AND SICNSIS. PCh CodeWord] Chare Reed. at This message is on a/e of: ORce of OriSI & Serice Instructions Ooe -Service F06 CRMUAPM ORCD Iufants Bngade ont TuesBRn S aNon AAA 466 24 sind 1A Cptan sze suiper wists patiol be shrull AAB Patrol Ms pre hidse are trop From Se JME n Place Time 137 and The above may be forwarded as now corrected. ThSsland St SErMEAHUlrT O VAMMBOrEDWIOCPNNHNO NANE Comor Te
GTow Onstens. EAY POND.DI Testors And SonS. No. of Moseage— CAAMPEONPSY Office Stamp. 67 164 Lurte ttattr and 107 Do Handod in at. DE SMASSSANN Dafefo DENT WSNSSNSE AAA Ne2224 three Pattalion report Fourtanth ranke frieers and Sixtytw Ehie is correct arivin their ricond of e here ofsiaptio rce teliphone reply please Fon DAA6 CoVF AHTAC PLACEETIME 10-15 am 210 Pat 811 A A 142-Purnot 2122
repot f ir arived and Beny Bde Stufteby 57 Sapp oplane vagl m ayt Ld 5 in an then o this mornin 9 day mm my adad stal as ad 6e tl Tuningto meclure ceam cod l mdrews st N S
P.M. Form A. 88. ArForm Army Form A 2121. No. of Messaga. AND SIGNALS MESSAGES Ca F C M/ Norte Reod at Thismessage is on a/c of: Office of Origin and Service Instructions Date m derice Clemummummm Dl m COmm cmu ature of M ManKnE OMCOR n simpson capt 13t DC Charchatare 14t T0 Catt. Nokrien L7. KAGGtoM SGAMnE SHttoN AAA 1161 Bm In continuation of yesterday's detail the OC Enginer Working partys p o reliefs for Detail the is followin 9th to tea tomorrowr 18 pm Spm pens 110th mst t or to 12 mishight 4th 8pm midnight 4 ar (10th) an 4 am I am 12 mon 14 15 12nobn ? 4 pm 14 4 pm " 8 pm fill Number Brigadier] directs that the the o the above reliefs be purmisted and report punctually to time. they t & rene to the nated Iogh to be Be major From L Place 11 an 9-5-15 Time The above may be Serrarited as now corrected. Ceneor. Stonature of AdMroesor or person anthoried to tolegraph in his name. Thts line should be crased if not required. 20B. OO
OANN 190 MOSSV Ir MAIAATEUA Cptain Feguom oc Eymen Your ingormation & favor for of reann o the s directs that any failue. to comply with this Emeatily be to his nonce. Wi to Beemagon e 92515 2 372 Maio Be Aush. Bor hot ed with thanhe Asnor
DrForn M FormC. 21s MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Meao - Ma Thismessage is on a/c of: Rood at Office of Origin and Service Instructions Date Dervice M LETEE TL TTMTITE MMARTT/BY- 29de Bodges 4th Pufy Bgde MCE SACMonE AEGtM AAA t -report of progress made in sapping in Pope's Hilll I head sapp Lifteen gards in Three fron lave been completed and are now being connected to jorm a fire hinch AAA A foweth pap is being worke and will be consected with the other three saps. The whole of the present ure mench and support trenches have Oleen connected and we now have good communication throughout the works Hhe road is rout safe from sipers. Overhead coper hald been huilt oner the masom & J Smpson tapt B From Place The above may be servarited as now corrected. CONO AMAO MO CR Te Ae M be CAd H P MM MESSAGE. 1cae Ca This message is on a/c of: Reed at OBe of OR and Serri Instructions Ser From JCA FILEOA 60. Br. I7 EMEGAE SAARE ANBREN AAa nut on Mnovenfin trench has ben caynd monghoul the Right &he out sex the earen right on has been Easind ha the egaping seven) feet. Mensurch Blon 21 her for yu nan oney room to told work, on from I have how a rermanind renson M of Engineer a Aesorse a will vork in rrelief rlasoon ty io anticinatia that Rogrin mean oin by grease by te oHo RANKINE 0 14th Br OvT POST 0 H5 A1M $5 The above menbe forwarded as now corrected I Comr. ar abmmor Ma Mra W A W ANN This line should be crased if not required. AMT M.RCa,LAd. WEWISISA 50,000 aiL Forms OIla


The following notes compiled from a circular memorandum by
G.O.C., 19th Infantry Brigade, are reproduced for guidance: --
In the attack it is doubtful if hand grenades would be of
much use till the first trenches are captured. If held up,  e.g.
by wires, near the hostile trenches, it is possible that a hand
grenade party might be of use to pitch grenades into the enemy's
trenches, but it is unlikely that grenades would be up at that
period of the action. 
The time when they will be of most use in an attack on opposing
trenches will be when the front trenches are gained. Hand grenades
should then be sent up each of the communication trenches and along
the fire trench. In either case, the best position to take up would
be in the trench behind a traverse or bend, from which cover grenades
would be thrown at any of the enemy approaching. 
2. To organize a grenade party the following is suggested: --
Squad to consist of 2 men (with rifles and bayonets), 2 men for
throwing, (rifles slung) and 2 men to carry basket of grenades - (
(trained as throwers to replace casualties) and 1 N.C.O in charge of
of squad.
3. The party would move off up the trench in the following order: --
Man with rifle and bayonet -- ready for use.
Bomb throwers with grenade.
Carrier with basket of grenade. 
Second thrower.
Second carrier.
Spare man.
As soon as the first basket of grenades is finished, it should
be passed back for a further supply, and the full basket of the 2nd
carrier passed to No. 1 Carrier.
4. The grenade squad should act on the offensive, bombing the enemy
wherever found, and then pressing on to bomb the next section between
traverses; for if they remain stationary when the enemy is approaching,
they will be located and probably themselves bombed.
5. When an enemy's fire trench has been captured, it will be
necessary to make a second advance, usually from the communication
trenches, after which the next trench will have to be tackled, the 
bombing squad being split in two and turned outwards so as to avoid
being taken in rear.
6. In the defence, grenade squads are probably best in the support 
trenches, ready to advance up communication trenches to meet the enemy
should he take the fire trench and try to advance.


Army Form C.21  "C" Form. (Original.) 
Recd    From   By 
Prefix  Code    m
Words    Charge
Sent, or sent out
At   m.      To        By     Returned    at    M.
Office Stamp.      57
Delivery     Means    Distance
Charges for Delivery.    Collected   Paid out
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the      Office at     m.    Received here at   m.
TO  [[??]] Inf Div
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
 KA 455                            ninth
The raiding party found the
trenches full of enemy &
retired without effecting its objects
AAA They found themselves outnumbered.
Received 6.20 am 
FROM   1st Inf Bde
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to accoant by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and 
"Charges for Delivery".
*  This line should be erased if not required.


Army Form C. 2121. 
MESSAGES AND    No. of Message
Prefix   Code   Words.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words.    Charge
Sent        At   m.     To    By
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at     m.      Date       From        58       By
TO    Colonel Cannan
         15th Battalion
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
Please report to Brigade Hqrs
by bearer if possible the
colour of the flags being
used to mark the flanks
of your position.
Captain Eastwood
Red & Yellow
DH Cannan
C.O. 15 Btt
Place    4th Brigade Hqrs.
Time     9 am.
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.         (Z(
Censor.       Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
*This line should be erased if not required.

13th Bttn Hdqrs
9.5.15   60
The red and yellow flag which
was on our foremost position now
marks the extremity of our left
flank. Our right flank is marked
by a regimental flag (two blues)
J Simpson Capt
Adjt 13th Bttn


"A" Form  Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
Sent     At   ...m.      To       By 
This message is on a/c of:
 9/5/15       Service.
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at   ..m.      Date     From      61       By
TO   Brigade Major
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
The following are the colours of the flags used by the
battalions of the 4th Brigade to mark the flanks of
positions held by them
Popes         13th Battn  left flank Red & yellow right flank light & dark blue
Courtneys  14th Battn  blue & yellow
Quinns        15th Battn red & yellow
16th Battn blue  yellow
J R Eastwood  Captain
Rifle Brigade
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.     (Z)
Censor.           Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
*This line should be erased if not required.


m. (Original.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message
Recd.   from    By  FH
Prefix   Code    Words
Delivery   Means    Distance
Charges for Delivery.
Collected      Paid out    
Sent, or sent out
At   .M.     By       Returned      at  .M.
Office Stamp     9/15
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the      Office at     M.    Received here at 10.15 M.
TO    G. O. C.
         FOURTH BDE H.Q.     63
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
KA 466                            Nineth
Capt Jacobs first Bn reports
he has located a sniper 
in a hole half way 
up bare cliff 750 factors
from his position near Position
of sniper 224 B 8.
Received 10.20 am
Place    10.00am

9 8
"A" Form  Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words.   Charge
Sent     At    m.     To      By
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at      m.       Date      From        65     By
TO   First Infantry Brigade
*  Senders Number.   Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
B M X                                9. 5. 1 5                      KA 466
Would suggest Captain JACOB send
patrol to investigate sniper house
AAA Patrol should be warned
not to fire as New
Zealand troops are on the ridge
From       Fourth Inf. Bde.
Place       Hqrs
Time        10.32 am
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.      (z)
JR Eastwood Capt
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
*This line should be erased if not required.


 "C" Form (Duplicate).    Army Form C. 2123
No. of Message
9      Q70
Charges to Pay.     ₤   s.   d.
Office Stamp.         64
Service instructions.
Handed in at            Office       m.     Received 10.40 am.
TO   4th BDE   
Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
NZA 221                           9th 
Fourteenth Battalion report three
officers and sixty two ranks
arriving is this correct
no record of their
disembarkation received here
please telephone reply
FROM                         D A A G  ANZAC COVE
PLACE AND TIME     10-15 am
W. 2384-583. 30.000 Pads - 8/14.   S.B.Ltd. - Forms/C.21223


For report please
JR McGlinn  Col
4th Inf Bde
4th Bde A.I.F.
These officers and men 
arrived at 1.30 this morning
and are shewn on our daily
State.  No Reinforcements. Brigade staff as under.
RE Courtney Lt Col
C O 14th Btn
(1) Brigade staff       Staff Sgt Pennington
                                    Pte McClure
                                    -      Kerin
                                    -      McLeod
                                    -      Cole
                                    -      Andrews
(2) Sig Section         Sapper Kerr
                                    -    Chandler
Explained to Capt Thoms
on phone
JR McGlinn
11-15 am


9     "A" Form  C.M. Form A89.  Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words.  Charge     Sent       At   m.      To       By 
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at     m.    Date       From      66     By
TO    Os.C.  13th Bn J Simpson Capt
                    14th Chas M M  Dare Capt.
                    15th N O'Brien Lt
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
In continuation of yesterday's detail of
working parties for O.C. Engineers the
following is the detail of reliefs for
period  8 pm today 9th to 8pm tomorrow
10th inst.
9th                8pm to 12 midnight    -     13th Bn
"9th/10th "   midnight - 4am (10th) -    15th  "
10th               4am - 8am                     -    13th  "
"                     8am - 12 noon               -    14th  "
"                     12 noon - 4 pm              -    15th  "
"                     4pm - 8 pm                   -    14th  "
The Brigadier directs that the full number
(50) of the above reliefs be furnished and
that they report punctually to time.
To be noted & returned.
From  JP McGlinn Lt Col
             Bde Major
Place  4th Infy Bde
Time     11am 9-5-15
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.     (z)
Censor.       Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
 D 210/9.13.-C.9258.   *This line should be erased if not required.


Captain Ferguson
O.C. Engineers
For your information & favor
of return.  The Brigadier 
directs that any failure
to comply with this 
order be immediately
brought to his notice.
J P McGlinn Lt Col
Brigade Major
4th Inf Bde
Bde Major
4th Aust. Bde.
Noted with
J Ferguson
Capt R.E. 


"A" Form.   C.M. Form A 89
Army Form C.2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
Sent      At   m.     To        By 
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at     m.     Date      From   76       By

TO    Bgde Hdqrs
4th Infy Bgde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
Three Report of progress made in
sapping on Pope's Hill.
Three T head saps 15 yards in
front have been completed and are
now being connected to form a fire
trench.  AAA  A fourth sap is being
worked and will be connected with the
other three saps. The whole of the present
fire trench and support trenches have
been connected and we now have
good communications throughout the
works. The road is now safe from
snipers. Overhead cover has been
built over the maxim. X
J Simpson Capt
Adjt 13th Btn
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.         (Z)
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
D 210/9.13.-C.9258.   *This line should be erased if not required.

Prefix   Code    m
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
Sent    At   m.     To     By 
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at     m.      Date     From      By
TO    C.O. 14th BN.         77
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
Trenches X Work on improvement
of trenches has been carried
out throughout the night & the
sap on the extreme right
has been extend six or
seven feet. The sapping is 
necessarily slow as there is
only room for one man to
work on front. I have now told
off a permanent platoon
at disposal of Engineer Officer.
This platoon will work in relief
and it is anticipated that progress
by this means will be greater X
From         MAJOR RANKINE
Place         14th BN OUTPOSTS
Time          11.5 am 9.5.15
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.      (Z)
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
*This line should be erased if not required.
(24473). M.R.Co.,Ltd. Wt. W 4843/541. 50,000 9/14. Forms C2121/10. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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