Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 5, 6 May - 16 May 1915, Part 13

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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TO. PAM BSS Kiny Por. C. MrS No. of Message. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. MCESIAMS. MAIRESTPY. 2. 43 May Apal 1915 SENICS MSSOS Mn Received O-2m ORDEI Handed in at. VF1 t 02 2140 MorASH Cot Mnene ne secr TATeSt BDME TttSB DeT O Mon AAA 15 MY intends Generad, Pridges We A section this visit were The G.O. morning AAA him ment you will stad if him Thow hrane to tr addressed bal roun J CRA chanage repersed yo nor ast hat 20 ga h e wa mall him gerat as If was waithing down to me to Mrask Gallin at the entrance AN2AC FRON 11 C07.C PLACE & TIME) 93oam
Reed. at Thismessage is on a/c of: Ofice of Origin and Service Instructions andervice Frow 6 2 Larmnern on Han Mrg 1E 4 custation - Manty 18ifeate Nepar for period Open 158515 to 1445-15 SAHSNNNE WCSto AGOMOn AAA 15 Itm Thellf tomparatioely mt trulat Mgt 114D An 16-3-18/11 Tourpalc Stoppd in new Cometry Jruthen and I Walley owrx Smping o burial parties Se Manly 10 13th n shot fust in hes BH. No tt now topay sp by Smyer fom Mazor, Ridge lodality Communicaton by trench Courtreys Pot and Prisn dostalo behsen fomer post any Section on Right tads completed early this Exarnoo C visited Section tooty 14 Dattation layg ont and partly comleted (road dingsion Commencing al Down Strcam fom The above may be forwaried as now corrected. 4 Comor.Ormre A Ar or reron a horned to letm DAlN SSN This line should be erased i not regutred. CE Pla All Rood. StM Thismessage is on a/e of: Office of Orin and Service Instruction Da dervice from 1199 anene Ma M . through N 2 an 2 MAto b 223 about 50 poin 0 bush as to cut TDe S below the mest songerous gone & out valley real Suppled 100 en ever p citting covered approaches hours QUIKNS PAST and BPESHILC whiph Wort Still Continuing. This Bn also is RorGeos Sixty (60 2sta) men for Quirrs in Sighing bomb proof Shalkrs POST 13th Brr Sappliet 150 men for Suny work on the Beach and rath in day an 2x5a So mer to bread y o lighter) to no- vide Timber for Head Pover 15thn Supplies 10 oen (Gpener adminers) for well sinding wood chring past 20 hous Exceptionslly guiet Upon From Place Time 220 he a c r. nan went tol A B t AN T 2 od cr r DANIN pooe
EMett Handed in at the 34 PLA S cllen, or other ct is of Mecied an Ce COY amount s attered to re lace of the ces peaded Delivery and Distance


O May 
April 1915 

Received  9-35am. 


3 Sect.  

Sender's Number. NZG 2/44 Day of Month. 15 

xxxx General Bridges intends
to visit No 3 Section this 
morning AAA. The G.O.C will be 
glad if you will meet him 
and arrange to show him 
round AAA Addressed Col. 
Chauvel repeated Col. Monash 

(Major General Bridges was hit 20 yards from 
me, just as I was walking down to meet him 
at the entrance to Monash Valley) 

PLACE & TIME          9-30am


TO 4th Australian Infantry Brigade
       Report for period 6pm 15 5 15 to 
                                         to      16-5-15

15  5 15  6pm Quiet.
Comparatively quiet throughout night.

11-40 am 16-5-15 
Burials stopped in New Cemetery Southern end 
of Valley owing to sniping of burial parties.
Pte Manly of 13th Bn shot just in 
rear of Bde HQ at noon today supposedly 
by sniper from Razor Ridge locality. 
Communication by trench Courtney's Post and Quinn's
Post also between former post and Section 
on Right thereby  completed early this afternoon
G.O.C. visited Section Today.

13th Battalion laid out and partly 
Completed road diversion commencing
about 300 yards down stream from 

Brigade Headquarters and running through 
bush to a point about 50 yards
below Bde Headqrs so as to cut 
out the most dangerous zone of 
Valley road.

15th Bn Supplied 100 men every four (4) 
hours cutting covered approaches to 
QUINN'S POST and POPE'S HILL which work
is still continuing. This Bn also 
provided sixty (60) Extra men for QUINNS 
POST in digging bomb proof shelters.
13th Bn supplied 150 men for sundry work 
on the Beach and later in day an Extra 
50 men to break up a lighter to provide
timber for Head Cover.
16th Bn supplied 10 men (Experienced miners)
for well sinking work during past 24 hours
6pm Exceptionally quiet
Monash Valley JP McGlinn Lieut Col 
Gallipoli Peninsula Bde 
per O.C. 4th Inft Bde



Received here at 1-50 PM.
TO 4th Bde 
No shots have been observed  
in our direction yet

FROM hill
PLACE Queens  Post  1-00 pm

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