Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 5, 6 May - 16 May 1915, Part 12

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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c Ar Form. Army Form C. 212L. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. Words Charge Prefn Code m Recd. at 1No This message is on a/c of: Office of Origin & Service Instructions. Sent. Date Service. III. At From To. By By (Signature of Franking Officer) T0 FSentSNE - AAA 1415115 Hu sin en en eneing fom In peraden Forth 1 sndends commeneg 1h k last ad 2 havee 4 - Has of trng of n mncam 65 1 aon nene fe K Hea 452 t having C Each Battalion comnonn angen brucles 1st Line mm Watth bast hve neny 2 18 JLimb CS e From J.C.S. Mayon mn Place lon n M Kitchens 6 Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. Hrm, Pack hornes E dri 8 nem men Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in El. 1.ane. Censor aw This line should be crased if not required. (ntd.
Ar Form. Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. Words Charge PreHix CodeM Recd. atm. This message is on a/c of: Office of Origin & Service Instructions. Sent. Date. Service. At III From T0 maunum By By (Signature of Franking Officer) commonm T0 FCMSN - AAA Each 184 (cont inma 4. 16 hore wh for Ed anng ngn Wattan o thosome f addison to cbu mmmmmmmun mne orned n fo e n e enete 110 tt < inAndeen mann 11 e teo Lad neneon aeen t e e e ene Gutson X 1 lo 7 Jst. 27t 4 From e n Place Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. (2) ene mm Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. Censor This line should be crased if not required.
OPoM COINA LEY PONOMA TRSSACRS AND SIONAIS. No. of Message ORESSAN Recened Ca ACMON Preaz. Codo -Words From. Charges to collect Service Instructions C Handed in at rfede tat o SATCNON SANESMNSS LIESY WNSNNN ana 515 gremained in evon cat Nwhen Monach vally until 3301 renever the 26H. at they Den Post ed at the post drow ofX remain I sane in i A1 Parter Major FROM PLACRSTIME Tht the Contt B Mitd W MoEdSIL AEL-FamGH
a 14 Or Form (Duplicate) Army Form C. 212. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message 15 Charges to Pay. MCE SISM 9W 4th M Senice HsMeron Handed in at. Office. aRecenalt N sn 4 AIST IHE Dte T0 Senders trst ttnte AAA NLRRE 14 can you supply me this is at morning Copy of transfort establishment the of one your battalions aaa upon reorganisation Consequer tansport d the divigion H a require Statement shever fresm an proposed establishment FroN D.A.A.M. G ANLAC PLACE & TMME Covi 9 tm 7
H. Boee B. Each Br Battealn P munner Mare 15 1 I domme Shuse kine ICorkslget 2 Go Wayn i 8 Paetose tnd h io Der Exugs Fram 1 Gswyon 2 Ann 4 I care 1 tin 9 Bragels I malter fart I dive I hoose 2Watfa 4 9 Li PS b your 9 18 swyo 4 2 (would S Tastal 6 12 88 Samun Pacathon p 16 8 (on addh to above) tat oer Sey
M 2. F0an A. FOT. O. DIS MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. o. of Maego Cae This message to oh a/e of: Reed at Ofce of Orieis and Service Intruction DaoL Dervice. 1A B) omine g. nn Or Anstraban Lux 7 Brigade 20 Report for prod Opnn 14.5.15 Ant 15-5-15 SutIH OMAMont lo reply to Number as 5 1475 bpo Normnat Inpurduance of arrangements made durty yor nbor Troops holding OUINNs BST consisting &f Sedn 12n L.A and 350 of 15th On the waile unter L Col Cannar Oc 15th Bn rushed the ENEMIY Frenches at 145 am (152). tertangements made & given expect to for 14th Bn on COURINETS ROT to give Supporting fire-Ma & Ryle- uptill 4 am do up to this hour Ereny reingorcenats continued to accumulate. Theoperitiom at OUNNS PT occupied from 445 amto approzemately 3 am and our ascault proved unsuccessful) L.H. Tuggered Some 46 Casnalties including majr Graham Killed. Sam Normal Shadly before now today ma preal Goc Audbalion Divishon Fom rdges Ba en loute Hengrs of tis Sector wasoa ooundot while a to p 0 17SH VACLFV Walkn9 b d A a a a t. Honor is li should be craif are Dp 2 From YA ISEAMNFE O FIMMINE OMCOTT/ BY - Kepr Open 14 Sfeet 2 Jpn 1525 I AusNunt BM A Mon Wn WR AAA 9.30om Ordery issued for garrisoning all posts toun for a periss of 48 hons fom 11 am today as follows CouRINEYSRST: - By 14th Bn as at present. POPES POST)-" 12L. H. B de Olinns POST 4-Post to be relieved at II am today by L. Col Pope, the garrison 1Sgon 3t L4 Reg and canating of 16th Drr. Remamde & balance from 10th Bn to C Local Reserve for this Dort 15th Br to be prepared to act as further reserve to either ONvs or POPES posts as may be Duired on /5th Brr. General Reserve at dispoal of Engadier Time The cpg may be forended as tr conceaed Enetally Ker V f MMLE This line should be crased if not required. Opm Tormal Evring hi hpe Br, &th dt Bde Mangor va 55
- Ar Form M CoT C YR No. of Message. t MSSAORS AND SONAIS Charge Mors te Reed. at This message is on a/c of: Ohce of CnE Sire Hot Sent Date. Service a97P From To ½A 3N0 CMMEAFIMHNORANI 06 ETH BDI T0 Loreat to Htee FSMetGRn AAA nefeenth sap b our finish have Ae with connected nee and AUINN DOSI 888 We are Mow patting in riple by improving inbe iye Arend Th recesses. Comorrow gleaned up finally In the meantime morning 794 tion complete is connec he MHTOHRANAIH - Place $55 PM Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. SAAMANIIANOAMMMTNE DMAAMNLMIILL Conor This line should be crased if not required.
802.42 TJ. PON o Jo AS. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Bo AMego DClo/ Monta Cha Reod atM Thismessage is on a/c of: Office of Origin and Service Instructions dervice From. LFeANre N TTMTIE CMO. T/E Serade May& Ffty Bde SMGMMME SSAMON MtGBM AAA Fiffeenth th remamed at uns tt untel relieved by 16 Bath under ot Popeas Dnoon today During he ment at assault was made by Elanadion 20 2 4 unde the direction of the C/015t Bath who fronded the assaulting party with full infornation ryalding the position mnature of the linkish trenery he operation was chirded) into two harlies of I0 each Rx E which were to be followed by ding paine of 20 each which ere so follow the assaulting party in the went of them being execsful. A party to bring in the wounded was also detaited. The assault took place at 1.45 An 15th inst but was not succeesful conseuently the dion dno Place Time The alove Mey be Sormerted as Mw Crrected WIAMNMMNNL ton da d DibIM-DIRS 80. 4 . PO A o S MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No of Message. PllL CAlDMM MTO Office of Origin and Service Instructions Thismessage is on a/e& ada Date Dervice From Frin F MMTMT CMTIT/B SAAS AENYWT AAA outint the apt wh bro in the wounded the gashalkes to the L.H were 46 Rifled womided sincluded day or Mahan who Commanded the party killed Hptanter Mayor PaCC The Atbe May te Serented as M Correatl I CoMr -ATME MMMMMMMNMMMMMNI WMAMMMMMILINLL This line should be crased i not required. DAAINM-DIRS
a A. PO Army Form C. 2121 No. of Message. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. N016 CAISE - Recd. at. This message is on a/c of: Oce S OS S SerSe Dtto 1 Date Service AE From. By ISSMAFEOT TIME MATT T0 Bar ordr FS S ANN DoS O MONK Ltest tO D AAA Tiblee Sut May For a perion of to his fom 11a m 15/15 the garson posts will b aranged y Follow ta 14th B 6 Comttrag post as heretofurs Peops papd b1 1 o 13d mo Dums fat- this post will be relieved at 110 i today by tas take, the Carrson conspsting of I sqmale on 3 p H. Kegt balance frm 101 Beman Se of 12th to be tloel regue t the fwat. B- Battalion wll lo prepred to act as a finother at tope past in man ma to cithl dup post be requiret 15th Bitlin will remain in general receive, disposal of Horgadter. Jhukonash Col 1575 5 og to Hate From Place Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. STEEETE-HIHTITIEN O KITM MITRE BISSSIN MISIN CoNSO This line should be erased if not required.
104 1720

Day of Month 14 /5/15    
Fourth (Aust.) Infantry Brigade

Transport Establishment

A Bde H Q         1st Line         1 Cooks' Cart 1 driver 2 horses
                                                      2 G.S Tool Waggon 4 drivers 8 , do.
                                                      1 Pack Horse for Vet. Equipment
                                                      with 1 driver
                             Train             1 G.S Waggon, 2 drivers, 4 horses
                                                       1 Cart,                 1       "        2     "

B  Each Battalions
1st Line  9 bicycles
                 1 Maltese Cart  1 driver 1 horse
                2 Water Carts    2   "       4     "
                9 Limb G.S.        9    "      18    "
                1 G.S. Waggon   2    "       4    "
                3 Trav. Kitchens 6    "      12    "
                8 Amm. Pack horses    8 drivers



Each Bn (contd)

Train   4 G.S. Waggons 8 drivers 16 horses

Battalion Personnel (in addition to above)
1 Transport Officer
1 Transport Srgt

John Monash

C.O. 4th Aust. Inft


TO  Brigade major
4th Infty Bde
Day of Month

15th Battn remained in bivouac at
Monash Valley until 3.30 P.M. when
they relieved the 2nd L.H. at Quinn's Post
1 squadron of L.H. remained at the post
in reserve.

H R Carter Major.


No of Message.    12
14th MAY
Received 9 21 am.
Sender's Number. NZQB61
Day of Month. 14th           

Can you supply me this
morning with a copy of
the transport establishment of
one of you battalions aaa
Consequent upon reorganisation
of transport of the division
G H Q require a statement
showing personnel and proposed
FROM                 D.A.Q.M.G.  ANZAC
PLACE & TIME              COVE 9 am


Copy of reply sent per runner
14 5 15

A  Bde HQ 1st Line 1 Cooks Cart           1 driver  2 horses
                                   2 GS Tool Wagons     "       8      "
                                    1 Pack Horse   }      1     "        1       "
                                    for Vet Equipt }
                        Train 1 GS Wagon           2 drivers  4    "
                                     1 Cart                        1       "        2    "
B  Each Bn 
                         1st Line  9 Bicycles
                                       1 Maltese Cart       1 driver  1 horse
                                       2 Water Carts        2      "      4     "
                                       9 Limb GS              9      "      18    "
                                        1 GS Wagon          2      "      4     "
                                        3 Trav Kitchens    6      "      12     "
                                        8 Ammun. Pack Horses  8      "       8     "
                         Train     4 GS Wagons        8      "      16     "

Battalion personnel (in addition to above)
                          1 Tpt Ofer
                          1    "    Sgt



T0  4th Australian Infty Brigade
Report for period 6pm 14-5-15 to
6pm 15-5-15

14 5/15 6p.m. Normal.
In pursuance of arrangements made during afternoon
Troops holding QUINNS POST consisting of
1 Sqdn 2nd L.H. and 350 of 15th Bn, the whole
under Lt Col Cannan OC 15th Bn rushed the
ENEMY trenches at 1.45 am (15th).
Arrangements made & given effect to for
14th Bn on COURTNEY'S POST to give supporting
fire - MG & Rifle - up till 4 a.m. as up to
this hour Enemy reinforcements continued
to accumulate.
The operations at QUINNS POST occupied
from 1-45 a.m. to approximately 3 a.m. and
our assault proved unsuccessful.  L.H.
suffered some 46 Casualties including Major
Graham Killed.
5 a.m.  Normal.
Shortly before noon today Major General
Bridges GOC Australian Division
en route to Headqrs of the Section
was dangerously wounded while
walking up MONASH VALLEY.


TO   Report 6pm 14 }
                   to               } Sheet 2
           6pm 15 5/15     } 
9.30am Orders issued for garrisoning
all posts from the for a period of
48 hours from 11 a.m. today as follows.
COURTNEY'S POST:- By 14th Bn as at present.
POPE'S POST:-              "   1st L. H. Bde
QUINNS POST:-          Post to be relieved at
11 am today by Lt Col Pope, the garrison
consisting of 1 Sqdn 3rd L.H. Reg' and
balance from 16th Bn.  Remainder of
16th Bn to be Local Reserve for this
15th Bn to be prepared to act as further
reserve to either QUINN'S or POPE'S posts
as may be required.
13th Bn. General Reserve at disposal of
Quiet day generally.
6pm normal
JP McGlinn Lt Col
Bm 4th Inft Bde


No of Message.    56
Date 15/5
By 9
At 9. 7 pm.
Day of Month. Fifteenth     
We have finished our sap
and are connected with
QUINN’s. POST AAA  We are now
improving by putting in rifle 
recesses. The trench will be
finally cleaned up tomorrow
morning AAA  In the meantime
the connection is complete

Time      8.55 PM 


 Sch. 4a.
To {Brigade Major
      {4th Infty Bde
Day of Month. Fifteenth     
15t Battn remained at Quinns Post until
relieved by 16th Battn under Col Pope at 
12 noon today.
During the night an assault was made
by 'C' Squadron 2nd L.H. under the
direction of the C/O 15th Battn who provided
the assaulting party with full information
regarding the position & nature of the Turkish
trenches. The operation was divided into
two parties of 30 each R x L which were
to be followed by digging parties of 20
each which were to follow the assaulting
party in the event of them being successful.
A party to bring in the wounded was 
also detailed. The assault took place at
1.45 AM 15th inst but was not successful
& consequently the digging party did not go

out with the exception of a few who brought
in the wounded. The casualties to the
L.H. were 46 Killed & wounded & included Major
Graham who Commanded the party - Killed.

H R Carter Major  


TO { Brigade order
Day of Month. Fifteenth         
For a period of 48 hrs from 11 a.m. on Sat May 15/15, the
garrison’s of posts will be arranged as follows:
Courtney’s post - by 14th Bn as heretofore
Pope’s post - by 1st L.H. Bde
Quinn’s Post - This post will be relieved at 11 a.m.
today by Lt Col Pope, the garrison consisting of
1 Squadron 3rd L.H. Regt & balance from 16th Bn.
Remainder of 16th Bn to be the local reserve for this
15th Battalion will be prepared to act as a further 
reserve to either Quinn’s post or Pope’s post as may
be required.
13th Battalion will remain in general reserve, a
disposal of Brigadier.
John Monash Col.
C.O. 4th A.I. Bde


DUG OUT 15/5/15

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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