Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 5, 6 May - 16 May 1915, Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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GENERAL ROUTINE ORDERS. GENERAL SIR LAN HAMILTON, G.C.B, D.S.O, A.D.C, Commanding Mediterranean Expeditionary Force. General Headquarters, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force. 7th May, 1915. ADSUTANT CENERALS BRANOH. 122. SALUTES. With reference to Standing Orders, Section 5 (4), an impression appears to be prevalent among the troops that, on active service, the paying of compliments is suspended, and considerable slackness has been observed in the matter of saluting. Officers Commanding Units will bring this matter to the notice of their men, and it must be clearly understood that, except when actually employed in active operations, any relaxation in this respect will be met by suitable disciplinary action. 123. TELEGRAMS AND SIGNALS. Telegrams and signals must be properly addressed and must contain a num- ber for reference for reply, and also show name of sender, place, date, and time of despatch. One or more of the above are frequently omitted with consequent delay and confusion. -124. MEDICAL. The following returns are required from Officers in charge of Hospital Ships and temporary Hospital Ships :- (a.) When in Port. To be rendered to D.A.G., G.H.Q., Arcadian. 1. A daily nominal roll of Officers admitted, transferred, or discharged. In the case of admissions and transfers, the nature of the illness or wound will be stated, and whether slight or serious.— The destination of transters will be duly noted. A daily report by letter, stating progress of every sick or wounded Officer. Before sailing, to send wire or signal stating total sick and wounded on board, giving number of cot cases and non-cot cases. All deaths on board must be at once notified by wire or signal and confirmed by letter. In addition, deaths of Officers must be notified by cable to the A. A. G., 3rd Echelon, Alexandria, and confirmed by letter. Notice of deaths of N.C.Os. and men are to be transmitted by letter to the A.A.G., 3rd Echelon, Alexandria. (6.) When en route to Alexandria or Malta. Nominal rolls in duplicate (and in triplicate should the destination be Malta) are to be prepared, giving nature of wounds and whether slight or serious. Separate rolls are required for British, Australian, New Lealand, Royal Naval Division, French, and Turkish wounded. Officers and men may be included on the same roll, but the names of Officers must come first. These rolls are to be disposed of as follows: At Alexandria: 1 copy to A.A.G., 3rd Echelon, 1 copy to A.D.M.S., Base. At Malta: 2 copies to the Disembarking Staff Officer, one of these copies being for transmission to the A. A. G., 3rd Echelon, Alexandria, and and should be so noted on the rott I copy to the D.D.U.S. 2. Accurate records of all deaths and burials are to be kept and handed to the A.A.G., 3rd Echelon, Alexandria Should the destination be Malta, these records, in duplicate, are to be handed to the disembarking Staff Officer at that Port for transmission to the A.A.G., 3rd Echelon. E.M. WOODWARD, Brigadier-General, Deputy Adjutant General, M. E. F. QUARTERMASTER GENERALS BRANCH. (NIL.) S. H. WINTER, Brigadier-General, Deputy Quartermaster General, Mc E. F.
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A O Cane Distance. By Service Instructions n anded in at the T0 who Dnac an 2 FRON PLA TIME M & of such charges and of amounts paid OAMN-ONED 8 A TMSS Army Form C2123. 1D NALS. No. of Message OeS Dtan Sent, or sent out At sad. I.. By Paid out. 13 Returned. Received here at 5,.20/2. Office at wt Dar of Honh tares to Rumber AAA 9.0.C nformation as and seps now vatisn till ep Hi toward nt 13
C. Form. (Original). Reed Pretix from Meano O D.M Distance Service instructions Handed in at the 70 SenterSHimer aol FRON aik 000 CORE Ary Farn C. 2123. MESSACES AND SIGNALS No. of Message Sent, or sent out Office Stamp. E Coleted Paid out Returned Office at Received here at M H X to Number. AAA a an to the tace of the paces headed Dett
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Commanding Mediterranean Expeditionary Force.
General Headquarters,
Mediterranean Expeditionary Force.
7th May, 1915.
With reference to Standing Orders, Section 5 (h), an impression appears to
be prevalent among the troops that, on active service, the paying of compliments 
is suspended, and considerable slackness has been observed in the matter of saluting.
Officers Commanding Units will bring this matter to notice of their men,
and it must be clearly understood that, except when actually employed in active 
operations, any relaxation in this respect will be met by suitable disciplinary action.
Telegrams and signals must be properly addressed and must contain a number
for reference for reply, and also show name of sender, place, date, and time 
of despatch.
One or more of the above are frequently omitted with consequent delay and 

The following returns are required from Officers in charge of Hospital Ships
and temporary Hospital Ships :-
(a.) When in Port. To be rendered to D.A.G., G.H.Q., "Arcadian."
1.  A daily nominal roll of Officers admitted, transferred, or discharged. In the
case of admissions and transfers, the nature of the illness or wound will be 
stated, and whether slight or serious. The destination of transfers will be
duly noted.
2. A daily report by letter, stating progress of every sick or wounded Officer.
3. Before sailing, to send wire or signal stating total sick and wounded on board,
giving number of cot cases and non-cot cases.
4. All deaths on board must be at once notified by wire or signal and confirmed     
by letter.  In addition, deaths of Officers must be notified by cable to the 
A.A.G., 3rd Echelon, Alexandria, and confirmed by letter. Notice of deaths 
of N.C.Os. and men are to be transmitted by letter to the A.A.G., 3rd Echelon
(b.) When en route to Alexandria or Malta.
1. Nominal rolls in duplicate (and in triplicate should the destination be Malta)
are to be prepared, giving nature of wounds and whether slight or serious. 
Separate rolls are required for British, Australian, New Zealand, Royal Naval 
Division, French, and Turkish wounded. Officers and men may be included 
on the same roll, but the names of Officers must come first.
These rolls are to be disposed of as follows:-
At Alexandria: 1 copy to A.A.G., 3rd Echelon, 1 copy to A.D.M.S., Base.
At Malta: 2 copies to the Disembarking Staff Officer, one of these copies 
being for transmission to the A.A.G., 3rd Echelon, Alexandria, and
 and should be so noted on the roll. 1 copy to the D.D.M.S.
2.  Accurate records of all deaths and burials are to be kept and handed to the
A.A.G., 3rd Echelon, Alexandria
Should the destination be Malta, these records, in duplicate, are to be
handed to the disembarking Staff Officer at that Port for transmission to the
A.A.G., 3rd Echelon.
Deputy Adjutant General, M. E. F.
Deputy Quartermaster General, M. E. F.  


 OC 4 Aust. Inf Bde
OC. Units. No 3 Section
Please hand in a written report
of the days proceedings to B.M
R.M.Bde at 6pm each evening.
This to Show Casualties, & details
a general account of all work
done both by ourselves or the enemy
during the previous 24 hours.
M C Festing
B.M R.M.Bde
9 am


In view of 200 men of 16th Bn
having been ordered to / Bch for
Fatigues for an indf time
/ enq by wh / 16th Bn alternates
with the 15th Bn to relieve Quinns
Post in support for ti being. U w
therefore pls arnge to maintain
defences of 5 post out
of 15th Bn only until
further notice.
Note pls to 16th
Bn return to me
1 reliable man each Bn
to rept to Cleave for duty


"A" Form.                                    Army Form C. 2121.
8    MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message

Prefix   Code   m. Words. Charge

This message is on a/c of:


(Signature of "Franking Officer.")

Recd. at     m.



By (56)  

Office of Origin and Service Instructions.


At   m.



TO        4th  INF  BDE

*Sender's Number


Day of Month


In reply to Number



Col Burnage reports that
this morning the Turks are
digging vigorously about
300 yards on his right front
in a North Easterly direction
Otherwise a very quiet night
From     JN      JR     003        [[?]]
Time          13th  Bn
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.  (Z)
Censor.  Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
*This line should be erased if not required.
(73644). Wt.11400-2014. 30,000 B.M.& S. Ltd


 "A" Form.                                    Arm 

Prefix   Code   m. Words. Charge

This message is on a/c of:

8 ..Service.

(Signature of "Franking Officer.")

Recd. at     m.



By (52)  

Office of Origin and Service Instructions.


At   m.



TO        OC 15th Bn 

Sender's Number

 BM 114 

Day of Month


In reply to Number



In view of 200 men of 16th Bn having
been ordered to Beach for ########
fatigues for an indefinite time the
arrangement by which the 16th Bn
alternates with 15th Bn to relieve
Quinn's Post is suspended for time
being AAA You will therefore please
arrange to maintain the defences
of this post out of 15th  Bn only,
until further notice.
Please note pass to 16th Bn 
O.C. 16th Bn to return to me.
J P McGlinn Lt Col
Bde Major
4th Infty  Bde
[*Noted, H Pope Lt Col 
Commdr 16th Bn 
10.5 am

15th Bn*]
Place   Monash Valley
Time  9.45 am     8-5-15 
JH Cannan
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.        (Z)
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
*This line should be erased if not required.
D.362/7.14. - C.7220.


Lieut Col Cannan to
see & return pls
J P McGlinn Lt Col
4th  Infty Bde


8                                                                C.M. Form A 39 (b).
                                                                        Army Form C 2123
 m. (Original.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS  No. of Message




Prefix  Code   Words

Sent, or sent out

At      M.



at  M.

Office Stamp     8/5/15    




Charges for Delivery.


Paid out

Service Instructions.    

From QW

Handed in at the  Office at M.  Received here at 5.20 pM.
TO     Gen Trotman        53

Sender's Number


Day of Month


In reply to Number



Please report for information G.O.C
what progress was made last
night with your saps and
what is the position now
on left of Popes Hill
and Quinns Hill and towards
Turkish trenches in front of
Courtney Hill
From       Div HQ Beach
Time        5.25 pm
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to account by means of Stamps affixed to the face of the form, and
the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery"
and "Charges for Delivery"
*  This line should be erased if not required.
D.362/7.14. - C.7220.


                                                                                                 Army Form C.2123.
C. Form. (Original.)      MESSAGES AND SIGNALS      No. of Message






Prefix  Code   Words

Sent, or sent out

At      M.



at  M.

Office Stamp     8/5/15    






Charges for Delivery.


Paid out

Service Instructions.    

Handed in at the       Office at         M.        Received here at 11M.

Sender's Number


Day of Month


In reply to Number



All quiet last night aaa
Marines on left have five
minor casualties with bombs
FROM     13th Bn
PLACE    6-45 AM
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to account by means of Stamps affixed to the face of the 
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and 
"Charges for Delivery"
*  This line should be erased if not required.


"C" Form. (Original.)                   Army 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.     No. of Message 

Prefix  Code  Words


From  QW


Sent, or sent out

At   m.



Office Stamp.


₤  s.  d.


Charges to collect

Service Instructions

Handed in at        Office        m.         Received  at 8.26 pm.
               COL  MONASH

Sender's Number

 NZG  67

Day of Month


In reply to Number



Col  Lotbinere will be
at the left of the
2nd line of trenches in
your section at 9.30 am
tomorrow AAA Col Lotbinere
will plant a flag at
the end of the sap
in the 2nd line of
trenches AAA   Lieut Newbold
will similarly place a
flag at the end of
the otago trenches on right  AAA
This will give the general
line on which the sap
is to run
FROM                       NZA  DIV  H.Q. Beach
PLACE & TIME        8.5 pm
W. 2384-583. 30.000 Pads - 8/14.   S.B.Ltd. - Forms/C.21223.



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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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