Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 5, 6 May - 16 May 1915, Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Megaden 4f Antestian hiftes Binade pelan cause Referrred Mire Nrtation to be praalgbel Mc ang Mos kan Brigade Mara May 1915 O J Kn atmant Chsckell So Capoadyt Nt Jeplea 15 626. Appl 5 2027/. & promilgall Popleane Copy. 29t b Bde myo ds Beo 75
S Ton Chsions LyFCVL MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Na of Maoo Charges to Pay. Cana 8W 447 A TNeNon Handed in at Ide Serer & Vuiner Daasond SIONGENNSN AAA Nea24 Osle Capt. Tell number of 026 A4A Following tr ribrelwents wilf wich 15 bo offce after on dut 44 mer t en 73m TROM DA.A.C PLAOKETIMN ovE W DoPad St. S.B.Ll-ForCn2s
wh Spl note orepir King lol Bur t M d
15 10 LCof. BURVAOE Pope Defenver Comn from L. Col Co9ExeV 47 Left Section. 5 7 two have made care ful observation from trace of any opervation stations & can see no enemy movemento. the men in the opservation stations sdy that everything has been vroy guiet but that very desultory sniping has been goingon they have noticed n oetirement of enemy no have ther nouged any morments of picks + shoorts to day in the evemy flines. KGdkey & P.M.E Lext setion 5 pm Bryad Mat forwarked tos Pouadies b k ttt e 7//15
Ar Form. Armyi Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message— Ce Prete Reed. at -m. This message in on a/c of: Oe NCMAAESMNESMMM 5002 Date service From ernenre of Fenne Oar 18 419 T0 10 Section Dy AMont SintetGHintryt Lorent to Diner AAA N7C. 232/ Seventy srease submit by sever amy daily a short summary of events in your durinof the past twenty your Section nours ffrom 6Am oy the previous day on day of reparr aas Thedarty to bAM report sent to farmy Corps 40s 15 to be competed from these summaries which should, include a statement of the numbers of hifted and wounded and sick separately FOR NE DIL BERCH Place 1710 Time The aove may be sorwarded as now corrested 12 SiTFEFIMHIEN AMMMISIE DIATN W MILL Comor This line should be crased if not required.
Ar Form. Army Form C. 2121. MAICCENN WIEESAON AND SIGNALS. Nore PS ae Reed. at This message is on ale of: SACEAOMTEMNSENE HSMSANNE 1a0 SoN Servic oo TICMAMTYEFIMHILM OMLTTIBS 70 Capt Gms Report from MCENGHME DAO SIOR SentetoMiter aAA a little bomt Broot shelter was discovered this afternoon by Capi Cun It is flying a small red feay wion sonetty apparently while on it the majnine vearing from Capt Quinn position is North 20 Edot and the distance is twelve to fifteen hindred. You Capt from sujjest his may be Turpish H Drs From PaCC 10 Time The above may be forwarded us now corrected. con amonod irun or non n oa w i. . This line should be erased if not required. SOR M ACo. LA WI. WOIISI -IOMO. a/1L Forms CanpO.
anAaa C.M. Form A. 89. Ar Form. Army Form C 2121. No. of Message. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Charge. Nore - Recd. at This message is on a/c of: Office of Origin and Service Instructions Se Date Dervice 0— III. Atenocon Froman annomooconooooooo Toman Doooooovoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Benin mmnn. Signature of U. Franking Offcer) Dr. H.C. DeyOfMon WReSGWM SenttSNitte AAA sevt PM105 Aolorel Manset dicefecant 1 fat Fenset ratoast It ms t 1 i it From eneal Godley Place Time 11-5/ The above may be forwarded as now corrected. < toin Censor. FMWHO FOVERO OPETON OoINEd to Clerrart t V Nmo. 201.13-OSS This line should be crased if not required.
DO.T.A. States& Returns Cp. please wte brte oo 95 Divisional Poutie Orders by Mafor General Sir d.. Godley20 Comnan and New suand & hstilian Drsiou Angus bove 4t Mact 1913 immustiation conssient ha theen made that me Stake &Returns called for in General Townis Orders 1622 6 and subsequent orders are not being clearly and corver rendered by Many. Muirs Officers Commanding Frigades and Dirsional mints should ensure that these Returns and stikes are rendered by him is they command living to the now comsiction of oform AW.E.D.S. (Rrily Sk Eoro for the General Officer Command t shinate thet efficiency of his oregad before anrseratious. Wiy officers commanding have kept buct eusually Loss (Form 6) ut order to furnish the names oother ranks casualties. This is wrong. he Returie calla for the names of Officers killed and the numbers of other tarlks killed and wounded uhed do dous exsts, the ear resuusl mould not return a man as kutant woued as he may haw been i returge sebarated from his Reign next day The names out roogded, and me
r O.8 A Water Tins 75 Eumunition Tusply Reserning haniaies O11a Disposal of Kenise be shown on Form B213 t be undered each Sunday to the Ad G. 3wechelon M.E. F Alexandria, who will cable priculars to New Zealand, Australia and England. It has come to nonice that waser his exure trmg mantaro nut cremit buit is there only serve to draw the fire of the enemy and indicate our position, strict precautions are to be taken to guard again indiscruuately throwing these hus about he following sussly will be maintainedd & Brigades founds 200 On the man Legmitl Peserve hes rue ando hesan regade commanders will furnish to kwisiouat Headquarters naily not later man 4-30 F.W. at return nowing the amount of ammunition in the Brigade Reverve after the supply carried by the man, and the regumental Reserves have been replenished. Relreuc to the reporting and recording Icasual hes to officers and men, all lightly wrrinded cases win be reported and recorded as follows. Sughtly wounded, but stll at dulif It is notified that the place for delorit of reastules of rubbish for transference to sea is at 403 her in front of trin horss stadguar
Orders3 D. C. No. 12a General Routuie Orders General Koutine Orders dated 4th 5th & 6th May 1915 are issued herewish to 4th Australian Mfenby Brigade, 1s.143 Nival Brigades, Hew Zealand Reldshilery guigade and Sivisional Fram. Muts not i of m as th se na as the A.d. Gs Office, Divisional Headquar Attention is directed to General Kouture Orders 1692. 1094, 1098, No107. 760114 No119 naytot Colonel stank Adgutiont Gare


Brigadier 4 Australian Inftry.
Referred, please cause
these Instructions to be promulgated.
MC Futing.
Major RMLI 
Brigade Major
7 May 1915
O.C. 13th Bn JMA Durrant Capt.
14th Chas MM Dare Capt & Adjt
15th  Jn H Cannan Lt Col 7/5/15
16th GWC  5.30 pm  7/5/15
To please copy & promulgate
J P McG Lt Col
Bde Major
4th Inft Bde


"C" Form (Duplicate).    Army Form C. 2123
Charges to Pay. 
₤   s.  d.
Office Stamp.
Service instructions.

Handed in at           Office    m.   Received  4.35 pm.
TO   4th Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
NZA 211                               7th
Tell Capt Rose number of
gun 1026 AAA Following x l
reinforcements will reach you.
after dusk 15th bn. one officer
48 men 16th Bn. 73 men
O.C. 15th Bn
"  16th "  H Pope Lt Col
To note & arrange please
J P McG Lt Col
Bde Major
4th Inf Bde
5/ 15
FROM                D.A.A.G.  ANZAC 
PLACE & TIME              4 20 p
W. 2384-583. 30.000 Pads - 8/14.   S.B.Ltd. - Forms/C.21223


Capt Rose
To pls note & return
JP McG Lt Col
4th Inf Bde
8 5/15
JM Rose Capt
2-30pm 8/5/15 


To Lt Col. BURNAGE                      7         15   
Comm Pope Defences.
From Lt Col GODFREY               47
Left Section
I have made careful observation from two
observation stations & can see no trace of any
enemy movements.
The men in the observation stations say that
everything has been very quiet but that
very desultory sniping has been going on
They have noticed no retirement of enemy
nor have they noticed any movements of
picks & shovels to-day in the enemy lines.
F R Godfrey
Lt Col
Left Section
5 p.m.
Brigade Major
Forwarded for Information
of Brigadier
HW Burrage  Lt Col
13 Battn


"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   Words
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at     m.
TO      No.  3   Section             49
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
NZG230                             Seventh

Please submit by seven AM daily a 
short summary of events in your
section during the past twenty four
hours from 6 AM on the previous day
to 6 AM on day of report AAA The daily
report sent to Army Corps HQs is to be
compiled from these summaries which
should include a statement of the

numbers of killed and wounded and
sick separately -
From            NZ & A DIV     BEACH
Time             7-10 PM
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.     (Z)
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
*This line should be erased if not required.


"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.

Prefix   Code   Words
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at     m.
Date 7/5/15
By   50
TO       Report from Capt Quinns
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

A little bomb proof shelter was
discovered this afternoon by Capt Quinn
It is flying a small red flag with
something apparently white on it.  The
magnetic bearing from Capt Quinns position
is North 20 East and the distance is
twelve to fifteen hundred yards. Capt Quinn
suggests this may be Turkish HQrs
Time    10PM
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.      (Z)
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
*This line should be erased if not required.
3662 M. & Co, Ltd.  Wt. W929/549-100.000  6/14  Forms C2121/10.


C.M. Form A.39.
"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   Words
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at     m.
TO       Div. H.Q.

*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
Tell Colonel Manders no disinfectant
has yet arrived for General Trotmanns
Section. AAA. It must be expedited.
From General Godley
Time  11-5 AM
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.         (Z)
John Monash
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
*This line should be erased if not required.
D210/9.13. - C.9258


Divisional Routine Orders by
Major-General Sir A J Godley, KMGCS
Commanding New Zealand & Australian
Anzac Cove  
7th May 1915.
(*D.O of A.  
States &  
Returns *)
Complaint has been made that the
States and Returns called for in general 
Routine Orders No 2 & 16 and subsequent
orders are not being clearly and correctly
rendered by many Units.  Officers
Commanding Brigades and Divisional
Units should ensure that these Returns
and States are rendered by Units under
their Command. Owing to the non 
completion of form A.N.Z.D.S. (Daily State)
and Casualty Reports it is often necessary
for the General Officer Commanding to 
estimate the efficiency of his brigade
before any operations.
Many Officers Commanding have kept back
Casualty Lists (Form C.) in order to furnish
the names of other ranks' casualties.
This is wrong. The Return calls for the
names of officers killed and the numbers
of other ranks killed and wounded
It should be furnished daily. Where
any doubt exists the Officer responsible
should not return a man as killed and
wounded as he may have been
separated from his Regiment and returned
next day. The names of other ranks
killed wounded and missing should
[* O.C. 
15th & 16th to
15th Bn
Please note*]
16th GLCarter Lt
11.30 AM
9/5/15 *] 


Orders 2
be shown on Form. B 213, to be rendered
each Sunday to the A.A.G 3rd Echelon, 
M.E.F Alexandria, who will cable particulars 
to New Zealand, Australia and England. 
Water tins*)
It has come to notice that water tins etc. are
left lying on ridges and prominent positions.
As these only serve to draw the fire of the
enemy and indicate our position, strict
precautions are to be taken to guard against
indiscriminately throwing these tins about
The following supply will be maintained
in Brigades
On the man                      200
Regimental Reserve         60    } per rifle
Brigade Reserve                 40   }
Brigade commanders will furnish to Divisional
Headquarters daily not later than 4-30 P.M.  
a return showing the amount of ammunition
in the Brigade Reserve after the supply carried
by the man and the Regimental Reserves have
been replenished
(*D. O
Reference to the reporting and recording
of casualties to Officers and men, all lightly
wounded cases will be reported and 
recorded as follows: "Slightly wounded,
but still at duty."
Disposal of
Refuse *)
It is notified that the place for deposit of
receptacles of rubbish for transference to sea
is at No 3 Pier in front of Army Corps


(*Orders 3
D.C. No. 12A
Routine Orders *)
General Routine Orders dated 3rd 4th, 5th &
6th May 1915 are issued herewith to 4th 
Australian Infantry Brigades, No's. 1 & 3
Naval Brigades, New Zealand Field Artillery 
Brigade and Divisional Train. Units not
in receipt of these orders may see them 
at the A.A.G's Office, Divisional Headquarters
Attention is directed to General Routine 
Orders No 92, No. 94, No 98, No 107, No 114 &
No 119.
E.W.C Chaytor.
Assistant Adjutant General 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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