Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 4, 4 May - 5 May 1915, Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Handed in at Tea Fo ing S FRON t MCK Or Form (Duplicate) Ao. an MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message— CAIRESWOES SReS £ m. Received. Botc f Ela T11 i ou of peptr confinned thr SARGENT ago One ENAH m 2 inplacemu ret a
OFom Onlone MTTTENSN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Na of Mowaro Office Stamp Charges to Pay. Aw "d 5/0/15 ha 250/ Office. Rewt Monast eet SATSNORR TTOASWOTN MASISSANNE PLACKA) W 2,000 Pad 81l. ABLtd-FormMM
il May 1966 2o May Kankine from thr R. Grahan I wish to draw you attention to a field guin, which oberved fom the right section of our trencher. I could only citimate the position through a percopo the suipers are very bad Os should say it is distant about 50 yards. I took the bearing 119 extreme of the right of our treach Y t Hha As there is apparently no attempt to bring this gun action I should into say has been the put out action. P Gahar the Brigade Major 4th Bde For yun information hantn 5515 N
HO 4th Inxt Bde 91 Monash Valley 5.5.15 OC Bde Sigg Noted Homage 5//15 13th Mn Teurah Wal 14t is Mleanty to b 15t T 16t C W. a op1.&e 7t asc anetalin t ft The Brigadier desires to receive from Commanderg Officers as soon as possible reports with full details of gallan conduct or praisewortly discharge of their duties by Officers & Othe Rands Since landig on the allipoli Veninsula up to the present dite, sothes a compretensive report may be made & same in despolches. This applies equally to those killed and Wounders in action of those still active MGhiva Lin Coluel Ade Majir wc Lse
Ar Form. Army Form C. 2121. No. of Message— J MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Charge Norts Reed. at This message in on a/c of: Office of Origin & Service Instructions. 50 Date Service From [31) To 8 Cittttite A Fintas Oterr By 4th Infantry Crigade T0 Wiest to Niner AAA 72 NYA 181 a Turnisn by 3 p.m. Please stabe unitd sharving bis your estim reught officers. sabic hadk and sacanc Cove Time 1145p The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 12 Winpthans tant Sitnature of Addreser Or Persen AutreA AESTEph IN MISNAME Consor This line should be crased if not required M

"C" Form (Duplicate). 
Army F     23. 
No. of Message 
Charges to Pay. 
£   s.   d. 
Office Stamp. 
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at.....    Office.....m.  Received 3.19 P m. 
TO 4 . Bde H Q 
Sender's Number.   Day of Month.   In reply to Number.   AAA 
T12                           JJn                            
Referring to my number T11 today
inplacement referred to is our
work AAA This is confirmed
just come in to my
trenches from implacement 
FROM Major Tilmey 


"C" Form (Duplicate). 
Army Form C. 2123
No. of Message 
5/5 QW 
Charges to Pay. 
£   s.   d. 
Office Stamp. 
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at.....    Office.....m.  Received 3/50p m. 
TO Col Monash
Sender's Number   Day of Month   In reply to Number   AAA 
Thousand sandbags are leaving
for you. 
FROM N Z A Div 3.45pm 
W. 2384-583 30,000 Pads-8/14.  S. B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.


May 5th 1915
To Major Rankine
From 2/Lt R.W. Graham                                                                                      
I wish to draw your attention
to a field gun, which I observed
from the right section of our
I could only estimate
the position through a periscope
as the snipers are very bad, &
should say it is distant about
50 yards.
I took the bearing -119° xx
of the extreme right of our trench

RW. Graham 2/Lt
As there is apparently no
attempt to bring this gun
into action, I should say
that it has been put out
of action.

RW. Graham 2/Lt 
Brigade Major 4th Bde
For your information
R Rankine


H.Q 4th Infty Bde    91
Monash Valley   33
OC Bde Sigs 
Noted [[signature]] 5/5/15
13th Bn [[signature]]
14th " [[signature]] Lt Col
15th " [[signature]]
16th " H Pope Lt Col  [[?]] 16th Bn. AIF
7th asc [[signature]] Lt Col
The Brigadier desires to receive from Commanding Officers
as soon as possible reports with full details of gallant
conduct or praiseworthy discharge of their duties
by Officers & Other Ranks since landing on the
Gallipoli Peninsula up to the present date, so that
a comprehensive report may be made of same in
despatches.  This applies equally to those Killed and
Wounded in action & those still xxxx active.
JM Ghinn Lieut Colonel
Bde Major 4th Inf 5  Bde


"A" Form.    Army Form C. 2121. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.    No. of Message 
Prefix...... Code....... m. 
Words   Charge 
This message in on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Officer") 
Recd. at......... m. 
From...... 31 
Office of Origin & Service Instructions. 
At..... m. 
TO 4th Infantry Brigade 
Sender's Number    Day of Month.   In reply to Number.   AAA 
* NZA 181.                   5/5/15 
Please furnish by 2p.m. a
state showing by units your
estimated strength of officers
and other ranks. 
From N Z & A Divsn 
Place Anzac Cove 
Time 11.45 p.m. 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 
(Z) [[signature]] Thoms Capt]]
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
*This line should be erased if not required. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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