Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 4, 4 May - 5 May 1915, Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. NA OSSnAS Office Stamp ChareSW PAY. 4313 415 in Sames tathat M. Rocdrck Handedin at ASI F BOC WWGWONANN Aaa Nowrth 2916 the maching gun return Please Nelson Battn the tais earty own 1it HAA mothning now tor should be mander he report Dev HG Steo air wereturn hts nead receive further Bath injouctions FRON Dir PLACEATIME 926f Deach W.Sa Da Pads Sil. A. RLld-Forme
-- c7t C.M. Form A. 80. SrForn Army Form C. 2121. Ho. Af MaR MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Nor Ce Pll Cll Reod at Thismessage is on a/e of: Office of Origin and Service Instructions Low DaCnmu mu P ECmunimmN m immn mmm 192 amu Tommmmmmmm mmwee BY. J JNMMIM] SMATuINO OI W. FranKinE OMCEPY T0 4th Brigade H SSANENN CAAtWN SMNGNAN AAA here mo kirions me Sach enot tred tlank right round one Ts d 16th now. the Bealander th New the Reported retired left have 5n is 224 Il Uncess must at taken Ser on mchn oaca savy rigent Las From Place Time < The alove may be servarted as now corrested mo momnmnmnmmmmnd SMIIEAUWANA WI Censor Tts tne should be crased i not required. TAAOW-CO
MESSAGeD AND SIUNALS. Charge oe Rood at This message is on aso of: Ofice a Drigin and Service Instructions Date son Cervice 5 4 Frow mmu Menative M. Frankig OMoOT. 7/OY D.A.S D.A. A.L.HH. DIV. T0 trert tott tot Nn Lonters Mat AAA arrange plea you as up fend to possible many ca and. ha large Jthe 1 it orotet gpgmas £2 at pxesent KRE Joomnpte Geenades in yerved t A detonptors. X af 1 74 X de down this message was taken to Beach by Capt. Pleave. From Place Time an an t pe e a o (2) mum cmmuummimmmm cu Ard Natr o porn a trnad to iarnt p. N0 wre This line should be crased if not required Brentad and cuppiled by Onto A Palden Ild, Alderanat, to plocks of A, 1d. per Blook, to At tho i. Ban1y ROMI1 Ca.
Dr Form Dmr Forn C. D1. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Messag 1 c TMis Mesease is on a/s of. Reed. at. ORECOI OTIIA A SSTHCE IISIMICGN Date Service 8 FromG SMANEOTIIMIV MALITIPY Operation Order No7 Capy No 2 May r General Sir A.T. Godley CB. 122 08 Commanding W2x A Duvision in reply to Number SintetGRinber Day of Month. ANEAC COUA 4 Mdy 2915 N2G 1O3 1. The condermentioned Units & formations will be tempyel ureadrawn s0 mardow 5 may from the IVt & A Divien New Zeal and Infuntry Briguie (includ Brigade Section Devisional signal Coy). i A Bearn Subdivicion N.2. Frela Ambulance 2 the following relief of Troop in sections 152 & then Resend section will take place tomorrow (5 inst Section of Defende Present Gurrim Relievy guirison 2 Coy Auch Regt To be detealed thy Wa.1 General Protman Nelson & Deal Butl N.2. And Brgnde No 2 Clen 2 Copanie Naval Bd. Nelso Balt Rn0 Bears Fatique Pesenn Sec Parties 3 Relief are to be desreed out company by Company under arrangements to be made between the prigadeen now concerned No Company N.2 Tuf. Bde is to be sace relieven till the relieving Company of the Naval Bole Time The above may be Sorwarted as now corrected II Conser Eenaure of Bddres Te T MA F. S TA ANS M FON Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message CMatE This message is on a/e of Reed at Ssr AM M Bstg 00192 F.FTMAHINS SACIT/ BY 242 R FSeAtETNANE DT AHont In reply to Number SIRC Op p 24 aa As Easli company of Mc M2 Tuf Bde in No2 Saction on being relieved will march to the rendleyvous ander mn at ae 227 MD excapt Anchland Batty he stopes Legogn at Dlighto pice the 2 by uncnsand wath now en not section with renderon at BRCW70n PrE& being relievue it later oe 12 now under order resened by Br. Generall al K Frotman companie of the D[42 Bill Navat BHe enguged on any road improvement or futique work will cease work at 12 now & may swill take over the portions. ec of section 2 abbotted to tem not later than 3 p.m. 4. The naval Brigade will leke all boolo and amon- unition in their possession to their new prsition The A2 Gf Ble will hand oeen twls & ammunition in expen of estalushment o the Newe Bde FOM Place Tine The above may be forwarded as now corrected. SAMAR A MANNNAN L Me M Se AAAd IIC S
Ar Form Army Form C. 2121. N0. of Meaase MESSAGES AND SIGNAES Reed at THis Messase is on ale of. TACEA SMTSE, MMNSAN o 449 S MITEOT TMHIN MI S AMON FSudetGNE AAA the Nt Tuf Bde wall take with mem the following Equipment & supplie 200 ras per men as person S.H.A. 100 rds per man in boxe 3500 Ed per M. Gu in belt bosee Tooks As ordered In landay on 25 April 2 provration on person & sufficient Supplie for one meal on board ship Water Bittlesfilled all issue boves supplie & water carried on the person are to be made before leaving the rendeyoom 5. The Auchland pelt which will renderrou at Brighto Pier will be ready to enbart at 82 pr The remainden at square $37 ir 8 will be ready to moveat 8.15 p2p 6. A retun of Troops to be embarked will be prepered before tro o leave the rendervon & forwarded at once to Di, H.O. cce). There is to be no horse, nor is any fire or light to be eallowed at Either rendeyyo or at Bright on Peer The above may be forwarded as now corrected.] (2) CCSET L SERAMEFI METTFTOFTMTMMIMTIREI DISEMIN This tine should be crased it not requra TEMC Ar Form. Army Form C. Li2I. 10. Of MAAE SSAGES AND SIGNALS. Recd. at This message is on a/e of Oce A CaH SENIEE HA Date Service From-&& FO TtAN SAM Dy AMn FSeneiSK AAA for embarkation D. Detaites arrangement issued by 10 an to mone will be f 5c2 Capin apond ais uty at 121 Thast Catone Np1 RN Brighde General Stat 20 B gen latman N2Juf Bde 12eA Ow Aans varaon Deat Hall - Place The Crore may be Corented as M Cortaed Conor Tbis l
1241 EsOROAFVAATIN III 344 WAr Fona. MESSNGES MND SIGNALS. Charre D Co Mor Reed. at This message is on a/e of: OBCOAOSI And SAYISIAStMCNONs Dato - inDervice. 40 C A TM MN CMANT 197 OFFIC/I 70 WHR 5 SeAETHA WEOGBN SHANONN AAA Petrget te Petsier Cancarer Communhgu Say After 3 days batte the Russian completely defeated Khilia Bey Corps in the region of Choudalmas 13000 dead Turks were yound. The pursult coptinues. Lates Petrgaad official In a depperate batke in the rregion of every ower ridg and Carpathians th the left bapt of the Vishula were repulsed. attacks or Me paphued pount Awkuoka SE) Goloretyt in direction of Spigi. Russian Fleet bombarded Bospporous York and caused in explosson in gopt olmas Bothas forces occupfied Junbrgle 6o mile Epetown HK of Windhuch 1on Sunday morning. On the night of the 1t & 2pd the engig in the Darfaneller atacked stronily our position we not only repulsed every attack but drive them back to their position. We are admi into the inferion of the Peninsula Place Rime The about ay be Cr a Me wrat 3 Com TTEE-MMTEN FITTEIT MMMITE WMATMKNIL This line should be erased H not required a Muen a 14 42124
Capt. JESS H.Q. A A L. BOl
Prisuatic Bearings from Popes Hill 246 Left Gun of Batsery <245½5. Dear Tug. Tnnel of Sunken 2476 Fug 4 3 80E Turk Srenches 1810 950 from Popes Htill DrtSo 1850 650. 700£ from Popes Lt Dsig 13th Br Mso this is identical with mevious report 224N3 WP.M. 5/512
Ispecton Vete an 404 1100 to far bagk upports are tegueter. deftenged to Tee edganned property pilf Fare I support tre Than pch in arrack Goe Meapy when ar f 40 ong 4 be frsferte Supports dusouts Dechops togete CH to Heep Copteted te wee X24 t Ten of nt Offeen treacs Neighbour ou ory Exensee ae ip be Thot ofer sine Tarapety Edmot want Pon Maothey caret Wtd be pfed Thents Bayenets guarten are ct close We Goges Mgs i pew a gpan shell pecmer fe pontion 1ek herchin in bank at hom Woe 440 PE Keptirg oope < Heparxes trenche Hight c live 4 8d
Yuth Yn Menche live Inner Continued Fid to Haller be to CovaTHEs up Valle forr highen poss Valley of side North Yereles on be tichef Shouls 67AG to fuf Conshuct rate arrying Any or at hned Officer renain Com arding the in lipy d Homble l showe port 4 back Sure frenoust 6cenpie post a to retef after 15 5t5 Made tncafo wll 40 An Winpy fo nre Sappers fin i t tt o A 6 a

SM   4/5 
Charges to Pay.  
₤   s.   d. 
Office Stamp. 
Service instructions. 
Handed in at            Office    m.   Received 9..26 pm. 
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA 
NZG160                            Fourth 
 Please return the machine gun 
of the Nelson Battn to 
its own Hqrs early 
tomorrow morning AAA 
The Commander should be 
directed to report Div HQ 
en route to rejoin his 
Battn to receive further 
FROM                 Div H Q 
PLACE & TIME Beach 9.25pm 
W. 2384-583. 30.000 Pads - 8/14.   S.B.Ltd. - Forms/C.21223


C.M. Form A.39. 
"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121. 
Prefix   Code   m. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 
Words. Charge 
At   m. 
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Office.") 
Recd. at     m. 
From   195 
TO 4th A.I. Brigade 
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA 
Situation here most serious as 
per reports attached men  
worn out and tired Turks 
getting round our right flank 
between 16th Bn and us. 
Cannot see the 16th now. 
Reported that the New Zealanders 
on our left have retired 
Unless Knoll 224 D5 is 
taken at once we must 
vacate Send instructions 
Casualties very heavy Urgent 
From 13th BATTALION 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
*This line should be erased if not required. 
210/9.13. - C.9258


Prefix   Code   m. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 
Words. Charge 
At   m. 
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Office.") 
Recd. at     m. 
From   196 
TO D.A.D.O.S. 
N.Z & A.Div. 
Will you please arrange 
to send up as  
many cases as possible 
of the large hand- 
grenades with detonators 
complete. AAA At present 
we have ROBURITE grenades 
which are not issued  
with bayoneets detonators. 
(Sgt) J.P. McGlinn 
Lt. Col. 
Bgde Major. 
4th Inf. Bde 
This message was taken down 
to Beach by Capt. Cleave. 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
*This line should be erased if not required. 
Printed and supplied by Gale & Polden Ltd., Aldershot, in blocks of 50, 9d. per block, to fit the "Handy Refill Case.


"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121. 
Prefix   Code   m. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 
Words. Charge 
At   m. 
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Office.") 
Recd. at     m. 
From   192 
TO  2  
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA 
As Each Company of the NZ Inf Bde in No 2 Section 
on being relieved will march to the rendezvous under 
the stripes at square 237.W8. except Auckland Battn 
∨ which will rendezvous at Brighton Pier. 
The 2 Coy. Auckland Battn now in No 1 Section will 
rendezvous at BRIGHTON PIER being relieved not 
later than 12 noon under orders issued by Br General 
Companies of the DEAL Battn Naval Bde engaged 
on any road improvement or fatigue work will cease 
work at 12 noon 5 May & will then take over the 
section  position of Section 2 allotted to them not later 
than 3 p.m. 
4.The Naval Brigade will take all tools and ammunition  
in their possession to their new positions. 
The NZ Inf Bde will hand over Tools & ammunition 
in excess of establishment to the Naval Bde 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
*This line should be erased if not required. 


"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121. 
Prefix   Code   m. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 
Words. Charge 
At   m. 
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Office.") 
Recd. at     m. 
From   192 
TO  Operations Order No 7      Copy No 2 
Major General Sir A.J. Godley CB.KEMG. 
Commanding NZ & A Division         
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA 
NZG 163                                                        ANZAC OOVE   4 May 1615 
1.The Undermentioned Units & Formations will be 
withdrawn temporarily tomorrow 5 May from the NZ & A Division 
New Zealand Infantry Brigade (including 
my Brigade Section Divisional Signal Coy). 
A Bearer Subdivision N.Z.Field Ambulance 
2.The following reliefs of Troops in Sections 1 & 2 & the 
Reserve Section will take place tomorrow 5 inst 
Section of Defence    Present Garrison      Relieving Garrison 
No 1                                 2 Coys Auck Regt    To be detailed by
                                                                              General Trotman 
No 2                                 N.Z.Inf Brigade         Nelson & Deal Battn
                                          (less 2 Companies)   Naval Bde 
Reserve Sec                   Nelson Battn - RND  Beach Fatigue 
3. Reliefs are to be carried out Company by Company 
under arrangements to be made between the Brigadiers 
concerned. No Company NZ Inf Bde is to be 
relieved till the relieving Company of the Naval Bde 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
*This line should be erased if not required. 
"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121. 
Prefix   Code   m. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 
Words. Charge 
At   m. 
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Office.") 
Recd. at     m. 
From   192 
TO  2 
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA 
As Each Company of the NZ Inf Bde in No 2 Section 
on being relieved will march to the rendezvous under 
the stripes at square 237.W8. except Auckland Battn 
∨ which will rendezvous at Brighton Pier. 
The 2 Coy. Auckland Battn now in No 1 Section will 
rendezvous at BRIGHTON PIER being relieved not 
later than 12 noon under orders issued by Br General 
Companies of the DEAL Battn Naval Bde engaged 
on any road improvement or fatigue work will cease 
work at 12 noon 5 May & will then take over the 
section  position of Section 2 allotted to them not later 
than 3 p.m. 
4.The Naval Brigade will take all tools and amm- 
unition in their possession to their new positions. 
The NZ Inf Bde will hand over Tools & ammunition 
in excess of establishment to the Naval Bde 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
*This line should be erased if not required.


"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121. 
Prefix   Code   m. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 
Words. Charge 
At   m. 
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Office.") 
Recd. at     m. 
From   190 
TO  3 
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA 
The NZ Inf Bde will take with them the following 
Equipment & supplies 
S.A.A.       200 rds per man on person 
                  100 rds per man in boxes 
                  3500 rds per M.Gun in belt boxes. 
Tools         As ordered for landing on 25 April. 
Supplies  2 Iron rations on persons & sufficient 
                   for one meal on board ship. 
Water        Bottles filled. 
All issues tools supplies & water carried on the 
person are to be made before leaving the rendezvous. 
5.The Auckland Battn which will rendezvous at 
Brighton Pier will be ready to embark at 8.30pm 
The remainder at Square 237 W8 will be ready to 
move at 8.15pm. 
6.A return of Troops to be embarked will be prepared before Troops 
leave the rendezvous & forwarded at once to Div H.Q. 
7.There is to be no noise, nor is any fire or light to be 
allowed at either rendezvous or at Brighton Pier. 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
*This line should be erased if not required. 
"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121. 
Prefix   Code   m. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 
Words. Charge 
At   m. 
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Office.") 
Recd. at     m. 
From   188 
TO  4 
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA 
8. Detailed arrangements for embarkation 
will be forwarded issued by 10am tomorrow 
5 inst. 
Copies issued as under at 11.30p. 
RN Brigade          No 1 
Br Gen Trotman        2  
NZ Inf Bde.                 3 
ADMS.                         4 
Deal Batt.                   5         
Lieut Colonel  
General Staff  
NZ & A Div  
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
*This line should be erased if not required.


"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121. 
Prefix   Code   m. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 
Words. Charge 
At   m. 
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Office.") 
Recd. at     m. 
From   197 
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA 
Petrograd May 4th Russian Caucasian Communique says 
After 3 days battle the Russians completely defeated 
Khalia Bey's Corps in the region of Choridalmas 
13000 dead Turks were found. The pursuit continues. 
Lake Petrograd official In a desperate battle in the 
region of Lower Nida and Carpathians the enemy's 
attacks on the left bank of the Vistula were repulsed. 
We captured Mount Awkuoka S.E of Golorefyt 
in direction of Strigi.  
Russian Fleet bombarded Bosphorous forts and 
caused an explosion in Fort Elmas.  
Capetown Botha's forces occupied Junbingle 60 miles 
N W of Windhuch on Sunday morning. 
On the night of the 1st & 2nd the enemy in 
the Dardanelles attacked strongly our position 
We not only repulsed every attack but drove 
them back to their position. We are advancing 
into the interior of the Peninsula 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
*This line should be erased if not required. 
(73644). Wt.11400-2014. 30,000 B.M.& S. Ltd


Capt. JESS 
H.Q. 4TH  A I. BDE


Prismatic Bearings from 
Pope's Hill 
Left Gun (?) or Battery   {246° 
Rear Trig.                            {245½° 
Funnel of Sunken            247° 
Turk trenches 
850x from Pope's Hill      181° 
650-700x from Pope's    185° 
RG Leggat Lt 
MGO  13th Bn 
This is identical 
with previous report 224.N5. 
5/5/15 W.J.M.L


Notes on Inspection 5-5-15- 
1.Supports are too far back & do not 
seem properly organized & detailed to trenches. 
Men in support stray over hill & are 
not ready when an attack comes. The 
dugouts for supports ought to be properly 
constructed to keep Sections etc together. 
Officers do not seem to know where the 
enemies & our own neighbouring trenches 
Parapets cannot be shot over in some 
cases & want smoothing down. 
Bayonets should be fixed when we 
are at close quarter. 
2.A field gun might be brought into 
position & fire percussion shell 
point blank at Turks trenching on 
3.Reserves & troops resting 
might occupy trenches of 2nd 


4.Inner line Trenches on South 
side of Valley to be continued 
higher up valley to join COURTNEY'S  
post - 
Trenches on North side of Valley 
up to OTAGO trench should be 
Garrisons or at any rate 
Commanding Officers should remain 
as long as possible in the 
same post & should go back 
to a post previously occupied 
after relief - 
5. An endeavour will be made to  
find more sappers for mining. 
A G Lathbury 
Aif Engr 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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