Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 4, 4 May - 5 May 1915, Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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To Br 2 887 trorng 17 y tie m no the Tha Hehen 5with hulmber which nor 6o o tit ppittion to tmaks fet ap 4o ter
Ho Nor Artillery Stack yre tlean o 7 30 4 pa
May 198 unofficial Dear Col Monash I dant know y the inner line on my side is occupied of the light Herse asI presume it woild be- Its not my affair hence this personal note Eteanty o thel
Cst Mn 72424
A.F. A 2012 114/Gcn. No. 15248 The address only to be writ ten on this side. I1 anything eter isadded, Me post card will be destroyed. FIELD POSTFCAR Matte
NATHINAis to be written on this side except the dats and signature of the sender. Sentences not required may be crased. If anything also is added the post card will be destroyed. in quite well. I have been admitted into hospital sick and am going on well wounded) and hope to be discharged soon I am being sent doun to the base. (raster dated. I have received your L tetegrdm Mrclbn Letters follows at first opportunity. I have received no letter from you FVateby. for a long time Signature only.) Whohon 4 May 5 1 MPostage must be prepaid on any letter or prst card addressed to the sender of this card.) 16464) Wt. W3497-233 1 room, 12114 F.T. & Co., Itd.
Be156 6 s WAARTAN AD HY FAAND ART COAPS. IW9 Headquarters, o 1010. From Briz,-General General Starf, A. 8N. 2. 40 rounot Jeadgriors r Brision a Lan M. Stor E S, Fts br S last Ofeor on Me ay come Readmartoro blart, n whe boing carried out Cooke trerches, intended for fire trenches, have been 149 o deepened so mich that Hire from then is impossible, even if the earth parapet vere anovelled anay,O.Nad 2. In nearly all cases the Front lads of the tregch has been burrored into, to eire ester from anfrm l tg interfores considerable with the possibility of fettils out of the tren- ches to weet a baronet attact or to Edft geMack uiess palles forgor ove, wro prorage to oler on to. Trenches on the forward alopes must be constructed so that ad syt e bo aouct on to Mo Copo 16o0l. The maserity only allow for, fire at the opposite crest. If trenches are really P (at pheso rango, abetential overnead cover must be So Hadeovering the mole trench ir possible. Mr Ai oggs Me Eran Men MisL Alspos of tT Bear Analde the trench in recesses, etc. Rifles, accoutrements, and a- antes mist be similarly dis osed, as some are being damaged Sr by rirle and sholt rise. There are also a Large nuimber of Spare Firles, accoutre mants,and ammunition, water tins, Discuit boxes, etc., etc. lyins near around trenches. These should be collected and buried or burnt or sent into store at once. the situation of the trenches is hopelessly given away by this debris. as C anaa hen —Lieut-Colonel, p. for Brfgfp ral. Gep: Starf, 20t do
272 AG Womman puil) Cony No1 Section of Defence a1e MSAFON Forwarded t the pouits the goc. Fnst will neceive therein mentioned ans no reemror so soes muneate attetio O a0r0) Med Ored AatnEEt OrH SoH DeAA to od o a w ore it thnans 9 D D JDlr A to der Frort edt sease Ils Vizsen al.8 wd eat to Beach. cn ort oetal Denores serotretal 1 WIIMissey ot At eldarablaros ers ods 20 evol 55 May 1465 os 20 Loessa senored a teen of seds Chsut tt add no redoner o af baw hads oe betsintance a astnd tln &lao Wizan SALHleatt ego) Referred 4 5e oxH5o WIlsey exs scdonert 11 -Jacre e. d sa oldisses il drest lo e a 22 T BrsaIrenThoooaelII oteseaoeyni done Denanab Erlef ers enos as bene ath Vaslint od tep LLieds Bre Ot t SAttbOS CIt Oge To Tedt Sgtt a oats ona Crt ote ose soxed Ihoald ant res lta Das Deteelies of Lluads OASAT Betnert BtS ROH SAI oom ta vess atat tos ve trued te sorred ne worts Elecoleged at ad a t a Rises aldt lorLOUSL 3940 2 4
CFerm. On the Pittory Vices to the officer in char anded in at the T0 Senttr, Dumber FROM PLACE TIME DSOTL-AMA AN Des o Son C.M. Form A sO Army Form O2123. SONHS Na of Message ORCSSE t the same, may be made at id be made in writing and addressed oh inquiries or complaint. 2ad Charged Received here at aeat 20 AAA rass 2
16 Dm 85 4 Austaatim MeO.C W 194 obe Infanty 140 troop then the kleef efit the detion remaing 140 wl be suppled by Marn arranghments wer be made ribelly tthen lambrna Employment Iti M. B M 5.15 far

To Brig Head Quarters
8.50pm  4/5/15|

This mark the enemy have a large
number behind the drop in
the ground which is well concealed from all our
positions If a Machine Gun officer comes along we may
be able to make a position for a gun
H Quinn


Navy                      7.30 - 7. 4.5.

Horse & Artillery     7.45 to 

Attack              }     7.30pm
leave here      } 


Dear Col Monash
I dont know if the
inner line on my side
is occupied by the Light
Horse as I presume it
would be-
Its not my affair
hence this personal note
RI Canting

Lt Col


Col. J. Monash



A.F. A. 2042
114/Gen. No./5248

2 [[?]]99JE15

[[?]] [[MA R 5?]]


24 MY 




[*Hotel Australia

[*The address
only to be written
on this side.
If anything else
is added, the
post card will be

Mrs Monash
St Georges Road
Melbourne Australia


NOTHING is to be written on this side except the
date and signature of the sender. Sentences
not required may be erased. If anything
else is added the post card will be destroyed. 

 m quite well.
I have been admitted into hospital
{sick          } and am going on well
{wounded} and hope to be discharged soon.
I am being sent down to the base.
                                       {Letter  dated
I have received your {telegram "
                                       { parcel      "  
Letters follows at first opportunity.
I have received no letter from you
{for a long time
Signature }
only             } John Monash
Date  May 5/15

(Postage must be prepaid on any letter or post card
addressed to the sender of this card.)
(6464) Wt. W3497-294 1,000m 12/14 F.T. & Co., Ltd.


[*Bo150  6 5  15   5
initial 3 


Anzac Cove, 5th. May, 1915.
From Brig.-General
General Staff,
A. & N. Z. A. C.
To: Headquarters.
Australian Division.
N. Z. & A. Division.
The following are some remarks by a Staff Officer on the
Army Corps Headquarters Staff, on trench work being carried out.
1. Some trenches, intended for fire trenches, have been
deepened so much that fire from them is impossible, even if
the earth parapet were shovelled away.
2.  In nearly all cases the front face of the trench has been
burrowed into, to give cover from shrapnel. This interferes
considerable with the possibility of getting out of the 
to meet a bayonet attack or to counter attack, unless 
special boxes, etc. are provided to step on to.
[*Bde Sigs ASC to note JPMcG total Bm 4th Bdg*]
3. Trenches on the forward slopes must be constructed so that 
fire can be brought on to the slope itself. The majority only 
allow for fire at the opposite crest. If trenches are really
commanded at close range, substantial overhead cover must be 
made, covering the whole trench if possible.
4. In occupying the trenches men must dispose of their gear inside 
the trench in recesses, etc.  Rifles, accoutrements, and ammunition 
must be similarly dis osed, as some are being damaged 
by rifle and shell fire.
There are also a large number of spare rifles, accoutrements,
and ammunition, water tins, biscuit boxes, etc., etc.
lying near around trenches. These should be collected and
buried or burnt or sent into store at once.
The situation of the trenches is hopelessly given away by
this debris.
 [[Q Steen?]]
for Brig-General, Gen.Staff,
A. & N. Z. A. C.
*AS.C  WMcMorley Bm
*A Stern


Br Gen Trotman RMLI
Comdr No1 Section of Defence
The G.O.C trusts that the points
therein mentioned will receive
immediate attention.
WJ Braithwaite Lt Col

Div H.Q.       }
Beach.         }  II
3.15pm         }
5th May 1915}    _
O.C 4 Aust INF. BDE.
Referred for action please
MC Futing
5 Pm.  5.5.15



    C.M. Form A 39 (b).
Army Form C 2123
C Form (Duplicate) MESSAGE AND SIGNALS No. of Message  .....
  Office Stamp
Inquiries respecting this Message, or application for repetition of same, may be made at  
the Delivering Office; but any complaint as to its delay, &c., should be made in writing and addressed
to the officer in charge. In either case this form must accompany such enquiries or complaint.
    £ s. d.
Service Instructions. Charges}
to pay}
Handed in at the   Office at   M. received here at    M.
TO {  4 Inf Bde
Sender's Number. Day of month. In reply to Number.  AAA
 My Co. have been here
 since last Wednesday and it
 was intended to let the
 Co. go in a rest
 camp for a couple of of
 days AAA The 16th Bn
 are here to relieve please 
FROM  Captn Quinn

5  16

BM 85
To The O.C. 4 Australian
Infantry Bde
90 men 140 troops to
support the relief station- The
remaining 140 will be supplied
by Marines, & arrangements will
be made verbally as to their combined
M.C. Futing

6 am   5.5.15

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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