Diary of Herbert Alexander Affleck, 1916 - Part 11

First World War, 1914–18
  • War Diaries
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SEPTEMBER A Aont. 186 SEPTEMBER S AS WAAGE SATORDAT 210.120 SIISUNDAYLURIYI position e D add position near 2 Woosmere Jereccle Left Xattached to nothing much doing some distance away glust artilier sosiionaltho there bleaningup. seems to be any amount gins of different Went down to wayon tietcalie on like with messag aso. Rec for pay Brought up some mail for self.
SEPTEMEER 9th Month—1916 41MONDAY 1G 24S-118 Wet In adv position near Noornezecle tings quiet all about hare stcasional she ver some into ypre Dea Wounezeele there a Ester cementri the p pertel het of this reg burred there, gassed when Hens first sent it wer on this front SEPTEMEER 1916—30 Daysile OIS OTUESDANEI 219-117 as Nio ad 6 ezecle as very quiet after Went walk overt begard Chatcan about 1 mile place siecr e old artificke lake beautiful 8 a gardens. Dn Dupker e3 ad a letter from Nome rom yours
ISEPTEMEER 9th Month— 1916 Fi OTWEDNESDAVETEo 16 In advposite hear Voormezcele nithing doing much few planes over. lent mostlyene ow Huns shell ours freely Had a walk over canal towards Bedford Asu everinng M MSSN SEPTEMBER TIDHURSDAYAEESIIS me Dade position- near amezsele ecceved a letter from home dated 25 July ses mothers enclosed We caried some firewood Cm Canal
SEPTEMBER 9th Month—1916 E8-IFRIDAY TC252-114 Fine Sn add 13 at Nosinezll about $1200 gds from fiont dine Sallets wher I fairly close p sonetor Retion cast comes every2 night other nightsth water cast. ent into Dickeburch even g to canted got several things MMSM SEPTEMBER ie OSATURDARA BSS-IIS advposition war Mormeneele nothing much doing Maie closed for aushalia wrote letter & card home
SEPTEMBER 9th Month— 1916 Fine TO SONDAINESHE Tisky day In advanced her tacked tos B hothing doing Forter & myself Pwent ypres thits afternoo ato via 6. 1Bby to canteen Had to look around every building in town secms to have been stelled, Ian told only ore house has not been bit run ever lack at the Cltt. Hall Cathedral, got some convenees on cathedtual very few shells did not appeal to have been shelled for some Thas concealed in ne 1916-30 Daysl SEPTEMEER WMONDATUEYESSIII me Quihe, clear Huns have hwo tite battows up ye plares over mostly ewesething p 14 my guist indeed sways over at night
SSERMPEN 9th Month—1916 RTTUESDAYAYRS6-MO Fine In adv position near Tooengfcele Things quiet, batteries in lear firing abit Hans replied to thiekfird fell shll Working on inprovement to per our sleepr quarters, had hot bath M SEFTRIERR Fine WNESRSNS MSSINS Im ady posihon nean oroficle Wernting to awent irnce things very quuet
SEPTEMEER StN MOMIN-ISIE Rany AATHURSDARIA2SS 108 In Dsubpit Hoomeezelle to be relleved today pleased never fred a shot. Hent to wagon line walked pulled kip on inprovised cort left 7.30 atr 3.45 had coffees turedin Reciived letter from home SEPTEMEER 1916—30. Daysl Fie GISNFRIDANIAESDIOT wagon line tthing much don werobe chaffcutter.
SEPTEMEER 9th Month—1916 Fie IOSATURDARLLTESONO Io wagor lime In D. Mo. fatigue site Mrs eninghelst to 4 dimp wate inquires for Indsay rocated him weent to Odntsen Reciived letter from Mother dated, August 3 16. paper from wlsic 4/9/16 Cpl France T Military yr Howell Medals Ba to H. Parry Deiro 18DO SEPTEMEER eng tain Cady MSuNbAA 2D ecieved I letter nowe wagon line, wnt Promoted this day to Temp B e Lawlinson last night qret Hells digpped near Warked into a Dickebuch evening had a lock at the village Church had been shelled, beautiful standed glass windows also beells Belfry saw long beam on post for holding tiget for archers of village, contest wery year saw dlso large 12th dowz. on Nailway shells about 4 feet long Don. 14,000 code at rear of house But
SISTSSR MIMEM WOFISIMONDAV A.202104 in wagon tine neartudin General wark abouut tir T MSMSM SRMSP Hery 1 ORSDNN A. SOIOD iwagen line near Onderan nceal writatout times wilked rp Rengh euanig so concert regalar rough turn out recieved letter from dated 7/2/16
SEPTEMBERE 8th MonEIORE Mewsilef WADUESDAF2OF102 In wason live near Ondege wentleng if wagon to R.6. Went to W Li WE ly about 3howes osit tenckes at Feristraat hada long wet bike side in dark tsappeintaciat sc ing iim SEPTEMBERE 1916½-30 Days i Jue 21 THbSDAECISSS. WOL he wagon lime near Anderan General work about line Bewmang Finton ing walked into Bning febet in eening sappied st camei to Bul E Fetson went on leave ro ongland received letter from bad

SEPTEMBER 9th Month—1916 
Fine 2 SATURDAY 246-120 
In position near RX. 
Left X attached to 5th 
some distance away 
Cleaning up 
Went down to wagon line 
on bike with message 
also rec for pay. 
Brought up some mail 
none for self. 

1916—30 Days SEPTEMBER 
3 SUNDAY 247-119 
In adv position near 
Nothing much doing 
very quiet artillery 
position altho' there 
seems to be any amount 
of guns of different 


SEPTEMBER 9th Month—1916 
Wett 4 MONDAY 248-118 
In adv position near 
Things quiet all about 
here occasional shell 
over some into Ypres 
Near Voormezeele there  
is a cemerty cementry 
the property of 
P. P. C. L. I  there are a  
lot of this reg buried  
there, gassed when
Huns first sent it 
over on this front. 

1916—30 Days SEPTEMBER 
5 TUESDAY 249-117 
In adv position near 
Things very quiet after 
Went walk over to Segard 
Chateau about 1 mile 
over fine old place 
artifical lake & beautiful 
old gardens. on outskirts 
of Ypres 
Had a letter from Nonie 
from Young.


SEPTEMBER 9th Month—1916 
Fine 6 WEDNESDAY 250-116 
In adv position near  
Nothing doing much 
few planes over 
but mostly our own 
Huns shell ours freely 
Had a walk over canal 
towards Bedford house 

1916—30 Days SEPTEMBER 
Fine 7 THURSDAY 251-115 
In adv position near 
Recieved a letter from home 
dated 25th July.  
Nonies mothers enclosed 
We carried some firewood 
from Canal


SEPTEMBER 9th Month—1916 
Fine 8 FRIDAY 252-114 
In advd position near 
about 1200 yds from front 
Bullets whizz fairly 
close to position 
Ration cart comes every 2nd 
night other nights the 
water cart. 
Went into Dickebusch 
this evening to canteen 
got several things 

1916—30 Days SEPTEMBER 
Fine 9 SATURDAY 253-113 
In adv. position near 
Nothing much doing 
Mail closed for Australia 
wrote letter & card 


SEPTEMBER 9th Month—1916 
Fine 10 SUNDAY 254-112 
Misty day - 
In advanced position 
attached to 6th Bty. 
Nothing doing 
Foster & myself went 
into Ypres this afternoon 
via 6th Bty. to canteen 
Had a look around every building 
in town seems to have been 
shelled, I am told only one house 
has not been hit ruin everywhere 
we had a look at the Cloth Hall 
& Cathedral, got some souviners 
O.P on Cathedral, very few 
shells did not appear to have 
been shelled for some 
time, guns concealed in  
houses etc. 

1916—30 Days SEPTEMBER 
Fine 11 MONDAY 255-111 
Quite clear. 
Huns have two kite ballons 
Few planes over mostly 
ours. otherwise things 
very quiet indeed 
few strays over at 


SEPTEMBER 9th Month—1916 
Fine 12 TUESDAY 256-110 
In adv. position near 
Things quiet, batteries 
in rear firing abit 
Huns replied to thier fire 
fell short. 
Working on improvements 
to pit our sleeping 
quarters, had hot bath 

1916—30 Days SEPTEMBER 
Fine 13 WEDNESDAY 257-109 
In adv position near  
Writing to Aunt Annie 
Things very quiet


SEPTEMBER 9th Month—1916 
Rainy. 14 THURSDAY 258-108 
In B sub pit Voormezelle 
to be relieved today. pleased 
never fired a shot. 
Went to wagon line walked 
& pulled kits on inprovised 
cart. left 7.30 arr. 8.45. 
Had coffee & turned in 
Recieved 1 letter from home 

1916—30 Days  SEPTEMBER 
Fine 15 FRIDAY 259-107 
In wagon line 
Nothing much doing 
broke chaff cutter.


SEPTEMBER 9th Month—1916 
Fine 16 SATURDAY 260-106 
In wagon line 
On Qa Ms' fatigue 
rode thro' Reninghelst. to 
A.S.C. dump made inquires 
for Lindsay located him 
went to canteen. 
Recieved 1 letter from Mother 
dated August 5th 16 
1 paper from Elsie 
Cpl Frame         }   Military 
Gnl A. Howell    }   Medals  
Bds H. Parry      } for Pozeieres 

1916—30 Days SEPTEMBER 
evening rain Mr Gemnal  xxxxxxxx 
Cloudy. 17 SUNDAY 261-105 2 papers bleu 
 Recieved 1 letter Nonie 
In wagon line, stunt last night 
Promoted this day to Temp. Bdr
vice Rawlinson  last night 
Things quiet, shells dropped near 
Walked into to Dickebush 
evening had a look at the 
village Church had been 
shelled, beautiful stained  
glass windows also bells 
in Belfry. saw long beam 
on post for holding target 
for archers of village, contest 
every year. saw also large 
12" Howz. on railway, 
shells about 4 feet long 
Rgn 14,000 
Episode at rear of house Bull


SEPTEMBER 9th Month—1916 
Wet 18 MONDAY 262-104 
In wagon line near Ouden 
General work about lines 

1916—30 Days SEPTEMBER 
Showery 19 TUESDAY 263-103 
In wagon line near Ouderman 
General work about lines 
Walked into Reninghelst 
in evening to concert. 
regular rough turn out. 
Recieved letter from Nonie 
dated 7/9/16


SEPTEMBER 9th Month—1916 
Showery 20 WEDNESDAY 264-102 
In wagon line near Oudeman 
went in chg of wagon to R.C.s 
Went to pay & find Lindsay 
missed Btn by about 
3 hours had gone into 
trenches at Veristraat 
had a long wet bike ride 
in dark Disappointed at 
not seeing him 

1916—30 Days SEPTEMBER 
Fine 21 THURSDAY 265-101 
In wagon line near Ouderman 
General work about lines 
Browning, Linton & myself 
walked into Reninghelst 
in evening. 
Taffied Gnr came in to Bat 
Cpl Nelson went on leave 
to England. 
Recieved letter from Dad.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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