Diary of Herbert Alexander Affleck, 1916 - Part 10
AUGUST 8th Month—1916
Fine 9 WEDNESDAY 222–144
At Val-de-Masion
left there for St Léger
in morning. took a turn
at driving. went thro'
Havernas & Pernois & Canaples
to St Leger arrived about
3 pm in wagon line
thro' village -
not payed
1916-31 Days AUGUST
Fine 10 THURSDAY 223-143
In St Léger
On review in front of
General Walker on
manouvre ground
congratulated on work etc
& condition of horses.
General Hobes on parade
21st Bde & 3rd Bde on
moved wagon lines
nearer village, better
position. paid for small
billet 200 yds from lines
from old lady. good
position also.
recieved letter from
AUGUST 8th Month—1916
Fine 11 FRIDAY 224-142
In rest camp at St Leger
working on wagons and
guns etc. cleaning up.
Did not have a look
at village
Several large factories
in town
jute manufactories
sacs etc.
Recieved papers
1916–31 Days AUGUST
Fine 12 SATURDAY 225-141
In rest camp at St Léger
cleaning wagons & gun
laying up on manouvre ground.
Had a look round town in
evening, some decent shops
no stores to cope with rush.
Payed in evening. 40 frs
settled up mess a/c.
Mess up with Gnr Heffernan
resisting guard.
AUGUST 8th Month—1916
Fine 13 SUNDAY 226-140
Rained during last night
In rest camp at St Leger
Went out at 11 am to
manouvre for manouvres
till 2 pm back to
camp. On guard tonight
6 pm
1916–31 Days AUGUST
Showery 14 MONDAY 227–139
On guard camp St Leger
Bty stopped in.
Got word about moving
tomorrow. for firing
line again
Mail to close tomorrow.
Reinforcements arrived in
Bty from camp at
Old Bty fellows -
Wrote home also F.S.
" Lindsay F.S.
AUGUST 8th Month—1916
Showery 17 THURSDAY 230-136
In wagon line Albert
near old one
Did not go up to guns
12" did a bit of firing
Hun plane brought down
21st Bde pretty well
together but a good
way from positions
Our gun position just at
rear of Contalmacion
near Mametz wood.
1916—31 Days AUGUST
Rainy 18 FRIDAY 231-135
In wagon line near
Nothing much doing
Had a look round
Albert. at Cathedral etc.
damage great —
Big gun Grandmother
often fires. planes &
ballons observing
AUGUST 8th Month—1916
Fine 19 SATURDAY 232-134
In wagon line near Albert
Went up with wagons to
guns big air raid by
our planes counted
31 of different kinds
Smoke attacks towards
Thiepvalle —
20th Monday.
Fine In wagon line
near Albert.
went up to guns with
1916—31 Days AUGUST
Fine 20 SUNDAY 21 Monday 233-133
In wagon line near Albert.
Misty day.
Hun aeroplanes. 5. came
over & dropped bombs.
some in Albert others
on wagon lines near
us. 7th Bty had heavy
casualities total 28
killed & wounded about
14 killed & died. 17 horses
casualities, several
casualities in Albert also
one of Hun planes
brought down while
Had a letter from Aunt
Annie from Edinbrough
AUGUST 8th Month—1916 Fine 21 MONDAY 234-132 In wagon line near Albert. nothing much doing went into
A lot of hun 4.2 ammo
brought down to wagon
line captured stuff
1916—31 Days AUGUST
Fine 22 TUESDAY 235-131
In wagon line near Albert
Nothing much doing
went up with wagons
to guns, had a glimpse
at 75 m.m. guns
saw some of R.A.A. Howz.
Had a letter from home & one
from Bess also paper.
photo of Lins
Saw., big double
engined areoplane
AUGUST 8th Month—1916
Fine 23 WEDNESDAY 236-130
In wagon line near Albert
On guard
Preparing to move out
Payed 40 Francs 48£
Great rumours as to our
next position
Lived well in this
wagon line.
Moved out about 5 p.m
marched thro Albert first and
Bouzincourt & camped for
night half way near
some beautifully made
trenches probably by
1916—31 Days AUGUST
Fine 24 THURSDAY 237-129 In wagon lines Albert
In bivouac between
Albert & Bouzincourt
reveille early moved off
at 6 a.m. towards
Doullens via Bouzincourt
Forceville, Acheux etc.
arrived Authieule about
4 p.m. Our Bde close to village
about 8 Kilos from Doullens
camped in canvas huts
(A.S.C. souviner maker)
touch of diahorrea
AUGUST 8th Month—1916
Showery 27 SUNDAY 240-126
Left bivouac at Authoville
early morning reveille at
3.30 am
Marched to Doullens
left section went ahead
2 hours. we entrained
& left Doullens at about
1 p.m had Inf. assistance
loading guns etc. rode with
vicheles, rained on way
Route lay thro Burgette Do. Pol
Hazebourck thence to
Proven via Godeweldt
Godewaersvelde, Caestre,
by seige railway detrained
at Proven. thence by road
arrv. dusk, 8.30 pm. dep.
1916—31 Days AUGUST
bought post cards 28 MONDAY 241-125
to Dickebusch via Poperinghe
arrv. 12 6 p.m several chaps
on peg for missing train
en route
Had a hurried look around
French leave
28 Monday
at Dickebusch
general clean up. & fixing
Things fairly quiet.
missing men turn up.
Recieved 1 letter from
9 July post, Mothers enclosed
1 parcel from home
1 " " Edinbrough
from Aunt Annie
AUGUST 8th Month—1916
Fine St 29 TUESDAY 242-124
In wagon line
Grazing horses.
Good estaminet on
ground Belge,
Dog wheel. for churn
saw working
Missing men up before
C.O. avg. 7 days.
On guard evening 1st shift
Things quiet, great
many flares sent
up, parachute,
1916—31 Days AUGUST
Wet. 30 WEDNESDAY 243-123
On guard.
Gas alarm last night
claxton horns going
Grazing horses etc
General fatigues
nothing of event
AUGUST 8th Month—1916
Fine 31 THURSDAY 244-122
In wagon line
Grazing horses etc.
Rumours re - - - -
1916—30 Days SEPTEMBER
Cloudy 1 September FRIDAY 245-121
In wagon line
Wrote home. evening
posted letter also card
to Aunt Annie.
Left in 1st Det for gun position
right x attached to 6th Bty
in forward position near
Voormezelle, took over
on guard only about
3 kilos from Ypres
also near Hooge.
Close to front line trenches
Bad place for gas
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