Diary of Herbert Alexander Affleck, 1916 - Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • War Diaries
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AOAODL AUOUST 8th Month- 1916 1816-311D27S Ture 9.WEDNESDANC222-144 Fie, TMORSDANESII at Val-de-Magion oeges t left there for frout Deger On seview in morning took a sarn eneral Nalker D at driving went this anouve ground Havennad Pernois & canapl congratulated. On work et X ager arrived abou horses cordition of 3 pr in wagon line Henual Hobes on parade thrs village Bde 8 3r not payed. pavade moved wagon lric nearer village, lettter sition paid for small billet 200 yosfrom lines from old latty, good position also recieved letter from home
AUAUST 8th Month- 1818 Yune CML-FRIDAYIEEAI2 Inrest campa Leger meagonstnd workting gus etc cleandgup 2.1 didnot have a los at village everal large factoric in town ate manuffactorie paco etc Recieved papers KAOE 1818-34PASSN Fine JCAIINTIIMN in der camp atS Leger seaning wagons I gun laying up on manowk ground was a look round town in evening, some decent shops s stores to cape with rash ayed in evening. 40 fro sentled upmess aft Heffernan Messip with Tesist uard
8th. Month 1816 OOO Line. HIS-SONDAKF 132SAN Rained duning last night In rest camp at D Leger Went out at 11 am 1o manoure oo macw sell spi back to. camp on guard tonight pir 11818-31D AUAUST oTMONDAY 227-139 gurrd Camp Sd. Fegs Bhye stoppedin Got word about moving tomorrow for firing in agai tail to close tomarrow. aforcements arrived in canse at al de. Maiaon Old Bhy-fellows Wrote some also Lndsay
3NWO 186 AUOUDL Showe LCTHURSDARII G 230-136. -wagon bus Albecit near sed one to girns Dia not go L6 12 did abut Hi peane brought dow 21st Bds peett well together vur a good way from position. tur gin position just at real of Contalinacio. an Maneets woo 1816 3LIDAYSI AUGUST Kam A8. TRIDAI 231-135 i wagon ing near Alee tothing much doing look wind a eleert at Cathedial etc damage great Sig gem. Fandnie ther it fices planes& ballons observing
8th Month 1816 ROOUD Tue IS-SATURDANIIT 232-134 In wagon line ne ar alliet Wentmp with wagons gensbg an said by our planes couted 31 of different sinds Smake attacks towards Thiepoale Sh 20. Monday ture In wagonline near Alleet went upto gis with ammunittion 1916-31. Daysiis AUGUST Monday 20 SUNDAY 233-133 Fune to wagon line near Albeert mary day tun Panoplanes 5. came over o dropped bombs somne in allect others on wagon tiues near 12b4 had heavy asualities Total 28 silled & wounded about t Billeg & died 17 horses casualities, several casualities in albeit also one of Him planes brought down while reption ad a letter from Aunt Annie from Odinbrough
8th Month- 1916 AUGUST are23132 In wagon line mear Albort wch do oothig flst of him. 4. 2 amin broughdown to wagon lic captaned shlf 1916-31 Days AUGUST MRLTUESDATESSISI wagon line near Albeert othing much doing want up with wagons so giirs had a glipse 175m i gen wt some of R.A.A. Howy a littel from hone rom Bess also paper not of Furs saw, big double engied arcopeanc
M MS MIROO 8th, Month—4916 BUNUSN Tiue E.TRTRSPAFMISBSINREO 23 WEDNESDAYTy 236-130. guard biinac betwach altecutor Bawgincourt vicle eally moved O.A. towards oulens very Deacon y ldd reeule Ashing set arived authicule about Fea but about 15 t pn am 13. tvella marched His Obbects thusard Bowricout damped for alon t vilos from Daullen wamped in cauvas hist night shalf want awin make beausefully trenches probably by stouch of diharion French
8th. Month- 1816 AUAPST Showery CSODAE220 left levonas at Authoville early morning reveelle a 3309 Marched. To Doullens left section went atead hours we enteained & lett Doullens at about en pad Int assistanc loading gins itc. rode wit wicheles, raned on way Rouse lay thro. Burgette, 1.10 Hazebourck Thence to Proven via Godewacrovelde, Cashe peige railway deteamer noven thence by road arro. Ausk, 8.30 pu dep. 128O-S U TAUGUST tough post car ESONITFef125 o Vicheburch via Poperighe and 126 pu severalchaps ey you missing tan Froute as a hueried tookaround. 28 Monday) Doullens Frenchleave King as pikebusch enual clean up. & fivng fam fanly quiet ring nissng mew Lurn up received t letter tro ot oke enclosed parcet from hone Edm Gasaugh from Cint Annnce
8th Month-4916 -AUGUST $ Fine DIROKLIARIEI on wayon the Dickeburch Wazing horses Goodestamnnct on und. Belge N Dog wheel, for chutn saw workn missing new upleeful C.O3 avg. 17 days. Ax gward eveing 1st stif thigs quiet great slans sent pabackute 131831 O OOOOST ET. 30-WEDNESDAY) 243-123 n guar has alarm last night haytor houns going 1 Thorses Teneial Fahgue elent
Sth Month—1916 AUGUST Me MTRORSNNEETSHIEEN Dy Sin Rebusch i W SEPTEMBER landy SteMOF TITL SISI wayon time Dickaburch ever ad letter also can sud annie. iporpon & attacrea H6. Bby ward position near wrmerelle took over about wald only ter srong ypres arear t00 sero fron line trenches d place for gos

AUGUST  8th Month—1916 
Fine   9 WEDNESDAY 222–144 
At Val-de-Masion  
left there for St Léger 
in morning. took a turn 
at driving. went thro' 
Havernas & Pernois & Canaples 
to St Leger arrived about 
3 pm in wagon line 
thro' village - 
not payed 
1916-31 Days AUGUST 
Fine 10  THURSDAY 223-143 
In St Léger 
On review in front of 
General Walker on 
manouvre ground  
congratulated on work etc 
& condition of horses. 
General Hobes on parade 
21st Bde &  3rd Bde on 
moved wagon lines 
nearer village, better 
position. paid for small 
billet 200 yds from lines 
from old lady. good  
position also. 
recieved letter from 


AUGUST   8th Month1916 
Fine    11 FRIDAY  224-142 
In rest camp at St Leger 
working on wagons and 
guns etc. cleaning up. 
Did not have a look  
at village 
Several large factories 
in town 
jute manufactories 
sacs etc. 
Recieved papers 
1916–31 Days  AUGUST 
Fine  12 SATURDAY  225-141 
In rest camp at St Léger  
cleaning wagons & gun 
laying up on manouvre ground. 
Had a look round town in  
evening, some decent shops 
no stores to cope with rush. 
Payed in evening. 40 frs 
settled up mess a/c. 
Mess up with Gnr Heffernan 
resisting guard.


AUGUST 8th Month—1916 
Fine  13 SUNDAY  226-140 
Rained during last night 
In rest camp at St Leger 
Went out at 11 am to  
manouvre for manouvres 
till 2 pm back to 
camp. On guard tonight 
6 pm 
1916–31 Days   AUGUST 
Showery  14 MONDAY   227–139 
On guard camp St Leger 
Bty stopped in. 
Got word about moving  
tomorrow. for firing 
line again 
Mail to close tomorrow. 
Reinforcements arrived in  
Bty from camp at 
Old Bty fellows -  
Wrote home also F.S. 
   "   Lindsay           F.S.


AUGUST  8th Month—1916 
Showery   17 THURSDAY  230-136 
In wagon line Albert 
near old one 
Did not go up to guns 
12" did a bit of firing 
Hun plane brought down 
21st Bde pretty well 
together but a good 
way from positions 
Our gun position just at 
rear of Contalmacion 
near Mametz wood. 
1916—31 Days  AUGUST 
Rainy   18 FRIDAY   231-135 
In wagon line near 
Nothing much doing  
Had a look round 
Albert. at Cathedral etc. 
damage great — 
Big gun Grandmother 
often fires. planes & 
ballons observing


AUGUST   8th Month—1916 
Fine  19 SATURDAY  232-134 
In wagon line near Albert 
Went up with wagons to 
guns big air raid by 
our planes counted 
31 of different kinds 
Smoke attacks towards 
Thiepvalle — 
20th Monday. 
Fine  In wagon line 
near Albert. 
went up to guns with  
1916—31 Days  AUGUST 
Fine  20 SUNDAY 21 Monday  233-133 
In wagon line near Albert. 
Misty day. 
Hun aeroplanes. 5. came 
over & dropped bombs. 
some in Albert others 
on wagon lines near 
us. 7th Bty had heavy 
casualities total 28 
killed & wounded about 
14 killed & died. 17 horses 
casualities, several 
casualities in Albert also 
one of Hun planes 
brought down while 
Had a letter from Aunt 
Annie from Edinbrough


AUGUST 8th Month—1916 
Fine  21 MONDAY  234-132 
In wagon line near 
nothing much doing  
went into 
A lot of hun 4.2 ammo 
brought down to wagon 
line captured stuff 
1916—31 Days  AUGUST 
Fine  22 TUESDAY 235-131 
In wagon line near Albert 
Nothing much doing  
went up with wagons 
to guns, had a glimpse  
at 75 m.m. guns 
saw some of R.A.A. Howz. 
Had a letter from home & one 
from Bess also paper. 
photo of Lins 
Saw., big double  
engined areoplane


AUGUST  8th Month—1916 
Fine   23 WEDNESDAY 236-130 
In wagon line near Albert 
On guard 
Preparing to move out 
Payed 40 Francs 48£ 
Great rumours as to our 
next position 
Lived well in this 
wagon line. 
Moved out about 5 p.m 
marched thro Albert first and 
Bouzincourt & camped for 
night half way near 
some beautifully made 
trenches probably by  
1916—31 Days  AUGUST  
Fine  24 THURSDAY   237-129 
In wagon lines Albert 
In bivouac between  
Albert & Bouzincourt 
reveille early moved off 
at 6 a.m. towards 
Doullens via Bouzincourt 
Forceville, Acheux etc. 
arrived Authieule about 
4 p.m. Our Bde close to village 
about 8 Kilos from Doullens 
camped in canvas huts 
(A.S.C. souviner maker) 
touch of diahorrea


AUGUST 8th Month—1916 
Showery  27 SUNDAY  240-126 
Left bivouac at Authoville 
early morning reveille at 
3.30 am 
Marched to Doullens 
left section went ahead 
2 hours. we entrained 
& left Doullens at about 
1 p.m had Inf. assistance 
loading guns etc. rode with 
vicheles, rained on way 
Route lay thro Burgette Do. Pol 
Hazebourck thence to  
Proven via Godeweldt 
Godewaersvelde, Caestre, 
by seige railway detrained  
at Proven. thence by road 
arrv. dusk, 8.30 pm. dep. 
1916—31 Days  AUGUST 
bought post cards 
28 MONDAY 241-125 
to Dickebusch via Poperinghe 
arrv. 12 6 p.m several chaps 
on peg for missing train 
en route 
Had a hurried look around  
French leave 
28 Monday 
at Dickebusch 
general clean up. & fixing  
Things fairly quiet. 
missing men turn up. 
Recieved 1 letter from  
9 July post, Mothers enclosed 
1 parcel from home 
1      "          "       Edinbrough 
from Aunt Annie


AUGUST  8th Month—1916 
Fine St   29 TUESDAY  242-124 
In wagon line 
Grazing horses. 
Good estaminet on 
ground Belge, 
Dog wheel. for churn 
saw working 
Missing men up before 
C.O. avg. 7 days. 
On guard evening 1st shift 
Things quiet, great 
many flares sent 
up, parachute, 
1916—31 Days AUGUST 
Wet. 30 WEDNESDAY   243-123 
On guard. 
Gas alarm last night 
claxton horns going 
Grazing horses etc 
General fatigues 
nothing of event


AUGUST  8th Month—1916 
Fine  31 THURSDAY 244-122 
In wagon line 
Grazing horses etc. 
Rumours re - - - -  
1916—30 Days  SEPTEMBER 
Cloudy  1 September FRIDAY  245-121 
In wagon line 
Wrote home. evening 
posted letter also card  
to Aunt Annie. 
Left in 1st Det for gun position 
right x attached to 6th Bty 
in forward position near 
Voormezelle, took over 
on guard only about 
3 kilos from Ypres 
also near Hooge. 
Close to front line trenches 
Bad place for gas

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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