Diary of Herbert Alexander Affleck, 1916 - Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • War Diaries
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JUNE Cth-Month- 1916. Fine te t b TUESDATIGASS20S £ Art. Dety Yn stand by fatigue Posting letters Home N. aton & A Beck JUNE 1916—30 Daysito TO-WEDNESDAYNIIS9-2O7 t 1 Dar Act. Detarls Received two litters 1 from Mother, 28th. Mat. 16. Snonies & Bessies enclosed from Consin &. Fraser Grand Hotel Pari date Nows of Lond Kitchenees death by Drowing tro H.M.S. Hampshire being mined of tipedoed
JUNE 6th Month- 1916 S THURSDAVTCCO Fil M 1st Ast Ditals Staper Sun drifh & laying et. before beak fact. tit too well dat of trenforcements arrived Ifor no sign of sindsay probally in 16 Kinforce. JUNE 11916-30. Days OFRIDAYNABIEOM me M. Dw wetail Fu dullS breakfast Recieved. H letters Feb2 from Mother Dorsky, Mav.H March ie Feb.2 rypt ntwute march
T00 In 6th Month- 1916 12. MONDAYT 164-202 Fw Act Debils Ehapler TUNE 1916—30 Days HSUTUESDAFTGSO Dn. P. Dw At Detaul Ctapee Received two litters from Darthy 14th Mar olrie130
MUINE 6th, Month- 1916 Houdy HCNEDNESDAYF) 166-200 Dw Ast Debarts Preparing to leave lette ho JONE 1916—30 Daysild Cloudes THURSDATIGIIO1 deft for fromt reviele L.43 am Marched to Etaples She euhamed left about 5.15 am Ftavelled in cattle tucks to Baillie vea Calars blonge Tentiliers Omer Hazebowit. near dimentis arrived about 2 Br. marched towards tairs to Gallyy in Billet for night Tuns autible
JUNE 6th Month- 1916 I8 FRIDATIGieStes Silect on Cana brick works Fims audile Marched to Ailler sot in to nouble 4 le e echare o9 archect to disperimental grounds & penche cane i then to. Dio. Baths near. N.G &raft saited but 6 of us 0 21 Brigade reported posted to 1844 ted at H.9.& sent a wagon El nt Mantor JUNEL 1916—30 Days) ITESATORDA Cout Why wagd With lane in B sal 30 Has alar early this heaby morne shell Ibsirvation to guant nunber vareoplanc Huns &owrs Tth ect shelled Mct Epl Sodine sterda assed General Bidwood
JUNE 6th Month—1916 ACAUNDA70100 Cloud ou hise Takeye wises Wsplar shelled unsfiied alout ate 10 round eying together Want into Husbay wicl at 229/13 ✓H. JONE 1816-30. DAYSIN IOMONDAYUA1 Fue 23 Wagon line ut exercisin horses I letters from him addresses 23 Bty. Mother dated 17 Bess
JUNE 6th Month— 1916 WALC SITUESDAEAEATE1 At. Wager line Out exerasm his billet w cerbary 1 1916—30 Daysd Fie 2IWEDESDANS In wayon line evening whlanes shelled dy Huns much have fired 1000 rounds at the Went up to Bhy-wiith ann our sub on duty.
SSOL SMIMON-1818 Al EEEGTHURSDANEGITI L wagon line On L. Ms. fatigue to drawntations thro shafe by Germans H. we shafped too Huns fired 61 H.t at heavy 435 went off rest dnds Bunnt old letters Dent thro' Bally. 409 ToI 1916—30 Days Wet. OESTTRIDARIS Prince of Wales’ Birthday lune Putaffeed house ic eavily
BOR CM TOn . 1 Tince, MiSriAS An. VI 1 Showery Wagon Eyevising tewards ton Rssed Magor Anderson Went up to Bly ever set limber in ditch ta OGhern home 10 TMOM 25 wagon tlie In Clearing Half Filrday. Wadeinquires Re Lintsg gave to biglnd Cpl went up to gin epl Leagan supposed to have accompanied hi some nustake Egt. Hewlards came to wragon- Tue
TO 6th Month—1916 Wit e 28 MONDANW 478 188 an wagon. Sic all day gt. Hellands in charge. pleasing wagons. for inspection. O Tuesday to gop to Batery this nigh wery up with wagons raiing Bood to during night. no firing In position near Flucibary TUNE 11916 -30 Days TUUTE ET TUESDAVITSIST D. sub pit Tenchment Hl. Resgon C Dnr. Browning. Nowalenson. ParkerR Smith C afflict. H n action during night. p Tryed up bank in pet no action.

JUNE   6th Month - 1916. 
6 TUESDAY 158 - 208 
Wet & fine afternoon. 
In Art. Details
On stand by fatigue
Posting letters:-  
Home &
Dr Jn. Paton
A. Peck
1916—30 Days   JUNE
7 WEDNESDAY   159 - 207
In 1st Div Art. Details
Recieved two letters
1 from Mother, 28th. Mar. 16.
Nonies & Bessies enclosed
1 from Cousin F. Fraser
Grand Hotel Paris
[* Reply to mine *]
News of Lord Kitcheners death by drowning
thro' H.M.S. Hampshire
being mined or torpedoed


JUNE   6th Month- 1916
8 THURSDAY 160 - 206   Fine
In 1st Art Details Etaples 
Gun drill & laying etc. 
before breakfast - 
Not too well - 
Lot of Rienforcements 
arrived Inf. no sign of  
probably in 16th Reinforce.
1916 - 30 Days  JUNE
9 FRIDAY    161 - 205 Fine
In 1st Div Details 
Gun drill etc before  
Recieved 4 letters 
1 from Mother Feb. 20th 16 
2    "    Dorothy Mar 4th Feb 21st 
1     "    Doc. March 6th 
Egypt 1 ------- Nonie Feb 22nd.
Out route march


JUNE  6th Month- 1916
12 MONDAY  164 - 202
In 1st Div Art Details 

1916 - 30 Days  JUNE
13 TUESDAY  165 - 201
In 1st Div Art Details 
Received two letters
1 from Dorothy 14th Mar 
1     "      Elsie       13th    " 


JUNE 6th Month - 1916
Cloudy 14 WEDNESDAY 166 - 200
In 1st Div Art. Details 
Preparing to leave 
2 letters from home
1916 - 30 Days   JUNE
Cloudy 15 THURSDAY 167 - 199
Left for front. revielle 
Marched to Etaples Stn 
entrained left about  
5.15 am 
Travelled in cattle trucks 
to Baillue via Calais 
St Omer Hazebouck 
near Armentiers 
arrived about 2pm 
marched towards 
Estairs to Bally 
in Billet for night 
Guns audible 


JUNE  6th Month- 1916
Cloudy 16 FRIDAY    168 - 198  
In Billet on Canal 
near brick works 
Guns audible 
Marched to Artillery 
HQ Got in to trouble 
for being late. 
Lecture on gas 
marched to experimental 
grounds & trenches 
near canal then  
to Div Baths near H.Q 
Draft -  
Sorted out 6 of us to 
21st Brigade reported 
& posted to 23rd Bty 
reported at H.Q. & sent  
to wagon line. 
saw Capt Manton. 
1916 - 30 Days  JUNE 
17 SATURDAY 169 - 197       Cloudy 
With 23rd Bty wagon 
line in billet 
in B sub. Sgt Newlands 
Gas alarm early this 
morning. heavy 
shelling -  
Observation ballons up 
great numbers of 
areoplanes up 
Huns & ours both 
lots shelled. 
Met Cpl. Jodine yesterday 
Passed General Birdwood


JUNE  6th Month—1916
18 SUNDAY   170 - 196 Cloudy
In wagon line - 
Out exercising horses. 
Areoplanes shelled 
Huns fired about  
80 rounds at two 
flying together. 
Went into Fleurbaix 
& got parcel at 
2nd Bde H.Q.
1916 - 30 Days  JUNE
19 MONDAY 171 - 195 Fine 
23rd Wagon line 
Out exercising horses 
2 letters from home 
addresses 23rd Bty. 
1 Mother dated 17th  Apl. 
1 Bess. 


JUNE  6th Month— 1916
Fine  20 TUESDAY   172 - 194 
At. Wagon line 
Out exercising 
This billet is in  
1916—30 Days  JUNE 
Fine  21 WEDNESDAY  173 - 193 
In wagon line 
Areoplanes up evening 
shelled by Huns. 
Must have fired 
1,000 rounds at them 
Went up to Bty. with 
Our sub on duty. 


JUNE  6th Month - 1916 
Fine  22 THURSDAY   174 - 192 
In wagon line 
On Q.Ms fatigue 
to drawn rations thro' 
Strafe by Germans H.E. 
we straffed too. 
Huns fired 61 H.E. at 
a heavy Bty 35 went 
off rest duds. 
Burnt old letters. 
Went thro' Bally 
to A.S.C. 

1916—30 Days  JUNE
Wet.  23 Friday 175 - 191
Prince of Wales’ Birthday
In wagon line 
Put up feed house 
Rained heavily 


JUNE  6th Month - 1916 
Fine 24 SATURDAY    176 - 190 
In wagon line 
Out exercising towards 
Estairs - 
Passed Major Anderson 
Went up to Bty evening 
upset limber in ditch 
Met. B. Jordan 
          J. Ahern 
Writing home 
1916 - 30 Days   JUNE 
25 SUNDAY   177 - 189   Fine 
In wagon line  23rd Bty 
Cleaning wagons. 
Half holiday 
Made inquires re 
say gone to England. 
Cpl went up to gun 
Cpl Keagan : supposed 
to have accompanied 
him some mistake 
Sgt Newlands came 
to wagon line. 


JUNE  6th Month—1916
Fine & Wet  26 MONDAY  178 - 188 
In wagon Line all day 
Sgt Newlands in charge. 
Cleaning wagons. 
for inspection on Tuesday. 
To go up to Battery this night 
went up with wagons 
Stood to during night. 
no firing -  
In position near Fluerbaix 
1916 - 30 Days  JUNE 
Fine  27 TUESDAY  179 - 187 
In B sub pit. 
Detachment :- 
Cpl Keagan. J. 
Gnr. Browning C. 
   "     Rowalinson. P. 
   "     Parker. R. 
   "     Smith. C. 
   "     Afflex. H. 
no action during night 
preparing for stunt 
Fixed up bunk in pit. 
no action. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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