Diary of Herbert Alexander Affleck, 1916 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
  • War Diaries
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MAY. Mari 5th Month-isi6 I7 WEDNESDAT713S 228 t 46 Went to Cinema Dh 2 afternoo marched in Fout ae Den 3 right to Frend ured about 2y ay office, hore pOff hom t cara it etters (Miller 1918- SDaYSI Luic Warumar 18GTHURSDATG139-227 Si NS. H con& compy or. A PoY P. Mess wu 150 On Pass to Havie 2.tS watked in ment to stationaly sam Col. Br. also others. uson pater Aust sister from WN6 vear Hitel deVll went to. G. N.C.A also to Kailway Btatio usstain dunall Military & xaday represented Swhsh French Bards Route March Rieved 1 telegan 9
1 5th Month— 1916 Wa TI9OFRIDAYGHO-226 4.826 o. encial snsited 29 pole eftenoon Medical Board 19.14 We 26 C 1818F SIDASS MAY. 20SATURDAYT I225 4 con Depot Havee Wrote to B Coe also home Leaving C hapet this w via. Hour 6 301 Warm day bnteamed wen at Gare near Qway. Docks where we arrived for Marscilles Coffee etc on Platform lost platforms up steps
MAY. 5th Months- 19167 2L AUNDAYgy 142 2249e iabrg 4 e 6 61916-31-Days: L. Charge Warn 22. MONDAYI 223 iced Nalwa 2 aushit along at lee. e war MAy to n t
MAY 5th Month-916 Cool BTURDAFIIHE Defail Be On inspect by sla placed 4 In aftenoo on fatigue over towards Bull Kindg on tarning ground had a skilmish with N.O. no pay 11916—31Days. MAY Tiue SAWEDNESDAYH 1 221 Empire Day. In 1st Di Details Art at btaples lifte drill morn On fatigue afternoon L.PNS no. pay
AN MAY 5th. Month-1916 Painy ES THURSDAT IGI 220 19m In 1t Dr. Art Details nothing doing did some writing. T..C.A. In Staples picket this ever 1 mile for so of a walk much of a picket duty got sone p.cs MAY 11916—31cDays Tuie F2OERIDATTH THTEIO Birthday of Queen Mary I I Dwv Art. Istail toute march mote Biledull a caulp peactcacly h by hea caps. Thencry i charges pa Wrtingin F.M.C.A. Daw shlp which ran and apposite Palais bcarige Taies. Mistook
MAY 5th Month-51916 FueESATRD 218 ToEab DS Di Art Debart taple a aupplanes up near camp alss Ans nt Dis English Red Closs dosed) 16 coaches to be payed posted letters HA..O. Roven also BdA. coe &e Havre weit9 ar MAVI 1916—31 Daysl) tuie BSODAVIUAME The M D Retaies Bt Washs B fating S aadd S. Midileto down from camp up from the Havre hir wel back with to canp
M2. 5th Month,- 1916 Fue 23.NOUDATIA 130. 210 21st Pw Art. Debi btaples Stand by fatigue Over to bull. Misgi afternoon leckire gas use of helpets etc. MAY. 1916—311 Daysdid I3O-TUUSDAYES Wet morning wee wak In 1st Dav Art. Debail Went over to Bullring Las ahod went mry chanver wit hebnich on tet. Alig Bel rarment. Mottat. nst sert out fo Meymouth ngland
108 5th:Month— 1916. Fule 3. WEDNRSDAN TISE Jn D Art. Details Stapley Dr Mess Ordaely farday first batch went on leave from here Details 10t and 1t 2 Beg Battle in Mor. Sea Intland Buhan.V. Temarry £ ship 14 18 Pees of life great 1 1916—30 Daysile 1 June THURSDAY7, 153-213 Frue Foundation Day— Public Holiday, West Australia Ir Art. Debarls Etaples Over ball ting at gin duill etc near Cemery Recived packet of four letters mother 1 From nonse Photo. 1 Rathleen Robinson Blake Willer Notice re leave Clessified ito classer I
SON 6th Month- 1916 2FRIDAYIS2i2 Ot Detaies Wentout route march Went p Yench. Class held in Y.M.C.A eneng heldd by 9 C. Schaplai JUNE 9916—30 Days 3 WSATURDANGYISS2II King's Birthday d Aut. Details 18 Nth Rea Daw o/0 fight Iulland leave eveing to Etaples tecred two letters atout this day from M. Miller 12th Ma Bessie 6 Mar
JUNE 6th Month— 1916 Mindy H.SUTDAVANISORO Went to Bulbring, 190 instruction what thro again Kaned afternon JUNE 1818-30. DASS ady 20 Went overt go duls afternoon ayea evening 20 francs Lop of material passig this camp both ways uuch Brgeist & Belgle p close to Railway te e with of bhaples Batcl due to depart for England

MAY Warm 5th Month—1916 
17 WEDNESDAY 138-228 
In No4 Con Depot 
Went to Cinema Show 
marched in & out 
Service in evening 
_________ o _________ 
Bought 10 French books 
Inquired about pay at 
pay office, home, P. office 
postcards {    home 
letters        {    Feb 9th
                     {    Millers 25th Mar 
1916—31 Days Fine Warm MAY 
18 THURSDAY 139-227 
In No4 Con Depot 
Compy. on duty, Sgts Mess. 
Board postponed 
On Pass to Havre 2. to 8pm 
walked in went to No
Stationary saw Coe Bdr 
also others 
Met Sister McFerguson Farghuson 
Aust Sister from No
near Hotel de Ville 
went to Y.M.C.A 
also to Railway Station 
Russian Admiral 
Military & navy represented 
British, French, Guards 
Route march 
Recieved 1 telegram, 2 letters 
sent in March


MAY 5th Month—1916 
19 FRIDAY 140-226 
In No4 Con, Depot. Havre 
On fatigue cleaning 
up for arrival of  
Lt General Gen D Nicol 
who visited camp. 
Flagpole afternoon 
On Medical Board A 14 
Impromptu  Concert at 
Lt General Arthur Stoggart  
1916—31 Days MAY 
20 SATURDAY  141-225 
In No 4 Con Depot Havre 
Wrote to Bdr Coe 
also home - 
Leaving for Etapel this evening via, Rouen 
at 6.30 p.m. 
Warm day. Muggy. 
Entrained evening  
at Gare near Quay.  Docks 
where we arrived from 
Coffee etc on platform. 
low platforms, up steps.


May 5th Month—1916 
Warm 21 SUNDAY  142-224 
Arrived at Rouen at  
about 9.0 a.m. 
detrained & stayed on  
Saw cathedral in distance  
also town buildings  
& bridges. P.C.s bought 
Gare alongside of River  
Seine.  Lot of barges  
& tugs tied up. 
Left at about 4pm or  
5. p.m. for Etaples. 
Scenery all along line  
from Rouen beautiful. 
Crossed river & thro'  
tunnel good views  
till too dark to see
1916—31 days MAY 
Cool change evening 
Warm 22  MONDAY  143-223 
Arrived at Etaples at 
5. a.m only two of us 
Anzacs' finally got to 
our camp 1st Div Details 
Camp apart from Main 
British Camp along 
railway line towards 
Bolounge Also nearest 
to sea. allotted tent etc 
after messing about. 
Airship passed camp 
along coast.
Was to be paid but 
to be put off till 
Little rain


MAY 5th Month—1916 
Cool 23 TUESDAY  144-222 
In 1st Div Details 
On inspection parade  
by Colonel -
Camp placed amongst  
sand dunes.
In afternoon on fatigue over  
towards Bull Ring on  
training ground 
had a skirmish with  
no. pay.
1916—31 days MAY 
Fine 24 WEDNESDAY  145-221 
Empire Day 
In 1st Div Details. Art. 
at Etaples -
Rifle drill morning
On fatigue afternoon 
no. pay.


MAY 5th Month—1916 
Rainy 25 THURSDAY  146-220 
In 1st Div Art. Details
nothing doing 
did some writing Y.M.C.A.
On Etaples picket this  
1 mile or so of a walk.
not much of a picket  
town dirty 
got some P.C's
1916—31 Days MAY 
Fine 26 FRIDAY  147-219 
Birthday of Queen Mary 
In 1st Div Art. Details 
Route march morning 
Rifle drill after 
Camp practically run 
by red caps Lt Chinery - 
in charge. 
no. pay. 
Writing in Y.M.C.A. 
Saw ship which ran 
aground opposite Palais 
Paris. mistook bearings.


MAY 5th Month—1916 
Fine   27 SATURDAY  148-218 
In 1st Div Art. Details 
Saw 5 areoplanes up near  
camp.  Also airship  
Big English Red Cross 
passed 16 coaches 
To be payed. posted  
letters to A.P.O. Rouen 
also Bdr A. Coe. Le Havre 
writing others
1916—31 days MAY 
Fine 28 SUNDAY  149-217
In 1st Div Details Etaples 
On fatigue missed Church 
Dr. Middleton came 
down from 2nd Div 
camp.  just came 
up from Le Havre. 
Went back with him 
to camp.


MAY 5th Month—1916 
Fine 29 MONDAY  150-216 
In 1st Div Art. Details 
Stand by fatigue. 
Over to "bull ring" in 
afternoon, lecture 
on gas. use of 
helmets etc

1916—31 days MAY  
30 TUESDAY  151-215 
Wet morning. Fine later 
In 1st Div Art. Details   
Went over to Bull ring. 
Went thro' Gas strong 
in chamber with 
helmets on 
Met Alex Bell 
 - [[Pa?]]. Moffat. 
just sent out from 
Weymouth England.


MAY 5th Month—1916 
Fine 31 WEDNESDAY  152-214 
In In Art. Details Etaples   
On Mess Orderely for day 
First batch went on 
leave from here 
Details - 
31st and 1st June 
Big Battle in North Sea 
off Jutland
Britain .v. Germany 
Losses in ships 
 14               18 
Loss of life great.

1916—30 days JUNE
Fine 1 June THURSDAY 153-213
Foundation Day—Public Holiday,
West Australia
In Art. Details Etaples 
Over bull ring at gun drill
etc near Cemetry. 
Recieved packet of four letters. 
1 From Mother 
1    "       Nonie  Photo
1    "       Kathleen Robinson
1    "       Blake Miller 
Notice re leave 
Classified info classes A


JUNE   6th Month—1916 
2 FRIDAY  154-212 
In 1st Div Art Details 
Went out route march - 
Went to French Class 
held in Y.M.C.A. 
evenings held by 
C. of E. chaplain.  
1916—30 Days JUNE
3 SATURDAY 155-211
King's Birthday
In 1st div Art. Details 
Saw a/c of North Sea
fight off Jutland. 
On leave evening to
Etaples — 
Recieved two letters
about this day. 
1 From M. Miller 2nd March
1    "     Bessie 6th March


JUNE    6th Month—1916 
Windy 4 SUNDAY  156-210 
Went to Bull ring gas 
instruction went thro' 
Rained afternoon

1916—30 Days  JUNE
Windy  5 MONDAY  157-209 
Went over to gun drill
Payed evening 20 francs. 
Lots of material passing
 this camp both ways
French & English & Belgian 
Camp close to Railway
line North of Etaples. 
2nd Batch due to
depart from England

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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