Diary of Herbert Alexander Affleck, 1916 - Part 5

  • War Diaries
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HAN A 4th Month—1916 2TLTHURSDATITG118-248 Dr W.C. Stationaty Hospital Havre 1916-30 Days) APRIL) 28. (FRIDAYGAU9247 Lr MC. Stationary Have sore thoat, Laryngitis whater Far about the same t discharging N f purpende y Denwae wowntha
TSII 1916236 DaYS 2O SATURDAFU2021 M. S Stationany Hospital 1916-30.DaysIC APRIL. 13OSUNDATIYO121-245 1401 M WO Badon Bolation of Wad W3 started Nws of surrender of Kut. Teneial Townshendn Command
MA 5th Month- 1916 1 May I.MONDATI: 1122-244 Eight Hour Day, Brisbane R. D. S. Stationary Hav 1818-31 DAYS MI. MAY ETUESDANIEHIESES A Dr. C. Stationary Hospital Havie Day of Rsing in Dublen Ireland 638 Day of the Treat War.
MAY. 5th Month- 1916. 3 WEDYESDAHITY124-242 G.D. ratowar Havie 11916 -31Days DITHURSDANILI2SEA In Cobationaly or Harre MAY
MIAL 5th. Month- -1816 Keine H-S-FRIDAYII126240 In6 stationary Havie i asolation on ye measeles,I case Wishe home. 188SO MAL Fll G:SATURDAYILU2Y-239 Vr. N.C. Stationary Havil Koat. Mark May 1916 2 Recieved package of letters from Lorldon principally old letters 28 from home oldest 21h Set 13 newist &2 Dec 18 Jan 16 fo Doctor 1 chuch Bookeet Millers J.& M W. H. Feaser, Merscilles 74 Total Brapshop enclosed Writing home frem hon
M 5th Month - 4916 Manning TSUNDA 238 In No. 6 Stationary Havie Still inisolation Weate home and posted same. Wrote to Mr. Y. Traser Murscilles 51916--34 Days 167 Fie S.MONDARIEA23.237 Dr Dr. C. Stationany Havre Marked out this, day to convalescent Depot ward clearedion Posted letter to Ma N sister in ward tist ps destoyed for of Rumanian Action with Alties
MMAL 5th Month-4s16 wed Tue BTO M Clationary Fdw Dn. Pisters Mc. Pespason and He oner Wefore leave also Bt loe of R.H.I. left Hospital about 3 for M.4. Dckot owalescent caup ranic alloted to C. company W.6 tinema 9 J.W.C.H. OMSIGEISDaYs MAY Te TSA Dn DS.H Con. Depot Banvis tery pretty camp, 9h position, all laig out 0 nicely kept by ient ground lare tm streets for bueding llat Frog7 t previously uy company for ribe This day, on Y.MIC.A put att actfo e wround sa senvice in t C ch paison Y.M.C
127 Sth MOMIRSIISIE DCHTHURSDAE 132 234 he Dr. NO. Depot fanvic to fation Pass to Havie afternoon 2 Ae 6.8 pr Went along sea from passed aasno Host also valais do myse a also Belgan offices san a go ddeat city Hotel de ile garding Down Denve Rail ay 11916-31cDays: Thoue DTI 233 Dr N. H ton Depet fon On fatague m MAI
108 5th Month--1916 13. SATURDAY; 134-232 Mr N.4 Con Sep 11916-31. Days. MAY OAAGSUNDANISS23 dr No 4 lon. Ocpst Compy on. Denty 82 Cook-house. feie wice in evening
MAY 5M4. MOnIN 21816 HS UMONDANEH36-230 C00 Went dicalb Ded at back to next Boag Thursday t Dnle se of enoon Went to Law C eBA wishers pohictor Horner also others 1916-31Dasa Warn HG-TUESDAY 137,229 4 Com Dapot Hanke Marsh MAY

APRIL 4th Month—1916
27 THURSDAY  118-248
In No 6 Stationary Hospital
1916-30 Days APRIL
28 FRIDAY 119-247
In No 6 Stationary
Sore throat, Laryngitis
Ear about the same
not discharging
News of surrender of Kut
by General Townshend


1916 - 30 Days
29 SATURDAY 120-246
No 6 Stationary Hospital
1916-30 Days  APRIL
3O SUNDAY 121-245
In No 6 Stationary Havre 
Isolation of Ward No 3
News of surrender of Kut.
General Townshend in


MAY     5th Month- 1916
1 May MONDAY 122-244
Eight Hour Day, Brisbane
In No 6 Stationary Havre
1916 - 31 DAYS      MAY
2 TUESDAY 123 - 243
In No. 6 Stationary Hospital
9th Day of Rising in Dublin
638th  Day of the Great War


MAY       5th Month- 1916.
3 WEDNESDAY   124-242
In No. 6 Stationary 
1916 - 31 Days   MAY
4 THURSDAY    125 - 241
In No. 6 Stationary
Le Havre


MAY    5th. Month- -1916
Rainy     5 Friday      126 - 240 
In No. 6 Stationary Havre
In isolation on a/c of 
measles, I case
Wrote home.
1916 - 31 Days  MAY
6    SATURDAY     127-239
In No. 6  Stationary Havre
Post Mark 3rd May 1916
Recieved package of
letters from London
principally old letters 
28 from home oldest 21st Sept 15
          "         "        newest 28th Dec
           "         "        18th Jan 16
1 from Doctor
1     "       Church Booklet
2     "       Millers J.& M
1 from W. H. Fraser, Marseilles
& F
33 Total
Snapshots enclosed from home
Writing home 


MAY     5th Month - 1916
Raining   7 SUNDAY     128 -  238
In No. 6 Stationary Havre
Still in isolation
Wrote home and posted
Wrote to Mrs. F. Fraser
1916--31 Days MAY
Fine   8 MONDAY     129 - 237
In No. 6  Stationary Havre
Marked out this day.
to convalescent Depot
ward cleared out
Posted letter to Marseilles
New sister in ward, Irish
4 Zepps destroyed for  
Talk of Rumanian Action
with Allies


MAY    5th Month- 1916 
Fine     9 TUESDAY     130 - 236 
In No. 6 Stationary Havre
Saw Sisters McFerguson 
and Horner before
also Bar Coe of R.H.A.
left Hospital about
3 pm for No.4. Depot
Convalescent Camp 
at Sanvic 
Alloted to "C" Company
No. 6
Cinema evening Y.M.C.A.

 1916 - 31 Days      MAY
Fine         10 WEDNESDAY    131 - 235  
In No. 4 Con. Depot Sanvic
Very pretty camp, high
position, all laid out
and nicely kept by
patients, ground laid
out in streets for buildings
allot. Frog farm previously 
Our company for duty
this day, on Y.M.C.A
put in for pass
went out for Route march 
around camp.
Service this evening by 
Scotch Parson Y.M.C.A


May       5th Month 1916
Showery    11 THURSDAY     132-234
In No. Con Depot
No fatigue
Pass to Havre afternoon
2 till 8 pm
Went along sea front
passed Casino Hosp.
also Palais de Regrela
also Belgian offices
Saw a good deal of
city Hotel de Ville
& gardens
Down Scenic Railway
1916  -  31 Days    MAY
Showery   12 FRIDAY    133-233
In No. 4 Con Depot
On fatigue morning


MAY     5th Month--1916
13  SATURDAY  134-232
In No. 4 Con Depot
1916 - 31 Days  MAY
14 SUNDAY   135-231
In No. 4 Con Depot
Compy on Duty
on Cook-house fatigue
Service in evening


MAY        5TH Month - 1916
15    MONDAY    136 - 230
In No. 4 Con Depot
Went on Medical Board
Put back to next Board
Thursday next.
On leave afternoon
Went to No. 6 B Hos.
Saw Coe Bar,  Sisters
Johnstone & Horner
also others
1916 - 31 Days      Warm      MAY 
16 TUESDAY 137-229
In No. 4 Con Depot  
Route March

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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