Diary of Herbert Alexander Affleck, 1916 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • War Diaries
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IAN 4th Month- 1916 APRIL COT.-FRIDATIy 98-268 Fie In F 6 Stationary Hospital Havie t feeling to bad except for right ear, still discharging In fatigue wak innisting poeisking finware noficed another Aushalion i Hospital in another said Posted letter home 1916—30 Days APRIL Fine S.SATURDATI 3202 b stationary Havies In Abbout the same, ear still dischargent octor marked me for Bligkky but scould it & agdin not sure alsout Adshalvanoyet Writig to Count Annie at Hellopolis Egypt Ir ordinary dict out of inghalf bygo &rat Wine
APRIL 4th Month— 1916 Luie ESODII 10260 M No 6 Stationary Hevre bar not discharge so much still deap riti Media disease No Church parade affernoo Ye of men going to England Wo busin carrying paticents thro countyard. fa in Ward from South africa Or washing floors fatigue 1816-30 p23S APRIL AE HO-MONDAYIEAIO26S De M C. Stationary Havie on fatigue floos washig wash ylockers afternoo Aushalian admitted same wardy Battery Home men wett to Blighty thisday Posted letter to Aunt Amig S of O. Cov Son cairo gypt
M TM OI 1 C IIE TUESDANIECO2-264 2 8 Stationary t Havee Lustration admitted Ms 7 MFWSM A Fine E WEDNESDAV IIITO3 263 SF Vatroval Hause tathing if went an stapped dischaging still dia in right ear
4th Month- 1916 APRIL Fle THURSDAVIN 1O4202 Dur W. C. Stationary Havte sining pr tiguecle 2 a account Nothing happened WWON FLe WAATRIDARNIOSSO Havie Mr. W. C. Station Biske Jhusto eving to go or Hospital thi Astlams, South Aprica Dist Austiatian Pisters, I arrived came neaely direct from 4 The in o waid to
SAPRIL 4th Month-51916 Rowl ISATURDI O 260 M W.6 stationary Hener toncelt in Afternoon ha As well concest sarty very fair concert Austalion of D Dw tscharged I went Alot at patient to Brighty 94916 -430 Days APRIL Shower SU Wl&sd swol T.H Bbationary. Haw On. Tahgue work morn Cle 5 Was about the came Aickalian in D S Bd went out to du 84 foincily of C church pavals afternoon die not attend 9
HAN 4th Month- 1916 APRIL Coudy T MONDAT 10258 D Eight Hours Day, Mclbourne Dr. W. C Pbatto Havr good 1o i admas Tust Sister advises me 4 to Cust Hospital at AKencor Writing hos 2816 30.DAYS APRIL I8ITUESDAYHY 1O92S7. D t M.C. Stational ospital Havie Delpor, Tahgue Morn Wew clander in Wa from N. 1 Ca Saniai Havie
A 4th, Month- 1916 budy WES 250 D. C. Statimany l Have 181620O2 APRIL Cloady SA I 5 D. C. Ctatio Hospital 10 Rassians landed at maiscildis Welcomed with great Ovation
4th Month —1916 APRIL EURIDAYAI2254 6e Good Friday Shatian Hospital Hav Service hel 1916—30 Days APRIL WeK E. SATURDATTII3. 233 Easter Saturday Le Wib Stat a Havre Concest. Party na Achwells Afternoon
APRIL 4th, Month— 1916 M JE SPATATTEE bt Hospital Hav saistopped discharge thin og about gett barked t service beed Pes from 44. Cso Naval Britst & Fruch Wulitary tench scouts inaad on ge cartiage 1916-30. DaysI APRIL Chudy E ONDAIT2 Easter Monday Sr W.C Statio Havie 2 teat O W Dessefor of alae & despaten Ader iltaty uneral from ospital of a avae 6 ecer death tho accident notor cycle collided with e tr 445 betrn Guards firing partey also rench, airy
IAN SR 4th Month—1916 hive 3a nos Warn DD. C. Stationary Favie Nothing event. lice warm day. innversary of the Gallipale Landin Geat rebiatation agland service field in Westminster Eblay uchalians & New Ys frer 1916—30 Days APRIL c R. W. C Stationary Haves Der Roger casement oaptured new of event today

APRIL 4th Month - 1916                 
Fine 7 FRIDAY 98-228                 
In No 6 Stationary Hospital
Not feeling too bad except 
for right ear, still 
On fatigue work in morning 
polishing tinware 
Noticed another Australian 
in Hospital in another 
Posted letter home 
1916 - 30 Days   APRIL 
Fine 8 SATURDAY 99-267 
In No 6 Stationary Havre 
About the same, ear still 
Doctor marked me for 
Blighty but scored it off 
again. not sure about 
Australians yet  
Writing to Aunt Annie 
at Heliopolis Egypt 
An ordinary diet out of 
Dining hall 
Eggs & Port Wine


APRIL  4th Month - 1916 
Fine 9 SUNDAY 100-266 
In No 6 Stationary Havre
Ear not discharging  
so much still deaf  
Otitis Mediea disease  
No Church parade afternoon
on a/c of men going to 
England too busy 
carrying patients thro' 
Sister in Ward from South 
On washing floors fatigue

1916-30 Days APRIL 
Fine 10 MONDAY 101-265 
In No 6 Stationary Havre
On fatigue floor washing 
washing lockers afternoon 
Australian admitted same 
ward 9th Battery 
Some men went to Blighty 
this day 
Posted letter to Aunt Annie   
c/o L Cook & Son 
Cairo, Egypt


APRIL 4th Month-1916 
Fine 11 TUESDAY 102-264 
In No 6 Stationary  
Australian admitted 
this day 

1916-30 Days APRIL 
Fine 12 WEDNESDAY 103-263
In No 6 Stationary  
Nothing of event
Ear stopped discharging
still deaf in right ear.


APRIL 4th Month-1916 
Fine 13 THURSDAY 104-262 
In No 6 Stationary Havre 
Help in morning on 
fatigue cleaning up 
Nothing of account 

1916-30 days APRIL 
Fine 14 FRIDAY 105-261 
In No 6 Stationary Havre 
Sister Johnstone leaving 
to go on Hospital Ship 
Asteurius, South African 
Australian Sisters [3] arrived
came nearly direct from 
One in our ward No 3


APRIL 4th Month- 1916 
Shower 15 SATURDAY 106-260
In No 6 stationary Havre 
Concert in Afternoon. 
Lena Ashwell Concert 
Party. very fair concert 
Australian of 2nd Div 
A lot of patients went to Blighty

1916-30 Days APRIL 
Shower 16 SUNDAY 107-259
In No 6 Stationary Havre
On fatigue work morning 
cleaning etc.  
Ear about the same 
Australian in No 5 Bd 
went out to duty 
formerly of 9th Bty 
C. of E. church parade 
in afternoon did 
not attend


APRIL 4th Month-1916 
Cloudy 17 MONDAY 108-258
Eight Hours Day, Melbourne
In No 6 Stationary Havre
a good lot of admisions 
Aust. Sister advises me to 
go to Aust Hospital at 
Writing home

1916-30 Days APRIL
Cloudy 18 TUESDAY 109-257
In No 6 Stationary  
Hospital Havre 
Help on fatigue morning 
New Zealander in Ward 
from No 1 Camp 


APRIL 4th Month-1916 
Cloudy 19 WEDNESDAY 110-256 
In No 6 Stationary  
Hospital Havre. 

1916-30 Days APRIL 
Cloudy 20 THURSDAY 111-255 
In No 6 Stationary  
Hospital Havre 
Russians landed at 
Welcomed with great 


APRIL 4th Month-1916
Cloudy 21 FRIDAY 112-254
Good Friday 
In No 6 Stationary  
Hospital Havre 
Service held. C of E 

1916-30 Days APRIL 
Wet 22 SATURDAY 113-253
Easter Saturday 
In No 6 Stationary  
Concert Party 
Lena Ashwell's 


APRIL 4th Month-1916
Sunny 23 SUNDAY 114-252
In No 6 stationary  
Hospital Havre 
Ear stopped discharging 
Thinking about getting marked out 
C of E. service held 
no Pres. 
From 24th 
also Naval British & French 
French scouts 
big funeral on gun carriage

1916- 30 Days APRIL
Cloudy 24 MONDAY 115-251
Easter Monday
In No 6 Stationary  
Havre Hospital  
New Zealander going 
out. Director of Naval [Transport] 
xx Despatch Rider XX
Military Funeral from 
hospital of a Naval 
Officer death thro' 
accident on motor 
cycle collided with 
Red Cross ambulance 
x motor Bus between 
G. Guards firing party 
also French party, 
civilians present


APRIL 4th Month-1916 
Fine 25 TUESDAY 116-250 Warm 
In No 6 Stationary  
Nothing of event 
except warm day 
Anniversary of the 
Gallipoli Landing 
Great celebrations 
in England services 
held in Westminster 
Australians and New Z's present

1916 - 30 Days APRIL 
Fine 26 WEDNESDAY 117-249 Warm
In No 6 Stationary Havre 
Sir Roger Casement captured 
news of event today.  

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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